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Thread: Joe the Plumber

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Rockwall Texas

    Default Joe the Plumber

    After seeing the debates tonight, I have a feeling that "Joe the Plumber" will be able to have the funds to buy that plumbing business he has been working for.

    GO JOE!

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  2. #2
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Hurst View Post
    After seeing the debates tonight, I have a feeling that "Joe the Plumber" will be able to have the funds to buy that plumbing business he has been working for.

    GO JOE!
    Yup. one check for the plumbing company and for Obama...

    Im going to start saving so i can give 1/2 my checks to Obama so he can think of was to pass it around. how fun!!! may be he will do a retro thing like Clinton...



  3. #3
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Yep, Joe The Plumber is now worth more than that plumbing business he was going to buy, just start his own, why spend that money buying the other business, EVERYONE now knows "Joe The Plumber" (that should be his businesses name).

    GO JOE!

    If he has the business sense to make his plumbing business work, he will jump at the national recognition *Joe The Plumber* got and spring board from there. Wonder if he does, or if he would simply of gradually run the other business into the ground not knowing how to run a business and how to take advantage of The Moment.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    I missed the debate last night, but it sounds like I should get back into the plumbing business.

    Dylan Whitehead

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber


    Not to worry, you already have your chance ... every man, woman, and child in the US is obligated for $2,300 to help pay for the bailout. Might as well 'start writing', the sooner you do, the sooner we all do, ... the sooner we can buy our way out of this mess.

    We are a consumer driven economy, if the consumer gets stage fright and freezes - not writing those checks, the show is going to be a guaranteed failure.

    The sooner we all spend money, the sooner the bank will lend money. If you've ever claimed you 'have faith', now is the time to practice it ... have faith and start shopping.

    This is a list of what I need you to buy me ...

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  6. #6
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Ron, This is a list of what I need you to buy me ...

    Sorry Jerry... If Obama gets in then i will have no money to buy you the things you want!!! But look on the bright side you and everybody eles can go see him for he is the Savior! put your faith in him... he has all the cash.... spend spend spend...

    I can just see people running to the white house to give him there checks each month... All we like sheep...

    As for Joe the plumber. What ever Joe makes Obama told him he was going to ( take it )

    I can only hope America understands that.



  7. #7
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Bibler View Post
    As for Joe the plumber. What ever Joe makes Obama told him he was going to ( take it )

    I can only hope America understands that.

    McCain is backing Bush's policies (depends on which side of his mouth he is talking out of, he says whatever he thinks the listener wants to hear, he will say one thing, then turn right around and contradict it), and (getting back to our discussion) Bush's policies ARE ALREADY DOING THAT - if you ain't one of his rich buddies, you ain't a gonna get rich, youse is gonna git poorer.

    Now, if you are making $5 mil a year, yeah, McCain's going to help you out, but, if you are making $5 mil a year, you would not be posting here.

    So, I've saved a seat at the soup line table for you.

    'Cause it ain't gonna really matter much in the short run ... and in the long run ... McCain's will take what's his, and what's yours, and give it to the needy ... you know, those guys making $5 mil or more, I mean, how on earth are they going to pay for the upkeep on their 5 homes unless they use your money to help them, they are the truly needy ... ask McCain.

    The rest of us are (I guess) supposedly used to not having that much, so we really do not need that much. Think about it, how in the world is The Donald going to fuel up his yacht if not with your dollars?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  8. #8
    Kevin Luce's Avatar
    Kevin Luce Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    By the middle of the debate John McCain was calling him his “good friend Joe.” That amused me since Joe never met or talked to McCain or anyone with his campaign (as stated by Joe).

    With him in the spot light, does this mean we'll be seeing Joe on "Dancing with the stars"?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    My Plan: Why do you suppose our political scene has become pornographic? What the voters in our country need to do is to get really pissed and clean out all the whores in DC and elect a benevolent king because both parties have become corrupted. And all this time you thought I was just a moronic west coast wine sipping anarchist?

