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    Post State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    InspectionNews has just found the following information that might be of interest to you:

    State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry
    WBAL, MD - 3 hours ago
    ... a huge number of complaints by homeowners, state officials are making sure homebuyers get what they paid for by regulating the home inspection industry. ...


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  2. #2
    Martin lehman's Avatar
    Martin lehman Guest

    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    What an absolute travesty...48 hour class & HS degree!!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin lehman View Post
    What an absolute travesty...48 hour class & HS degree!!
    Agreed but it's a start. Now it's Bubba the Pool guy/Lawn Care/Tile Installer/Tire Rotator and delivers the Morning Paper.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    Agreed but it's a start. Now it's Bubba the Pool guy/Lawn Care/Tile Installer/Tire Rotator and delivers the Morning Paper.

    I truly feel sorry for your disillusionment, if you think government interference with our profession is a good thing you are headed for a huge letdown and a big disappointment.

    Licensing solves nothing.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    Agreed but it's a start. Now it's Bubba the Pool guy/Lawn Care/Tile Installer/Tire Rotator and delivers the Morning Paper.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    I truly feel sorry for your disillusionment, if you think government interference with our profession is a good thing you are headed for a huge letdown and a big disappointment.

    Licensing solves nothing.

    Who you doing with your PINK Elephants ?

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  6. #6
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL


    You gotta understand.... some people think that if we leave things the way they have always been, the problems will just go away on their own. Things like; the pool guy, the tire changer, the lawn care guy are all just what the public needs to keep up the image of our profession.

    Yeah right!

    When the profession can't and won't correct it's short commings, then it's incumbent upon the state (elected by the public) to make improvements as time goes by.

    Example; if 4-way intersection has only two-way stop signs and there is an inordinate amount of accidents at that intersection, it is incumbent upon the city planners to make the necessary correction improvements to protect the public from those who are careless.

    Now, will license solve everything for everybody... certainly not. But it is the improvements for the public along the way that are *intended* to take effect, not necessarily what is *best* for the inspection community.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL


    I'm sure some in the Medical Profession, Pilot's,CPA's ect. saw no need for governmental
    interference in their applied trades.

    Do I want my Surgeon, Plane Pilot, Book Keeper,Cop on the corner not vetted in anyway?

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Rushing View Post
    Now, will license solve everything for everybody... certainly not. But it is the improvements for the public along the way that are *intended* to take effect, not necessarily what is *best* for the inspection community.

    Sounds to me like a clear cut case of Stockholm Syndrome coming from someone who has lived an inordinate amount of time in captivity by our country's worst implementation of home inspector licensing (Texas), unfortunately I don't believe there is a cure.

    Hopefully though a vaccine can be developed to prevent its spread, but it is doubtful that anything can be done for those already infected and have become delusional thinking that the disease is in fact some kind of miracle cure.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL


    Please stay away that unlicensed Psychotherapy,Barbers,Taxi Drivers.

    Second thought Taxi Driver hummm.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL


    Someone has to shine a light on the unregulated Kool-Aid drinking which gets passed off as truth on this message board before y'all end up in rehab like Britney with no visitation rights to your mind.


  11. #11
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post

    Someone has to shine a light on the unregulated Kool-Aid drinking which gets passed off as truth on this message board

    Thanks for clearing that up for me Joe.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post

    Thanks for clearing that up for me Joe.

    It ain't my way (thanks for the plug), it is the way of the universe, licensing solves nothing, the sooner you come to that realization the better off you will be. Licensing and government interference with the principals of free enterprise will never benefit the license holder or our profession, licensing is enacted to benefit the state who are always quick to erode the liberties guaranteed under the Constitution and Bill of Rights and insure their continued strangle-hold over the citizenry through more & more pernicious taxes.

    Licensing can not now nor will it ever:
    1). Limit your competition
    2). Raise the bar
    3). Provide consumer protection

    Those of you who believe that licensing will somehow benefit our profession are simply ignorant of history and have lost the ability to rationalize truth.

    Apart from the government the only other entities that benefit from licensing are those who because of licensing are forced to purchase items to become or remain licensed like... Educational institutions, Insurance sellers, some misguided HI Associations, and (the worse) HI exam providers.

