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  1. #1
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Angry She hit my new Truck

    Going south on Hwy 101 at 1:00 PM on my way to the next inspection. in the fast lane doing about 60mph and this young lady gets on the Freeway in the slow lane I see her and then She just starts moving into my lane and she keeps coming and coming and BOOM She hits my new Toyota Truck the next thing I'm Driving on the concrete center wall...Dang

    I may have said something Else. Then she heads off back at a Food Truck in the slow lane and hits him BOOM... His truck went up in the air and flips over and over and over and off into a field... So I get off the freeway and stop and all i can think of is the Dude in the Ford truck I'm running to his truck and smoke is coming out from under the hood... I can't get his door open its all smashed in the top of the truck is smashed in... and he is try to get out the side window he is in a lot of paint and in like shock. I was so glad to get him out of the truck. I got him back up to the bed of my truck and get him to lay on the tail gate. after about 15 min. or so fire and the CHP are there. The guy in the Ford truck is in bad shape. he was in a lot of pain but going to be OK. My new Truck is all jack up in the front 3 Rims and tries are damage along with the front bumper and right front finder. may have some suspension damage will see what the repair shop has to say.

    I'm going to see the guy in the ford truck at the Hospital in the morning check in on him... My back and neck is starting lock upnow...
    I was able to make my Inspection an 1 1/2 HR late.

    Check these photos.

    I was glad to make it home and give my wife a hug



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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Bibler View Post

    .. My back and neck is starting lock upnow...


    She's Driving a Benz.

    Ca-ching !
    * sounds like ya got a Bad Case of That Woop Lash.

    ( glad your OK )

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck


    Glad to hear your ok. Hope that back thing is not too serious.


  4. #4

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Man, that's scary stuff. I'm glad you are mostly OK. Sorry about your truck.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck


    Sounds like we both had a crappy day. You get slammed on the highway, and I was caught out in a yard covered with landmines.

    I'd rather be dealing with the gal in the Mercedes. At least she didn't stick to your shoe.


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  6. #6
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Hurst View Post

    Sounds like we both had a crappy day. You get slammed on the highway, and I was caught out in a yard covered with landmines.

    I'd rather be dealing with the gal in the Mercedes. At least she didn't stick to your shoe.

    Just what do you feed that yorkie of yours



    Last edited by Ron Bibler; 01-30-2009 at 11:37 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Ron - You're a good man being so helpful with the other guy. He's lucky you were there. Hope you're ok.

    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Glad to hear it wasn't worse Ron.

    What was the deal with the Benz-driving accident originator? Was she at least apologetic?

  9. #9
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Ostrowski View Post
    Glad to hear it wasn't worse Ron.

    What was the deal with the Benz-driving accident originator? Was she at least apologetic?

    I don't think she understood just what she did. or how bad the guy in the ford truck was hurt. He was in a lot of pain in his neck and back and one of his arms... I hope this will get her to think about her driving. I'm just glad I was in my truck and not on my Harley You see this stuff on TV Shows like cops and other programs but when you see a F150 fly in the air and you come face to face with the driver just after it happened.
    Got me thinking about my driving. Just a young lady 23 or 25 in her own world... She may have been on the Cel-phone?
    I hope to see the guy in the ford first thing in the morning.



  10. #10
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck


    I filled you a prescription for that pain.

    Take all 4 at first, followed by one an hour.

    The pain should subside quickly.

    Do not attempt to operate any heavy machinery, ride Harleys or attempt to pick up women. If feeling drowsey, lay on the floor.

    dr. rick

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  11. #11

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Hope you’re OK, Brother; take Dr. Rick’s sound medical advice.

    The other guy was lucky you were there for him.

    Sucks about your truck … and you still made your inspection?!

    Dang! You guys are dedicated!

    CaoimhÃ*n P. Connell
    Forensic Industrial Hygienist
    Forensic Industrial Hygiene

    (The opinions expressed here are exclusively my personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect my professional opinion, opinion of my employer, agency, peers, or professional affiliates. The above post is for information only and does not reflect professional advice and is not intended to supercede the professional advice of others.)


