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  1. #1
    mathew stouffer's Avatar
    mathew stouffer Guest

    Default Bolts through glue lam

    Any thoughts on these photos. Typically I see ties used at these connections.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Bolts through glue lam

    It's hard to say from the picture what's going on. With that 'end grain' connection I'd say the screws should hold the smaller glue-lam in place for decoration... maybe. Hopefully, there's not a load on it. And, hopefully some engineer or architect approved the holes through the larger glue-lam that appears to be structurally significant (I'm thinking not).

    From what the pictures show you have more than enough problems or questions to recommend plans/permits from an engineer be obtained. There is quite possibly no such documentation. That appears to fall well outside of anything you'll find in a code book and would need to have been engineered.

    On edit - I suppose that smaller glue-lam could be a collar tie of sorts as I really can't see a load on top of it. It's still a poor connection with holes bored through the large glue-lam. It's beyond what a HI is there to do and you're well within reason to call it out for further review.

    Last edited by Matt Fellman; 06-17-2009 at 11:15 PM.

  3. #3
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

  4. #4
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    Chicago IL

    Default Re: Bolts through glue lam

    Thanks for posting the pdf's Aaron. I don't usually see glulams but nice details to have for when I do.
    "The Code is not a ceiling to reach but a floor to work up from"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Chicago, IL

    Default Re: Bolts through glue lam

    Lotsa' good stuff in there - Thanks!

    Last edited by Michael Thomas; 06-18-2009 at 09:09 AM.
    Michael Thomas
    Paragon Property Services Inc., Chicago IL


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