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  1. #1
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    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default CoVid19 Lockdown

    Well, the order was given at midnight to "shelter-in-place", except for "essential services".

    So, I will now spend some time going through my library of standard comments to make sure they are up-to-date and thorough enough.

    Should be fun.

    I also ran into something interesting yesterday at my morning inspection (probably the second-to last one for a while). I'll post it in a different category.

    How are you planning on spending your free time for the foreseeable future?

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    Inspection Referral
    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  2. #2
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown


    We here in Colorado are also told to stay in place EXCEPT for essentials--and we are wondering if we are essentials--the association of realtors here have written a letter to the governor requesting they all real estate actions are essentials-will keep you posted--how is it in your state


  3. #3
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    United States

    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Any word on California?? I just got a flyer from one local saying they are open.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Shafer View Post
    Any word on California?? I just got a flyer from one local saying they are open.

    what state are you from--united states is very large


  5. #5
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Shafer View Post
    Any word on California?? I just got a flyer from one local saying they are open.
    Governor Newsom signed Executive Order N-33-20 on March 4, 2020 stating "Stay at Home". This excepts "essential services". To me, "Stay at Home" is clear and concise, no possibility for confusion or misunderstanding. However, some inspectors and real estate agents have decided to ignore this order and go ahead and continue to offer their services. Since I am not an epidemiologist, I cannot evaluate the methods that they are using to "stay safe", but I am following the order.

    Personally, I would question the priorities of anyone disregarding the order.

    Department of Redundancy Department
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by CHARLIE VAN FLEET View Post

    We here in Colorado are also told to stay in place EXCEPT for essentials--and we are wondering if we are essentials--the association of realtors here have written a letter to the governor requesting they all real estate actions are essentials-will keep you posted--how is it in your state

    Of course RE agents think they are essential. Everyone thinks they are essential. I mean, you should see the state of my girlfriend's nails! If anyone was essential, it would be manicurists and hairdressers!

    The difference between manicurists and RE agents is that the agents have better lobbyists.

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  7. #7
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    Spring City/Surrounding Philadelphia area

    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by CHARLIE VAN FLEET View Post

    We here in Colorado are also told to stay in place EXCEPT for essentials--and we are wondering if we are essentials--the association of realtors here have written a letter to the governor requesting they all real estate actions are essentials-will keep you posted--how is it in your state

    Not here in PA. But some will push the envelope and nothing will happen to them.

    Even if realtors were deemed essential, it doesn't mean a seller has to let strange people come into their house, look around, and touch things. We have some friends who are looking to move and there is a house for sale they wanted to see but their realtor told them the seller is not allowing anybody in the house.

    "It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey

  8. #8

    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    We were recommended to work from home, self isolate, & practice social-distancing back on Mar 12. Ordered to do so March 19 and peace officers were given authority to enforce this on the 24th.

    The existing legislation defines ?essential services? as those services, which, if interrupted, ?would endanger the life, personal safety or health of the public? or those services ?that are necessary to the maintenance and administration of the rule of law or public security.?

    Construction companies, home builders, & Realtors all looking to have themselves declared "essential"; some Canadian jurisdictions have done so. One landlord/seller and her Realtor were insisting a renter/family with compromised immunity open up for a home inspection.

    One of the national home inspection organizations has put out a free Covid-19 safety course.

    Egbert Jager
    Diamond Home Inspection

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Anacortes, Washington

    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    In Washington State, the WAR (Washington association of realtors) lobbyists got the governor to declare real estate activities essential with some caveats: Only realtor and inspector at inspection. Everyone wears PPE and all touch points need to be wiped down at end of inspection. If we are wearing gloves the last step is redundant but who am I to question higher authority. Being a retired firefighter I am pretty familiar with decontamination procedures and wipe down all my tools before they go back in the vehicle. I have gotten so I even wipe my hands with a clorox wipe when I am done.

    At least some transactions will help us get through this period....


