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  1. #1
    Dan Hallock's Avatar
    Dan Hallock Guest

    Default Badly cut boards in rafters--be concerned?

    I'm moving into a new home and noticed 2 damaged rafter boards (2x6 at 24 inches at centers) that, according to the inspector, were "cut bad". There is no sign of wood rot or infestation. They have probably been that way since the home was built but I noticed them and was concerned. Is it common for roof framing to have some boards that are, for lack of a better word, frayed, in places? The inspector was not concerned and did not recommend them be replaced. Just wanted a second opinion on this.

    Thank you!

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  2. #2
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Badly cut boards in rafters--be concerned?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Hallock View Post
    I'm moving into a new home and noticed 2 damaged rafter boards (2x6 at 24 inches at centers) that, according to the inspector, were "cut bad". There is no sign of wood rot or infestation. They have probably been that way since the home was built but I noticed them and was concerned. Is it common for roof framing to have some boards that are, for lack of a better word, frayed, in places? The inspector was not concerned and did not recommend them be replaced. Just wanted a second opinion on this.

    Thank you!
    DH: "Cut bad" is rather nebulous. Do you have photos?

  3. #3
    Rocky Boyer's Avatar
    Rocky Boyer Guest

    Default Re: Badly cut boards in rafters--be concerned?


    Do you have photos of the cut rafters? Sometimes the framers will make a cut in a wall stud if the board was "bowed" very bad. A "sister" would be nailed to the stud at least three feet on each side of the cut on each side of the stud. This would allow the board to be straightened. This type of repair would need the approval of an engineer. I would write it up in the report and make the cut well known.


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