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  1. #1
    Lee A. Nettnin's Avatar
    Lee A. Nettnin Guest

    Default Lightning Rod Cable

    HI all,
    Not exactly an electrical question, but close. What say you about running a lightning rod cable in the stud cavity inside the wall with foam insulation. Common sense tells me no way, any code to back this up would be appreciated.

    Thanks, Lee

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  2. #2
    Lee A. Nettnin's Avatar
    Lee A. Nettnin Guest

    Default Re: Lightning Rod Cable

    Sorry, never mind, I found it in NFPA 780. Must be in a conduit chase.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    NY State

    Default Re: Lightning Rod Cable

    Can you quote a section? I see them run inside interior wall cavities all the time.

  4. #4
    Lee A. Nettnin's Avatar
    Lee A. Nettnin Guest

    Default Re: Lightning Rod Cable

    NFPA 780
    4.15 Concealed Systems
    4.15.1 General Requirements covering exposed systems also shall apply to concealed systems, except conductors shall be permitted to be coursed under roofing materials, under roof framing, behind exterior wall facing, between wall studding, in conduit chases, or embedded directly in concrete or masonry construction.

    My bad, I missed the comma before 'in conduit chases' which means it is allowed. Without the comma it would read much differently.



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