    Without this evil axis working in the background with lobbyists glad-handing and seducing legislators it is doubtful that HI licensing laws would have ever been enacted.

    Last edited by Deleted Account; 10-23-2007 at 03:31 PM.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    It ain't my way (thanks for the plug), it is the way of the universe,
    Woe ! Here we go!

    Can I take it back Joe??

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    Woe ! Here we go!

    Can I take it back Joe??

    Bit off a tad more than you could chew, grasshopper? Some lessons must be taught over & over again before the knowledge takes root.

    Wax-On, Wax-Off.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Fritz Kelly View Post
    Have to say, Joe is right.
    Joe is not right.

    Joe is for non-interference, he wants to do his thing his way, without anyone telling him he is doing it wrong and needs to change, and, even if there are unscrupulous HIs out there, so be it, as long as Joe is not affected.

    The right way, mind you, is to have a least *some* "minimum" starting point, then build from there.

    To agree with Joe because it only includes 40 hours training and a HS diploma is to say that it is better to *not require ANY training* and not even require a 1st grade education.

    That *IS* what you and Joe are saying - ANYTHING is allowable ... as long as they can find a client base to exist off of - it's okay.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  16. #16
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Mr Burkeson
    I agree (in theory) to some of your views, but given your abrasive attitude and insulting comments about and to others, how do you expect anyone to see you as anything other than a loudmouth or even a nut?
    Maybe you are secretly working for "Big Brother" or even the insurance companies. Expressing yourself to be against licensing at every opportunity, knowing that no rational person would want to align there self with you.

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    Bit off a tad more than you could chew, grasshopper? Some lessons must be taught over & over again before the knowledge takes root.

    Wax-On, Wax-Off.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Cantrell View Post
    Mr Burkeson
    I agree (in theory) to some of your views, but given your abrasive attitude and insulting comments about and to others, how do you expect anyone to see you as anything other than a loudmouth or even a nut?.
    I haven't even started chewing gum yet.Just because you rant on & on does not make you right.I think your views are guided by dead presidents for Joe.
    BS on BS off,

    Besides the above post, I'm leaning toward the Tin Foil Hat Syndrome.

    Last edited by Billy Stephens; 10-23-2007 at 07:42 PM. Reason: aded BS
    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Joe is not right.

    Joe is for non-interference, he wants to do his thing his way, without anyone telling him he is doing it wrong and needs to change, and, even if there are unscrupulous HIs out there, so be it, as long as Joe is not affected.

    The right way, mind you, is to have a least *some* "minimum" starting point, then build from there.

    To agree with Joe because it only includes 40 hours training and a HS diploma is to say that it is better to *not require ANY training* and not even require a 1st grade education.

    That *IS* what you and Joe are saying - ANYTHING is allowable ... as long as they can find a client base to exist off of - it's okay.

    Metaphorically speaking, when someone's political head is jammed up their ass far as yours is the focus usually switches from confrontation with your peers to the simple fight for air, wherever you end up... there you are.

  19. #19
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    Metaphorically speaking, when someone's political head is jammed up their ass far as yours is the focus usually switches from confrontation with your peers to the simple fight for air, wherever you end up... there you are.
    Poor Joe, lost in Florida and now Maryland, along with Washington, where the Sunrise Committee has recommended licensing of Home Inspectors.

    In a year or so you and your booz'n buddy Bushart won't have anything to talk about.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    Poor Joe, lost in Florida and now Maryland, along with Washington, where the Sunrise Committee has recommended licensing of Home Inspectors.

    In a year or so you and your booz'n buddy Bushart won't have anything to talk about.


    What I can't understand is, how is it that there are still states which refuse to become licensed? You bootlicker's & phony-baloney exam pushers need to pony up for a new set of knee pads and make the legislative rounds if your HI licensing domination fetish is ever to become more than just a one-handed piece of fiction.

    Its a dirty job but, somebody's got to do it and it appears you have the right mix of experience, talent & temperament. I can just imaging what it will be like for you and your slack-jaw ilk... Fevered brow, rapid breath, climaxing in the (Viagra-free) knowledge that we are all finally licensed, no doubt you'll need to light a cigarette afterward to savor the moment.


  21. #21
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    Any TOOL can criticize,condemn,and complain - And Most TOOLS DO!

