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  1. #1
    Jimmy Bacco's Avatar
    Jimmy Bacco Guest

    Default NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    As someone just joining the business and trying to decide on joing an association (or not) I have come to this conclusion - <Inter>NACHI seems to be more of a "marketing" and sales organization> I haven't quite figured out what they're selling ***snif, snif, I smell snake oil***, but it costs $289 and then a bunch of stuff is free.
    The other two, from what I've seen here, (Not seeing the other message boards is kind of a negative to not know the types of people or leadership an org has), really don't like NACHI.

    Can a member of each ORG answer this -
    How is the leadership at a national level decided? Appointed, Elected or Birthright?
    How often are the leaders (Pres, VP, Treas) changed?

    Also, I'm leaning against <inter>NACHI for alot of reasons, but one that others may find interesting is here
    Real Estate Agents | Move In Certified

    I wont ruin all of the details, but here are a couple things I found interesting about having <inter>NACHI do a seller inspection...
    This was in the "agents" section (emphaisis is mine)

    Something about recommening certified <inter?>NACHI inspectors instead of "being at the mercy of buyer's choices in inspectors".
    God forbid the sellers >>edit: buyers<<get to choose their own inspector

    Sellers "assisting" inspectors during the inspections.
    Gee, i hope they at least took <inter>NACHI's on-line exam first. Or perhaps they can explain how the double tap is ok because its been that way for 15 years, no need to report it...thank for the assistance

    And if it does end up in your report....
    "Sellers can have inspectors correct any misstatements in the reports before they are generated."
    Hell, why don't they just have the sellers do the inspection AND the report, take the 15 mins for an online exam and pay NACHI rather than an inspector?

    Don't get me wrong, I think sellers inspections are a GREAT idea, I just don't need the homeowners "help" with an inspection or report.
    Note that this was in the page aimed at getting Agents bouhgt-in.

    Just my five bucks-

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    Last edited by Jimmy Bacco; 08-24-2007 at 05:16 AM. Reason: wrong word
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Colorado Springs, CO

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI


    For a first-time poster you sure know how to stir things up.

    "Baseball is like church. Many attend but few understand." Leo Durocher
    Bruce Breedlove

  3. #3
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Breedlove View Post

    For a first-time poster you sure know how to stir things up.
    Bruce, you took the words right out of my mouth....

    What the hell, I'll play along for a bit....

    My best advice is to research them all and decide what you like the best. If you're in a state with good organizations there is a good chance you'll get more bang for your buck (both spent from your pocket and spent in time) hanging around there.

    fwiw..... my company has been around my area for a long time and used to have pretty strong ties with one you mention above. At the end of the year out of more than 1,000 inspections I could count on one hand the number of inspections that came from the national association. Since I severed ties a few years ago we haven't noticed it a bit.

    As best I can tell, especially from reading this board lately, the only thing a national association gives you is an alliance with a bunch of war mongering clowns. I sure don't see what any of this has to do with home inspections.

    Best of luck in your decision...... it's a great industry and great way to make a living.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Breedlove View Post

    For a first-time poster you sure know how to stir things up.
    My thoughts as well. You aren't any relation to Scott P. are you?

    In my opinion, they are all nothing more than marketing tools. You can go to all of their meetings and conferences and learn things, but you need not be a member. The choice is up to you. However, it appears as though you have already ruled out one org.

    Eric Van De Ven Magnum Inspections Inc. (772) 214-9929
    I still get paid to be suspicious when I got nothing to be suspicious about!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    I'll bite.
    ASHI - Elected once a year.

  6. #6
    Jimmy Bacco's Avatar
    Jimmy Bacco Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    [quote=Matt Fellman;16525]
    As best I can tell, especially from reading this board lately, the only thing a national association gives you is an alliance with a bunch of war mongering clowns. I sure don't see what any of this has to do with home inspections.

    That's my point exactly! I don't know if I want to attach my name to any ORG at this point. I am trying to get some info about NAHI and ASHI, since the public part of NACHI's board has turned me off from joining them. I am concerned about the "war" between NACHI/NAHI.

    I also wonder if ther is REAL value in joiing ANY org, if you can still attend meetings/functions/seminars. Perhaps I'll atend some functions from each before joining.

    Thanks for the replys. I'm not sure if "A fist time poster stiring the pot" is a compliment or not, but I'll take it as one.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Jim, it all depends on your area and what or who has the largest presence. You need to look at the local chapters and what they do or don't do. Go to a chapter meeting or two before you decide. The chapters are the backbone of any HI orginization.

    If you want to see some of what ASHI does go to the ASHI Reporters website and look at the back issues, August 2007 | ASHI Reporter

    A ton of information can be found as well as an inside view into ASHI.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  8. #8
    Russel Ray's Avatar
    Russel Ray Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    When I started in October 2001, I joined CREIA (California), ASHI, AAHI, NAHI, SPREI, HIF, and FREA. My purpose in joining them was to get access to their member message boards, member newsletters, etc., so that I could determine what they could do for me as a newbie home inspector (albeit with 25 years of experience in all aspects of real estate in 7 states) and what I could do for them. I did not know about NACHI at that time.

    After the first year, I determined that none of them were interested in helping newbie inspectors succeed, which is kind of odd because if those newbies don't succeed, then there goes their membership fees. None of them were interested in volunteers, especially newbie volunteers, helping out, which also is kind of strange for trade associations. Consequently, I quit all of them.

    After six months of being trade association-less, I found the NACHI bashing here at and, being one to try it before bashing it, I tried it. I joined on March 23, 2003, and have been a member every since. They not only are interested in the success of newbies, but they do everything they can to help those newbies succeed. Not only that, but they were only too happy to have volunteers help, and they weren't picky about where those volunteers helped. My expertise is marketing, so I will freely admit that I fit in well at NACHI.

    In six years, I have had 13 people ask me if I were a member of CREIA or ASHI. I booked all 13 because I know marketing and how to sell myself, my company, and my services. I'm currently working on all sorts of new benefits to help NACHI members succeed.

    One difference I definitely noted between the CREIA, ASHI, and NACHI message boards is that if I posted a question, CREIA took forever to reply, if at all. ASHI only took a couple of days to reply, if at all. NACHI had dozens of replies within a couple of days. I don't know whether or not it was because the first two had no interest in helping a newbie.

    So now I'm able to tell my Clients that since I don't know everything there is to know about real estate, if something puzzles me, I can take a picture, post it on the NACHI Message Board, and have answers within minutes. Newbies over at NACHI get the same respect. I don't know if CREIA and ASHI have changed in the five years since I left, but my conversations at the San Diego CREIA/ASHI dinner meetings indicate that it has not.

    If a prospective Client inquires now, I simply tell them that CREIA has about 1,200 members, ASHI has, well, who knows? It seems it's a closely guarded secret, but current estimates range from 3,200 to 6,400. NACHI's membership isn't secret, but at any one monent it seems to range between 8,000 and 10,000 (there's a membership cap of 10,000) based on whose dropped out in the slow market, who is late on paying dues, etc.