    (I'm sure I'll regret this)

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  10. #10
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    E-Coast Jerry thats a big paint brush you have. to say that they are one in the same is a joke.

    One is looking you in the eye and says im going to take your money and give to some one else.

    The other looks you in the eye and say keep your money. you spend it your way.

    Im 52 and i can look a man in the eye and known if he is speaking the truth.

    I will give you this they both are going to do what they say.

    The one. ( Im going to take your money ) and spend it for you.

    The other ( You keep your money ) you spend it your way.

    This is the age old debate. and for the life of me i just don't get the Socialist Party of America... All you sheep get in line.

    Im for less Goverment, Less Taxes,

    Any one can paint with a big brush and blur everything.

    I see things as black or white. ( no gray )

    you are on one side or the other.

    Socialist or Conservitive

    We may need to do what Joe Biden wanted to do. Split the country ...



    Last edited by Ron Bibler; 10-16-2008 at 08:59 AM.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Bibler View Post
    I will give you this they both are going to do what they say.
    The one. ( Im going to take your money ) and spend it for you.
    Yep, that's what McCain is going to do all right, he just is not telling you that - presuming you are in the under $5 mil per year taxable income bracket. If you are making more than $5 mil income, McCain should be your man.

    The other ( You keep your money ) you spend it your way.
    Yep, that's what Obama is going to do, and he is telling you that - presuming you are in the under $250 k per year taxable income bracket. If you are making under $250 k income, Obama should be your man.

    Now, if you are in the $250 k to $5 mil income bracket ... who knows which one you will be better off being under?

    Guess you must be in the $5 mil + income bracket? All I can say is - Wow!, and, Good for you!

    But, enough about politics, we should try to keep politics out of these discussions and keep them on track for what the topic is.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  12. #12
    David Banks's Avatar
    David Banks Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Joe the plumber is not even a Licensed Plumber and not close to buying the company never mind having a profit of over 250,000.
    'Joe the Plumber' says he has no plumbing license - Yahoo! News

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    If being socially conscious of my fellow man make one a socialist I guess I be one?

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  14. #14
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Jerry E. If the Bush tax cut are sunset. all our taxes are going up. mine by over 5K.

    Jerry W. Helping your fellow man has nothing to do with being a Socialist.

    We are our brothers keeper. But i get up and go to work to feed my family not the bums on the street that is not willing to work.

    I train youg men to inspect homes and im always willing to help...
    Thats. Conservitive.

    Taking from one and giving to another is thats. Socialism.

    I will shut up now... Love Me!



  15. #15
    Kevin Luce's Avatar
    Kevin Luce Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Well, that was an interesting article you posted my old buddy David the home inspector. I also agree with you my old buddy Jerry P the retired home inspector.

    Regarding to the first post, I think my old buddy Joe the home inspector is correct. My old buddy Joe the plumber needs to be hire some old Buddy's and start his own business. That way my old buddy Joe the plumber can promote himself and his business to all the old buddies out there.

    If I've left out any of my old buddy home inspectors that posted here I apologize. Just a long as you know that you are all my old buddies.

    I wonder if John McCain thinks of me as his old buddy like he does of Joe the plumber?

    Last edited by Kevin Luce; 10-16-2008 at 12:39 PM.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    And Bush's lack of regulation has cost me over 100K and I don't want any more of it. Seems I recall we where all better off under Willy Wonka? Actually it's not Bush’s fault…. he is not smart enough; it's his loyal conservative henchmen who have never met a billionaire they didn't suck up to.
    Now I'll shut up and go away............................

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  17. #17
    David Banks's Avatar
    David Banks Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Joe the Plumber does not like old taxes either. He is no longer doing interviews.
    Jonathan Martin's Blog: Joe the Plumber: No new taxes -- and no old ones, either -

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    Actually it's not Bush’s fault…. he is not smart enough;

    Then there is Palin, who is versed in foreign affairs because she can almost see Russia across the water.

    And she is knowledgeable about agribusiness because she likes cows.

    And those smarts would only be one heart beat away from being Bush III, only dumber, if that is possible.

