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  1. #66
    Join Date
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    so so, California

    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by ROBERT YOUNG View Post
    Morning, Jerry and respected members. Hope to find everyone well and in good spirits.Marc, I apologize if my reply appeared to be a berate, castigate, chew out, dress down, flay, harangue, jaw, keelhaul, lambaste (or lambast), lecture, rail (at or against), rate, scold, score, upbraid at you. You are one fine fellow. It is an honor to know you. Truly.My position was an overall assessment of individuals, Personally, speaking from experience, typically/usually when I listen to someone put down another inspector, an association, their spokes person/s or their member's, its usually because they have nothing of substantial value to add to the conversation. We are measured by our peers. We are all the same.I remember putting my foot in my mouth conversing with a recognized level 3 thermographer, as I preformed verbal gymnastics contorting something I could not explain at that moment. I back peddled excusing myself. He turned to me and respectfully explained, Robert, "We are all on the same level." Then I understood. We are all cogs in a wheel. Better to sit back and watch. We are measured by our peers. We are all the same.Best regards.Robert Young
    Its cool brother. Look, Im not here to criticize legitimate inspectors or legitimate organizations for trying to earn a buck by doing right by the client. Thats the key here. The client always comes first.

    Heres the way I see it happening here in my Los Angeles area. First of all, these organizations market themselves as a quick way to get educated in home inspection... 1 week. Boom, you are off and running as a "certified" home inspector in the charge of protecting clients, their money, their family and investment. Tell what manner is that true protection. Especially when their whole existence is to market around relators who are by the way, totally inept piles of crap. But thats another thread.

    So these organizations pump out newbie inspectors who perform inspections twice as fast as you for half, and find nothing significant because lets face it... how much can you cover in a week long class?

    NACHI and these other organizations are machines. Thats all. I don't care about their "contribution" to this business because if they really cared who left their facility, the make training 1 year long before being certified. And hard classes like ICC cert classes or Contractor B classes.

    This whole inspector-in-a-box with only 1 week of "certified" training has no business in this industry.
    These newbie inspector guys around me suck. I don't care that we all share the same title. They do nothing to help the public. Protect the people they serve.

    There are some true professionals in this forum which demand respect and rightly so because they've paid their dues for years in the trenches. These guys know more in their pinky than any one of these schools can teach in a month.

    I would never have evolved as an inspector if not for some these guys in here. They taught me dig deep and research research research.... And, that protecting the client is more important than filling my garage with crap.

    These newbies who are slamming 2-3 jobs in a day to a joke. And these organizations are marketing this industry, your industry as a get-rich-quick biz.
    So yea, I've never believed in these organizations. They're are collectively a joke. Bringing legitimacy to the illegitimate I say.

    Pumping out inspectors for
    their benefit. Its bringing down this entire industry I think. Probably even yours too. Shrinking your wages because when the client is calling around, your years of experience looks NO DIFFERENT on a Yelp page or web page than theirs does. They are $295 you are $450.

    Hmmm, you might get 1 out of 5. Its these guys who are setting the new low. The new standard for what an inspector is. At least out here in LA.

    All the OG inspectors are doing now, is Getting realtors pissed off because all of a sudden we're taking too long, charging much more than anyone else and calling out too many issues. We're a dying breed especially here in Los Angeles.

    This process is perpetuated by this newbie Joe-blow inspector who got trained in a week and can inspect an old piece of crap 3000 sq foot home with a crawl and a pool in 45 minutes and deliver the report in 10 minutes with NOTHING substantial because they wouldn't recognize anything substantial if it bit them in the ass...because they didn't have time to cover that in their week long class.

    Oh, and if the client had a claim? They hide behind their SOPs, or rely heavily on that phrase... "seek further evaluation by a professional" with what seems to be EVERY ISSUE THEY FIND. Thats a joke too. Again, another thread.

    Here, realtors don't want our type of service any longer. They want fast, cheap and don't find a damn thing... If you can fill this demand, you can make tons of cash but you have to be willing to sell out... sell your morals and ethics in the process and hope to God you don't get sued.

    And, realtors run this industry here. Flat out.I have over 150+ 5 star Yelp reviews and 26 google and others. But that matters not because the realtors get to the client first.

    Personally, Im in a place as John Goodman so elegantly put it in the movie the Gambler... "a place of EFF-you". Meaning I call my own shots and my income or life is not reliant upon which realtor loves or hates Marc Mazza Today. So long as these organizations keep on legitimizing the illegitimate, this process will never change. Here in LA.

    Last edited by Marc M; 08-11-2019 at 06:57 PM.
    Crawl Space Creeper

  2. #67
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    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Good morning Marc and esteemed members. Hope everyone is well and in good spirits this fine morning.

    Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associates is the title of the old 2012 thread. From my point of view, point of view being the operative, Lisa has done a terrific job explaining InterNACHI's point of view.

    As for Home inspection schools. 'Caveat emptor' comes to mind for consumers seeking such education as well as 'Caveat emptor' comes to mind for consumers purchasing real estate.
    That becomes the bottom line.