  12. #12
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Actually Rick just ran over to the flipped Ford to see if the guy was out. If he was he was just going to pick his pockets to fix his truck. When he sees the guy in the hospital tomorrow he is going to push for a little good guy bonus money so when he sees the little girl that hit him after the hospital visit he will have the extra cash to wine and dine her.

    Gees, good guy bonus money, his truck fixed and a 22 year old girlfriend.

    What a man.

  13. #13
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Bibler View Post
    I can't get his door open its all smashed in the top of the truck is smashed in... and he is try to get out the side window he is in a lot of paint and in like shock. I was so glad to get him out of the truck. I got him back up to the bed of my truck and get him to lay on the tail gate.

    Good to see another Good Samaritan at work, something similar happened a number of years ago when a Ford Aero Star van in front of me blew its right rear tire, he lost control, then rolled a number of times.

    HOWEVER, the guy I helped was able to get out of the van (which, like that Ford truck in yours) ended on its wheels and he as able to crawl out between the seats and out the side door. Note the "he was able to" part. By the time I got stopped and got to him, he was just coming out of the van. IN YOUR CASE, though, you stated it as though *you* got him out ... which is good, but ... I hope his attorney does not include you in the defendants list because your helping him out caused greater injuries. I know, neither of us thought about that while responding, but just the same, you hear of those things happening all the time - where the 'good guy' gets included in with the 'bad guy' on the wrong end of the shotgun lawsuit.

    By the way, I also made it to my inspection, also about an hour and a half late. Guess things like that just take that long.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  14. #14
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Good to see another Good Samaritan at work, something similar happened a number of years ago when a Ford Aero Star van in front of me blew its right rear tire, he lost control, then rolled a number of times.

    HOWEVER, the guy I helped was able to get out of the van (which, like that Ford truck in yours) ended on its wheels and he as able to crawl out between the seats and out the side door. Note the "he was able to" part. By the time I got stopped and got to him, he was just coming out of the van. IN YOUR CASE, though, you stated it as though *you* got him out ... which is good, but ... I hope his attorney does not include you in the defendants list because your helping him out caused greater injuries. I know, neither of us thought about that while responding, but just the same, you hear of those things happening all the time - where the 'good guy' gets included in with the 'bad guy' on the wrong end of the shotgun lawsuit.

    By the way, I also made it to my inspection, also about an hour and a half late. Guess things like that just take that long.
    Your point came to my mind a few times Jerry... But if i had to do it over I would do it... Its a jack up world we live in. to think you were trying help some one and then get hit with a lawsuit.



  15. #15
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    I think most states, including California, have Good Samaritan laws. Having said that, I'm not a lawyer and I don't yada yada yada.

    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)

  16. #16
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by John Arnold View Post
    I think most states, including California, have Good Samaritan laws. Having said that, I'm not a lawyer and I don't yada yada yada.


    Yes, but even with the Good Samaritan laws, everyone is told time and time again that if there is not an immediate dangerous to the contrary you should leave the person where they are and let the trained medical people move them with back board, neck braces, yada, yada, yada.

    I recently saw video on some show where a guy was trapped in a burning truck, two officers could not pulled him out as his leg was stuck between the steering wheel and the seat. Several bystanders can and helped, and with 4 or 5 guys pulling on him, they managed to pull that guy from the truck, and no sooner had they dragged him out and made it about 25-30 feet away, the truck's fuel tank finally exploded and engulfed the truck - the man would have been burned alive.

    In a case like that, mangling and breaking the guys leg to get him out was a (for lack of a better term) 'protected act'. However, if the truck was not on fire and no perceived threat of fire, the recommendation is to 'stay with the person, but leave them where they are until trained medical help arrives' to avoid causing further injuries.

    Like Ron and I, though, one does not stop and think 'Oh, wait, should I leave them or help pull them out, ummm, let me go over the options one by one, starting with ... ', just does not happen. Sometimes Good Samaritans can cause more damage than they think they are preventing.