    Corporate Training, Leadership Training, & Sales Training from Dale Carnegie Training®

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  22. #22
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post

    What I can't understand is, how is it that there are still states which refuse to become licensed? You bootlicker's & phony-baloney exam pushers need to pony up for a new set of knee pads and make the legislative rounds if your HI licensing domination fetish is ever to become more than just a one-handed piece of fiction.

    Its a dirty job but, somebody's got to do it and it appears you have the right mix of experience, talent & temperament. I can just imaging what it will be like for you and your slack-jaw ilk... Fevered brow, rapid breath, climaxing in the (Viagra-free) knowledge that we are all finally licensed, no doubt you'll need to light a cigarette afterward to savor the moment.

    Poor Joe,, maybe you should read some of your own posts here and on your own associations MB before accusing others of having a fetish over Licensing of Home Inspectors, it would appear that you and your buddy Bushart are the ones most excited and fevered over the Licensing issue. You both have constantly posted in threads that involve States far from where you do business, along with your name calling, emails, and PM's to anyone who disagrees with either of you.

    In fact you can search your messages here on this MB and find where you and Bustard were celebrating the defeat of licensing in your own state of Florida. How did that turn out Joe?

    You can read my posts on your associations message board and find that I repeatedly stated that I was happy with the way things were in Washington, unlicensed except for the SPI License that is required to perform, what anyone but you and Bushtard, would consider a Full or Complete Home Inspection. Too bad the Washington State Attorney General Office disagreed with such legal experts as you and James.

    You would rather fight all licensing and end up with crap like you got in Florida rather than work to get the best licensing program that you could. Washington Inspectors, many from your own association, other association and independents, disagreed with you, they voiced they opinions in support of licensing and suggested many great ideas to make the new law as favorable to the HI Industry as possible.

    Many names of those from your association who spoke against any regulation at all can not be found on the WSDA's List of Licensed SPI's, they must be very upset over the suggested grandfathering requirement of having to been a licensed SPI for at least 3 years, go read your State Licensing thread you'll find that several of us Washington Inspectors suggested that, along with many other of the recommendations made by the Sunrise Committee. There are many very good NACHI Inspectors in Washington who repeatedly defied you and the great Bushtard, my involvement was only in writing a few letters and having a few conversations with the Senators involved and speaking with several Realtors, Attorneys, and Contractors over the issue, and of course irritating you and Bustard's pack.

    States that still refuse to become licensed? How many are left Joe? 14? 15? Your concern should be Florida, where you are now stuck with someone else's version of HI regulation. The Inspectors in Washington State now have an opportunity to force the politicians to give them a Law that is workable and which will benefit both the HI Industry and the consumer, it appears that at least the members of the Sunrise Committee listened to the Inspectors involved so maybe the upcoming law won't be a complete disaster, unlike what you got in Florida.

    You and James should spend your time more constructively, like pushing the Realtor referral issue that James and Nick seem so upset about. It's typical of your pack though, to bitch about things like inspectors getting referrals from Realtors while at the same time NACHI, or InterNachi I see by your new logo, markets directly to the same Realtors with programs like Move In Certified, along with those hundreds of thousands of Foreclosure Inspections that Nick promised you. How's that working out?

    Boot Licking, you, James, and the rest of your pack should know a lot about that, you seem to be experts especially when it comes to licking Nick's boots, or each others when he's too busy.

    By the way you and Greg did a good job with your Move In Certified presentation, but it's still just putting lipstick on a pig

  23. #23
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    Metaphorically speaking, when someone's political head is jammed up their ass far as yours is the focus usually switches from confrontation with your peers to the simple fight for air, wherever you end up... there you are.
    The above shows the intelligence level we are dealing with, or, more aptly stated, the level of lack of intelligence.

    This is Joe B.'s, and others, argument they bring to the debate:

    Poor licensing which does nothing is worth nothing and is worth less than doing nothing.

    Here is the fallacy in that argument:

    "Doing nothing" when "nothing of substance" already exists means one is supporting "nothing of substance". Licensing, even that which is limited in requirements, is "more than" "nothing of substance", thus, while deriding licensing as being "nothing", they defend "nothing" as the preferred status quo.

