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  1. #1
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Out-Swing Entry Doors

    The following is a pet peeve of mine. Please feel free (like you wouldn't anyway) to critique at will:

    Given: I posit that you cannot just take a pre-hung exterior door, spin it around, and call it an out-swing door.

    This is more robo-carpintero BS in action. what ever happened to carpenters who knew how to take lumber and create a door and doorjamb? Did they all move to Denmark?

    Theory 1: An exterior door should have a threshold that is slanted toward the exterior of the door and flush with the interior of the door, right?

    Theory 2: An exterior out-swing door should have non-removable hinge pins, right?

    Theory 3: Any idiot who believes otherwise should himself be pre-hung, right?

    Theory 4: The longer a craftsman lives the harder it is to watch the inevitable decline of his craft, right?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Out-Swing Entry Doors

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    The following is a pet peeve of mine. Please feel free (like you wouldn't anyway) to critique at will:

    Given: I posit that you cannot just take a pre-hung exterior door, spin it around, and call it an out-swing door.

    Theory 1: An exterior door should have a threshold that is slanted toward the exterior of the door and flush with the interior of the door, right?
    Would not need to be flush with the interior of the door, could be a bumper type where the door bumps against the threshold to seal tight, leaving the threshold exposed. There are also other types which extend in beyond the inner face of the door. But they are designed to be as such.

    Theory 2: An exterior out-swing door should have non-removable hinge pins, right?
    Not necessary.

    Theory 3: Any idiot who believes otherwise should himself be pre-hung, right?
    No, but at least asked questions as to way, such as why can the door hinges pins be removable, with the answer being that the hinges are made so that even if you remove the hings pins you will not get the door out.

    Theory 4: The longer a craftsman lives the harder it is to watch the inevitable decline of his craft, right?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Columbus GA

    Default Re: Out-Swing Entry Doors

    The threshols should be able to seal either way. Looks funny, but should still work.

    Many, if not even most doors have exterior type hinges already installed.

    One not so obvious thing to look for is the exterior landing height.

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  4. #4
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Out-Swing Entry Doors

    JP: So then, just how secure do you presume a removable-pin hinge to be on an exterior out-swing door?

  5. #5
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Out-Swing Entry Doors

    And here are the two choices. Can you guess which is which?

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Columbus GA

    Default Re: Out-Swing Entry Doors

    This shows exterior hinges.
    Door Hinges and Home Security

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Out-Swing Entry Doors

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    And here are the two choices. Can you guess which is which?

    Ummmm ... I'll take a guess ... the left one is ... the left one, and the right one is ... the right one?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  8. #8
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Out-Swing Entry Doors

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Ummmm ... I'll take a guess ... the left one is ... the left one, and the right one is ... the right one?
    JP: ** **


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