    Trained officers and rescue personnel are trained to immediately assess the situation and to take appropriate measures, which, in many cases, is to keep the person calm until appropriate help arrives, even officers do not pull accident victims from cars unless there is an immediate and imminent danger of further injuries.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  17. #17
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Just got off the phone with the CHP. He informed me that the driver of the ford truck is going to be OK he is jack up just the same but nothing broken he was not admitted in to hospital. We will see how he hold up over time. I'm sure he is going to file a lawsuit on the MB driver.
    His truck was a mess...

    The CHP said I put a 10 foot skid mark all the way to the top of the concrete center divide... I'm so thankful I did not flip my trucka smooth ride on the center divide...



  18. #18
    Bill Thacker's Avatar
    Bill Thacker Guest

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Bibler View Post
    I was glad to make it home and give my wife a hug

    Bet she was too. Hope you feel better soon as well as the ford driver.


  19. #19
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    The man that rolled the truck and you will be fine. The woman, if she has that little piece of brain matter that makes one have remorse and regret and empathy, will need help for a long time. If she does not realize the scope of what she almost did (kill a couple of innocent people) someone I am sure will let her not. She needs to seek help. She needs to be brought into her aware. She needs to understand that there are living beings around her. She needs her license taken away for several months and go to a class once a week and look at injured, burnt, broken, dismembered people and dead ones as well.

    This was not a simple accident. She went from the far right lane to the far left lane, hit Ron and then panicked, cut the wheel hard to the right, slammed into the pour schmo in the pick up and almost killed him. The woman had absolutely no control of her vehicle.

    The woman has a loaded weapon and that right to possession of that upon needs to be taken away for a while.

    I see woman drifting around the highway all the time. You see them look in their rear view mirror and immediately get into their lane. There is no comprehension about blind spots or speed of other drivers. The countless of times I have seen a woman (mostly) do that same maneuver and just miss the front bumper of the vehicle in that lane are more numerous than I can count.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Glad you're fine Ron and congrats on beng a good citizen. I think the majority of us would have done the same thing.
    The ditz was probably on a cell phone and if I had a dime for every one I see still driving and talking on a cell, I'd be richer than Jerry P. Often wish I had a sound blaster device that would blow their cell phone ear off as they went past me on the hiway.Then we got the morons who use a relative's cards to park in the handicap zones... !

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  21. #21

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Hey Gents!

    You’re generally going to be OK with the Good Samaritan clause, but one of the reasons cops may take a more conservative approach is that we are frequently not covered by those laws. The last time I saved someone’s life, I didn’t stick around to learn who the guy was – and I didn’t give my name. I had been giving him mouth to mouth for about 20 minutes before medical showed up (Poor bugger! I almost threw up in him while giving him mouth to mouth – I just can’t get used to mouthfuls of the gray goo stuff).

    At one scene, a bystander was furious at me for “not doing anything†when there was a woman lying at my feet with her head split wide open (literally) – What the heck am I supposed to do? I did what I could and what was prudent – I did nothing. Sometimes doing nothing is the right thing to do –

    I think one of the weirdest calls I had was a guy who didn’t know he was dead. (I’ll relay the story some Hallowe’en).

    CaoimhÃ*n P. Connell
    Forensic Industrial Hygienist
    Forensic Industrial Hygiene

    (The opinions expressed here are exclusively my personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect my professional opinion, opinion of my employer, agency, peers, or professional affiliates. The above post is for information only and does not reflect professional advice and is not intended to supercede the professional advice of others.)


  22. #22
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Saw this and thought of gal who caused the wreck with Ron.


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  23. #23
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    Thumbs up Re: She hit my new Truck

    Smoke was coming from the truck so you did the right thing by removing him from the truck. Good thing he was buckled to an old tough Ford truck.
    Sounds to me like you did all the right things. Most people panic in a adrenaline rushing moment like a car wreck. Hope everyone turns out Ok. Be sure you and the ford guy get a lawyer.

  24. #24
    Howard Tennyson's Avatar
    Howard Tennyson Guest

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Glad you're Okay Ron!