    Do they not realize that the status quo of "nothing" is "nothing", and that *ANYTHING ELSE* "is something"?

    They are like little kids who say "I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue and die if you don't give me my way!" The rest of us know that they will pass out first, then start breathing again on their own (which is, for some, quite a shame).

    We can never accuse Joe B. of being the brightest bulb in the box, and I think he likes it that way, because he goes out of his way to prove it time and time again.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  24. #24
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    Post Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Every thing eventually turns into a personal attack here. That does not say much for our profession. No wonder home inspector licensing is such a hot topic in state legislatures these days.

    Personally, I do not necessarily believe that licensing solves the real problems of lack of integrity, dishonesty, greed. Regardless of the business or profession being licensed, there will always be those few who make the whole lot stink.

    I am also cognizant of the fact that government will regulate any thing that moves. The logical solution then, seems to be an approach of attaining the most effective licensing that can be extracted from the law makers, if indeed licensing is deemed necessary. That requires hard work.

    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." -John Stuart Mill

    Randall Aldering GHI BAOM MSM
    Housesmithe Inspection

  25. #25
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Aldering View Post
    Every thing eventually turns into a personal attack here. That does not say much for our profession. No wonder home inspector licensing is such a hot topic in state legislatures these days.

    Personally, I do not necessarily believe that licensing solves the real problems of lack of integrity, dishonesty, greed. Regardless of the business or profession being licensed, there will always be those few who make the whole lot stink.

    I am also cognizant of the fact that government will regulate any thing that moves. The logical solution then, seems to be an approach of attaining the most effective licensing that can be extracted from the law makers, if indeed licensing is deemed necessary. That requires hard work.

    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." -John Stuart Mill
    Randy, That view is what many of us who do business in Washington took. Washington is a State that likes to regulate everything, Home Inspection regulation was inevitable. A Republican legislator here once tried to Outlaw teenage sex, that was before he became mayor of Spokane and got caught using city computers to visit gay porn sites and to give his gay companions jobs with the city government, all the while waving the anti gay flag, much like Senator Craig of Idaho.

    It appears that the Sunrise committee actually listened to the Home Inspectors who took the time to write, call, or attend meetings, that in itself was a surprise, hopefully the State legislature will also listen and give us a bill that does minimum harm, maybe even a little good.

    Some inspectors would rather fight all legislation and then cry about the piss poor law they got stuck with, me I always believe in having a Plan "B", "C", "D", or how ever many plans it takes.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Aldering View Post
    Every thing eventually turns into a personal attack here.

    Not really, take this post for instance, Brian was looking to boost his hit rate and posted this knowing the controversy it would create and of course the lap-dogs & Peck-er Heads obliged, score one for Brian.

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Aldering View Post
    Personally, I do not necessarily believe that licensing solves the real problems of lack of integrity, dishonesty, greed. Regardless of the business or profession being licensed, there will always be those few who make the whole lot stink.

    OK, it is obvious that you have a poor attitude in regards to your peers, I understand your ability to walk on water exempts you, but Home Inspecting is a business, could it be that what you perceive as "lack of integrity" is simply "good marketing", and "greed" as "savvy business acumen"? Regardless of the profession there will always be those who believe they have the right to tells others how to run their life & business.

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Aldering View Post
    I am also cognizant of the fact that government will regulate any thing that moves. The logical solution then, seems to be an approach of attaining the most effective licensing that can be extracted from the law makers, if indeed licensing is deemed necessary. That requires hard work.

    There is not one state where home inspection legislation has ever lived up to its billing, not one state were the bar was raised, not one state where the public is protected, not one state where the home inspectors or the public is better off because of government intervention into our profession. How did this happen? Home inspectors were lured into the shallows and seduced by the sirens signing "Licensing is Inevitable" and today across the country our profession is plagued with bad legislation helped along by clueless do-gooder home inspectors.

    The real question that you probably don't want to ask, is who benefited from all this legislation, well you won't need a deerslayer hat, magnifying glass or an assistant named Watson to figure out the only rat bastards who feathered their own nest vis a vis' licensing were the (spit) entrenched educational providers and the exam sellers (spit).

    Here is a John Stuart Mill quote that sums up how we should pursue home inspector licensing if at all.