    Nonetheless, what one puts into an organization typically will reflect what one gets out of an organization. Unfortunately, some organizations don't want any input, especially input that might upset the old timers' status quo. Notwithstanding that, the best way to determine what an organization has to offer, and what one can contribute, is to join it. Contrary to what ASHI and CREIA might want, there is no branding in this industry. I live in an area where there are a lot of CREIA and ASHI inspectors, but in the five years since I left those two, my business seems to be more a direct result of my marketing than inclusion on any list of CREIA or ASHI (or NACHI) inspectors.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Good post Russell

    My advice is to join at least one association, the most important thing is the message board due to the education. If anyone thinks they already know enough they are delusional. Nachi's board has a lot for free but the members only has more technical posts than you might think.

    Nachi is not all new inspectors anymore, tons of information that I have not seen on other message boards.

  10. #10
    Joseph Michalski's Avatar
    Joseph Michalski Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    To that end, I might suggest that you also do as much digging as possible to find information and help previously offered by Russel Ray to newer (and veteran) inspectors with regards to marketing. (this may only be available on teh NACHI member's only section).

    I am an interNACHI member, but have found their "benefits" to be more hype and BS than anything useful. The more I learned about the business of Home Inspections, the less impressed I have become by interNACHI's list of benefits, and am particularly dubious of those they have placed in unelected leadership positions. The shining exception has been the advice and info offered by RR.

    I have implemented and tinkered with dozens of his ideas and suggestions, and if I ever get time or get fully organized (can't quite ever seem to get the time to flly catch up), I have dozens of others that I would love to try or toy with.

    More than anything else in the industry, from newbie to 4 year verteran witha sucessful business, RR's marketing wisdom and other advice has been the major element I credit with my success. I have drive and creativity, and a pretty good background for this, but RR put me on the fast track to success and helped me get the most out of my abilities.

    If he had his own association, I would join it (and have - check out his Marketing forum). He is the sole remaining reason I am an interNACHI member.

  11. #11
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Talking Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    Jim, it all depends on your area and what or who has the largest presence. You need to look at the local chapters and what they do or don't do. Go to a chapter meeting or two before you decide. The chapters are the backbone of any HI orginization.

    If you want to see some of what ASHI does go to the ASHI Reporters website and look at the back issues, August 2007 | ASHI Reporter

    A ton of information can be found as well as an inside view into ASHI.

    Scott is right at least to a very large degree. The local groups make all the difference. In the Dallas/Fort Worth area the pickings are slim indeed. The local ASHI group consists of a small rag-tag dictatorship led by a well-meaning but clueless oldtimer (hi, Jim). There is no NAHI group of which I am aware. The NACHI group appears, from their emails to me, to be large and active. I've never attended so I'm only guessing. A bit of the lone wolf's blood in me, you know.

    However, though I belong to all three of these national organizations, I have never to my knowledge received an inspection lead from the NACHI website. Plenty from ASHI and NAHI, but none from InterNewbie.

    As for CREIA and FREA, unless you're in California or longing to buy insurance, I'd take a pass. There are a plethora of others out there. Some who dance with agents and some who won't. Some have gotta' be engineers and some don't.

    Therein lies the rub. Too many cooks in this kitchen have spoiled the soup.

    If I were just starting out and could only afford to belong to one group, I do believe I would join InterNewbie (NACHI).


  12. #12
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Thumbs up Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Sorry I posted that last replay to the wrong guy . .

    While I'm at it though I might correct that statement a bit. Though I have never received a known lead from NACHI, I just can't turn off the tap that is sending the calls coming from the Certified Master Inspector program . . .
    they just keep rolling in.


  13. #13
    Russel Ray's Avatar
    Russel Ray Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Hey, Aaron.

    I didn't disagree with Scott. In fact, I think I agreed by stating that the best way to find out about an organization is to join it. In some cases there are no local chapters. That could be an influencing factor. In my case, one of the problems that I had with CREIA and ASHI is that I desperately wanted to volunteer, for two reasons:

    (1) I simply like to volunteer. I've been a volunteer all my life--Circle K in high school, Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity at Texas A&M University, SPCA volunteer (especially enjoy rescuing pets and wildlife after wildfires), Red Cross, Muscular Dystrophy Association, Special Olympics, American Heart Association, and many more.

    (2) In analyzing the continuing education credits (CEC), I determined that I could get some of those credits by volunteering at events. As a newbie trying to create a viable and profitable business, and with the ASHI convention being in Orlando, or New Orleans, or some other three-time-zones-away-location, I could not afford to have to get CECs at the end of the year by basically shutting down my company for a three-day convention with two days travel time to and fro. And with the liability that I have in California (4 years direct, 18 months discovery, 5&#189; years absolute total), I was about to go off and leave my employees on their own; I proof every document or communication that goes out of this office. Consequently, I wanted the convention to be a desired event rather than a have-to event. That was impossible unless one volunteered or was elected an officer. A newbie elected officer? As my wise ol' grandmother said, "Yeah, right." However, since I was never called on to volunteer, the conventions became a "have to go" event in order to get all my CEC's for the year. I could not accept that. Shutting down a business for five days was unacceptable; still is.

    The final straw, though, was when RE/MAX had their state convention here in San Diego in January 2002. I volunteered to work the CREIA/ASHI booth all three days, particularly during hours that typically are difficult to fill, i.e., early morning and late evening. Nada. No call to arms. No nothing. Then, at the February 2002 CREIA/ASHI dinner meeting, the two presidents got up and spent 30 minutes chastising us because "the same people volunteer time and time again." Huh? That was the end for me. I had spent seven months volunteering, never to be called but then to be chastised. I never went to another CREIA/ASHI dinner meeting until April 2003, and I do go fairly regularly now so that I can keep track of how many of my competitors are exiting the industry.

    NACHI allowed me to spend my days and weekends running my business, and my midnight hours (about 90&#37; of my NACHI posts are done between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m.) posting helpful information for other NACHI members. Granted, many people here at don't like the fact that NACHI verily is an Internet organization. That, of course, is what attracted me to it because, after my first year, I had already determined that there is no branding in this industry, contrary to what CREIA and ASHI might say or want. I have one office that "only uses CREIA inspectors." Well, that's their official position, anyway. All seven of the Realtors use me for pre-listing inspections and buyer inspections. I even do WALK inspections, MAINTENANCE inspections, and WARRANTY inspections for their Clients. They are by far the most customer-service-oriented business I've ever had the pleasure of working with.

    Anyway, yes, indeed, the best way to determine whether or not one fits in with an organization is to join it. Of course, that means spending money on membership dues, CECs, etc., and many home inspectors, especially newbies, don't have all that money available.

    Last edited by Russel Ray; 08-24-2007 at 10:24 AM.

  14. #14
    Russel Ray's Avatar
    Russel Ray Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce King View Post
    Nachi is not all new inspectors anymore, tons of information that I have not seen on other message boards.
    Certainly not, since I'm still over there, as are Joe Hagarty and many, many others. Of course, I've moved on from being a mere "home inspector" to having greater flexibility as a "property consultant."

