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  1. #1
    William Galbraith's Avatar
    William Galbraith Guest

    Default Thermal Infrared Inspections

    I perform thermal infrared inspections which are applicable to electrical, insulation, moisture, and other thermal anomolies in all structures. Who are good contacts to solicit for my services? What are your comments of the demand for this type of service? What do you know about the capabilites of this technology? Have you ever been contacted by a certified thermographer?

    Many of your posts discuss various insulation problems. Thermal infrared can find these anomolies instantly, and accurately. This inspection can then be used for your company to correct the problem at a lower cost solution for your customer. The advantage is that you may gain more customers.

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  2. #2
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Thermal Infrared Inspections

    Hi Will. this may come as a shock to you but. its up to you to pick your direction. start looking at web site for some help. thy these or my site Excellence Exterminating and Thermal Imaging as a stand alone it may be slow going in todays market. you may want to hook up with another inspection company for a time.



  3. #3
    William Galbraith's Avatar
    William Galbraith Guest

    Default Re: Thermal Infrared Inspections

    Thanks Ron. In this business, we accept all help we can get.


  4. #4
    mathew stouffer's Avatar
    mathew stouffer Guest

    Default Re: Thermal Infrared Inspections

    I use a flir camera on my inspections. As far as marketing, try to get on your local home builders association. Builders call me all the time requesting thermography inspections.

  5. #5
    Patrick Norton's Avatar
    Patrick Norton Guest

    Default Re: Thermal Infrared Inspections

    Will, I also use a Flir camera on my home inspections. I am also getting a bit of stand alone infrared business off my website. I have done numerous home energy audits as well as building defect investigations. This type of business needs a thorough knowledge of the buildings and its components.

    I don't know what type of camera that you have but most of the stand alone infrared inspection companies are mainly doing commercial preventive maintenance work. I think you need a high end camera for that work.

    I would recommend investing in a well rated website!

  6. #6
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Thermal Infrared Inspections

    Nice web site Pat.



  7. #7
    Patrick Norton's Avatar
    Patrick Norton Guest

    Default Re: Thermal Infrared Inspections

    Thanks Ron. It has been working well.

  8. #8
    Robert Runchey's Avatar
    Robert Runchey Guest

    Default Re: Thermal Infrared Inspections

    I too use thermal imaging to identify issues in building envelopes but I also perform energy audits which are becoming more popular with the "focus on energy" conservation. You may want to check with your state to see if they have any programs available that you can get involved in. I know Wisconsin offers rebates back to the homeowners if their homes are properly insulated and tested by Certified Consultants.

    Welcome to Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy

  9. #9
    William Galbraith's Avatar
    William Galbraith Guest

    Default Re: Thermal Infrared Inspections

    I have checked into the Oklahoma home energy program. A local company provides training and certification annually. I am considering it. Unfortunately, it is not as big of an issue in Oklahoma as it is in Northern states. Our climate is more moderate. However, with energy prices escalating I am sure it will become a greater priority soon.

  10. #10
    Dean Cowley's Avatar
    Dean Cowley Guest

    Default Re: Thermal Infrared Inspections

    Hi Will,

    You can listen to a live interview I did with Greg Stockton. He has plenty of good ideas about how to get customers etc.

    Here's the link to the interview...

    I detect leaks with my infrared camera... it's a simple application that can be quite profitable. The reason I believe it's a good market is because when someone has a leak they need to find in now. Whereas an energy audit isn't urgent, so they can 'think about it'.

    Leak detection got me started, and within 5 months I was busy full time and progressed into electrical inspections... and now that's at least 20% of my work and building. I'm onto oil rigs now doing imaging... so it can all happen pretty quickly!

    Last edited by Dean Cowley; 02-27-2009 at 12:44 PM. Reason: Correcting link to interview

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Thermal Infrared Inspections


    You are posting the same link all over, but it does not go to the interview.

    From my other post on the other thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    That link only takes me to an e-mail-you-link-for-listening link???

    How about posting the listening link here?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  12. #12
    Dean Cowley's Avatar
    Dean Cowley Guest

    Default Re: Thermal Infrared Inspections

    Hi Jerry,

    Here is the direct link to the download... you can listen right away:

    Enjoy the interview... many others have.


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