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Thread: new member

  1. #1
    archivoyeur's Avatar
    archivoyeur Guest

    Default new member

    Midlife career change brought me to architecture. Google brings me to this site on a fairly regular basis. You guys are a wealth of knowledge. I've been tormented by the bits and pieces not available to non-members, so I've finally registered.

    I'm saving "Inspector" for my next career.

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  2. #2
    Richard Moore's Avatar
    Richard Moore Guest

    Default Re: new member

    Welcome...sort of!

    Your ID seems more fit for a site catering to oddball fetishes. We much prefer to talk to names. Why don't you start again?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: new member

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Moore View Post
    We much prefer to talk to names. Why don't you start again?

    It's easy to do too, don't really even need to 'start over'.

    As most of us use our real names (there are those few odd balls in every crowd who refuse to do as the others do, as though they are hiding from something or someone), simply click on the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom and send Brian a note asking him to change your username to your real name, Brian will be glad to do so.

    Thanks, looking forward to talking with ... (insert real name).

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  4. #4
    Alan Miles's Avatar
    Alan Miles Guest

    Default Re: new member

    Welcome to the wonderful world of Resi-Inspection. Glad to have you onboard. Alan

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  5. #5
    archivoyeur's Avatar
    archivoyeur Guest

    Default Re: new member

    Alan! Great fancy-meeting-you-here-shot!

    Well folks, my apologies for breaking the rules on my first time out. If it doesn't ruffle too many feathers I'd like to leave the log-in as a reminder that I'm not an inspector, just here for the info, the debates, and the phantom name calling, things I can never get enough of at the office.

    Tracey Carr

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: new member

    Quote Originally Posted by archivoyeur View Post
    Well folks, my apologies for breaking the rules on my first time out.

    Tracey Carr

    Not that you've broken any "rule", it's just the common courtesy we show each other here (which is lacking in some of the post, as you will see, if not already seen ) so we can 'get to know' who we are conversing with.

    Looks like you've solved that any way by putting your name in your signature.

    Welcome aboard Tracey Carr.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  7. #7
    Philippe Heller's Avatar
    Philippe Heller Guest

    Default Re: new member

    Welcome to the world of inspections. Word of caution:

    This is a full contact message board. Some members feel the need to be critical rather than helpful. You'll figure out who very quickly.

    That being said, you will learn a lot from the combined experience on this board.

    Philippe Heller
    The San Diego Real Estate Inspection Co.
    Home Inspector San Diego - The San Diego Real Estate Inspection Company


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