  15. #15
    David Nice's Avatar
    David Nice Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Bacco View Post

    ...Can a member of each ORG answer this -
    How is the leadership at a national level decided? Appointed, Elected or Birthright?
    How often are the leaders (Pres, VP, Treas) changed?...

    ...Something about recommending certified <inter?>NACHI inspectors instead of "being at the mercy of buyer's choices in inspectors".
    God forbid the sellers >>edit: buyers<<get to choose their own inspector...

    ...Sellers "assisting" inspectors during the inspections.
    Gee, i hope they at least took <inter>NACHI's on-line exam first. Or perhaps they can explain how the double tap is ok because its been that way for 15 years, no need to report it...thank for the assistance...

    ...Don't get me wrong, I think sellers inspections are a GREAT idea, I just don't need the homeowners "help" with an inspection or report.
    Note that this was in the page aimed at getting Agents bought-in...

    NACHI members do not elect the directors. They elect a members advisory board and the board does listen to them. There are a lot of good reasons why this type of business model can have it's advantages over members electing the board.

    I won't get into all of them but one is that often in organizations, factions can (and do) tip the direction of the organization for the wrong reasons. Members often don't even know what the guy that they are electing is going to do.

    Just an observation but as a NACHI member I have learned how much real hatred there is among certain members of ASHI and NAHI (and others) directed towards NACHI and it's members.

    An elected board at NAHI decided to contract with an outside company that apparently takes over 2/3 of the membership dues to pay 4 staff members, one of which (the ED) is part owner of that outside firm. This could now turn out to be a formula for disaster since it could jeopardize their non-profit status. That same elected board decided to spend it's members money to pursue a lawsuit against NACHI based on little to no evidence to back up their claims. That is just one example.

    Now, if you take the hatred that some other organizations members have and the desire they have to do harm to NACHI and its members, just guess what would happen if NACHI members elected its board. Since most organizations are run by a few and the majority of members in an organization do not usually vote, it would take too long for some of the some people to join, lay low and then take the organization apart from within.

    Whether you believe it or not, I think you get my point. All the debate over exams and experience and education still boils down to the fact that none of the members of any one of the 3 organizations are more likely to perform a bad inspection or make mistakes than the other. Statistics will bear that out.

    As to the seller inspection program, nobody is suggesting that the inspector do less of an inspection because the seller says they never had a problem. There are plenty of times with a buyers inspection that it is recommended that the buyer consult the seller regarding the history of some issue or another. During a seller inspection it would make perfect sense to get (and verify) that information for the purposes of a more complete report.

    It would be a good thing for inspectors for agents to buy into the seller (or pre-listing) inspection concept. Done right it could save everyone a lot of grief and limit the damages when an inspector is in error.

    Obviously you are going to sell the best points to each party to encourage pre-listing inspections. This is not an invitation for anyone to manipulate the inspection in anyone's favor.

    I say that if someone can afford to be a member of both ASHI and NACHI go for it. In licensed states it may not be worthwhile to join ASHI but that depends on other factors as well. NACHI has a lot of member benefits. NACHI is big on marketing, benefits and education. Some benefits are useless and some are worth more than the annual dues. They try to keep the education affordable as there are enough people out there looking to cash in on inspectors. As with any organization, you also get what you put into it.

    One guy might not find enough useful benefits while another will find enough to pay for his dues many times over. I recommend a good look at ASHI and NACHI and see what will give you the most bang for the buck since credentials are less and less a factor to the public.

    I won't recommend NAHI. It appears that there business practices are questionable. There are less than 1800 members nationwide (as of last month) so unless you happen to be in a state with big numbers there may not be much for you on the ground.

    Good luck on your choices.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    To clear up the mystery of why Russel Ray continues to take pot-shots at both ASHI, a national association, and CREIA, a state association, after such a lengthy time is simple; he couldn’t pass the entry exams of either one, but it appears he had no problem with NACHI’s?

    Others have posted that the strength of any association is in their chapter meetings, educational products/meetings/conferences, PR, and fellowship support. I concur and would add that no association will make anyone a success if they don’t know what they’re doing and unfortunately there’s far too many folks claiming to be professional home inspectors who are not even close to being minimally competent.

    I would also opine that the title “Master Inspector” has become meaningless in our industry as it appears anyone can obtain that designation by mailing a check to some internet organization or genius? The incompetent are usually culled over time by slow markets, smart agents, knowledgeable consumers and our legal system, but in the mean time the damage they can inflict on the public consumer has driven many states to seek licensing of our profession. This action has resulted in a general dumbing down of our profession where knowledge of building systems and components and how they function is paramount to performing a truly professional inspection and producing a meaningful report for the clients who retain them.

    Once folks pass state mandated exams, should they have one, and become licensed private real estate inspectors I’m afraid the majority no longer seek the continual and never ending education our profession requires. At least that’s my take………….

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  17. #17
    Jimmy Bacco's Avatar
    Jimmy Bacco Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by John McKenna View Post now reads on the sellers page:

    "The seller can choose a certified NACHI inspector to inspect the home properly
    before the buyer's inspector arrives."

    Good catch. Some of us thought that needed corrected as well.
    FYI it has not changed on the "agents" page.
    What "miswording" would the seller be able to "advise" the Inspector on? Examples?

    It does seem to imply that the seller inspection would be "softer" and easily influenced, while the buyer inspection will be "tougher".

  18. #18
    Joseph Michalski's Avatar
    Joseph Michalski Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    One Correction needs to be made.

    I am a member of the elected Member Advisory Board at InterNACHI which is largely defunct (the MAB, that is, not interNACHI). The reason this is so, is precisely because when charged with tasks, the owner of interNACHI and his hand selected directors completely disregarded the MAB and the documents/proposals they produced.

    The membership has no direct say at interNACHI and ownership has no direct accountability to the membership.

    Last edited by Joseph Michalski; 08-24-2007 at 01:11 PM.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Ray View Post
    When I started in October 2001, I joined CREIA (California), ASHI, AAHI, NAHI, SPREI, HIF, and FREA. My purpose in joining them was to get access to their member message boards, member newsletters, etc., so that I could determine what they could do for me as a newbie home inspector (albeit with 25 years of experience in all aspects of real estate in 7 states) and what I could do for them. I did not know about NACHI at that time.

    After the first year, I determined that none of them were interested in helping newbie inspectors succeed, which is kind of odd because if those newbies don't succeed, then there goes their membership fees. None of them were interested in volunteers, especially newbie volunteers, helping out, which also is kind of strange for trade associations. Consequently, I quit all of them.
    And each one of those organization are still grateful today that you quit. We would also be grateful if you would tell another fairy tale instead of the same one for six years.


  20. #20
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    To clear up the mystery of why Russel Ray continues to take pot-shots at both ASHI, a national association, and CREIA, a state association, after such a lengthy time is simple; he couldn’t pass the entry exams of either one, but it appears he had no problem with NACHI’s?