    I thought I read a post that said something to the effect that someone had been behind The Best and The Best made Omissions/Errors. But it appears that post was removed.

    From my point if view, we are Judged by our peers.

    So, 'Caveat emptor' as a consumer.
    Looking for a home inspector as a consumer? Look for partners willing to put their name behind that brand.

    Hope that helps.
    Best regards.
    Robert Young (CPI)(CMI)
    Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.

    Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
    Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
    Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”

  3. #68

    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Bravo! This is an eloquently stated case for those of us who have anything resembling ethics.


    Quote Originally Posted by Marc M View Post
    Its cool brother. Look, Im not here to criticize legitimate inspectors or legitimate organizations for trying to earn a buck by doing right by the client. Thats the key here. the client always comes first.Heres the way I see it happening here in my Los Angeles area.First of all, these organizations market themselves as a quick way to get educated in home inspection... 1 week. Boom, you are off and running as a "certified" home inspector in the charge of protecting clients, their money, their family and investment. Tell what manner is that true protection. Especially when their whole existence is to market around relators who are by the way, totally inept piles of crap. But thats another thread.So these organizations pump out newbie inspectors who perform inspections twice as fast as you for half, and find nothing significant because lets face it... how much can you cover in a week long class?NACHI and these other organizations are machines. Thats all. I don't care about their "contribution" to this business because if they really cared who left their facility, the make training 1 year long before being certified. And hard classes like ICC cert classes or Contractor B classes.This whole inspector-in-a-box with only 1 week of "certified" training has no business in this industry.These newbie inspector guys around me suck. I don't care that we all share the same title. They do nothing to help the public. Protect the people they serve.There are some true professionals in this forum which demand respect and rightly so because they've paid their dues for years in the trenches. These guys know more in their pinky than any one of these schools can teach in a month. I would never have evolved as an inspector if not for some these guys in here. They taught me dig deep and research research research.... And, that protecting the client is more important than filling my garage with crap. These newbies who are slamming 2-3 jobs in a day to a joke. And these organizations are marketing this industry, your industry as a get-rich-quick biz.So yea, I've never believed in these organizations. They're are collectively a joke. Bringing legitimacy to the illegitimate I say. Pumping out inspectors for their benefit. Its bringing down this entire industry I think. Probably even yours too. Shrinking your wages because when the client is calling around, your years of experience looks NO DIFFERENT on a Yelp page or web page than theirs does. They are $295 you are $450. Hmmm, you might get 1 out of 5. Its these guys who are setting the new low. The new standard for what an inspector is. At least out here in LA.All the OG inspectors are doing now, is Getting realtors pissed off because all of a sudden we're taking too long, charging much more than anyone else and calling out too many issues. We're a dying breed especially here in Los Angeles. This process is perpetuated by this newbie Joe-blow inspector who got trained in a week and can inspect an old piece of crap 3000 sq foot home with a crawl and a pool in 45 minutes and deliver the report in 10 minutes with NOTHING substantial because they wouldn't recognize anything substantial if it bit them in the ass...because they didn't have time to cover that in their week long class. Oh, and if the client had a claim? They hide behind their SOPs, or rely heavily on that phrase... "seek further evaluation by a professional" with what seems to be EVERY ISSUE THEY FIND. Thats a joke too. Again, another thread.Here, realtors don't want our type of service any longer. They want fast, cheap and don't find a damn thing... If you can fill this demand, you can make tons of cash but you have to be willing to sell out... sell your morals and ethics in the process and hope to God you don't get sued.And, realtors run this industry here. Flat out.I have over 150+ 5 star Yelp reviews and 26 google and others. But that matters not because the realtors get to the client first. Personally, Im in a place as John Goodman so elegantly put it in the movie the Gambler... "a place of EFF-you". Meaning I call my own shots and my income or life is not reliant upon which realtor loves or hates Marc Mazza Today. So long as these organizations keep on legitimizing the illegitimate, this process will never change. Here in LA.

    Tim Kaiser, Nitty Gritty Inspections, LLC
    Home and small commercial inspections for Central Oregon

  4. #69
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by tkaiser1 View Post
    Bravo! This is an eloquently stated case for those of us who have anything resembling ethics.

    you bet brother...keep up the good fight.

  5. #70
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Ramirez View Post
    Hello to all HI's I'm just writing to ask if any one here has ever heard of "Inspection Certification Associates".

    I see a big red flag.

    It may or may not be "intentional", but when it is in the name ... it is likely "intentional" ...

    "blah Certification blah"

    Anyone saying that they will certify you for home inspections, or give a certification in home inspections, is suspect to greater scrutiny in my opinion.

    Now, if it was a university offered 4 year course ... I would still be suspect of it.

    A state or other licensing body gives certifications for test they give, otherwise getting a license does not mean certified, just licensed.

    Doctors? They go to school for years and years ... and STILL have to pass the Medical Board exam.

    Lawyers? They go to school for year ... and STILL have to pass the Bar exam.

    ICC plans examiners and inspectors must pass the ICC tests to get their ICC "certification".