  25. #25
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Bibler View Post
    Going south on Hwy 101 at 1:00 PM on my way to the next inspection. in the fast lane doing about 60mph and this young lady gets on the Freeway in the slow lane I see her and then She just starts moving into my lane and she keeps coming and coming and BOOM She hits my new Toyota Truck the next thing I'm Driving on the concrete center wall...Dang

    I may have said something Else. Then she heads off back at a Food Truck in the slow lane and hits him BOOM... His truck went up in the air and flips over and over and over and off into a field... So I get off the freeway and stop and all i can think of is the Dude in the Ford truck I'm running to his truck and smoke is coming out from under the hood... I can't get his door open its all smashed in the top of the truck is smashed in... and he is try to get out the side window he is in a lot of paint and in like shock. I was so glad to get him out of the truck. I got him back up to the bed of my truck and get him to lay on the tail gate. after about 15 min. or so fire and the CHP are there. The guy in the Ford truck is in bad shape. he was in a lot of pain but going to be OK. My new Truck is all jack up in the front 3 Rims and tries are damage along with the front bumper and right front finder. may have some suspension damage will see what the repair shop has to say.

    I'm going to see the guy in the ford truck at the Hospital in the morning check in on him... My back and neck is starting lock upnow...
    I was able to make my Inspection an 1 1/2 HR late.

    Check these photos.

    I was glad to make it home and give my wife a hug


    Glad to hear you're OK. Did the girl offer an apology or seem remorseful?

    As far as getting sued: If you saw smoke coming out of the hood (eventhough it could have been steam) and you were concerned - you did the right thing. I don't know much about Ford trucks, but some older trucks have the gas tank behind the seat - another potential reason to get the victim away given the amount of force involved with the rolling.

    I also recommend to take the time NOW to write everything you remember down.

    my 2 cents

    Bruce Thompson, Lic. #9199
    Home Inspections in the Tyler and East Texas area

  26. #26
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    glad to see you and everyone else is ok. Banged up yes, but nothing serious.

    As far as the good samaritan law that is being discussed in these posts, an interesting California Supreme Court verdict just came down. It basically said that a lady could sue a "Good Samaritan" who had pulled her out a car. The samaritan said he thought the car was going to explode so he pulled her from the car. Well, she was paralysed and was suing the samaritan saying her caused or aggravated the injury. The verdict basically said that the samaritan should have used due regard and waited for medical personnel to arrive because the car did not catch fire or explode. This can and will have severe ramifications. People may be less likely(or think twice about stopping) to help people in need because they can now be sued.
    Most people do a good job as good samaritans by telling people not to move after accidents, but I have seen an increase in people pulling accident victims out of vehicles because of smoke( I am a firefighter/paramedic). It was actually the airbag powder after it deployed.
    It is too bad this verdict came down. It is hard enough to get people to stop and help each other in this day and age. Now California( big suprise) makes it harder.
    ok...sorry..I will step off my soapbox.

    again, glad to see you are doing ok after the accident.

  27. #27

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    What is the first thing a "bonde" woman does after an accident?
    1. Call 911?
    2. Check for injuries?
    3. Check for damage?
    4. Call for help?
    5. other?

    see attachment.


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  28. #28
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    Question Re: She hit my new Truck

    In some states you can be fined for not stopping to help people in need. I So does that leave the door open to be sued for not stopping?

  29. #29
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    Smile Re: She hit my new Truck

    I would be curious to see that law, to force someone to stop and help would be a dicey as to suing someone for helping...wait..that is already happening

    I know in Texas there is a "failed to stop and render aid" law but that applies to when you cause or are involved in an accident and leave the scene.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Shapiro View Post
    I would be curious to see that law, to force someone to stop and help would be a dicey as to suing someone for helping...wait..that is already happening

    I know in Texas there is a "failed to stop and render aid" law but that applies to when you cause or are involved in an accident and leave the scene.
    It also applies if you were there and left. Of course, a witness would have to place you there. But it has been applied before (at least in Dallas it has).