    "The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. Each is the proper guardian of his own health, whether bodily, or mental or spiritual. Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest." ~ John Stuart Mill

    In closing... I could really care less of what you think of me, very few of you will ever match my education, proven experience level, or standing within the community. That is what makes me a great anti-licensing ambassador, no state could write a licensing law that would deny me a license, there is no licensing exam which I would be unable to pass, you are not dealing with one of the great unwashed, I am a person of education stature & respect and I will remain anti-licensing forever... deal with it!

  27. #27
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quotes from Jivin Joe: Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson
    Metaphorically speaking, when someone's political head is jammed up their ass far as yours is the focus usually switches from confrontation with your peers to the simple fight for air, wherever you end up... there you are.

    quote=Joseph Burkeson;22283]Sounds to me like a clear cut case of Stockholm Syndrome coming from someone who has lived an inordinate amount of time in captivity by our country's worst implementation of home inspector licensing (Texas), unfortunately I don't believe there is a cure.

    Hopefully though a vaccine can be developed to prevent its spread, but it is doubtful that anything can be done for those already infected and have become delusional thinking that the disease is in fact some kind of miracle cure.[/quote]

    Another good one from Jivin Joe: You bootlicker's & phony-baloney exam pushers need to pony up for a new set of knee pads and make the legislative rounds if your HI licensing domination fetish is ever to become more than just a one-handed piece of fiction.

    Clown story: Someone has to shine a light on the unregulated Kool-Aid drinking which gets passed off as truth on this message board before y'all end up in rehab like Britney with no visitation rights to your mind.

    Posted by J. Peck in 2003:
    Joe, with the possible exception of Tony Mount (do you want to be recognized in the same sense as him?) your main 'contributions' (I'm being kind here) to this forum are argumentative posts trying to either *KILL ASHI* or *KILL LICENSING*.
    I know you have good reasons for your KILL ASHI stance, but what are you afraid of with licensing?
    I also know that you CAN contribute positive information to questions asked on this forum, in fact you did for a while ... remember when 'you changed and said you'd be a better participant'? You were for a while.
    I am just not sure what you get by always trying to start these *KILL ASHI* and *KILL LICENSING* posts. I know it is not for respect, so I can only assume it's that you get your rocks off by doing so.
    What a waste of talent and time.

    Now, the only thing missing are the usual rantings of, "jack-booted" thugs (when referring to government laws) and accusations of those who don't see eye to his thought processes as being Nazi's and calling on others as needing to wear knee pads... Then comes the, "Get used to it, because I aint going no where. I'm here to stay"

    What kind of self-serving individual feels the need to sermonize us with his contentious postings that are nothing more than a commercial for the self-abused.

    There is no question Joe posts to try and be both witty and semi-humorous while typing with one hand and pulling on his best friend with the other... Abrasive/self-serving individuals are like the drunk who asks for some spare change, then gets some (change), then gets pissed off when you walk away and starts to cuss you-- because you gave him "change".

    Joe doesen't feel that he should have to ever have to treat other folks with respect, even though he demands it from everyone else....

    Last edited by Richard Rushing; 10-27-2007 at 03:55 PM.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Rushing View Post
    I know you have good reasons for your KILL ASHI stance, but what are you afraid of with licensing?

    I have nothing to fear (especially from the clowns who populate this board), like I said before... You small-bus intellectuals who morphed into home inspector licensing do-gooders couldn't get a law passed that would exempt me cause, y'all wouldn't be able to meet the bar yourself.

    Furthermore, I have no clue WTF you are talking about in regards to... "KILL ASHI". I have been an ASHI member for over two years, on the board of my local chapter for two years, current SunCoast COR Rep & most likely someday soon (dare I say) President. I am above all first & foremost a loyal anti-licensing ASHI member and we are legion. Oh, I almost, forgot I also belong to NACHI but hold no current office.

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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    In closing... I could really care less of what you think of me, very few of you will ever match my education, proven experience level, or standing within the community. That is what makes me a great anti-licensing ambassador, no state could write a licensing law that would deny me a license, there is no licensing exam which I would be unable to pass, you are not dealing with one of the great unwashed, I am a person of education stature & respect and I will remain anti-licensing forever... deal with it!
    You forgot humble!