    In Florida, contractors must pass their (trade) Contractor's exam to get their Florida Certified (trade) license. Example, I had to take a 2-day General Contractor test, after passing it, I became a "Certified General Contractor" and then I applied for and got a "Certified General Contractor" license.

    Go to a week long, or even a month long, school or course and get "certified"? Really?

    Think about that ... would YOU as a home buyer want to hire a home inspector who is given some sort of "certification" or is "certified" after taking a short course?

    Instead, think in terms of what you can learn and how much education you can take away from the school or course ... forget any "certification" label you may be handed.

    I was on UL Standards Technical Panel 67 for a number of years and what I got when I left it after I retired was a nice "certificate" thanking me for my years on the panel ... but no "certification" (and no "certification" was wanted ... I helped with education and I received education from it).

    Look for as much education as you can get, and don't think that a week, a month, even a year, make one a home inspector - those first years are just the 'learning years', but with more education available today than there was 30 years ago, your "education" will (if you seek it) come faster than what it took us old timers to acquire it as not much education was available back then - we basically had to 'figure it out' while doing it.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  6. #71
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Best advice I can give any budding Home Inspector is DO NOT acquire your education from a home inspection association. I've been on the Board of a major home inspection association, it's about titles and pats on the back....nothing more. Most of the clowns on a association Board know less than you think, why do you think they don't like questions or being challenged during presentations?

    Question a speaker during a home inspection presentation and you'll be shown the door....

    Want to be a respected and well paid Home Inspector? One who charges 3k per inspection? I performed maybe 2 to 3 home inspections per week, sometimes only one. A typical 3,000sf home was around do the math. The market is out there, home inspection associations have sought to dumb-down the industry to the point that inspectors think 150 bucks is all they are worth....and to a realtor, they are.

    Attain you ICC certifications in all categories, become a residential combination inspector. Submit for your Building Inspectors license and perform inspections under that license with only one restriction, don't call your self a "home inspector".

    Go out and perform a thorough and detailed home inspection report, no less than 50 to 60 pages of nothing but deficiencies. You'll be banned from every realtor office within a 50 mile radius, they'll have your name on the wall in their office as "do not call". And when they're clients see it, guess who they'll call? Trust me, this has happended.

    Ask yourself this....perform 20 inspections a week for 150 bucks each, or 1 to 2 for 3-4k each?

  7. #72
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    High Springs, Florida

    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    A typical 3,000sf home was around 4.5k...

    ​You must be dreaming.

    Certified Master Inspector
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  8. #73
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    A typical 3,000sf home was around 4.5k...

    ​You must be dreaming.


    Just not the way you do business. That's why it costs $526.73 a ticket to watch Lebron play while little league is free.

  9. #74
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    A typical 3,000sf home was around 4.5k...

    ​You must be dreaming.

    Sounds like you are the one dreaming, or maybe it is a nightmare?

    I, and a few other inspectors in the area that I was in, did inspections like Robert is talking about, and those were the SMALL houses we did.

    It depends on your market, sure, but anyone still doing $250 or less inspections is doing so because they don't yet grasp what the actual value of a GOOD home inspection is to their clients, and because the inspector hasn't grasped the actual value of a GOOD home inspection, they haven't been able to educate their clients on the exceptional value that paying a decent amount for a GOOD home inspection is to the buyers interest - it is like money in the bank for the client.

    Doing 3 or more inspections per day (you will notice that I am not calling those inspections "home" inspections, just "inspections") does not allow the inspector time to do a good home inspection.

    Doing 2 per day is even asking a lot.

    Better off doing one per day and a day on the report (two days per inspection) allows the home inspector to actually do a good job of inspecting and issue a thorough report.

    I, and a few others, used to done 1 or 2 inspections per week (2 days on the inspection, 2 days on the report) if the houses were not large ("larger" homes for us were 7,500 sf and up). Granted, not everyone lives where there is a market like that, but ...

    One 2,500 sf home per day gives the inspector time to actually think and consider what they are documenting ... yes ... documenting - the report is documenting what the inspector observed and relating that to their client so they can understand what it means.

    How much do you typically need to make 'per week'/'per day'? Use that to calculate how many inspections you need to do at what price to make it work for you.

    $1,000 per day = $5,000 per week = $250,000 per year (allowing for 2 weeks vacation per year) ... I know, I know, the market does not allow 'business hours' (the same number of inspections every week of the year), so you make adjustments for what you typically have over a year in your area and work with those numbers and times - you may find that you can actually take a lot more "time off" and still make a decent living.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  10. #75
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    Sounds like you are the one dreaming, or maybe it is a nightmare?

    I, and a few other inspectors in the area that I was in, did inspections like Robert is talking about, and those were the SMALL houses we did.

    It depends on your market, sure, but anyone still doing $250 or less inspections is doing so because they don't yet grasp what the actual value of a GOOD home inspection is to their clients, and because the inspector hasn't grasped the actual value of a GOOD home inspection, they haven't been able to educate their clients on the exceptional value that paying a decent amount for a GOOD home inspection is to the buyers interest - it is like money in the bank for the client.