    Sorry, I said we should cut out the politics ... wait, that was humor, not politics ...

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  19. #19
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Jerry and Jerry. This went right over your heads.

    If the Bush tax cut are sunset. all our taxes are going up.
    mine by over 5K.

    Now i Will shut up...



  20. #20
    David Banks's Avatar
    David Banks Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    'Joe the plumber' and Obama’s tax plan - The Debates -

    Turns out, would-be small-business buyer likely wouldn't be affected at all

    Last edited by David Banks; 10-16-2008 at 01:59 PM. Reason: Added comment

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    e c jerry and w c jerry,
    i can't believe it but i totally agree with yous guys on this issue

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    I know I was doing a lot better when we had the moral cripple in the white house.
    The last 8 years has cost me a bunch of money. I see McCain as just more of the same, regardless of how much of a maverick he says he is.

    Here is some interesting stats about the proposed tax plans (What someone earns and what they get under the proposed tax plans)
    Sales clerk earns $25K McCain +$94 Obama +$860
    Teacher $50K McCain +$446 Obama +$1114
    Lawyer $250K McCain +$7295 Obama +$1591
    Invest. Banker $750K McCain +11621 Obama -$19745
    CEO $1M McCain +$91286 Obama -$175117
    Source: Tax Policy Center

    This tells a lot about their tax plans.

  23. #23
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Palin for President

    She is better looking

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    My Plan: Why do you suppose our political scene has become pornographic? What the voters in our country need to do is to get really pissed and clean out all the whores in DC and elect a benevolent king because both parties have become corrupted. And all this time you thought I was just a moronic west coast wine sipping anarchist?

    (I'm sure I'll regret this)

    You like your wine, I like the occasional cold beer or a shot of Tekillya.

    But I can get along with you.


  25. #25
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Menelly View Post
    Palin for President

    She is better looking

    No one arguing with you on that one. But do we want another Bush in the White House?

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  26. #26
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Hurst View Post

    No one arguing with you on that one. But do we want another Bush in the White House?
    Just send some raisers and shaving cream to the White house

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber




  28. #28
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber


    1) He Makes 40K a year (per his divorce papers)
    2) He's not a licensed plumber
    3) He does not pay his taxes
    4) He originally registered as Natural Law Party


    5) His name is not Joe


    Meanwhile, McCain's campaign is too stupid and/or ignorant to vet him using public records and resources.


    Increasingly, McCain reminds me of that old song:

    "Who put the benzedrine
    in Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine?"

    Michael Thomas
    Paragon Property Services Inc., Chicago IL

  29. #29

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Yep, that's what Obama is going to do, and he is telling you that - presuming you are in the under $250 k per year taxable income bracket. If you are making under $250 k income, Obama should be your man.

    Now Jerry, (and I am not backing one or the other here,) If you are retired and get all your income from dividends and cap gains then that becomes a lie. He is going to raise the rates on both dividends and Cap gains to 28 to 32% from the present 15%. He may not raise the taxes on earned income but we all do not live on earned income.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    No matter who gets elected we will get screwed. All we can hope and pray for is that we do not have a democratic House, Senate and President.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  31. #31
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    Smile Re: Joe the Plumber

    I moved all my capital investments into a no-load stock equity fund in Katmandu, so me worry? Hell no – not any more ! BTW, what's a MILF and is Sarah one?
    PS: Son of BTW, here’s a photo of my Katmandu financial advisors

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    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  32. #32
    David Banks's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    I moved all my capital investments into a no-load stock equity fund in Katmandu, so me worry? Hell no – not any more ! BTW, what's a MILF and is Sarah one?
    PS: Son of BTW, here’s a photo of my Katmandu financial advisors
    Monkeys here Monkeys there.

  33. #33
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    No matter who gets elected we will get screwed. All we can hope and pray for is that we do not have a democratic House, Senate and President.

    Madam Speaker Pelosi's announcement after Taking Control that there,


    If this is the type of Changes She was referring to I can't wait to see the What's Next .

