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  1. #66
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Ostrowski View Post
    Just relaying the info/verbiage I received on the topic which came directly from a member of the NAHI board of directors. We're supposed to receive something from the president of NAHI on the topic. Hopefully I'll have something to pass along.
    Nick: You mean this?

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  2. #67
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    Nick: You mean this?
    That is the letter I have seen as well.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  3. #68
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    That's it Aaron. I just received it myself.

  4. #69
    Richard Stanley's Avatar
    Richard Stanley Guest

    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    In case anyone was wondering......

    noun1. intelligence manifested by being astute (as in business dealings) [syn: shrewdness] 2. the capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions [syn: judgment]

  5. #70
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Luce View Post
    Strange that a NAHI inspector that I have talked to thinks there are talks going on about a merge. Scott thinks there are talks about a merge and the one NAHI guy that responded here (maybe more NAHI members responded) didn't say any different.

    If true, I wonder how much money and resources it will take to get rid of InterNACHI?
    From everything I've heard, nobodys worried about nick club.
    They are doing a good job of getting rid of themslves, with out any help from outsiders..

  6. #71
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Hi Dan

    You likely have read that British Columbia has passed legislation licencing home inspectors by Mar 31st. Not surprising the Nachi members in British Columbia were left to fend for themselves, and have been left out of the licencing legislation.
    FAQ for Home Inspector Licensing Regulation

    Q. Why are other associations or authorities such as NACHI not acceptable?
    A. Government consultations determined that acceptable associations and authorities would be those that require a satisfactory level of learning and field training prior to providing home inspections to the public. They also have standards of practice, codes of ethics, insurance requirements and a process to help resolve disputes between their members and consumers.

  7. #72
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  8. #73
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Hi Jerry;
    You are right Jerry; about the failure of public education. Those mandates you mentioned, originally came from socialist type educators and members of the NEA for the most part who influenced legislators to make those mandates that tied the hands of serious educators.Discipline went out the window.That is just what happens when
    large controlling organizations pressure elected officials to make laws to benefit themselves. From what I've seen, the home education movement has produced a much better equipped citizen that can think,have character,and deal with reality far above the
    product from the government indoctrination centers. Most businessmen I know seek out
    graduates that have been home schooled. Maybe it is because they are taught by
    loving parents who instill moral values and discipline .After all --You raise hogs but
    train children. And guess who pays for all the government expenses. It might be wise to study what George Washington has to say about child training. If and only if, one might
    want additional help in education, then go to the source ---Psalms and Proverbs. Many
    people have trouble getting past the first two chapters in the KJV.
    Look at what was just posted about British Colombia, More of the exclusionary tactics
    by those who are trying to gain power through laws. It is also happening here in N.H.; I am led to believe there are individuals trying to mandate what they think is best, for everyone to go along with their program and exclude competition.Those in the legal profession are the one's that end up gaining the most. The home inspector pays more and the client pays more . My friend , it does not end when you get what you want, changes will come , and they will not be for the good . Learn from the mistakes of others, for you will not live long enough to make them all youself.

  9. #74
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephen DeCosta View Post
    If and only if, one might
    want additional help in education, then go to the source ---Psalms and Proverbs. Many
    people have trouble getting past the first two chapters in the KJV.
    Many need to start reading books which are not fables or based on fables, that will open one's eyes up to the real world. When that happens REAL education will be able to start. And home schooling will not suffice, as home schooling, for the most part, does not expose those home schooled to the wide variety of real people in the real world.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  10. #75
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Many need to start reading books which are not fables or based on fables, that will open one's eyes up to the real world. When that happens REAL education will be able to start. And home schooling will not suffice, as home schooling, for the most part, does not expose those home schooled to the wide variety of real people in the real world.
    I agree. Children can just as easily, or more easily, be indoctrinated in homes and (don't shoot!) churches.

    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)

  11. #76
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Many need to start reading books which are not fables or based on fables, that will open one's eyes up to the real world. When that happens REAL education will be able to start.
    JP: Change "many" to "all" and we're in agreement.

    And home schooling will not suffice, as home schooling, for the most part, does not expose those home schooled to the wide variety of real people in the real world.
    JP: And did you mention that most people today are stupfyingly unqualified to home school their children? That is of course, if they really want them to become autonomous, contributing members of society.

    I think the majority of parents, their arguments (steeped in wishful thinking) to the contrary notwithstanding, are merely interested in creating little clones through which they can live out the unexperienced parts of lives vicariously.

    And did I mention that we should limit qualifying each household to only one child? And those who do not qualify get none. But, then that's another story.


  12. #77
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    Smile Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    [And home schooling will not suffice, as home schooling, for the most part, does not expose those home schooled to the wide variety of real people in the real world]
    One thing is for sure , Home schooled children for the most part learn to deal with adults in the REAL world, and not live in a sand box for the rest of their lives with selfish friends..