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Burkeson wrote: Not really, take this post for instance, Brian was looking to boost his hit rate and posted this knowing the controversy it would create and of course the lap-dogs & Peck-er Heads obliged, score one for Brian.

    RT: As always, this is Burkeson speaking with authority about something of which he knows nothing. It's his trademark.

    OK, it is obvious that you have a poor attitude in regards to your peers, I understand your ability to walk on water exempts you, but Home Inspecting is a business, could it be that what you perceive as "lack of integrity" is simply "good marketing", and "greed" as "savvy business acumen"? Regardless of the profession there will always be those who believe they have the right to tells others how to run their life & business.

    RT: This is Burkeson trying to jusify the exercise of questionable ethics as "good marketing". I would expect nothing else from an 'elite' NACHI member.

    There is not one state where home inspection legislation has ever lived up to its billing, not one state were the bar was raised, not one state where the public is protected, not one state where the home inspectors or the public is better off because of government intervention into our profession. How did this happen? Home inspectors were lured into the shallows and seduced by the sirens signing "Licensing is Inevitable" and today across the country our profession is plagued with bad legislation helped along by clueless do-gooder home inspectors.

    RT: What a dope. Home inspectors don't have the presence in any state to initiate legislation or to have a significant effect on legislation. Legislation is driven by the deep-pocket real estate lobby in an effort to control home inspectors and the home inspection process. The only clueless person here is Burkeson.

    The real question that you probably don't want to ask, is who benefited from all this legislation, well you won't need a deerslayer hat, magnifying glass or an assistant named Watson to figure out the only rat bastards who feathered their own nest vis a vis' licensing were the (spit) entrenched educational providers and the exam sellers (spit).

    RT: The people who benefit are the people who adapt. You, for instance, can't make it as a home inspector so you have tried to adapt by teaching people how to pass a few open-book tests.

    The question that occurs to me is why would anyone want to take a class from someone who has faltered in the business to which they aspire. It looks like they would want to study under someone who is or was a successful home inspector.

    In closing... I could really care less of what you think of me, very few of you will ever match my education, proven experience level, or standing within the community. That is what makes me a great anti-licensing ambassador, no state could write a licensing law that would deny me a license, there is no licensing exam which I would be unable to pass, you are not dealing with one of the great unwashed, I am a person of education stature & respect and I will remain anti-licensing forever... deal with it![/quote]

    RT: To anyone who doesn't already know it, this is pure BS. What education have you completed?
    What is "proven experience level" anyway? Given that you have only been eligible for ASHI membership for a couple of years, and that you spend an inordinate amount of time on internet message boards, how could you possibly have much experience?
    Standing in the community? Get serious. I am completely certain that someone with your lack of personal skills is a pariah in his community. In fact, I have it on good authority that you attained your position in your ASHI chapter by default. They couldn’t pay anyone else to be the CoR rep, and you begged for it.

    You may be a person of stature, but it’s a short stature, to be sure. And respect? Who has respect for a blowhard like you? Name one person who isn’t a NACHI shill who has any respect for you at all. You won’t, because you can’t.

  31. #31
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Rob Thomas, my favorite example of southern inbreeding and one of the best reasons why you can't marry your cousin.

    In regards to ASHI it sounds to me like quite a bit of jealousy & sour grapes on your part. As far a COR Rep goes it must piss you off to no end, what will you do when I end up on the Board?

    Thing is Rob (if that is your real name) I checked you out and no one seems to know WTF you are, not surprising that someone like you would want to keep secrets with your background & such.

    As always - Kiss my ass, Joe.

  32. #32
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    As always, you can refute nothing I wrote, because it is all true.

    All you can do is hurl personal insults, hoping no one will notice that you have nothing else in your empty intellectual quiver. They're not particularly clever insults either, but I'm sure you're doing the best you can.

    As far as you backing-in to the position of CoR rep goes, it matters not at all to me. I figure that anyone who was tossed out of the impotent NACHI MAB has little chance to flourish in a genuine organization.

    Finally, the fact that you don't know who I am says nothing about my celebrity, and everything about your ignorance. Please don't be upset about it, though. None of my acquaintances know who you are either.

    Don't forget, when I mentioned your name during my last trip to Florida, the inspector with whom I was chatting answered "Joe who?" when I asked if he knew you. And that was just over in Clermont.