    I wouldn't worry about it. If the guy was already trying to get out of his truck, you merely assisted him. Still...write everything down on paper and date it. I, too, am a fireman in Dallas (22 yrs) and writing it down is a must.

    And besides can be sued by anyone at anytime for anything (sorry I couldn't resist)

    Bruce Thompson, Lic. #9199
    Home Inspections in the Tyler and East Texas area

  31. #31
    Jim Zborowski's Avatar
    Jim Zborowski Guest

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Having been in EMS for years I have seen a lot of changes in how people react to an emergency such as an accident, when they come upon the scene. People are becomming more and more fearful of being sued if they get involved, which is a shame. On the other hand, as Matt and others who are involved in either the fire / rescue services or those who are in EMS will attest to, there are times when a well meaning bystander for example, mistakes steam from a ruptured radiator or hose for smoke from an impending fire. The result can very well be a situation made worse by their actions. Does this mean you shouldn't stop and help? Not at all. What this does mean is that if someone stops to help, they should be very sure there is a real danger, and that they are as careful as possible in what they do. The other problem is that many times in their haste to help, they put themselves at risk of being an additional victim. I guess the bottom line is, if you stop to help, be extremely careful.

  32. #32
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck


    Very well put. We all are out and about doing inspections and logging lot's of miles. As I have seen on the site, many inspectors have either been involved in or arrived upon and accident. I always encourage people to stop and help. The best thing is to stop and take a deep breath, collect your thoughts and then act carefully( sounds like when we all come upon that foreclosed nightmare looking home!).

    Everyone be careful and of course, be busy!

  33. #33
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by Damon McCarty View Post
    In some states you can be fined for not stopping to help people in need.
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Shapiro View Post
    I would be curious to see that law,

    I believe I've read about laws like that in the very cold states where, in the winter, if you do not stop, you are very likely the last one to see them alive. Your failure to stop then becomes the reason they died.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  34. #34
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Ron, Are you sure it wasn't this guy who hit you?

    YouTube - Lisa & Hunters Inspection

    Is his little giant strapped to the hood?

  35. #35
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Just realized he was the realtor...still...yikes!

  36. #36
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    Cool Re: She hit my new Truck

    Weird, gay, dumas, He hurts my ears.

  37. #37
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    What an idiot! Driving around looking down at a camera acting like he's some kind of celebrity realtor. I'm sure he'll rear-end someone soon.


  38. #38
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Hurst View Post
    What an idiot! Driving around looking down at a camera acting like he's some kind of celebrity realtor. I'm sure he'll rear-end someone soon.

    Probably rear ended the lady that ended up hitting Ron. Hit her and launched her off like a rocket, because she was not paying attention either.

    Last edited by Jerry Peck; 02-05-2009 at 10:38 AM. Reason: I sent that to the San Bernardino Sheriffs Department, thought they would enjoy it!
    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  39. #39
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Probably rear ended the lady that ended up hitting Ron. Hit her and launched her off like a rocket, because she was not paying attention either.

    Bruce Thompson, Lic. #9199
    Home Inspections in the Tyler and East Texas area

  40. #40
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Ok. So I actually watched the video. May I please throw up now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????? ????????

    By By now

  41. #41
    Kevin Barre's Avatar
    Kevin Barre Guest

    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Menelly View Post
    Ok. So I actually watched the video. May I please throw up now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????? ????????

    By By now
    You need permission to do that?

    In this rare case, I say if it feels good it!

  42. #42
    William Galbraith's Avatar
    William Galbraith Guest

    Smile Re: She hit my new Truck


    Glad to hear you are doing well. The pains will persist until you get a big settlement.

    Sorry about your new truck. Call the Defense Department, they have a new MRAP vehicle that will survive BMW, Lexus, Cadillac, and Mercedes attacks, in addition to other female driven explosive devices.

    Take care,

  43. #43
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    Default Re: She hit my new Truck

    You should of bought a chevy........... Then you could of run her arse over.........

    Mike Schulz License 393
    Affordable Home Inspections


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