    I just can't believe that people are dumb enough to even think that Russel couldn't pass the NHIE let alone write such bullshit. Russel has forgotten more about this profession then most people will ever learn in a lifetime. I am continually amazed at the fear & insecurity that grips folks whenever successful NACHI members are around.

    In Florida I know for a fact that there are more Certified ICC inspectors who belong to NACHI than to ASHI.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    In Florida I know for a fact that there are more Certified ICC inspectors who belong to NACHI than to ASHI.
    That is interesting and possible since NACHI has more members in Florida than ASHI. Would you care to share their names?

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  22. #22
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    Healdsburg, CA

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Russel said:
    “When I started in October 2001, I joined CREIA (California), ASHI, AAHI, NAHI, SPREI, HIF, and FREA. My purpose in joining them was to get access to their member message boards, member newsletters, etc., so that I could determine what they could do for me as a newbie home inspector.”

    You said: “I just can't believe that people are dumb enough to even think that Russel couldn't pass the NHIE let alone write such bullshit. Russel has forgotten more about this profession then most people will ever learn in a lifetime.”

    So Joseph what you’re saying is Russel has forgotten more about our profession since Oct. 2001 (I think that’s about 6 years come next October) than most of us who have at least 20 year in? You are either extremely naive, looking for another argument, batty, or have the IQ of a mushroom? I suspect Russel is capable of defending himself much better than you can and like many on this BB your constant line of drivel is truly beyond boring.

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  23. #23
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    Ft. Lauderdale Fl

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    I just can't believe that people are dumb enough to even think that Russel couldn't pass the NHIE let alone write such bullshit. Russel has forgotten more about this profession then most people will ever learn in a lifetime. I am continually amazed at the fear & insecurity that grips folks whenever successful NACHI members are around.
    You are almost right, I don't think Russel forget anything, I think he never knew anything technical. He maybe a whiz kid in other areas but he's lucky if he knows where the roof is.


  24. #24
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    That is interesting and possible since NACHI has more members in Florida than ASHI. Would you care to share their names?
    It is easy enough to cross reference the ICC database with both the ASHI & NACHI databases, try it, my list is proprietary.

  25. #25
    Deleted Account's Avatar
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    So Joseph what you’re saying is Russel has forgotten more about our profession since Oct. 2001 (I think that’s about 6 years come next October) than most of us who have at least 20 year in? You are either extremely naive, looking for another argument, batty, or have the IQ of a mushroom? I suspect Russel is capable of defending himself much better than you can and like many on this BB your constant line of drivel is truly beyond boring.

    I have a funny feeling that you blowhards out there claiming 20 years of experience inspecting homes more than likely have *only* one year of experience performed twenty times, no doubt that is the real root cause of your boredom.

  26. #26
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
    Lewis Capaul Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    I have a funny feeling that you blowhards out there claiming 20 years of experience inspecting homes more than likely have *only* one year of experience performed twenty times, no doubt that is the real root cause of your boredom.
    Joe, you know I like Russel and have gotten in trouble with your buddies in the ESOP pack over my defense of him and my disgust on the personal attacks they and their sheep have made on him over the years, but Russel's expertise is in Marketing, not Inspection, he seldom posts in any of the technical forums on your message board. He does offer some good advice on marketing and has been helpful to myself and many other inspectors from various associations, he's probably a good inspector, but any success he has had is due to his marketing skills. Even your god Nick once told me that when he was doing Home Inspections, in New York I believe, that he wasn't the best inspector around, but he was the most expensive and the best at marketing.

    "claiming 20 years of experience inspecting homes more than likely have *only* one year of experience performed twenty times"......that sounds like your buddy Busharts SOP, never change, never vary, never do anything new, dumb things down, keeps things simple so that anyone can be a Home Inspector, don't make things so tough that the incompetent can't compete.

  27. #27
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    To clear up the mystery of why Russel Ray continues to take pot-shots at both ASHI, a national association, and CREIA, a state association, after such a lengthy time is simple; he couldn’t pass the entry exams of either one, but it appears he had no problem with NACHI’s?
    Interesting since I never attempted to take either the CREIA or the ASHI exam. Also interesting in that NACHI was the only one of those three that even required an exam prior to taking my money. Facts are facts, but for the record, SPREI also required passing an exam before taking my money.

    Now, shall we try to clear up the mystery of why Jerry McCarthy can't get his facts straight about Russel Ray in spite of the many times we've been over this?

  28. #28
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchell Captain View Post
    And each one of those organization are still grateful today that you quit.
    The feeling is, indeed, mutual.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchell Captain View Post
    We would also be grateful if you would tell another fairy tale instead of the same one for six years.
    Try the SciFi channel. ROTFLMAO.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    So Joseph what you’re saying is Russel has forgotten more about our profession since Oct. 2001 (I think that’s about 6 years come next October) than most of us who have at least 20 year in? You are either extremely naive, looking for another argument, batty, or have the IQ of a mushroom? I suspect Russel is capable of defending himself much better than you can and like many on this BB your constant line of drivel is truly beyond boring.
    In 33 years of involvement in real estate, I've been a Realtor, a home inspector, a licensed roofing contractor, a licensed general contractor, a licensed HVAC tech, a licensed landscaper, and probably a couple more that I have, indeed, forgotten about. I've been involved in 818 property renovations in 33 years in 7 states. Out of all those professions, though, I have enjoyed the home inspection industry the best, notwithstanding the fact that this is the most fractious industry I've ever been in. But in response to my good friend, Mitchell Captain, I found a roof the other day that was in the foundation crawl space; does that count?

  30. #30
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    I have a funny feeling that you blowhards out there claiming 20 years of experience inspecting homes more than likely have *only* one year of experience performed twenty times, no doubt that is the real root cause of your boredom.
    Hey, Joseph.

    For the record, I think Jerry McCarthy and Mitchell Captain are quite capable and competent home inspectors. I actually have one of Jerry's reports in my possession since he did an inspection for my aunt and uncle many, many years ago. My uncle said that it was one of the few "quality, informative" reports that he had ever gotten on any of the properties he bought. After him sending it to me in August 2001 when I talked to him about the home inspections in Southern California, I concurred, especially when I compared it to the 81 reports that I already had from my competition here in San Diego County.

    I do find it interesting that those who have the most experience and probably are most set in their ways usually are the ones who so totally despise the new kids on the block. Seems that was the exact attitude I found as a newbie with CREIA and ASHI (and others, but not to such a great extent) many years ago.

  31. #31
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Ray View Post
    In 33 years of involvement in real estate, I've been a Realtor, a home inspector, a licensed roofing contractor, a licensed general contractor, a licensed HVAC tech, a licensed landscaper, and probably a couple more that I have, indeed, forgotten about. I've been involved in 818 property renovations in 33 years in 7 states. Out of all those professions, though, I have enjoyed the home inspection industry the best, notwithstanding the fact that this is the most fractious industry I've ever been in. But in response to my good friend, Mitchell Captain, I found a roof the other day that was in the foundation crawl space; does that count?
    Let see, 33 years 818 renovations that's let's just say 24 per year or one every two weeks. I don't think painting is called a renovation.Another tall tale.