    You aren't as prominent as you pretend to be.


    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    Rob Thomas, my favorite example of southern inbreeding and one of the best reasons why you can't marry your cousin.

    In regards to ASHI it sounds to me like quite a bit of jealousy & sour grapes on your part. As far a COR Rep goes it must piss you off to no end, what will you do when I end up on the Board?

    Thing is Rob (if that is your real name) I checked you out and no one seems to know WTF you are, not surprising that someone like you would want to keep secrets with your background & such.

    As always - Kiss my ass, Joe.

  33. #33
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Thomas View Post
    As always, you can refute nothing I wrote, because it is all true.

    All you can do is hurl personal insults, hoping no one will notice that you have nothing else in your empty intellectual quiver. They're not particularly clever insults either, but I'm sure you're doing the best you can.

    As far as you backing-in to the position of CoR rep goes, it matters not at all to me. I figure that anyone who was tossed out of the impotent NACHI MAB has little chance to flourish in a genuine organization.

    Finally, the fact that you don't know who I am says nothing about my celebrity, and everything about your ignorance. Please don't be upset about it, though. None of my acquaintances know who you are either.

    Don't forget, when I mentioned your name during my last trip to Florida, the inspector with whom I was chatting answered "Joe who?" when I asked if he knew you. And that was just over in Clermont.

    You aren't as prominent as you pretend to be.

    Joe's claim to fame is that he's a member of the InterNachi Bushtard Pack which seldom, if ever, actually discuss anything that pertains to actually performing home inspections. Licensing is their big issue "Licensing Solves Nothing" is their mantra, personal attacks, "F-U" Emails, and threats against all those who disagree are what they call "Intellectual Discussion".

    Within that "pack" of Bushtard and Nick worshippers though, Joe is the "Intellectual light", unlike the rest he sometimes does make sense, not often and not on this subject though and unlike his buddy James I believe Joe actually does perform Home Inspections. Joe is a Pot Stirrer, it's hard to tell if he really believes in anything he posts, and he is sometimes entertaining, if not then put him on ignore.

  34. #34
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    Joe's claim to fame is that he's...


    These days it is tough keeping up with all my little pro-licensing bobble-head fans here on the b-side of the virtual home inspection universe. Catch my post on this thread for my latest rant.


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    Smile Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post

    These days it is tough keeping up with all my little pro-licensing bobble-head fans here on the b-side of the virtual home inspection universe. Catch my post on this thread for my latest rant.

    It just doesn't seem possible, somebody as all-knowing, all-powerful, and holier-than-whatever ought to be able to keep up fine with those folk.

    Randall Aldering GHI BAOM MSM
    Housesmithe Inspection

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Aldering View Post
    It just doesn't seem possible, somebody as all-knowing, all-powerful, and holier-than-whatever ought to be able to keep up fine with those folk.

    Just for the record, it seems that your pleas to Brian to have me and my posts removed from this obviously pro-licensing biased home inspection board has once again fallen on deaf ears. Although this post may be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back, don't ever expect me to back down on this issue.

    I am still here, my anti-licensing message is still clear, and it appears there is little you can do about it.

    As a consolation though you might want to invest in a course on dealing with reality, or at least learn how to live in peace with your obvious powerlessness.

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    Pleas to Brian? Are you on crack? You must be - your post suggests that you think that I am pro-licensing. There; that makes it personal.

    Last edited by Randy Aldering; 05-05-2008 at 05:46 PM.
    Randall Aldering GHI BAOM MSM
    Housesmithe Inspection

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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Aldering View Post
    Pleas to Brian? Are you on crack? You must be - your post suggests that you think that I am pro-licensing. There; that makes it personal.

    Well if you ain't pro-licensing WTF are you bothering me over?

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    Post Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Bothering you? My recollection is that you pulled your gun first. If that is not true, then the list might go something like this:

    1. tired of hearing you whine about urine in your beer, when it's your own urine, and you put it there;
    2. tired of your temper-tantrums about licensing;
    3. your attitude about licensing is an embarrassment to the profession;
    4. concerned that, if any legislator or chief executive read some of your posts, we would all have been licensed a long, long time ago.

    So, if it was me who decided to bother you, then those would be SOME of the reasons. But like I said, my recollection is that you jumped me first, so you can ignore the list in that case, and just get off mine.