  13. #78
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    [Many need to start reading books which are not fables or based on fables, that will open one's eyes up to the real world. When that happens REAL education will be able to start]
    Since some believe ,Holy Scripture is a FABLE, then one does not have to be concerned with God's judgment. How about this fable "Wine is a mocker,strong drink is raging; and
    whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." or "hell and destruction are never full;so the eyes of man are never satisfied." or maybe we forget the school shootings over the last few years. "The rod and reproof give wisdom:but the child left to himself bringeth his mother
    to shame."
    O well, no one should really care what was just said , after all , It must be just fables
    IF you want to believe that way; Your choice.

  14. #79
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    What on earth does any of this have to do with the thread topic?

  15. #80
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    [What on earth does any of this have to do with the thread topic?]

    As and answer to previous thread topic comments, and "who is going to be --King of the
    Hill--and sit in the executive high chairs when all the competition through merges is
    eliminated . Or maybe one likes the high manipulated fuel prices after Exxon/Mobile
    merged along with the international banksters.

  16. #81
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  17. #82
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Get a grip Stephen

  18. #83
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Hi Nick,
    Ask a question if you do not understand
    Hi Jack ,
    Please explain what you mean, so I may answer your comment.

  19. #84
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    I'd rather not. It would only keep the nonsense going.

  20. #85

    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    your post #78...
    I'm looking around and hope I don't see Samuel L. Jackson quoting scriptures as in "Pulp Fiction". When he stops preaching, he starts shooting.

    Back to the merger: Is the DH rule in effect.

  21. #86
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by RANDY NICHOLAS View Post
    your post #78...
    I'm looking around and hope I don't see Samuel L. Jackson quoting scriptures as in "Pulp Fiction". When he stops preaching, he starts shooting.

    Back to the merger: Is the DH rule in effect.
    What is the DH rule? Designated hitter??

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  22. #87

    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    one is american; the other is national

  23. #88
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    The member survey re unification is out. Just got it a few minutes ago.

    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)

  24. #89
    JORY LANNES's Avatar

    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    I think a merge of ASHI and NAHI would be beneficial to both organizations and respective reorganization of local chapters.

  25. #90
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by JORY LANNES View Post
    I think a merge of ASHI and NAHI would be beneficial to both organizations and respective reorganization of local chapters.
    And our profession.
    All that is left is complete the national certification process, then focus on informing the public there is a difference between an on-line instant, non-verified mail order cert, and a cert from a national recognized certification firm.

  26. #91
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Harris View Post
    ...focus on informing the public there is a difference between an on-line instant, non-verified mail order cert, and a cert from a national recognized certification firm.
    I have it on good authority that this possible merging/unification business has nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing whatsoever to do with any other home inspector association. Nada! Zip! Zilch!

    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)

  27. #92
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by John Arnold View Post
    I have it on good authority that this possible merging/unification business has nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing whatsoever to do with any other home inspector association. Nada! Zip! Zilch!
    Why would it? If it happens, and I think it will; it will have nothing to do with what any other association or group is doing.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  28. #93
    Kevin Luce's Avatar
    Kevin Luce Guest

    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by John Arnold View Post
    The member survey re unification is out. Just got it a few minutes ago.
    Are they just going with a vote from the members once everything is worked out by the big boys?

  29. #94
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    can you rewrite that in english, i have know idea what that means , please


  30. #95
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by CHARLIE VAN FLEET View Post
    can you rewrite that in english, i have know idea what that means , please

    Ahh just wishful thinking that maybe some day home inspectors, and HI orgs will be held accountable for claims of certificiations, and advertized qualificiations, opposed to just being able to make up any ABC cert and sell it, buy it, online with out any verificiation if the person buying the cert has completed any training or has claimed experience..

    Hope this helps... Not sure if it's real english, I know what I mean

  31. #96
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Luce View Post
    Are they just going with a vote from the members once everything is worked out by the big boys?
    I believe it has to be a "super majority" of the membership, 66% or better, for this thing to move along.

    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)

  32. #97
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Harris View Post
    Ahh just wishful thinking that maybe some day home inspectors, and HI orgs will be held accountable for claims of certificiations, and advertized qualificiations, opposed to just being able to make up any ABC cert and sell it, buy it, online with out any verificiation if the person buying the cert has completed any training or has claimed experience..

    Hope this helps... Not sure if it's real english, I know what I mean
    Ah, so that would include the infamous CMI! No, that does not mean Certified Muppet Inspector!

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  33. #98
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    Default Re: ASHI and NAHI Merge

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    Ah, so that would include the infamous CMI! No, that does not mean Certified Muppet Inspector!
    Well I'm glad there is at least one other person understands my english.

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