    Doing 3 or more inspections per day (you will notice that I am not calling those inspections "home" inspections, just "inspections") does not allow the inspector time to do a good home inspection.

    Doing 2 per day is even asking a lot.

    Better off doing one per day and a day on the report (two days per inspection) allows the home inspector to actually do a good job of inspecting and issue a thorough report.

    I, and a few others, used to done 1 or 2 inspections per week (2 days on the inspection, 2 days on the report) if the houses were not large ("larger" homes for us were 7,500 sf and up). Granted, not everyone lives where there is a market like that, but ...

    One 2,500 sf home per day gives the inspector time to actually think and consider what they are documenting ... yes ... documenting - the report is documenting what the inspector observed and relating that to their client so they can understand what it means.

    How much do you typically need to make 'per week'/'per day'? Use that to calculate how many inspections you need to do at what price to make it work for you.

    $1,000 per day = $5,000 per week = $250,000 per year (allowing for 2 weeks vacation per year) ... I know, I know, the market does not allow 'business hours' (the same number of inspections every week of the year), so you make adjustments for what you typically have over a year in your area and work with those numbers and times - you may find that you can actually take a lot more "time off" and still make a decent living.

    What Jerry said...

    I'll add....if I told you to give me 4k and I'll give you back 30k, would you take that deal? Honestly, when my clients negotiate a home purchase using my report...what do you think the seller is thinking? "Man, wish I would have used that guy". ALL DAY LONG!

    It's difficult to apply an "average" savings as it varies depending on the size of the home and it's condition, but it was essentially routine for my clients to negotiate 20 to 30k off their contract with a report that incorporated code citations that are difficult for realtors to refute.

    That's why realtors LOVE home inspectors who don't reference or know the building codes.....LOVE EM"!

    And what do home inspection associations tell you about quoting code? Gee, wonder why? Because it would separate the big boys from the newbs, can't have that.

    Ask yourself Roy, if you doubled your prices and lost half of your business...would you care? What about tripling your prices and losing 75% of your business...would you care? What if you only performed 1-2 home inspections a week, yet were demanding 3k an inspections...would you care?

    More importantly, before you poo-poo the idea....have you honestly tried?

    Last edited by Robert Sheppard; 08-18-2019 at 02:27 PM.

  11. #76
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    You both are full of crap!
    Sounds like you are the one dreaming, or maybe it is a nightmare?
    Your snide remarks will get you nowhere with me I WILL retaliate back..So be kind or don't say jack sh*t ok?

    I've been doing this over 40 years and a Florida licensed residential contractor for about 20. And to say you charge 4k for a 2000 sf home is just flippin untrue.
    And as you have noted Robert I have been told I have saved the client many thousands of dollars.
    I've always only did 2 maybe 3 inspections a week. Not counting commercial that would take me depending on the size and complexity of the structure 4-5 days and the same amount of time to do the report.
    After doing this for so many years I can do a 2500 sf home in about 2 hrs and the report in about the same.
    It's all nearly repetitious after all these years .
    Fact : I've done very many thousands of inspections. To many to count at this time. And have never had one single complaint.
    I'm retired and I'll be 67 January and do a few a month now for fun money.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    Sounds like you are the one dreaming, or maybe it is a nightmare?

    I, and a few other inspectors in the area that I was in, did inspections like Robert is talking about, and those were the SMALL houses we did.

    It depends on your market, sure, but anyone still doing $250 or less inspections is doing so because they don't yet grasp what the actual value of a GOOD home inspection is to their clients, and because the inspector hasn't grasped the actual value of a GOOD home inspection, they haven't been able to educate their clients on the exceptional value that paying a decent amount for a GOOD home inspection is to the buyers interest - it is like money in the bank for the client.

    Doing 3 or more inspections per day (you will notice that I am not calling those inspections "home" inspections, just "inspections") does not allow the inspector time to do a good home inspection.

    Doing 2 per day is even asking a lot.

    Better off doing one per day and a day on the report (two days per inspection) allows the home inspector to actually do a good job of inspecting and issue a thorough report.

    I, and a few others, used to done 1 or 2 inspections per week (2 days on the inspection, 2 days on the report) if the houses were not large ("larger" homes for us were 7,500 sf and up). Granted, not everyone lives where there is a market like that, but ...

    One 2,500 sf home per day gives the inspector time to actually think and consider what they are documenting ... yes ... documenting - the report is documenting what the inspector observed and relating that to their client so they can understand what it means.

    How much do you typically need to make 'per week'/'per day'? Use that to calculate how many inspections you need to do at what price to make it work for you.

    $1,000 per day = $5,000 per week = $250,000 per year (allowing for 2 weeks vacation per year) ... I know, I know, the market does not allow 'business hours' (the same number of inspections every week of the year), so you make adjustments for what you typically have over a year in your area and work with those numbers and times - you may find that you can actually take a lot more "time off" and still make a decent living.

    Last edited by Roy Lewis; 08-19-2019 at 02:43 AM.

    Certified Master Inspector
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  12. #77
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    You both are full of crap!

