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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Talking Back into the fight

    My name is David. We recently relocated to Alabama from Colorado. I have been a long time reader of these posts but never thought i would author one. You all have given me great insight in the past and i look forward to participating in the future.
    Colorado does not have a license for HI, so my two years in busines seems for naught when moving to Alabama I was hit with the National Exam and the ASHI standards exam before I could even apply for the license. I have procrastinated long enough about taking the exam.
    I am an AHIT graduate, was a member of NAHI, and am Radon measurment and mitigation qualified.
    Thanks for reading.......David

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  2. #2
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    Good to have you around David. Don't let all the state crap get you down. there is always more where that came from.

    So Alabama dang. Im out in Calif about an Hr north of San Francisco.

    I went back that way some 25 year back. nice place.

    So get back in the game bub.



    Last edited by Ron Bibler; 11-06-2008 at 09:35 AM.

  3. #3
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Back into the fight


    Do folks really live in Alabama. I though that was a myth

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by David D. Whitt View Post
    My name is David. We recently relocated to Alabama from Colorado. I have been a long time reader of these posts but never thought i would author one. You all have given me great insight in the past and i look forward to participating in the future.
    Colorado does not have a license for HI, so my two years in busines seems for naught when moving to Alabama I was hit with the National Exam and the ASHI standards exam before I could even apply for the license. I have procrastinated long enough about taking the exam.
    I am an AHIT graduate, was a member of NAHI, and am Radon measurment and mitigation qualified.
    Thanks for reading.......David
    What part of Alabama?? If you are near Mississippi or Tennessee they will both require the NHIE for reciprocity in obtaining a license in those states, if you want.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Cool Re: Back into the fight

    Since moving here, i have noticed that many of the people who live here, GREW here. Notice I said GREW not grew up. It seems that people have there roots so entangled in the religion of Alabama that it may be difficult to get a hand hold on a branch. One of the hardest decisions to make is wheter you are going to be for Alabama or Auburn.....If you choose the wrong one you could be excommunicated from a large part of the population of the state. What a country.....

    Norhtern AL. about 45 min south of Tennessee and 1.5 hrs east of Mississippi. I was raised in Smyrna Tn. I am about 1.5 hrs South of Spring Hill, in Athens, AL.

    The posts I have read on the condition of the market, In your area Scott, leaves me with a forboding to start again untill the market comes back. Naieve as that may sound.

  6. #6
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by David D. Whitt View Post
    Since moving here, i have noticed that many of the people who live here, GREW here. Notice I said GREW not grew up. It seems that people have there roots so entangled in the religion of Alabama that it may be difficult to get a hand hold on a branch. One of the hardest decisions to make is wheter you are going to be for Alabama or Auburn.....If you choose the wrong one you could be excommunicated from a large part of the population of the state. What a country.....

    Norhtern AL. about 45 min south of Tennessee and 1.5 hrs east of Mississippi. I was raised in Smyrna Tn. I am about 1.5 hrs South of Spring Hill, in Athens, AL.

    The posts I have read on the condition of the market, In your area Scott, leaves me with a forboding to start again untill the market comes back. Naieve as that may sound.
    I would not even want to do a start up from the ground at this time.

    It is something that can be done. but BUT. not a easy thing to do.

    If one can float to boat for a time then go for it. if not then. well you know what to do!!!



  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Chandler, AZ

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by David D. Whitt View Post
    My name is David. We recently relocated to Alabama from Colorado. I have been a long time reader of these posts but never thought i would author one. You all have given me great insight in the past and i look forward to participating in the future.
    Colorado does not have a license for HI, so my two years in business seems for naught when moving to Alabama I was hit with the National Exam and the ASHI standards exam before I could even apply for the license. I have procrastinated long enough about taking the exam.
    I am an AHIT graduate, was a member of NAHI, and am Radon measurement and mitigation qualified.
    Thanks for reading.......David
    Hey David,
    You should have little problem with the National test. On the other hand, living in Az, I had problems because I've never seen a oil furnace, (other than in class), and other items associated with houses in other parts of the country. Just study hard so you don't waste money taking the test over.

    Do you have to do ride-alongs before getting the license? HI's coming into Az don't, if they can supply the proper number of past inspection reports.

    I did my parallels with guys from the AHIT school out here. They knew their stuff so it must be a good class.

    Best wishes in your move!

    Dave Hill
    Buyers & Sellers Property Inspections LLC

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    the weather is still great here in colorado. hope you have purchased a cockroach swatter.
    good luck,i'll take a couple of runs down copper mountain slopes for you


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Back into the fight

    The regulations do not stipulate ride alongs, but if they insist on proof, I have 145 paid inspections they can choose from.