    Randall Aldering GHI BAOM MSM
    Housesmithe Inspection

  40. #40
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Aldering View Post
    Bothering you? My recollection is that you pulled your gun first. If that is not true, then the list might go something like this:

    1. tired of hearing you whine about urine in your beer, when it's your own urine, and you put it there;
    2. tired of your temper-tantrums about licensing;
    3. your attitude about licensing is an embarrassment to the profession;
    4. concerned that, if any legislator or chief executive read some of your posts, we would all have been licensed a long, long time ago.

    So, if it was me who decided to bother you, then those would be SOME of the reasons. But like I said, my recollection is that you jumped me first, so you can ignore the list in that case, and just get off mine.

    Sounds like Randy needs a vacation or at least a bran muffin and a time-out.

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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Sounds like Joe doesn't know when to shut up. Crack-head.

    Randall Aldering GHI BAOM MSM
    Housesmithe Inspection

  42. #42
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Aldering View Post
    Sounds like Joe doesn't know when to shut up. Crack-head.

    Snippy for sure, but completly powerless to shut me up, head-crack?

  43. #43
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    I just read all your posts on this thread.

    Not that I am saying you are wrong or right but seriously, I have never been so honest, you are one of the most entertaining guys I now. I honestly have tears in my eyes. I am not laughing at you or with you. You are seriously entertaining.


    I needed that


  44. #44
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Joe can not work in NC and that makes him mad. We need him but he can not deliver. I passed the test Joe so I'm sure you can too. Come on down!

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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    I truly feel sorry for your disillusionment, if you think government interference with our profession is a good thing you are headed for a huge letdown and a big disappointment.

    Licensing solves nothing.

    For the very first time, I felt horrible after I conducted an inspection last month. The seller was a single mother of 2. She had purchased the house 9 months ago and now was being transferred out of state. Her REELTOR recommended the HI company (one who does LOTS of realtor friendly inspections).

    My laundry list of problems could not have been missed by Stevie Wonder!

    1) disconnected vent connectors (no screws in any joint)
    2) bath exhaust fans venting to attic
    3) No pan under attic A/C unit
    4) ceiing registers without ducts
    5) side entry door installed backwards
    6) teflon tape on screw gas connections
    7) open splices at MANY locations
    8) missing wire connectors at fixtures
    9) chimney falling apart (this one was written except not nearly to the extent it should have been)

    Some of these defects actually put her family's life at risk. Without any type of licensing, where could you turn to stop this from happening to another unsuspecting family. At least now she has the option of filing a formal complaint against 'inspector'

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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Darren Miller View Post

    Some of these defects actually put her family's life at risk. Without any type of licensing, where could you turn to stop this from happening to another unsuspecting family. At least now she has the option of filing a formal complaint against 'inspector'
    I think No accountability to anyone is the Real Bottom Line.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    I think No accountability to anyone is the Real Bottom Line.
    Ahh heck, Joes cool. It just takes him a while to accept change.
    Just a few short few years ago he was anti ASHI, and bashing ASHI every chance he had. Today he's on ASHI higher up commitees, and recently hinted on one of the chat boards that he would be an ASHI Pres someday.

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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Harris View Post
    Ahh heck, Joes cool.
    he would be an ASHI Pres
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  49. #49
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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Darren Miller View Post
    For the very first time, I felt horrible after I conducted an inspection last month. The seller was a single mother of 2. She had purchased the house 9 months ago and now was being transferred out of state. Her REELTOR recommended the HI company (one who does LOTS of realtor friendly inspections).

    Gee Darren, I feel her pain, let me not be too rhetorical but don't you live & work in a state that has adopted Licensing? Tell me where did your legislation go wrong? Wasn't the promise of home inspector licensing the protection of the consumer, what happened?

    The thing we must all come to grips with is that licensing will never solve issues like and as long as well meaning home inspectors push licensing as a cure-all I will continue to opposes it and all the efforts of the supposed do-gooders.

    BTW keep your eye posted for my name on a ballot real soon.

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    Default Re: State To Regulate Home Inspection Industry - WBAL

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    BTW keep your eye posted for my name on a ballot real soon.
    Call Home.

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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
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