    Your snide remarks will get you nowhere with me I WILL retaliate back..So be kind or don't say jack sh*t ok?
    The remarks of a true professional.

    I've been doing this over 40 years and a Florida licensed residential contractor for about 20.

    I've been a Florida licensed general contractor and code inspector for longer than that.

    The rest of your post isn't worth replying to.

    I stated that not everyone lives where there is a market like that (I retired from HI 13 years ago when I moved away from that market - I didn't want to spend the time trying to start a new business in a market that didn't exist where I moved to, there are a few very high end large homes here, as there are in many areas, but not enough to build an HI like I had before business around.

    So I went into code inspections as I was Florida licensed for that to (in addition to my GC licence).

    T'was no Florida HI license until a few years after I retired from HI.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  13. #78
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    I've been a Florida licensed general contractor and code inspector for longer than that.
    Then why does your site state..."
    Over 25 years as an active state licensed General / Building Contractor (since 1989)

    I'm done! You are too much of a know it all to even get into this with you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    The remarks of a true professional.


    I've been a Florida licensed general contractor and code inspector for longer than that.

    The rest of your post isn't worth replying to.

    I stated that not everyone lives where there is a market like that (I retired from HI 13 years ago when I moved away from that market - I didn't want to spend the time trying to start a new business in a market that didn't exist where I moved to, there are a few very high end large homes here, as there are in many areas, but not enough to build an HI like I had before business around.

    So I went into code inspections as I was Florida licensed for that to (in addition to my GC licence).

    T'was no Florida HI license until a few years after I retired from HI.

    Last edited by Roy Lewis; 08-19-2019 at 06:10 AM.

    Certified Master Inspector
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  14. #79
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    I've been ... a Florida licensed residential contractor for about 20.
    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    Then why does your site state..."
    Over 25 years as an active state licensed General / Building Contractor (since 1989)
    Ummm ... unless there is something that I'm missing in your version of "math" ... 25 years is more than 20 years ... please feel free to correct me if I am doing "Old math" wrong.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  15. #80
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    I was referring to my 40+ years inspecting.
    Lets stop this and move on OK?

    Certified Master Inspector
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  16. #81
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    I was referring to my 40+ years inspecting.
    Lets stop this and move on OK?
    I was letting "I've been doing this over 40 years" slide to give you a way out.

    You said you are 65, that you've been "doing this" (I presumed "this" meant "home inspections" as that what is being discussed here, and which you have now confirmed was "inspecting", which I presume means "home inspecting") ... that mean you started doing home inspections before you were even 25? (That "old math" thing that crops up now and then.)

    Here is some more "old math":

    2019 - 40+ years = before 1979

    You started doing "home inspections" before 1979? Wow!

    But tell me ...

    What experience did you have to know what you were doing when you started doing "home inspections" ... at the age of 20? ("Over 40 years" could well mean that you've been doing "home inspections" for '45 years.)

    Or maybe we should " ... stop this and move on OK?"? ... before it gets too complicated to use math to figure out?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  17. #82
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    I've been ... a Florida licensed residential contractor for about 20.
    EDITED: Removed Roy's city and state per his request, even though he shows it himself. This is what it would look like if Roy had his information marked as "Private" on the DBPR portal.

    From the Florida DBPR site:

    Licensee Information
    Name: LEWIS, ROY EUGENE JR (Primary Name)
    Main Address: XXXXXXXXXX
    County: XXXXXX

    License Information
    License Type: Certified Residential Contractor
    Rank: Cert Residental
    License Number: CRC1328001
    Status: Current,Active
    Licensure Date: 06/13/2005
    Expires: 08/31/2020

    Licensure Date: 06/13/2005

    Using "old math":
    14 years

    I guess 14 years is close enough to be "about 20" for you?

    Me, when I round off, I round 14 off this way: to 10s 14=10; to 5s 14=15 ... not sure how you got "20"?

    Last edited by Jerry Peck; 08-21-2019 at 08:21 AM. Reason: Removed Roy's city and state per his request, even though he shows it himself
    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  18. #83
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    40 years of experience....only gets $350 an inspection.....the same as any other new inspector.

  19. #84
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Sheppard View Post
    40 years of experience....only gets $350 an inspection.....the same as any other new inspector.
    Be nice, Robert ... I'm sure that after 40 years he knows what he is worth in his market:

    Type your city name and state in place of the "high-springs-fl", single name cities would be like this "atlanta-ga" to compare where you live.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  20. #85
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Sheppard View Post
    40 years of experience....only gets $350 an inspection.....the same as any other new inspector.
    You don't know anything about me Sh*t for brains..

    Certified Master Inspector
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  21. #86
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    So! Jerry !
    I told you I'll be 67 January.
    I was 26 when I was doing property evaluations for a few engineering firms.
    However, I told you I was done, but you decided to post what I think is no one else's business to know.
    I don't care if it is public information. I don't believe you have a right to post anything about me.

    You posted my home address.. Don't you think that is inappropriate?
    ( WHISPERING PINE TRAIL ) does that ring a bell?

