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  1. #1
    Jerome W. Young's Avatar
    Jerome W. Young Guest

    Default roof transition flashing/ face nailed shake

    this hip roof changes slope as it extends towards the edge of the eave. Where the transition occurs the roofer used a piece of copper flashing around the entire roof and face nailed sawn pieces of shake to cover the copper. Yes he nailed right through the copper. Their is poly stic or equavalent secondary water proofing under that. Any thoughts on this installation?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: roof transition flashing/ face nailed shake

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerome W. Young View Post
    this hip roof changes slope as it extends towards the edge of the eave. Where the transition occurs the roofer used a piece of copper flashing around the entire roof ...
    Very good for him, that it the proper way to do it.

    and face nailed sawn pieces of shake to cover the copper. Yes he nailed right through the copper.
    Which wasted all the effort, cost, and copper he put down.

    What a waste.

    Now he has leak holes through the flashing at EACH nail location.

    Their is poly stic or equavalent secondary water proofing under that.
    That just means that the water is sheeting down under the shingles instead of on top of the shingles, but, if the poly stick was installed properly and covered quickly enough (poly stick does not do well in sunlight exposure), then the roof is simply "leaking", just "not into the house".

    What a way to so totally screw up a good practice.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Frank Suchodolski's Avatar
    Frank Suchodolski Guest

    Default Re: roof transition flashing/ face nailed shake

    Just makes you wonder, "What were they thinking???" Let's give the roofer the benefit of the doubt and say it was done correctly and the homeowner didn't like the look so he "fixed it". All fantasies aside it needs to be fixed. The shingles that are face nailed need to be removed, replace or cover with new metal (copper is nice but pricey, pre-painted 26 gauge steel or galalum will suffice) the next row of shakes should be doubled up. This will accent the transition nicely as well.


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