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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  34. #34
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Hurst View Post



    Just a play on words in this case

  35. #35
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    I moved all my capital investments into a no-load stock equity fund in Katmandu, so me worry? Hell no – not any more ! BTW, what's a MILF and is Sarah one?
    PS: Son of BTW, here’s a photo of my Katmandu financial advisors
    I thought I was being a little to blunt

  36. #36
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    ...BTW, what's a MILF and is Sarah one
    This is not the forum for that kind of talk. Mother I'd like to F"ool-around-with".

  37. #37
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Menelly View Post
    Just send some raisers and shaving cream to the White house
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Hurst View Post


    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Menelly View Post

    Just a play on words in this case
    That would Be Magic Shave, can't be all bumpy up in the House.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  38. #38
    Kevin Luce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    I think the K is missing from his name. Joke, the want to be plumber/owner. Why did John McCain even bring him up? Did his people look into this at all? Are they that desperate that they take basic information and run with it?

    I don't think Joke, the want to be plumber/owner is going to get his own business off the ground from the stuff that I have read.

    Joke, do what the rest of the plumbers do and get educated/licensed.

  39. #39
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Everyone in McCain's camp must be so out of touch. I knew Joe the Plumber was a fraud before they were done talking. So pathetic.
    "The Code is not a ceiling to reach but a floor to work up from"

  40. #40
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    I suspect that Joe the Plumber is wishing he had never had his 15 minutes of fame, not considering what has been found out about him.

    Joe, hiding your head in the same only exposes your butt more.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  41. #41
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    McCain vs Obama rally.
    On television today a Democratic operative pointed out that when Obama
    holds a rally 25,000-30,000 people show up, whereas when McCain holds
    one he only draws 10,000-15,000. The Republican spokesman replied,
    'That's because McCain's supporters are at work.'

  42. #42
    Kevin Luce's Avatar
    Kevin Luce Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Hurst View Post
    McCain vs Obama rally.
    On television today a Democratic operative pointed out that when Obama
    holds a rally 25,000-30,000 people show up, whereas when McCain holds
    one he only draws 10,000-15,000. The Republican spokesman replied,
    'That's because McCain's supporters are at work.'
    At work? Spending our money on their retreats.

  43. #43
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    As I said, no matter who is elected we are screwed.

    It all depends on the House, Senate and the Cabinet that is selected. Really the President has very little power when you think about the entire process. Our forefathers made sure of this when this country was formed.

    We can talk about Joe and make fun of him all we want, but in all reality he is really more like the average person or even the average home inspector. Before my move I had sales high enough that I would fall in to the "Share the Wealth" tax that we might see. Now with my income and my wife's income we will be right at the "Share the Wealth" tax. Do I want to share my hard earned wealth in the form of a higher tax? Not a chance. We have worked hard for what we have and have earned.

    I really don't like either candidate, but what choice do I have. I hope that they will start naming their cabinet choices soon, this will help me decide on the direction I will go.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  44. #44
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    Before my move I had sales high enough that I would fall in to the "Share the Wealth" tax that we might see.

    That's the problem, people think "sales" and the term is "income".

    Your $250 "sales" probably equated to less than $150 "income" after deductions and everything else a business person can deduct. Which would have put you well UNDER that tax limit.

    Unless you meant "income" and not "sales".

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  45. #45
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Hurst View Post
    McCain vs Obama rally.
    On television today a Democratic operative pointed out that when Obama
    holds a rally 25,000-30,000 people show up, whereas when McCain holds
    one he only draws 10,000-15,000. The Republican spokesman replied,
    'That's because McCain's supporters are at work.'
    That's also because it would be 35,000-45,000 at Obama's rally ... except that many of his supporters are WORKING two jobs and could not get the time off.

    And, as Kevin said, all those Obama supporters are the ones really making the money for those few McCain supporters, who are out spending the money instead of putting it back into the business.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  46. #46
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Its all irrelevant.

    McCain, Obama or Obama, McCain. No matter which way one goes we will still be in trouble for some time.

    Being neither for Obama or McCain and trying to way the difference my personal opinion is McCain being the more centrist candidate I believe he would actually do the more good.