    Hey Ray way don't you take the NHIE test and prove we are all wrong. In fact I'll donate $25 to the cause. Put up or shut up. With all your experiences; cake walk.


  32. #32
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    Joe, you know I like Russel and have gotten in trouble with your buddies in the ESOP pack over my defense of him and my disgust on the personal attacks they and their sheep have made on him over the years, but Russel's expertise is in Marketing, not Inspection, he seldom posts in any of the technical forums on your message board. He does offer some good advice on marketing and has been helpful to myself and many other inspectors from various associations, he's probably a good inspector, but any success he has had is due to his marketing skills. Even your god Nick once told me that when he was doing Home Inspections, in New York I believe, that he wasn't the best inspector around, but he was the most expensive and the best at marketing.
    Hey, Lewis.

    I miss you over at the NACHI Message Board. However, it seems that, at the same time your membership ended, a certain person with the initial WWF quit posting as well. That, of course, makes it a much quieter Message Board.

    Back in 1994 I went to a seminar by Lee Iaocca. I went because I've always been a big Ford Mustang fan. However, one thing he said stuck with me: "The success of any business is 80% enthusiasm and 20% technical know-how, and that enthusiasm can most effectively be conveyed through marketing." Well, I always knew that, I just had never heard it put into words.

    Every business I've ever owned has been successul, not due to my technical knowhow, but due to my marketing, both as a vocation and an avocation. I simply enjoy marketing because it's fun to try to figure out what makes a person buy something, especially something that they don't need.

    I've had many vocations, and many avocations, and some vocations turned into avocations, and some avocations turned into vocations, many of them concurrently. Nonetheless, it's home inspections and marketing home inspections that I have enjoyed the most.

    Best wishes to everyone!

  33. #33
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchell Captain View Post
    Let see, 33 years 818 renovations that's let's just say 24 per year or one every two weeks. I don't think painting is called a renovation.Another tall tale.
    Ah, come on, Mitchell. Learn how to read and comprehend. Did you know that properties can be worked on concurrently. I know you do. There's a difference between doing something and being involved with. For some reason you just have a bug up your *&(&*(& right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchell Captain View Post
    Hey Ray way don't you take the NHIE test and prove we are all wrong. In fact I'll donate $25 to the cause. Put up or shut up. With all your experiences; cake walk.
    I'm waaaaaaaaaaay beyond the high school "prove it" stuff. I have no need, and certainly no desire, to prove anything to anyone other than to myself and my Clients. Sorry I can't accommodate you. However, I could $25 for my margarita fund!

    Last edited by Russel Ray; 08-25-2007 at 01:38 AM.

  34. #34
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Ray View Post
    I have no need, and certainly no desire, to prove anything to anyone other than myself and my Clients. Sorry I can't accommodate you. However, I could $25 for my margarita fund!
    I'll lay odds you could pass the friggin' thing even after a few margaritas.

  35. #35
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Each Friday night I go out to eat with a group of attorneys. So I got into a discussion with a few of them about the various trade associations which brought me to some follow-ups:

    For Lewis: As for not visiting the NACHI technical threads, as I stated in a previous post, I have no need to prove anything to anyone other than me and my Clients. Consequently, I tend to help where help is needed most, and it is obvious that more people need help with marketing than they do with technical stuff. Additionally, the best way to get people to participate in an organization is to let them. However, you will find me in the HVAC and plumbing sections on a regular basis helping people decode HVAC and water heater model and serial numbers. But I think you know that.

    The reason why I never bothered taking the CREIA or ASHI exams is because I jointed in October 2001 and, in February 2002—a mere five months later—I had decided that I would not be staying with the two organizations. At that time, CREIA and ASHI required that one take the exam by the end of the first year of membership; don't know if that's still the requirement. So why waste my time and money taking an exam that would do absolutely nothing for me? As my wise ol' grandmother said, "That would not be good business sense or good financial sense." I have never, ever had a prospective Client, nor anyone else other than some high-society home inspectors, ask me if I took the NHIE exam, or any other exam. Duh.

    Happy morning to all!

  36. #36
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
    Lewis Capaul Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Ray View Post
    Hey, Lewis.

    I miss you over at the NACHI Message Board. However, it seems that, at the same time your membership ended, a certain person with the initial WWF quit posting as well. That, of course, makes it a much quieter Message Board.

    Back in 1994 I went to a seminar by Lee Iaocca. I went because I've always been a big Ford Mustang fan. However, one thing he said stuck with me: "The success of any business is 80&#37; enthusiasm and 20% technical know-how, and that enthusiasm can most effectively be conveyed through marketing." Well, I always knew that, I just had never heard it put into words.

    Every business I've ever owned has been successul, not due to my technical knowhow, but due to my marketing, both as a vocation and an avocation. I simply enjoy marketing because it's fun to try to figure out what makes a person buy something, especially something that they don't need.

    I've had many vocations, and many avocations, and some vocations turned into avocations, and some avocations turned into vocations, many of them concurrently. Nonetheless, it's home inspections and marketing home inspections that I have enjoyed the most.

    Best wishes to everyone!
    Russel, As you said your businesses have been successful because of your marketing ability not your technical knowhow, from what I've read and seen of you posts on various sites I came to the same conclusion, as I said I believe that you are a good Inspector, but no where near as good you are at marketing. I believe you could pass any of the exams discussed here.

    As far as WWF not posting there since I left, that kind of shows who was doing the "stalking" that Bushart accused me of, while he conveniently ignored the fact that she had at times accused everyone who disagreed with her of stalking her, even Farsetta. I cruise the nachi message board occaionally looking for a pot to stir, but it looks pretty boring over there, Bushart and his gang seem to have gotten control of the criticism and unwanted questions of many of the members, there are still a few there who won't fold and become sheep, my bet though is that many of those will not be renewing their membership next time.

    I never knew that non-members were barred from posting in the Misc forum there, otherwise I might have backed up Peter the other day when he was asking the same questions about "Move In Certified" as I was asking here.

    It seems that the ESOP Pack has grown closer over there since the "Penile Implant" posts, now it seems like they post as a group, the same 7 or 8 names in every forum, patting each other on the back, a group of fools who have formed a mutual admiration society.

    I'm still playing with your "Solutions" getting it set up on a new website and making a new CD, I should get off my ass and finish them one of these days. You moved on to becoming a Consultant, I've gone back to renovation and "flipping" to fill the time while the market is down. I just finished my second project this summer, they "netted" the same amount of money that I would have made by doing somewhere around 240 Inspections, not a bad summer, I even managed to do some Inspections. Always have a Plan "B"

    You take it easy Russel, I still can't understand how you could bring yourself to work for Nick and his appointees after the way they have treated you. It is nice for Nachi members to have at least one of Nick's employee/appointees who doesn't demand total agreement from the flock.

    By the way, I once admired Iaocca for how he rebuilt Chrysler, until he did the TV AD where he stood in front of a giant U.S. Flag imploring Americans to Buy American, while at the same time he had just spent approximately $500 million on Japanese machinery to build his American Made Cars.

