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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Capistrano Beach, CA

    Post La Jolla Pacific Experts to Give Builders Practical Solutions for ... - Business Wire

    InspectionNews has found this article about defect litigation or expert witness work that may be of interest to you.

    La Jolla Pacific Experts to Give Builders Practical Solutions for ...
    Business Wire (press release), CA - Sep 23, 2008
    “Through performance standards and inspections, we aim to minimize the risk of construction defect litigation and maximize the probability that a good ...


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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Healdsburg, CA

    Unhappy Re: La Jolla Pacific Experts to Give Builders Practical Solutions for ... - Business

    Green construction is good for our planet and we should do all we can to encourage it. However, I wish we could get builders to actually build water tight houses like they used to. As construction technology increases craftsmanship is going in the other direction. At least that's the opine of an old builder/inspector/consultant

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: La Jolla Pacific Experts to Give Builders Practical Solutions for ... - Business

    WC Jerry,

    As housing starts (production) increased, the demand for workers (yes, "workers") increased beyond the number and availability of "craftsmen" and legitimately qualified "skilled workers" to the point where "unskilled workers" began assuming the duties and jobs previously performed only by "skilled workers".

    That began the downturn in construction quality, probably starting in the mid-1960s, getting worse in the 1970s construction boom which would put any able bodied human to work as a skilled worker if they could stand erect and hold a saw or hammer, declining further in the 1980s and even further in the 1990s as illegal laborers began to fill the ranks of what was previously skilled workers.

    Also starting in the 1970s were advanced building and technology seldom done or seen in construction outside the very high end architect designed custom home (when such were truly "custom" designed and built).

    Combine the declining ability of the worker/now laborer with the increased demand to know more, and you end with what you described.

    Builders unable to build water tight homes.

    Workers unable to follow basic construction practices or use common sense.

    Builders more interested in design appeal than in the use of basic construction practices or common sense.

    Just letting you know it is not any different on this coast than it is on your coast. I doubt it is much different anywhere else either.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: La Jolla Pacific Experts to Give Builders Practical Solutions for ... - Business

    I'm working on one now where, among the many things wrong, the roofer tries to defend the use of insufficient attic ventilation by throwing up a smoke screen by bringing up an engineering study describing the "Paston Effect" and saying that more attic ventilation is not a good thing.

    The trouble is, just like when the roofer, architect, engineer, contractor, everyone involved, did not design in or construct in enough attic ventilation by reading the code to find out the requirements for attic ventilation, the roofer did not (or, should I say, "apparently did not") read the report he put forth.

    The report states that the Paston Effect is basically, generally, and most often caused by: poor construction practices in which the basic construction practices were not followed and the lack of the use of common sense in construction.

    By including that report, the roofer has backed up my position: that the house is constructed improperly with a basic disregard for construction basics and the lack of using common sense. And, by the way, the attic ventilation is only slightly over half that required for minimum ventilation of the attic.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: La Jolla Pacific Experts to Give Builders Practical Solutions for ... - Business

    Some other things are not code enforced by La Jolla AHJ also.

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