    If you don't delete that post ASAP I will spend the rest of my life digging up garbage about you, your family and all your business ties... And I'm sure you all have a few skeletons in the closet somewhere. And I still may do it because you went and pissed me off and I don't play well with others. Consider this a vendetta.
    This isn't a threat because you drew first blood.
    You don't know me and what I'm capable of. You should be concerned. Yep!
    If that post isn't deleted immediately Hell will be coming your way. I promise.
    I'm sure I can dig up some sort of dirt about you..
    Big mouth mother Fu**er
    Get it bigshot?

    Your info .. 17 years not 25... So much for your rounding off.
    Certified General Contractor
    Rank: Cert General
    License Number: CGC1504241
    Status: Current,Active
    Licensure Date: 05/08/2002
    Expires: 08/31/2020

    Last edited by Roy Lewis; 08-20-2019 at 06:24 AM.

    Certified Master Inspector
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  22. #87
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    And if you need further character reference on me please contact Scott "Spiderman" Mulholland at
    UC Building Consultants. He know me by my nickname Sonny Lewis.

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  23. #88
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    I don't care if it is public information.
    You posted my home address.. Don't you think that is inappropriate?
    ( WHISPERING PINE TRAIL ) does that ring a bell?

    If you don't delete that post ASAP I will spend the rest of my life digging up garbage about you, your family and all your business ties... And I'm sure you all have a few skeletons in the closet somewhere. And I still may do it because you went and pissed me off and I don't play well with others. Consider this a vendetta.
    This isn't a threat because you drew first blood.
    You don't know me and what I'm capable of. You should be concerned. Yep!
    If that post isn't deleted immediately Hell will be coming your way. I promise.
    I'm sure I can dig up some sort of dirt about you..
    Big mouth mother Fu**er
    Get it bigshot?

    I posted your Florida license public information, you are correct that it included your street address.

    I was looking at the licensing years information, not your street address.

    I went back and deleted the street address.

    Thank you for:
    - letting me know that it contained your street address (which I removed)
    - for letting us see your real personality (which no one can remove - would be like trying to "un-see" something you saw, or trying to "un-ring" a bell)

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  24. #89
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    Thank you for:
    - for letting us see your real personality (which no one can remove - would be like trying to "un-see" something you saw, or trying to "un-ring" a bell)
    You got it...And remember it.
    I don't take crap from nobody especially from the likes of you.
    I want the entire post removed...
    You still left the link to the DBPR.
    I addition you haven't been a GC for 25 years.. Now have you ? Only 17..Huh?
    You better change it on all your sites.
    " Over 25 years as an active state licensed General / Building Contractor (since 1989) "
    Licensure Date: 05/08/2002

    Certified Master Inspector
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  25. #90
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    Default Re: Home inspection school - Inspection Certification Associiates

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    You got it...And remember it.
    I don't take crap from nobody especially from the likes of you.
    Oh, ALL of us will remember what you are like, you can be assured that you have likely dropped yourself several notches in anyone thinking of what you represent.

    I want the entire post removed...
    You still left the link to the DBPR.
    That's a public link that anyone and everyone researching a Florida licensed person uses to verify a person is, in fact, Florida licensed.

    I addition you haven't been a GC for 25 years.. Now have you ? Only 17..Huh?
    You better change it on all your sites.
    " Over 25 years as an active state licensed General / Building Contractor (since 1989) "
    Licensure Date: 05/08/2002
    Roy, I suggest that you read what you are quoting:

    " Over 25 years as an active state licensed General / Building Contractor (since 1989) "

    What does that say to YOU? I know what it says, but apparently YOU do not.

    Here, I will even highlight it for YOU:

    " Over 25 years as an active state licensed General / Building Contractor (since 1989) "

    Being as you are (supposedly anyway as you are a Florida Residential Contractor) knowledgeable in Florida contractor licensing, you ARE (I would hope) aware that there are THREE levels of Division One Contractors in Florida (Division One being the overall contractors, with Division Two being the subcontractor trade licenses) ... you are aware of that, right?

    Florida has these three levels of Division One contractors: (in order of importance from unlimited to very restricted)
    - Certified GENERAL Contractor - Unlimited (allowed to build/construct anything)
    - Certified BUILDING Contractor - (basically restricted any building three stories and less)
    - Certified RESIDENTIAL Contractor - Limited to 1 & 2 Family Dwellings, three stories and less

    The saying for the difference between a GENERAL and a BUILDING contractor (here in Florida) is that a BUILDING contractor can build a 3 story building across Florida to overlook the ocean on the east end of the building and overlook the Gulf on the west end, but ... is not allowed to put that 4th story utility room on top of it ... the GENERAL contractor can put that 4th story utility room on top of the other 3 stories.

    Of course, there is also the fact that the GENERAL contractor is UNLIMITED in what they are allowed to construct, but the above saying as a nice ring to it.

