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  1. #1

    Default Things That Fail A Home Inspection.

    Demystifying Home Inspections: Beyond Passing or Failing

    As a prospective homebuyer or seller, navigating the world of home inspections can often lead to confusion. One of the most common misconceptions revolves around the idea of a home ?passing? or ?failing? an inspection. However, it?s essential to understand that home inspectors don?t bestow a passing or failing grade on a property.
    What are the things that fail a home inspection is one of the most common questions that clients ask during a home inspection! The best person to ask this question is right here, a home inspector!
    Do a search of google for this and here are the top 3 answers I get which are all WRONG.
    12 Things That Can Fail A Home Inspection
    15 Common (but Fixable) Things That Fail a Home Inspection
    10 Common Things That Fail a Home Inspection

    Demystification Time

    Identifying Visible Issues for an Accurate Report
    The primary objective of a home inspector is to meticulously scrutinize a property, utilizing expertise and specialized tools to identify visible issues. These issues, ranging from structural concerns to potential safety hazards or maintenance needs, are then documented in a detailed report. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the property?s condition at the time of inspection.
    Tools of the Trade: Enhancing Inspection Accuracy
    A key differentiator among home inspectors lies in the tools and equipment they utilize during inspections. While some inspectors may rely solely on visual assessments, others, like myself, invest in advanced tools to ensure a thorough examination.
    Cutting-edge tools such as infrared cameras, moisture meters, electrical testers, drones and other specialized tools enable a more in-depth inspection, uncovering hidden problems that may not be immediately visible. Investing in these tools reflects a commitment to delivering a superior service, providing clients with a more accurate assessment of a property?s condition.
    Dispelling the ?Pass or Fail? Myth
    It?s crucial to emphasize that a home inspection is not a test with a pass or fail outcome. Instead, it?s an investigative process aimed at empowering clients with information about a property?s condition.

    The entire article can be read on my site

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  2. #2
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Things That Fail A Home Inspection.

    Your thread's title "Things That Fail A Home Inspection.", and your statement below, indicate a lack of understanding of what a home inspection is for or what it does, and does not do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron McColl View Post
    Demystifying Home Inspections: Beyond Passing or Failing
    Home inspections are not "pass"/"fail".

    If a home inspector goes into a home and attempts to "pass" or "fail" that home, the home inspector themselves has just "failed" their client and everyone else, including themselves.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
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    Oct 2014
    Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia, electrical only

    Default Re: Things That Fail A Home Inspection.

    I understand that, depending on circumstances, passing a home inspection can be painful. Remedies include taking in more water and a good mix of soluble and insoluble fiber.

    Departing from the generic, though, I have to acknowledge that there are houses which raised few red flags, so I could tell the client that from my perspective there were no evident serious issues. With others, I could say if asked, "If a family member were buying this, I'd urge them to yank the wiring and run all new." Often it's been because a flipper did a bodge job. Sometimes it's been because the wiring had basically passed, as in it was beyond the land of the living. (I am not fond of euphemisms.)

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Things That Fail A Home Inspection.

    David, I have, a a few occasions, explained to my client that: the roof needed to be replaced, which makes it easier to remove and replace the termite eaten rafters, which makes it easier to replace all the damaged ductwork and wet insulation, which makes it easier to remove the ceilings without concern for what is above (I recall telling one client this while standing in the center of the living room with him, ending with "until you can see the blue sky above"), which will then provide easy access to remove the second floor system which is also termite eaten up, when then makes it much easier to knock the cracking block walls down, so that the foundation can be replaced with ease.

    Many times my client would ask what I would advice my mother, sister, or daughter about the house, on a few select occasions I would ask if they had seen the movie Forrest Gump? When they would say yes, it was a great movie, I would ask if them remember the part when Jenny said "Run Forrest run!"

    I tried to keep some humor in everything as life goes better with humor.

    Houses did not "pass" or "fail"; however, there were times when I was called in to serve as the medical examiner to determine the cause of death. "Assisted suicide" was the usual finding.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  5. #5
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    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Things That Fail A Home Inspection.

    I tried doing all my reports on a 3x5 card with Pass or Fail, but it just didn't work.

    I agree Jerry, Aaron just does not know any better than to post this drivel.

  6. #6
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    Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia, electrical only

    Default Re: Things That Fail A Home Inspection.

    Jerry, a charming report. And all because there was a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza.
    I take it that there was no indication a radon inspection was needed.

  7. #7
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Things That Fail A Home Inspection.

    David, no radon needed in most parts of Florida. Maybe the termites ventilate all the radon out? A new concept: self-mitigating radon buildings, just encourage subterranean termites.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  8. #8

    Default Re: Things That Fail A Home Inspection.

    The catchy statements are headlines that readers are searching for. If you read the article you will see that is corrects of these false statements.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Your thread's title "Things That Fail A Home Inspection.", and your statement below, indicate a lack of understanding of what a home inspection is for or what it does, and does not do.

    Home inspections are not "pass"/"fail".

    If a home inspector goes into a home and attempts to "pass" or "fail" that home, the home inspector themselves has just "failed" their client and everyone else, including themselves.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Things That Fail A Home Inspection.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron McColl View Post
    If you read the article you will see that is corrects of these false statements.
    Let me understand this from your point of view: making false statements is okay for headlines and titles ... as long as you correct them later on?

    Such as for this thread: "Things That Fail A Home Inspection."

    "Things" do not "fail" a proper home inspection and report. Period.

    And that article: "Demystifying Home Inspections: Beyond Passing or Failing"

    A Home Inspection, and its report, does not get "beyond passing or failing" unless they "pass" or "fail", and, as stated above: things to do not "fail" a home inspection and report.

    There is another way to explain your thread and article titles, something like: "Oops ... I goofed up with my wording, I meant to say ... "? And then have another go at it?

    Or are you just not reading what has been said ... or simply do not care?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Things That Fail A Home Inspection.

    The original post "FAILS".

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