    Rick Bunzel

  10. #10
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    Mar 2017

    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Heck, I didn't wait for the Gov's orders. As soon as it showed up in Washington state I sheltered in place, put up signs saying that we are accepting visitors, designated a delivery drop off area 100' from the front porch, put up NO TRESSPASSING signs, stocked up on supplies, loaded my guns. Paying my bills online, ordering supplies online and using the phone and computer for visiting with friends and family.

    Using the time to continue cleaning up the mess of having 4 huge dead pines taken down and burning the debris.Those were the last of them. I lost every pine tree on my property and some were 150 years old. The power company cut down about 10 in the back field but did not chip up all the branches they threw them in piles where it is unsafe to burn, like under trees.
    I keep plenty busy moving the big piles of branches and limbs down to where I can safely burn them.

    I only have to go out to pick up medications from the pharmacy. When I do I wear a mask, hand sanitize, keep 10' (not 6") away from others. This is nothing to be casual about, my reacton is immediate self protection and my survival brain kicked the heck in.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Elizabeth Chambers View Post
    ... loaded my guns...
    Note to self: Don't visit Elizabeth!

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  12. #12
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Elizabeth Chambers View Post
    ... put up NO TRESSPASSING signs, ...
    Do like one place I did some inspections at when doing code inspections in Okeechobee County, Florida - one place had a sign which said:


    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  13. #13
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    Mar 2017

    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Do like one place I did some inspections at when doing code inspections in Okeechobee County, Florida - one place had a sign which said:

    I got in big trouble one time cuz I "threatened" some county workers (convicts) who were, instead of pruning trees and shrubs along the road...were snapping branches off my 150 yr old White Oak and slashing/destroying the beautiful manzanita in front of my gate (tree is on my property tho).
    Long story short, I went out on my porch with my unloaded 22 and shook it at them, did not point it. I yelled "ALTO, ALTO because they just giggled at me when I asked them to STOP.
    It worked.

    They ran to their truck and called their supervisor. A 6'7 big, big black man came flying down the street, almost upsetting the portapotty he was hauling... comes to a screeching hault, jumps out of his truck, runs over to me and boy oh boy we went toe to toe yelling at each other at the top of our lungs. in my driveway. I was pissed!
    A detective, Hiway patrol, local sheriff came,(detective lives down the road) and got us apart and made us come to an agreement. They were grinning the whole time.

    Little did I know that what I had done was called "Brandishing a weapon". The sheriff came back the next day and asked to see my gun..I had put it away when I marched out to the drvwy.
    He said he got in trouble for "Not arresting you" and looked at my gun and told me I was lucky this time but to put the gun away and not to threaten anyone with it ever again.Wheeewa!

    I asked him since when is it illegal for a person to protect their property He just gave me a "look"

  14. #14
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Elizabeth Chambers View Post
    Long story short, I went out on my porch with my unloaded 22 and shook it at them, did not point it.
    Little did I know that what I had done was called "Brandishing a weapon". The sheriff came back the next day and asked to see my gun..I had put it away when I marched out to the drvwy.
    He said he got in trouble for "Not arresting you" and looked at my gun and told me I was lucky this time but to put the gun away and not to threaten anyone with it ever again.Wheeewa!

    I asked him since when is it illegal for a person to protect their property He just gave me a "look"
    You would have been arrested here for threatening them with a gun.

    Loaded or not (they have no way of knowing whether it was loaded or unloaded) and you were "implying" it was loaded as you were "protecting" your property with it.

    Putting up a sign is different, completely different, than you showing a gun (and you don't even have to show the gun like you did, if you had a hand gun in your belt and just opened your jacket briefly to show something that they could take as you having a gun, and threatening them with it ... this isn't the wild west anymore, so be prepared to: a) be prepared for the cops to arrive and most likely be given overnight accommodations in their 'low rent hotel'; or b) shot by the person you threatened and they claim that it was in self defense.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  15. #15
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    [QseeUOTE=Jerry Peck;286636]You would have been arrested here for threatening them with a gun.