  37. #37
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    Cool Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    How about a deal: You stop bashing CREIA & ASHI and I will never question you competence, convictions, or factual accuracy again. In other words; "Nunquam nuto quis vos narro."
    What say you?

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  38. #38
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    How about a deal: You stop bashing CREIA & ASHI and I will never question you competence, convictions, or factual accuracy again. In other words; "Nunquam nuto quis vos narro."
    What say you?

    My Latin is a bit rusty best I could do is... Never to falter anyone you to make known, any good?

    Multus amicus, nullus amicus - a friend to all is a friend to none.

  39. #39
    Joseph P. Hagarty's Avatar
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    How about a deal: You stop bashing CREIA & ASHI and I will never question you competence, convictions, or factual accuracy again. In other words; "Nunquam nuto quis vos narro."
    What say you?
    I am not aware of Russell ever posting negatively with regard to alternative Organizations.

    Do you have a particular example?

  40. #40
    Russel Ray's Avatar
    Russel Ray Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    How about a deal: You stop bashing CREIA & ASHI and I will never question you competence, convictions, or factual accuracy again. In other words; "Nunquam nuto quis vos narro."
    What say you?
    I have never bashed CREIA or ASHI. I have simply stated the facts as they happened to me. As my wise old grandmother said, "Sometimes the truth hurts." Well the truth hurt me because I very much wanted to be an integral part of both organizations. It didn't happen. I moved on. But that certainly doesn't prevent me from telling of my experience.

    I've known Tyler Clydesdale since around 1994, seven years before I ever became a home inspector and well before he became CREIA's Director. I was with Greg Noyes at the Ventura NACHI chapter meeting earlier this month. I have no problem with CREIA, ASHI, or any other trade association, including NAHI. But again, I tried them all and that provide me with the privilege of telling of my experience. Things might have changed with the two of them, but judging from the ASHI/CREIA dinner meetings here, as well as posts at NACHI from former members of ASHI and CREIA, it certainly doesn't sound like it. And that's too bad.

    I don't really care whether you question my competence, convictions, or factual accuracy. What you think, do, or say has absolutely no effect on my business. Nothing that ASHI or CREIA says, or that its members say, has any effect on my business. The only reason I'm on this Message Board is to tell what happened to me. Instead of you, Scott, Mitchell, et al., simply bashing me, why don't you tell us about your positive experiences with CREIA and ASHI. Wouldn't that be, uh, more positive?

    Last edited by Russel Ray; 08-25-2007 at 08:00 PM.

  41. #41
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    Russel, As you said your businesses have been successful because of your marketing ability not your technical knowhow, from what I've read and seen of you posts on various sites I came to the same conclusion, as I said I believe that you are a good Inspector, but no where near as good you are at marketing.
    Ah, but as my wise old grandmother said, "Don't make presumptions until you know all the facts."

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    I believe you could pass any of the exams discussed here.
    I believe I could, as well. I was always very studious in grade school, junior high, high school, college, and wherever else I needed to be. If I have to pass a test someday, I'll study like hec in order to past it the first time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    I cruise the nachi message board occaionally looking for a pot to stir
    Nah! Tell me it ain't so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    but it looks pretty boring over there, Bushart and his gang seem to have gotten control of the criticism and unwanted questions of many of the members, there are still a few there who won't fold and become sheep, my bet though is that many of those will not be renewing their membership next time.
    It seems that the ESOP Pack has grown closer over there since the "Penile Implant" posts, now it seems like they post as a group, the same 7 or 8 names in every forum, patting each other on the back, a group of fools who have formed a mutual admiration society.
    I better not comment. They'll terminate my NACHI membership.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    I never knew that non-members were barred from posting in the Misc forum there
    I also didn't know that. Hmmmmm.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    I'm still playing with your "Solutions" getting it set up on a new website and making a new CD, I should get off my ass and finish them one of these days.
    Well, yes, you should. There are a lot of people, mostly on the East Cost, using my SOLUTIONS. I think Joe Michalski and Greg Bell have taken it the furthest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    You moved on to becoming a Consultant, I've gone back to renovation and "flipping" to fill the time while the market is down.
    I have a couple of property investors here who want me to create a partnership with them, but I don't know if I'm ready to get back into property investing, especially here in Southern California. This is such a me, me, me society, which could explain why I'm so successful here. My Southern hospitality upbringing, not to mention my wise old grandmother, taught me that you, you, you are much more important than me, me, me. If I take care of you, you, you, the financial rewards will come back to me, me, me. She was right.

    I'm a very laid back kind guy. I figure if three strikes is good enough for Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, and Mark McGuire, then it's good enough for me. But some of these companies here in San Diego get three strikes in five minutes. It's really frustrating having grown up in the South where one's word is one's bond and reputation only to find out here that most people simply don't care.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    I just finished my second project this summer, they "netted" the same amount of money that I would have made by doing somewhere around 240 Inspections, not a bad summer, I even managed to do some Inspections. Always have a Plan "B."
    Ah, yes. You've been talking to my wise old grandmother, haven't you. Yep, always have a Plan B.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    I still can't understand how you could bring yourself to work for Nick and his appointees after the way they have treated you. It is nice for Nachi members to have at least one of Nick's employee/appointees who doesn't demand total agreement from the flock.
    I don't work for Nick, NACHI, or its members. I work for myself. However, I try to make sure that the work I do benefits others as well as myself. Ergo, NACHI. As my wise old grandmother said, though, "Some people will simply hate you regardless of what you do, either because you have big ears, big feet, are tall, are skinny, or whatever. Usually it's just sheer jealousy. Just ignore them and keep on helping others." She was right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    By the way, I once admired Iaocca for how he rebuilt Chrysler, until he did the TV AD where he stood in front of a giant U.S. Flag imploring Americans to Buy American, while at the same time he had just spent approximately $500 million on Japanese machinery to build his American Made Cars.
    Yep. His momentarily lapse. His new book would be hilarious if what he is saying weren't so true.

    Let me know if you find your mistress.

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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI


    I would never bash you, I just say the truth. As my Grandmother use to say the truth will set you free.


  43. #43
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph P. Hagarty View Post
    I am not aware of Russell ever posting negatively with regard to alternative Organizations.

    Do you have a particular example?
    I have to agree. I can't recall Russell bashing any organization other than his own.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  44. #44
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Out of curiosity just where and when did you meet Tyler in 1994?
    I guess your reply to my offer is a no?

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  45. #45
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    "I don't work for Nick, NACHI, or its members. I work for myself. However, I try to make sure that the work I do benefits others as well as myself. Ergo, NACHI. As my wise old grandmother said, though, "Some people will simply hate you regardless of what you do, either because you have big ears, big feet, are tall, are skinny, or whatever. Usually it's just sheer jealousy. Just ignore them and keep on helping others." She was right."

