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  1. #1

    Default Article: When animals attack: Protecting yourself from animal-related injuries

    Hi, Inspection News Readers!

    Aubri from InspectorPro Insurance here. Here is a preview of ourlatest article and infographic!

    Thestories we heard when writing this article, were wild to say the least (no punintended). Home inspectors encounter many dangers, particularly with animals,so hopefully this info can help.

    Inspecting homes is a dangerous job. From slippery roofs to electrical hazards, rottedsubflooring to invisible toxins, the average home inspector encounterscountless perils during their careers. While inspection horror stories come inall varieties, many of the tales that have unhappy endings seem to stem fromhome inspection animal attacks.

    Most recently, the home inspection community rallied behind Texas home inspector BrianBassett, who, while performing a residential home inspection onAugust 28, 2019, was mauled by three pit bulls that escaped their backyard pen.While Bassett declined to comment, his story lives through the testimonies ofmany of his fellow home inspectors online on various Facebook groups, forums,and his GoFundMepage.

    According to those online sources, Bassett's injuries were substantial. Within the firstmonth after the attack, Bassett underwent four surgeries to clean and removedamaged soft tissue and reconstruct his lower left leg. While doctors were ableto save his leg, infection forced them to remove two of his toes. And, althoughBassett was able to return home from the hospital 23 days later, on September20th, it will likely take another four to six months of rehabilitation andprocedures to recover.

    Unfortunately ,Bassett's story is not unique to the industry. Animals, both domestic and wild,pose a threat to unsuspecting inspectors. In this article and infographic, wediscuss some precautions and resources to overcome onsite animal attacks.


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    Last edited by Aubri Devashrayee; 03-11-2020 at 08:24 AM. Reason: Changed em dashes and apostrophes from question marks.
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  2. #2

    Default Re: Article: When animals attack: Protecting yourself from animal-related injuries

    Nice article. thank you. Can you also write about how to protect yourself from snakes? Sometimes, I face soem of them in my yard adn I do not know if they are venomous and if they can kill you. Maybe, what snake repellents it is better to use or somethign else.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Article: When animals attack: Protecting yourself from animal-related injuries

    Quote Originally Posted by michaelcparkers View Post
    Nice article. thank you. Can you also write about how to protect yourself from snakes? Sometimes, I face soem of them in my yard adn I do not know if they are venomous and if they can kill you. Maybe, what snake repellents it is better to use or somethign else.
    Thanks for reading the article! And, we appreciate the feedback. We'll be sure to add that to our list of potential article topics.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia, electrical only

    Default Re: Article: When animals attack: Protecting yourself from animal-related injuries

    I real-ly shouldn't say it, but . . . insects is best.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Default Re: Article: When animals attack: Protecting yourself from animal-related injuries

    Good article! looking forward for more. Nice job!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Article: When animals attack: Protecting yourself from animal-related injuries

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilario View Post
    Good article! looking forward for more. Nice job!
    Glad you enjoyed the article!

    We actually won't be posting any more of our articles here, unless inspectors give us specific examples of articles they'd like to see here or conversations they think we should be a part of. We can be contacted through our email

    If you'd like to read more of our articles, you can check out our blog:

    To stay up-to-date with the latest content we're creating, you can sign up for our newsletter on the right-hand column of our main blog page.

    Thanks for engaging with our risk management content!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Default Re: Article: When animals attack: Protecting yourself from animal-related injuries

    I never liked animals to be honest, especially the insects and snakes

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Default Re: Article: When animals attack: Protecting yourself from animal-related injuries

    I agree. One way of protecting yourself from animal related injuries especially when you have a pet at home is to give them an anti rabies vaccine. After i clean my chimney in Wilmington, I'll accompany my mom to the nearest vet clinic for the monthly check up of her dog.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Article: When animals attack: Protecting yourself from animal-related injuries

    This is a really great article, this will help our team at BITC Rooftiles

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Article: When animals attack: Protecting yourself from animal-related injuries

    Quote Originally Posted by Li Shun Shing View Post
    This is a really great article, this will help our team at ... xxxxxxx
    Another link dropper.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

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