    Loaded or not (they have no way of knowing whether it was loaded or unloaded) and you were "implying" it was loaded as you were "protecting" your property with it.

    Putting up a sign is different, completely different, than you showing a gun (and you don't even have to show the gun like you did, if you had a hand gun in your belt and just opened your jacket briefly to show something that they could take as you having a gun, and threatening them with it ... this isn't the wild west anymore, so be prepared to: a) be prepared for the cops to arrive and most likely be given overnight accommodations in their 'low rent hotel'; or b) shot by the person you threatened and they claim that it was in self defense.[/QUOTE]

    Jerry, you are correct, I have moderated my temper throughout the years, much calmer now. So what you are saying is that...for instance... during this Covid-19 crisis, food, cash, supplies, and other things become so hard to obtain that people will invade your property to try to take what you have. People become desperate.

    We are not allowed to protect our property from trespassers or squatters, to protect our family members, our food supply, by using any means necessary?

    I am 61 years old and my husband can't walk on his own, let alone protect me. The only way I can stop someone who is out to hurt us. rob us, do whatever they want to do to us... is to use a gun. Period, I see no other choice. I don't want to shoot anybody, but you can't depend the cops getting to your house fast enough to save your life.

    I was always told that in a crisis, not to depend on police or emergency services for help, you will be on your own. Don't expect anyone to help you.
    Is that not true?

  16. #16
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Elizabeth Chambers View Post
    We are not allowed to protect our property from trespassers or squatters, to protect our family members, our food supply, by using any means necessary?
    One is allowed to protect oneself (and others) ... within limits.

    When you shoot someone on your property, are they "a threat" to you, and do you have the right to shoot them ("use deadly force")?

    When you shoot someone in your house, yeah, they are quite likely "a threat" to you, and self-defense kicks in.

    If they are on your property and you shoot them ... drag them into your house, stand them up in the doorway (facing inside, otherwise you'd be shooting them while fleeing - not "a threat") ... then shoot them so they fall back outside (self-defense, they were coming into your house and was an immediate threat to your life) ...

    Of course, now you have to go outside and rake over those dang drag marks you made across the yard ...

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Ok back on thread topic. I have noticed in my little town and in Fresno, almost nobody is wearing a mask, few are maintaining their distance and the people dont really seem that concerned about this virus.
    During the flu pandemic of 1918, some towns rules said that the cops were under orders to shoot anyone who was not wearing a mask outside. San Francisco locked down tight right away,before any cases showed up. They saw it coming and reacted right away by giving strict stay at home orders that were enforced by giving them $1000.00 fines and imprisonment. Nobody in, nobody out of the city. Trains could not discharge passengers at the station at all. San Francisco remained flu free.

    Thousands of little towns did the same throughout this country, the didn't pussyfoot around, didn't wait for the government to tell them what to do, plus the government was too busy trying to contain the flu that had broken out in our military personel, they couldn't have helped anyway. The US military were infected so bad because a general or somebody like that went against orders and ordered the sick to be put in the same baracks as the healthy men, and it spread from there.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Keep in mind the difference in medical capabilities and knowledge from 1918 to today.

    The 1918 flu pandemic infected approximately 500 million people (1/3 of the world's population of the day), and killed about 50 million people (10% of the world's population at the time) - CDC numbers ( ). Some entire villages ceased to exist, totally wiped off the face of the earth, no survivors.

    It was the second wave of that 1918 pandemic which was the most deadly.

    Medical knowledge, if one were to let the doctors and scientists do their thing, could have saved even more today than what they have been able to save so far.

    Said state of affairs to put the economy and money before public health and life, and in the end, manage to kill the economy along with so many people.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  19. #19
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    What's really frightening to me now is this opening up. When they open Yosemite National Park everyone in this area who are not taking measures to protect themselves and their children will be exposed to tourists from all over the world, busloads and car loads of them every day during the season.
    That is what makes me want to find a cave somewhere, crawl in and roll a boulder into the opening...bringing chocolate and whiskey and, and, and....eeeeeeeee!