    I was under the impression that you took a paid position at Nachi as the Marketing Guru, in fact I remember many days of our favorite "lady" and her friends bashing you because you had not post all of your marketing materials and advice on the Nachi message board. I believe there is a thread on your own marketing site called "Tell Me It Isn't True RR". Did that "relationship" with Nachi end, someone sent me an email, a Nachi vendor who believes you are a competitor, telling me of the terms of your deal with Nick and disclosing a supposed conversation with you about why you took the Guru position. I called him an ******* for revealing a private conversation, he gave me the old argument that you hadn't told him not to keep it confidential, I called him an ******* again, and questioned his ethics and morality, which I had already done on the Message Board. Another reason I wasn't unhappy about leaving Nachi, Vendors who post in the members only forum and who make personal attacks on Inspectors, but then "Vendors" and selling is the true purpose of Nick's Association, thousands of home inspectors all in a group, easy targets for "sales" of, way too often, useless products.

    As a "Marketing Guru", why would any inspector believe that Nick's newest, "Move In Certified" scam, would be a benefit to them? As I explained here, probably on another thread, and in an argument with Nick a couple of months ago, why wouldn't an inspector want to do almost the same thing himself. perform a listing Inspection, put THEIR Sign in the yard (not Nick's), and provide a link to THEIR Website for potential buyers, and clients, to view the HI Report, with links of course to their homepage? That way the inspector is driving business to his company, not Nick's, increasing his Google Page Ranking, and exposing his company to those clients who are actively in the process of finding and buying a home, and possibly their own Home Inspection. That was another reason I was not unhappy to leave, arguments like that pissed Nick and his sheep off, as one of them said the other day, "Nick is the only person in the world actively trying to improve the industry , raise prices, and get more inspections for his members" (not a direct quote). I'm not sure just which of the Nick/Nachi Commandments that is, the First I believe is never criticize Nick.

  46. #46
    Jim Hemsell's Avatar
    Jim Hemsell Guest

    Smile Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Miller View Post

    Scott is right at least to a very large degree. The local groups make all the difference. In the Dallas/Fort Worth area the pickings are slim indeed. The local ASHI group consists of a small rag-tag dictatorship led by a well-meaning but clueless oldtimer (hi, Jim). There is no NAHI group of which I am aware. The NACHI group appears, from their emails to me, to be large and active. I've never attended so I'm only guessing. A bit of the lone wolf's blood in me, you know.


    Some mistake professionalism, tactic and dedication for cluelessness. I won't even waste my time agueing with an old bear like Aaron. Best to follow his lovely wife's advice and just tell him to his face that he is full of ****.

    If volunteering and helping inspectors better understand the many different aspects of the inspection profession, is a waste of time then I am afraid that Aarons moniker is balanced by his do anything for the high and mighty dollar self rightist attitude.

    The length and scope of these petty arguments indicates to me that there are a lot of people just sitting on their ass bitching and complaining. I have work to do.

    Jim in Texas

  47. #47
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    As I understand it, RR would have had to speak ill of those orgs initially, and I haven't seen that from him (that would be pretty out of character for him) and what I have read from Scott P (not exactly a disinterested 3rd party) confirms that.

    Those who wish to question RR's competence, knowledge, etc are free to do so, but we are also equally free to think that they are dopes.

    I don't know the nature of RR's deal with nick, but I know how to separate my support of the man and appreciation for his advice and wisdom from the org he is assisting.

    Lewis, I agree with your evaluation of the latest silly certification that has been floated. I think you will find in the archives that RR also supports individual inspectors marketing themselves and spending their time and money on increasig their own business, not interNACHI's. I believe he refers to nick's quote, something to the effect of "Market yourself, and let me (nick) worry about marketing interNACHI."

  48. #48
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Jim H.

    Good post and well put-- welcome to the board. There is too much bitching and belly-aching about stupid-ass stuff that, in the scope of things, means absolutely nothing to anyone but just a select few.

  49. #49
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Rushing View Post
    Jim H.

    Good post and well put-- welcome to the board. There is too much bitching and belly-aching about stupid-ass stuff that, in the scope of things, means absolutely nothing to anyone but just a select few.

    I agree! Ya,know what! I just finished off a mess of Fried Green Tomatoes! If they can't make you forget your worries not much can! Try my version on my AR blog

    And if your don't know about AR try this! ActiveRain Real Estate Network It will bring your own site up in the search rankings.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  50. #50
    Russel Ray's Avatar
    Russel Ray Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    Out of curiosity just where and when did you meet Tyler in 1994?
    We both sang in the Gay Men's Chorus of San Diego (GMCSD). I presume he's out since he was singing in a Gay Men's Chorus. LOL

    I sang with GMCSD from 1994-1995, San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus from 1995-1996, and then GMCSD again from 1996-1999. I have been a member of their Volunteer Operations staff since Summer 2006. I love to volunteer. Hmmmm. I think I said that somewhere recently. LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    I guess your reply to my offer is a no?
    I didn't find any serious offer to reply to.

  51. #51
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Hey, Lewis.

    I did take a paid position at NACHI, but Nick announced it prematurely. Can't blame him for that because he was excited and wanted me to do a marketing seminar at the Toronto Convention, which I did. However, I've been on self-imposed sabbatical since June 1, hoping to return shortly.

    One also has to understand Russel Ray. I'm a workaholic, albeit a controlled workaholic at this point in my life, meaning that I schedule those much-needed breaks and actually take them, too. But if I'm not working 80-120 hours a week (remember that I also work 7 days a week, major holidays and major sporting events included), I'm not a happy camper. Fortunately, my Domestic Parter and I have been together 13 years now, so we understand each other and complement each other very well. He's a Realtor with Century 21, I'm a property consultant. He likes the Lakes, I like the Celtics. He likes Pac 10, I like Big 12. He likes the Dodgers, I like the A's. He likes Men's Tennis, I like Women's Tennis. Etc. Very complementary. Both of our jobs allow us the flexibility to work hard, play hard, and be with each other.

    I don't pretent to know what Nick is up to. I can say that he has a lot of visions and sometimes not enough staff to implement those visions, regardless of whether or not one agrees with his visions. I certainly don't agree with all of them. Notice that I'm not a CMI? Never will be. If I have any letters after my name, they would be something like CPA, or DDS, or Ph.D. But CRI, CMI, and all those others are letters that don't mean a hill of beans to me and my business. But if other people determine that those letters can help them, that's great! I have no problem with it. Kind of like religion. I don't need any religion telling me how to be good. My wise old grandmother taught me how to be good. But if other people need religion to keep from raping, killing, stealing, etc., great! I'm all for that.

  52. #52
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    I think I have read the "me and my domestic partner" story waaay too many times on this board, previously.

    Can we just leave the sexual expoits out of the damn board discussion!!!

    Hell, believe it or not... I'd much rather hear about Nachi/ASHI/NAHI non-sense than read the preferences of ones reach-around podnuh.

    Can we just make that part of the deal?

    I mean hell, there is a time and place for everything. An inspection fourm/BB is hardly the place to be discussing your sexual preferences.

  53. #53
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Hemsell View Post
    Some mistake professionalism, tactic and dedication for cluelessness. I won't even waste my time agueing with an old bear like Aaron. Best to follow his lovely wife's advice and just tell him to his face that he is full of ****.