    So, going back to your question about this:
    " Over 25 years as an active state licensed General / Building Contractor (since 1989) "

    What was it you were asking? Oh, right ... my BUILDING contractor license year:
    License Information
    License Type: Certified Building Contractor
    Rank: Cert Building
    License Number: CBC047612
    Status: Current,Inactive
    Licensure Date: 07/29/1989
    Expires: 08/31/2020

    Now, using "old math"
    30 years

    After which I figured I might as well get my GC license instead of just a BC license, so I did.

    The reason I got my GC license? I was inspecting a lot of new construction, and even though I had my BC license, and my BN (Florida building code inspection license):
    License Information
    License Type: Standard Inspector
    Rank: Inspector
    License Number: BN3269
    Status: Current,Active
    Licensure Date: 06/22/1998
    Expires: 11/30/2019

    I was getting resistance from contractors that 'what did I know,*THEY* were a GC and I wasn't' ... my response was 'So ... *I* am a licensed building inspector and *I* am licensed to INSPECT what you CONSTRUCT' (I was so licensed) ... but they continued to argue that they were a GC.

    I got tired of them saying that, so I got my GC, and when they said 'what did I know, *THEY* were a GC', I would reply "So am *I* ... however *I* am also licensed to INSPECT what you CONSTRUCT' ... end of discussion with that contractor.

    Now, you are an RC (actually, a CRC - Certified Residential Contractor, which is limited to 1 & 2 Family Dwellings, 3 stories or less), and have been for 14 years, correct? Anything I need to correct in that statement?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  26. #91
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    You just love to hear yourself talk..Narcissist !

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  27. #92
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    Roy (and others),

    Any constructive suggestions on how I should re-word this so it is clear and not misunderstood (as it is by at least some one, maybe some others too):

    " Over 25 years as an active state licensed General / Building Contractor (since 1989) "

    I have been a Florida licensed Building Contractor since 1989; a Florida licensed General Contractor since 2002; I kept my BC license "active" until about 6 years ago when I took it "inactive" (renewals are in 2-year cycles), with my GC license still "active".

    I will likely be taking my GC license "inactive" next year when it is time to renew. "Active" or "inactive" is still considered being licensed as long as one keeps renewing their license. One can take an "inactive" license "active" at any time without having to do much (but I don't plan on taking it "active" again - "active" allows me to pull permits under the license, and I haven't pulled permits or done work under it for many years as I have been inspecting instead of constructing).

    Should I reword the above to something like this for easier reading?

    "Over 30 years as a state licensed contractor: General Contractor since 2002/Building Contractor since 1989" After this year it will be "over" 30 years.

    I try to keep it as short as possible on my website, but longer is okay if need be.

    I didn't put in a number of years for being certified to do code inspections as Florida did not have any licensing for a long time, so I (and others) had our SBCCI (Southern Building Code Congress International) certifications in the different categories, some having only Building, others having more than one (I had Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical -Residential and Electrical-Commercial ... the only one divided into Residential and Commercial at the time was Electrical).

    After Hurricane Andrew in 1992, Florida started working toward a single statewide building code and toward licensing of code inspectors. Florida began licensing code inspectors around 1995-96 as I recall, and not doing code inspections, I didn't need or get a code inspector's license at first. Then I thought that, instead of just stating that I was "certified" to do code inspections, I would be able to say that I was "licensed" to do code inspections, so I got my code inspection licenses in 1998.

    Within a few years after that, being able to state that I was "licensed" to do code inspections pushed aside contractors who were telling others who were "certified" 'you may be certified, but you are not licensed' ... again, to end those discussions with contractors with them not being able to complain that I was not as licensed as they were, I then had more licenses than they had.

    And, after I moved and retired from HI in 2006, those code inspection licenses were good to have as it allowed me to work for AHJ and engineering firms doing code inspections.

    I have been telling all home inspectors this for about 30 years, here in Florida and anywhere else who listen: get ICC certified (used to be 'get SBCCI certified' for the southeast, now ICC is the starting point for almost every location).

    But I digress ... ...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    You just love to hear yourself talk..Narcissist !
    Quite to the contrary, I don't mind explaining things to people who apparently don't understand things and need those things explained to them.

    REMEMBER ... YOU ARE THE ONE ... who began questioning what was being said.

    I am just trying to explain it in everyday terms so it is easy to understand.

    And asking if there is a better way to state it to make it easier to understand.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  28. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    However, I want my ..what I consider personal information delete that you posted..
    And I want it deleted today...
    That is easy for you to do..So! Why not just do it? Please!
    Please Sir!
    I already did delete "personal information" (your street address).

    What it still shows is:
    - your name (which you show here on this board)
    - your city (which you show here on this board)
    - your state (which you show here on this board)
    - then it shows your license number, type, and date

    Surely you are not embarrassed about that public information (that's not private information, ask DBPR ... DBPR may remove that information if when became unlicensed (maybe not, as Florida licenses are state information, and they may consider that the public has a right to know when someone does not renew a license).

    You are aware, at least I presume that you are or should be, that the DBPR portal has a setting for keeping personal information private.

    Ummm ... does that mean YOU decided NOT to keep your personal information private by electing to NOT elect that setting/choice?