    I came from THE democratic state and seeing what an all democratic society is really all about I am not quite sure that what I witnessed for 36 years in Mass why anyone would want an all democratic Government.

    In Mass you had folks with money and those with out. In the many years since I left Mass it has become more of some low income, many middle income and some filthy stinking rich. I would certainly like to see it stay more toward the last couple decades than the decades before that.

    We truly do need a more central type government. No extreme in either direction. It might not be McCain that is needed but it is certainly not Obama. McCain has always been more the outsider in the republican party. Obama is the true definition of Democrat.

    Watch out what you folks wish for. You might just get it.

    You will see a very flat economy if Obama gets in. Clinton (the original) would be better than the Obama camp.

    One more opinion that I jokingly expressed was that I do believe the best President out of the 2 runners for Pres and the 2 runners for Vice Pres, are you ready?????

    Palin. She is the most centrist than the other three. I do believe that she would be the one to build the strongest middle class there has been in some time.

    Yeah, yeah. I don't have any other choices but the 4 going for the big tickets. She is just the choice of those 4.

  47. #47
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Menelly View Post
    Its all irrelevant.

    Yeah, yeah. I don't have any other choices but the 4 going for the big tickets. She is just the choice of those 4.

    She is the one most off the radar, so far off the radar that she thinks being close to Russia gives her some foreign affairs experience.

    With her being just one heart beat away from the Presidency, and with this being Halloween, this will truly be a very scary Halloween time until we know the results of the election - hopefully, those Palin buttons will become valuable for 'having been the first women Vice Presidential Candidate of the Republican Party', and not have anything else to do with who was actually elected.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  48. #48
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    She is the one most off the radar, so far off the radar that she thinks being close to Russia gives her some foreign affairs experience.

    With her being just one heart beat away from the Presidency, and with this being Halloween, this will truly be a very scary Halloween time until we know the results of the election - hopefully, those Palin buttons will become valuable for 'having been the first women Vice Presidential Candidate of the Republican Party', and not have anything else to do with who was actually elected.
    Governor Reagan, Governor Bush, Governor Clinton

    Need I say more

    Do you really want someone in there that has already been in the Washington garbage for years. Do you want their advisers to be from past parties that screwed thing's up. Do you really want Obama in there or McCain for that matter.

    Reagan, movie star. Bush, rich family, President for dad. Clinton, didn't do a bad job but had a lot of help from the fake dot com enterprises. Tell me what those three Presidents that actually had a clue other than "how it works in Washington" Please don't give me the George Bush thing. We see what his experience did. Oh yeah, Ronny, credited for the end of the cold war. The cold war ended because the Soviet Union could not afford it anymore. Look at the debt after Ronny.

    Palin. Someone that actually tried and did somewhat achieve good for most of the folks in Alaska (even though there are only about 100 folks that live there) . The little folks, the middle class and the big Corps. She was not for just one class of folks. She actually did try and achieve a little for all involved. It did not appear that she was just another Republican.

    Again. Just a choice of the 4 Running

  49. #49
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Menelly View Post
    It did not appear that she was just another Republican.

    I agree with that, but only because she is a more corrupt than "just another Republican". Her actions limited to her limited government roles so far indicate that she will be "cleaning house" (monetarily speaking) from the government pocket book to her pocket book - and remember, the 'government pocket book' is also 'your pocket book'.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  50. #50
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    I agree with that, but only because she is a more corrupt than "just another Republican". Her actions limited to her limited government roles so far indicate that she will be "cleaning house" (monetarily speaking) from the government pocket book to her pocket book - and remember, the 'government pocket book' is also 'your pocket book'.
    Kind of like these Cities? Commentary: The poverty of Democrats' ideas for cities -
    Check crime rates as well.Democrat run Cites lead the highest crime and murder rates

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  51. #51
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    O.K. Im in. was trying to stay out. but they keep draging me back in...