    I do somewhat miss Colorado. The opportunity to have year round inspections leads me to believe that dowtime due to SNOW is not going to be a factor. I lived in Woodland Park just west of Colorado Springs. Winter was not very productive. Here the only snow one might see is on TV.

    My old Burton snowboard is my swatter.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Ft. Myers, FL

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    Hey David, I didnt realaize there was anyone else from Woodland Park on here. When did you leave here?? I have been trying to evacuate here to get back to Florida. (Before anybody says anything I will swat cockroaches rather than scrape windshields.)

    Paul Kondzich
    Ft. Myers, FL.

  11. #11
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    Thumbs up Re: Back into the fight

    We left in 2006 when Wal Mart came to town. Small world considering Woodland park is a relativly unknown corner of the world. I knew that when Java the Hut went out of business, it was time to move on. That was a great place to pick up leads.

    How is your business? Are you getting any assistance from the realtor echelon? Are you a member of the chamber?

  12. #12
    James Foy's Avatar
    James Foy Guest

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    Guess I'll check if this has become a ghost thread:
    Anyone of you guys still working in Alabama? Particularly the Montgomery area?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by James Foy View Post
    Guess I'll check if this has become a ghost thread:
    Anyone of you guys still working in Alabama? Particularly the Montgomery area?

    Alabama is closed at the time for remodeling and will re-open at a latter date to serve you.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Back into the fight

    "Alabama is closed at the time for remodeling and will re-open at a latter date to serve you."

    Last month someone called me that lived in Alabama. I told him I do not service Alabama. He said, I was the third person he called that told him that.

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  15. #15
    James Foy's Avatar
    James Foy Guest

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    I guess I can go and do it myself. I have 3 units to inspect in any case, just trying to lighten the workload, and avoid hassles with the TSA. No I don't want to drive, train, or use Greyhound.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Back into the fight


    It would help if you would click on 'User CP' at the left of the top menu bar, right below the InspectionNews logo, then click on 'Edit Profile', then add your state to your location, which right now just shows "Location: Apple Valley", wherever in the heck Apply Valley is.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  17. #17
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    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    It would help if you would click on 'User CP' at the left of the top menu bar, right below the InspectionNews logo, then click on 'Edit Profile', then add your state to your location, which right now just shows "Location: Apple Valley", wherever in the heck Apply Valley is.
    There is an Apple Valley in CA. Probably are others as well.

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  18. #18
    James Foy's Avatar
    James Foy Guest

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    Well, I edited it, but I'm not sure why you needed the clarification, what exactly, it 'would help'.

  19. #19
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  20. #20
    James Foy's Avatar
    James Foy Guest

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    Absolutely. Look at the investigative skills in this crowd.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Back into the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by James Foy View Post
    Well, I edited it, but I'm not sure why you needed the clarification, what exactly, it 'would help'.
    With the clarification you added, it is not worth a response, other than to point out the absurdity of your clarification.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  22. #22
    James Foy's Avatar
    James Foy Guest

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    I merely asked if anyone was still working in Alabama. Where I am is fairly irrelevant as long as the HI gets paid and I get a professional report. The reason I don't list a state, is because I move around between CA and CO, with time spent in WA and AZ, as well. The cell phone is unlimited everything in the US and Canada, and sometimes I'm actually out of the country.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by James Foy View Post
    I merely asked if anyone was still working in Alabama. Where I am is fairly irrelevant as long as the HI gets paid and I get a professional report. The reason I don't list a state, is because I move around between CA and CO, with time spent in WA and AZ, as well. The cell phone is unlimited everything in the US and Canada, and sometimes I'm actually out of the country.
    Jim, AL has many good inspectors. I think Phillip Smith works the Montgomery AL area. You can find him via the ASHI site American Society of Home Inspectors, ASHI If that does not work, just plug in the Zip Code for the area.

    Now, why in the world would a feller move around so much?

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  24. #24
    James Foy's Avatar
    James Foy Guest

    Default Re: Back into the fight

    I started moving out of CA back in 2006 (perhaps I should have completed that) when I got a job as a building inspector--pay was good with quite a bit of overtime--and I'd already told everyone CA was going to drop 40% in our area (more like 60-75% in the Inland Empire), so I never completely made the transition to CO, and I've got family in the other areas. I also like road trips and until recently, haven't had to answer to anyone else. That, of course, means that I was the 'go to guy' for helping out the family.


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