  20. #20
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    Thumbs up Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by CHARLIE VAN FLEET View Post

    We here in Colorado are also told to stay in place EXCEPT for essentials--and we are wondering if we are essentials--the association of realtors here have written a letter to the governor requesting they all real estate actions are essentials-will keep you posted--how is it in your state

    Yes we do have the same issues now. I have a new client in Colorado where they are still having restrictions and its going on 2021 right now. He works over at Denver Home Inspections a new home inspection company and its hard to get customers to come and have want service. Anyone have any tips on that? Anyone see a return to normal business in the near future?

  21. #21
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    SPAM alert.

    The link provided by the previous post shows up in my browser, but I find nothing matching when I search for the website.

    Department of Redundancy Department
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  22. #22
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown


    please explain


  23. #23
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by CHARLIE VAN FLEET View Post

    please explain


    If you scroll over the words "Denver Home inspections", and look in the lower/left corner of your screen (this works on Chrome, not sure about the other browsers) you will see the website that hyperlinks to. I searched for that website, but did not find it.

    So, given that it's a first-time post and the link is questionable (I did not click on the link), I think it's spam.

    I could be wrong though.

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  24. #24
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown


    Looks like they are a new Colorado inspection company--INTERNACHI trained and really cheap prices for what they supply--but you get what you pay for --have a merry christmas


  25. #25
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Apparently I am wrong. Well, hopefully that will be the last time this year.

    Department of Redundancy Department
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  26. #26
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown


    Go to and enter the domain name ... it shows up.

    I opened the link in another tab and it is a real home inspector's website.

    HOWEVER ... on the top menu, move your cursor over the "Services" menu and you will see "Handyman Services" ... oops, that is not sounding good, so I clicked it and ,..

    Commerce City Home Inspections - Two Crossed Hammer Logo on Blue

    ​Our inspection company is different form any other because we offer something different. With over 15 years of contractor experience we can offer you the quality services that can improve your home inspections experience. Weather changing a light fixture to putting up a cabinet we are there for you if you need us.

    A bit of a conflict of interest there.

    Keep in mind that the main certification shown is ... yep ... I am sure you guessed right.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  27. #27
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    Go to and enter the domain name ... it shows up.
    Keep in mind that the main certification shown is ... yep ... I am sure you guessed right.
    Thanks for the info Jerry. I figured there was some way to verify a website, but I didn't take the time to find it. I will bookmark that for the future.

    Not surprising. Some organizations are better at marketing.

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  28. #28
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    Dec 2020

    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    I hate all of this restrictions. Can someone explain me why if I go to the caf? I have to wear a mask but if I drink a coffee inside the caf? which is full of people I can remove the mask? It just doesn't make any sense. As I live in my Milan property every week I have to read news online or watch TV to see if from next week we have more restrictions or some are been lifted...

    Last edited by Mugiro; 12-17-2020 at 03:15 AM.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown

    Quote Originally Posted by Mugiro View Post
    I hate all of this restrictions. Can someone explain me why if I go to the caf? I have to wear a mask but if I drink a coffee inside the caf? which is full of people I can remove the mask? It just doesn't make any sense. As I live in my Milan property every week I have to read news online or watch TV to see if from next week we have more restrictions or some are been lifted...
    If you want to be considerate of others, wear a mask whenever and wherever you go out in public.

    Only then can you have any expectation of others being considerate of you and them wearing a mask.

    And the mask also helps you protect you.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  30. #30
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    Default Re: CoVid19 Lockdown


    I agree, the restrictions are frustrating. I dislike wearing the mask, I am frustrated by having my glasses fog-up in the winter and my face sweat in the summer.

    The thing is that we all get used to doing things that are inconvenient, unpleasant, restrictive, etc. According to the medical experts who have studied epidemics and pandemics, social distancing and wearing a mask are the most effective things that we can do to help slow the spread of this disease.

    Ok then. While uncomfortable, restrictive, and frustrating, I can deal with it. Of course, I am going to whine about it a bit, just because I can.

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole


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