    I think old joe the plumber i just like each one on this board in one way or another. this guy is getting slam-buck-raw. for what? because he ask one Q. i saw Obama on the TV tube bashing the plumber. For what ?asking a Q. If it was you stand at the event and you had a chance what Q. would ask?

    Me i think the same as Joe the plumber did...

    just think a Dude like Obama just may be the next President of the USA slams a plumber for asking a Q.

    Obama is a jerk. Plumber, Carpenter, HI, Roofer, he is not your friend...



  52. #52
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    Spring City/Surrounding Philadelphia area

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Bibler View Post
    Jerry and Jerry. This went right over your heads.

    If the Bush tax cut are sunset. all our taxes are going up.
    mine by over 5K.

    Now i Will shut up...


    Nobody wants to pay more in taxes but many want to see the natiomal deficit reduced. You can only make so many governmental budget cutbacks. The rest has to come from the taxpaying public. It sucks but that's the way it is. Besides, how else are we going to pay for all the money being flushed down the toilet in Iraq every month and how else are we going to pay for the $700+ billion bailout package which congress insisted needed to go through to save us from fire and brimstone?

    Like Scott said, we're probably screwed no matter who gets elected. But I think Obama at least gives the country more of a chance to start feeling good about itself again.

  53. #53
    Kevin Luce's Avatar
    Kevin Luce Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Bibler View Post
    O.K. Im in. was trying to stay out. but they keep draging me back in...

    I think old joe the plumber i just like each one on this board in one way or another. this guy is getting slam-buck-raw. for what? because he ask one Q. i saw Obama on the TV tube bashing the plumber. For what ?asking a Q. If it was you stand at the event and you had a chance what Q. would ask?

    Me i think the same as Joe the plumber did...

    just think a Dude like Obama just may be the next President of the USA slams a plumber for asking a Q.

    Obama is a jerk. Plumber, Carpenter, HI, Roofer, he is not your friend...


    There is one big difference between Joe the plumber and myself. I'm not liar. He walked up to Obama and told him that he is a plumber. He is looking at buying a plumbing business and that the company makes $250,000 or a little more. Then he informed Obama that he would being paying that 3% more with his tax plan. Besides Joe the plumber telling Obama that his name is Joe (which is his middle name), everything else was a lie.

    All the other plumbers in that area had and are having to pay the price to be a plumber but for some reason Joe doesn't think he needs to.

    He lied soo much to Obama in such a short period of time so that tells me that he can easily lie to anyone else and he likely does. That makes me not trust him when it comes to anything else he has to say.

    So please do not compare him to me.

  54. #54
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Ostrowski View Post
    Nobody wants to pay more in taxes but many want to see the natiomal deficit reduced. You can only make so many governmental budget cutbacks. The rest has to come from the taxpaying public. It sucks but that's the way it is. Besides, how else are we going to pay for all the money being flushed down the toilet in Iraq every month and how else are we going to pay for the $700+ billion bailout package which congress insisted needed to go through to save us from fire and brimstone?

    Like Scott said, we're probably screwed no matter who gets elected. But I think Obama at least gives the country more of a chance to start feeling good about itself again.

    Dude. Mr Oboma wants to spend another $ TRL and 1/2 more. with no cut in spending. I don't want to just Feel good. I feel just fine now. I don't want a jerk for PRES. that will Pick on a plumber. I was a union carpenter 226 in portland OR. I have done plumbing, stucco, roofing just like most on this board.

    I love that Feel good crap... Obama would never sit down with a plumber, HI, Carpenter or Roofer. I known a lot of plumbers that make more then $250K I do inspection for them . Hit them with more tax you hit me with more tax... Mr Feel good.



    Last edited by Ron Bibler; 10-18-2008 at 06:10 PM.

  55. #55
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Well as Long as I Feel Good about it---------

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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  56. #56
    Kevin Luce's Avatar
    Kevin Luce Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Bibler View Post

    I known lost of plumbers that make more then $250K I do inspection for them .

    Wow, I need to move by you. In chicago, a level three plumber makes up to $70K. That would require them to work a lot of overtime for them to reach that $250K’s Salary Wizard™- Do you know what you're worth?