    If volunteering and helping inspectors better understand the many different aspects of the inspection profession, is a waste of time then I am afraid that Aarons moniker is balanced by his do anything for the high and mighty dollar self rightist attitude.

    The length and scope of these petty arguments indicates to me that there are a lot of people just sitting on their ass bitching and complaining. I have work to do.

    Jim in Texas

    Up there on that higher road of yours the air is certain to get mighty thin. Contact Friar Peck for a hit of his hi-test AHJ oxygen. Peas in a pod.


  54. #54
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Rushing View Post
    I think I have read the "me and my domestic partner" story waaay too many times on this board, previously.

    Can we just leave the sexual expoits out of the damn board discussion!!!

    Hell, believe it or not... I'd much rather hear about Nachi/ASHI/NAHI non-sense than read the preferences of ones reach-around podnuh.

    Can we just make that part of the deal?

    I mean hell, there is a time and place for everything. An inspection fourm/BB is hardly the place to be discussing your sexual preferences.
    Now you've done it Richard! FREE SPEECH!!!!!!!!FREE SPEECH!!!!!

    Eric Van De Ven Magnum Inspections Inc. (772) 214-9929
    I still get paid to be suspicious when I got nothing to be suspicious about!

  55. #55
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
    Lewis Capaul Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    I agree! Ya,know what! I just finished off a mess of Fried Green Tomatoes! If they can't make you forget your worries not much can! Try my version on my AR blog Real Estate Blog - Southern Fried Green Tomato's

    And if your don't know about AR try this! ActiveRain Real Estate Network It will bring your own site up in the search rankings.

    This is the best post in the thread, thanks Scott, I haven't had fried green tomatoes since I was a kid, I've got lots of green ones in the garden.

    Is your recipe "Certified"?

  56. #56
    David Nice's Avatar
    David Nice Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    How about a deal: You stop bashing CREIA & ASHI and I will never question you competence, convictions, or factual accuracy again. In other words; "Nunquam nuto quis vos narro."
    What say you?

    Since Russel's shared HIS experience with those organizations and you were just speaking out of your ass, why should he make any kind of deal with you?

  57. #57
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post

    This is the best post in the thread, thanks Scott, I haven't had fried green tomatoes since I was a kid, I've got lots of green ones in the garden.

    Is your recipe "Certified"?
    Ya betcha! It is Certified GOOD! The "Comeback" dressing is great on them, but I really like the FGT just plain.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  58. #58
    Russel Ray's Avatar
    Russel Ray Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Rushing View Post
    I think I have read the "me and my domestic partner" story waaay too many times on this board, previously.

    Can we just leave the sexual expoits out of the damn board discussion!!!

    Hell, believe it or not... I'd much rather hear about Nachi/ASHI/NAHI non-sense than read the preferences of ones reach-around podnuh.

    Can we just make that part of the deal?

    I mean hell, there is a time and place for everything. An inspection fourm/BB is hardly the place to be discussing your sexual preferences.
    And on the other side of the coin, I regularly read about wives, sons, daughters, anniversaries, etc. I don't care about y'all discussing your sexual preferences, and the result of same, so I don't see why you should mind me evening things out. Alas....

  59. #59
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Rushing View Post
    I think I have read the "me and my domestic partner" story waaay too many times on this board, previously.

    Can we just leave the sexual expoits out of the damn board discussion!!!

    Hell, believe it or not... I'd much rather hear about Nachi/ASHI/NAHI non-sense than read the preferences of ones reach-around podnuh.

    Can we just make that part of the deal?

    I mean hell, there is a time and place for everything. An inspection fourm/BB is hardly the place to be discussing your sexual preferences.
    How about if you make that deal complete by adding 'no more posting photos which are sexually explicit in any way'. It seems that whenever someone gets a chance to post photos of nude woman, they do, or of photos with women with their 'G' strings on wrong, etc., while I'm no prude, I agree with you - "Can we just leave the sexual expoits out of the damn board discussion!!!"


    Some here seem to think with, and follow, their head ... and I don't mean the one up on top either.

    Being as you brought the subject up and all.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  60. #60
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    How about if you make that deal complete by adding 'no more posting photos which are sexually explicit in any way'. It seems that whenever someone gets a chance to post photos of nude woman, they do, or of photos with women with their 'G' strings on wrong, etc., while I'm no prude, I agree with you - "Can we just leave the sexual exploits out of the damn board discussion!!!"


    Some here seem to think with, and follow, their head ... and I don't mean the one up on top either.

    Being as you brought the subject up and all.

    Technically Jerry, that issue is already addressed in the Terms of Use.

    You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Message Board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

    I think that Brian will let a few things go here and there as long as it doesn't get graphic.

    Eric Van De Ven Magnum Inspections Inc. (772) 214-9929
    I still get paid to be suspicious when I got nothing to be suspicious about!

  61. #61
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Van De Ven View Post
    Technically Jerry, that issue is already addressed in the Terms of Use.

    My point was, there are many sides to the issue, and if one side is to complain, that side, and all other sides, must be allowed/required to be on the same page.

    Restrict one, restrict them all. (which is what was being proposed by me)

    Let some slide, let the others slide a bit too. (which is what has been happening)

    Just do not restrict one and let the others slide (which is what I got from the proposal by others)

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  62. #62
    Russel Ray's Avatar
    Russel Ray Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Hey, Jerry. Trust all is going well in "retirement." My best wishes to you and yours.

  63. #63
    Ed Moore's Avatar
    Ed Moore Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Hey Jimmy!
    Did you get an answer to your question? (63 posts ago?) Who'da thunk such a simple question could get so far off base?
    Myself, I think I'm going to go with ASHI. My state worked with them on the licensing requirements, ethics and standards of practice. They have a local chapter just across the state line, so I'll attend a few meetings and see. It just makes sense to me to stand under just one umbrella, so to speak.
    Was it Mark Twain that said "I'd never join an organization that would have me as a member"? ASHI is not the easiest association to belong to. (50 inspections to be a candidate, 250 to be full member) Others just seem to want your money. "You got a couple hundred dollars? Great! Congratulations, you're a member, here's our logo, see ya next year, bring your checkbook".
    I'm sure any questions you have or information you need that ASHI doesn't provide could easily be found here. Right down to a members sexual preference. (What time is reccess guys?)
    I'm sure I'll get blasted now by a bunch of ASHI-haters and asked to remove myself from the BB and/or gene pool. But if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

    Last edited by Ed Moore; 09-23-2007 at 05:27 PM. Reason: bad grammer!

  64. #64
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    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Quote Originally Posted by Ed Moore View Post
    Was it Mark Twain that said "I'd never join an organization that would have me as a member"?
    That was Groucho Marx.

    "Baseball is like church. Many attend but few understand." Leo Durocher
    Bruce Breedlove

  65. #65
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    Ed Moore Guest

    Default Re: NACHI, ASHI or NAHI

    Thanks Bruce! I knew it was somebody I liked.

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