    Login, find that setting, reset it to what you want - if you have an issue not finding that setting, there is a 'contact us' link in the portal you can use to contact DBPR for help in finding that setting.

    Last edited by Jerry Peck; 08-20-2019 at 04:33 PM. Reason: Added things for charity (Robert quoted me before that)
    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  29. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    I already did.

    You are aware, at least I presume that you are or should be, that the DBPR portal has a setting for keeping personal information private.

    Ummm ... does that mean YOU decided not to keep your personal information private by electing to not elect that setting/choice?

    Login, find that setting, reset it to what you want - if you have an issue not finding that setting, there is a 'contact us' link in the portal you can use to contact DBPR for help in finding that setting.


  30. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Login, find that setting, reset it to what you want - if you have an issue not finding that setting, there is a 'contact us' link in the portal you can use to contact DBPR for help in finding that setting.

    For courtesy's sake, I went back and made that information look like what I think it would look IF YOU HAD SET your information to "Private" ... but ...

    It is UP TO YOU to take care of it on the DBPR portal - have you done that yet?

    That was three (3) days ago, so you've had time if you were concerned about that information ... provided you can login - I just checked and it still shows your information - do you need help in logging onto the DBPR portal?

    While we may disagree on things ... and while your response was quite off the charts and very unprofessional ... if you need help logging onto the DBPR portal, I may be able to help (although there isn't a lot I can do as it is your account (provided you set an account up) and your login information and password you would have set up (which I have no idea of and don't want to know), but I may be able to offer basic help for the DBPR site if you need it - but the best people to help is to contact DBPR if you have problems logging on.

    You can contact DBPR using this form: (but I wouldn't count on that for urgency).

    Or you can call them: Customer Contact Center: 850.487.1395 (from the bottom of the DBPR page).

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  31. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    For courtesy's sake, I went back and made that information look like what I think it would look IF YOU HAD SET your information to "Private" ... but ...

    It is UP TO YOU to take care of it on the DBPR portal - have you done that yet?

    That was three (3) days ago, so you've had time if you were concerned about that information ... provided you can login - I just checked and it still shows your information - do you need help in logging onto the DBPR portal?
    I know how to access the DBPR , but couldn't find anything to make my info private. I emailed them yesterday.
    I addition, You consider my posting to be unprofessional. I believe you posting my info as an attack, and still do. I acted like anyone would when perceived as being personally attacked.
    I would have NEVER done what you did to me to anyone.. I'm not as vindictive as you are.

    This all started when you two stated you charge $4000. for the inspection of 2500 sf homes...
    I think it was crap then and still do now.

    Let's let this thread die right here.

    Certified Master Inspector
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  32. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    This all started when you two stated you charge $4000. for the inspection of 2500 sf homes...
    I think it was crap then and still do now.
    I agree that it started when you posted that you thought that was crap, even we had done just that for years.

    Done if you are.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  33. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    I agree that it started when you posted that you thought that was crap, even we had done just that for years.

    Done if you are.
    I'm done..Have a great day.

    Certified Master Inspector
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  34. #99
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    I know Jerry for a long time and his persona in person is nothing like on this board. ANY inspector could call him up and he would ALWAYS help his inspector brethren.

    As to how much he charged for a 2500 sq ft home I do not know, but he charged more then anybody else. And if you had a sadistic nature read one of his 100 page reports.

    And to sum it up he was probably the most hated inspector in the realtor community.


  35. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchell Captain View Post
    I know Jerry for a long time and his persona in person is nothing like on this board. ANY inspector could call him up and he would ALWAYS help his inspector brethren.

    As to how much he charged for a 2500 sq ft home I do not know, but he charged more then anybody else. And if you had a sadistic nature read one of his 100 page reports.

    And to sum it up he was probably the most hated inspector in the realtor community.

    I could list about 10 names just in my area alone. Jerry is the best in the business and mentored many who have come behind him...INCLUDING ME!

    Always gives guidance to new and old inspectors alike, he's one of the most knowledgeable inspectors I know...and I know many.

  36. #101
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    Not only is he knowlageable, his brain is overflowing with detailed information on just about any aspect of this business. He also recognises when a certain code is not quite enough, is badly written, or makes no sense and will point it out and even tell you why he thinks it's so.

    Jerry, has and still does, contribute greatly to this forum by generously sharing his incredible mind full of usefull information, for free. He has a well earned right to defend himself and to not take any BS insults sitting down.

    I have the utmost respect for Jerry and anyone who comes on here showing him disrespect by saying, in no uncertain terms, that he is lying about his inspection fees... is publicly asking for it and deserves whatever he gets publicly back in his face. You are lucky that I didn't read this sooner or you woulda had to get past me 1st buster.

    uhemmmmm geeeze

  37. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    I'm done..Have a great day.
    Yo...are you the same "Roy Lewis" who frequents the internacho boards? The same one where a link to your website, and the areas you service, are listed?

  38. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Sheppard View Post
    Yo...are you the same "Roy Lewis" who frequents the internacho boards? The same one where a link to your website, and the areas you service, are listed?

    Yes Robert, same Roy

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