  57. #57
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    The plumbers i known have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them...

    When they buy new building they call mew to inspect them.



  58. #58
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Bibler View Post
    The plumbers i known have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them...

    Let's check your math, there ... (no wonder there is a communication problem)

    Plumbers (plural) have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them ...

    Each of those 12 to 20 plumbers have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them ...

    And each of those 12 to 20 plumbers have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them ...

    And each of those 12 to 20 plumbers have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them ...

    And each of those 12 to 20 plumbers have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them ...

    And each of those 12 to 20 plumbers have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them ...

    Ron, that one heck of a lot of plumbers.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  59. #59
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    I think Ron means that the Plumbing Contractors (Owners of the business) have 15-20 employees.

    250K is not that unrealistic amount of money to earn as a Plumbing Contractor. Not in these parts anyway, if your the owner of the company. I'm not talking about the part-time guy either.


  60. #60
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Let's check your math, there ... (no wonder there is a communication problem)

    Plumbers (plural) have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them ...

    Each of those 12 to 20 plumbers have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them ...

    And each of those 12 to 20 plumbers have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them ...

    And each of those 12 to 20 plumbers have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them ...

    And each of those 12 to 20 plumbers have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them ...

    And each of those 12 to 20 plumbers have 12 to 20 plumbers working for them ...

    Ron, that one heck of a lot of plumbers.
    Rick has it.

    You have trip over a little thing. Jerry. and over look the point.

    I known a lot of Plumbing contractors that make more then $250K.
    I do inspection for them . Hit them with more tax you hit me/all of us with more tax... Mr Feel good/Jerry.

    Have a great week weekend.



  61. #61
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Joe The plumber's cousin Ralph The Plumber.
    *the kinder, gentler more aesthetically pleasing Plumber.

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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  62. #62
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Shoot, half the time I was contracting I only had a half dozen people working for me and a variety of subcontractors. My take was a quarter mill with my small company. After material and labor was paid. 250,000.00is a fairly easy take.

    Whats that called now. A third, a third and a third (materials, labor, profit). You bust your backside and you can make it.

    A plumber with 20 employees is making some serious money if he has some excellent men. Shoot, half the plumbers I have known their men were working 10 plus hours a day. What do you pay for having a plumber at your house for an hour??????? or should that be $$$$$$$$

  63. #63
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Menelly View Post
    Shoot, half the time I was contracting I only had a half dozen people working for me and a variety of subcontractors. My take was a quarter mill with my small company. After material and labor was paid. 250,000.00is a fairly easy take.

    Whats that called now. A third, a third and a third (materials, labor, profit). You bust your backside and you can make it.

    A plumber with 20 employees is making some serious money if he has some excellent men. Shoot, half the plumbers I have known their men were working 10 plus hours a day. What do you pay for having a plumber at your house for an hour??????? or should that be $$$$$$$$
    Say Ted he is not talking about your take home pay. hes talking about your total sales. $ 250 is a dance for most contractors. with just 2 or 5 men.



  64. #64
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    The 250K number of what I understand is not for gross sales of a business but it (250K) is the "net" pay on your personal income tax.

    Your company could make a million bucks but if you only paid yourself 250K, then your taxes would not be affected.

    It is not per the actual company earnings.


  65. #65
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    Default Re: Joe the Plumber

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Bibler View Post
    Dude. Mr Oboma wants to spend another $ TRL and 1/2 more. with no cut in spending. I don't want to just Feel good. I feel just fine now. I don't want a jerk for PRES. that will Pick on a plumber. I was a union carpenter 226 in portland OR. I have done plumbing, stucco, roofing just like most on this board.

    I love that Feel good crap... Obama would never sit down with a plumber, HI, Carpenter or Roofer. I known a lot of plumbers that make more then $250K I do inspection for them . Hit them with more tax you hit me with more tax... Mr Feel good.


    Don't hold back Ron. Tell us what you really think .

    You may not like him but you might want to get used to saying it now before it becomes a likely reality on 11/5.............President Elect Obama.

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