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Thread: new to the site

  1. #1
    TIM HARDESTY's Avatar

    Default new to the site

    Hello all, just surfing the web as I often do and found this site, seems to be right up me alley so I joined in. Have been an inspector a little over 3 years now but always into repairing homes, etc all my life as a hobby. Anyways I hope to gain a little from the site and maybe even pass on some insite from time to time. After reading some of the past posts/messages, I feel very fortunate living here in Oklahoma inspecting on average about 800 homes per year so far and working my tail off..... I love what I do and hope to do this until I can't physically do any more. I have also noticed that a member on this site Frank Bombadiere is someone I know from our monthly ORCIA meetings so this must be a good site if he is here. I will try my best to keep up on this site on a weekly basis.

    Tim Hardesty
    Accurate Home Inspections

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Memphis TN.

    Default Re: new to the site

    Welcome Tim,

    Good Site ,Jump on in.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: new to the site

    Welcome aboard Tim.

    Quote Originally Posted by TIM HARDESTY View Post
    inspecting on average about 800 homes per year
    Even at 365 days per year (no days off) that is over two per day.

    If you only work 6 days a week, that is closer to 3 per day ... every friggin' day!


    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: new to the site

    Welcome to the board Tim. You have to forgive Jerry, he is very good with math, but can't quite believe an Good Home Inspector can do 3 inspections a day. Eight hundred inspections are very impressive ( 3 a day and 1 on Saturdays for 5 weeks, easy to do ) and I know your company very well. It is one of the most respected Home Inspection companies in the area and I have No doubt that your numbers are as accurate as you company's name. Have fun with the board and hopefully you will learn a lot. Keep on inspecting. Tony Mount

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: new to the site


    Also forgive Tony for not knowing what he is talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Mount View Post
    but can't quite believe an Good Home Inspector can do 3 inspections a day.
    I was commenting on the fact that you *are getting* 3 per day TO DO, day after day after day ... and in this market.

    HOLY COW! BATMAN! (Pow! Zap! and all that other stuff)

    I was actually avoiding commenting on DOING 3 per day.

    But Tony's reply simply shows he speaks without knowing. Have fun here, hope we can learn from each other.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  6. #6
    TIM HARDESTY's Avatar

    Cool Re: new to the site

    Good to see I know another guy here in Tony as I see him too from time to time at meetings, I know it's hard to believe for someone from another state but we have been pretty fortunate in Oklahoma as we are ever growing each year because it's so affordable compared to other states. I often work long days and yes occassional Saturdays because I can't say no too often, seems I really like what I do and that is surely key in this job. I know times have got to be tough in Florida as I have been reading nothing but slow slow business for realtors there which means hard times for inspectors there. I'm afraid to ever consider moving now after hearing and reading how slow many inspectors elsewhere are but keep your heads up, invest in advertising!! keep realtors and buyers happy the best you can, I do keep my job professional and honest and many people appreciate that whether the home is good or bad, if it does't work for the buyer then chances are they will find another house and use your services again. That's my 2 cents worth....personality is everything!! One last suggestion, search local realtors web sites and read their site, alot can be learned in how and what they expect from us as inspectors and then you can use it when or if you are doing business with them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: new to the site


    Welcome to the board. See your from Mustang too.

    Oklahome is growing I will admit. Drove through OK city a few months ago and was amazed at all the growth there.

    We drive through Mustang on the way to the sand dunes up to Waynoka to Little Sahara State Park to ride 4-wheelers and dirt bikes.

  8. #8
    TIM HARDESTY's Avatar

    Default Re: new to the site

    well actually the office is in Mustang but I reside in Midwest city approx 30 miles away, I actually generate alot of good business fro my side of town. I like to hunt and fish and usually find myself doing this east of OKC, thanks for the welcome and look forward to posting more stuff weekly...



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