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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    Default Main panel to Auxillary panel setup

    OREP Insurance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Main panel to Auxillary panel setup

    Quote Originally Posted by John Farmer View Post
    Has anyone ever seen a setup like this? Main panel fed by a 100amp disconnect w/#2 wire. From there it runs to another 100amp panel upstairs.
    That is not a "main" panel, and an excellent display with drawing and photos of why not to refer to it that way.

    Drawing shows "service equipment", which is the 100 amp disconnect, (and which is "the mains panel" if anyone really, really, really has a need to use the term "main panel").

    The drawing then shows an electrical panel, a good way to identify this panel is "Panel A, located in the basement".

    The drawing then shows another electrical panel, a good way to identify this panel is "Panel B, located in the first floor".

    After the above ... I see a lot of "white" wires! Most of which are not "neutral" conductors and need to be identified as (typically) back and red.

    The "service equipment" panel has a 100 amp breaker in it ... on a piece of wood! ... with conductors from the breaker to the 'safety switch' ... the 100 amp breaker "is" the "service disconnect". The neutral/ground terminal is multiple tapped, and is likely not rated for such. That service equipment panel is in dire need of a do-over (i.e., "replacement) by a qualified and licensed electrical contractor as that definitely looks to be modified panel, which is not being used in accordance with its listing and labeling, which is a code violation. Calling that out for replacement covers anything else in that service equipment panel.

    Panel A is excessively rusted and has many issues and is in need of replacement by a qualified and licensed electrical contractor.

    I see three separate white feeder conductors leaving Panel A, but I only see two white feeder conductors entering Panel B - am I just not seeing the third white feeder conductor in Panel B? Wait ... there it is coming up into that large hole in the bottom of Panel B - see comment below:
    - Feeder conductors which run from Panel A to Panel B need to be replaced with proper feeder conductors in a cable or raceway by a qualified and licensed electrical contractor.

    Panel B - see Panel A and feeder conductor comment. Qualified and licensed electrical contractor needs to correct any and all other code and safety conditions which are in Panel B.

    That, to me anyway, is the best way to address that mess.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Re: Main panel to Auxillary panel setup

    A subfeed from one panel to the other is fine, it's how they did it in that place, is what is wrong, the feeders, and that rusty ITE panel needs replacement badly as does the double lugging.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Colorado Front Range

    Default Re: Main panel to Auxillary panel setup

    Just looking around today and spotted this. Did you guys miss that the individual wires between panels run into separate holes in each panel?

    Nothing to see legal here. Move on.........

    Occam's eraser: The philosophical principle that even the simplest solution is bound to have something wrong with it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Main panel to Auxillary panel setup

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Kriegh View Post
    Did you guys miss that the individual wires between panels run into separate holes in each panel?
    Yepper, made a comment on it too (but apparently an easy to miss comment ).

    Nothing to see legal here. Move on.........
    Best answer yet!

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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