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  1. #1
    Bob Spermo's Avatar
    Bob Spermo Guest

    Default Outstanding HVAC Training

    I just returned from taking the Carbon Monoxide/Combustion course taught by the National Comfort Institute. This particular course was excellently taught by David R. who comments on HVAC issues on this forum. Last week I sent my associate to the NCI course on Air Flow Balancing and Diagnostics. Both courses were Outstanding! The knowledge I gained from this course will help me in home inspections and even more in energy analysis. If you get the opportunity to attend an NCI course - take it! No I do not work for NCI. I just feel that if a company has a good product they should be applauded.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Frankfort, KY

    Default Re: Outstanding HVAC Training

    It was great to meet you Bob, thanks for the kind words.
    You guys are definitely on top of your game down there!

    Just like I said in the class if you have any questions you know the number.
    Hope to talk to you again soon.

    Measured Performance more than just a buzzword


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