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Thread: Push Crapit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Push Crapit

    OK, I have finally joined the rest of those who hate Pushmatic Breakers.
    Did an emergency service call, Main for the lower 1/2 of the split-buss panel tripping. Only recent activity, an electric fireplace added.
    Why not the branch circuit breaker tripping??
    I moved that circuit to an unused breaker. After a period of time, all's well, so I packed up and then (of course) that breaker started a buzzing.
    I also noticed that a circuit conductor had been put under one of mounting screws to the buss, which I also moved to an unused breaker and it started the same.

    Wellll, enuf of this I told myself and went to my truck to retrieve two of my coveted PM breakers from long ago (not many left).
    Best part; Now the existing breakers refused to leave. Nervously, I managed to remove them as they broke apart in the process.
    The metal side mounting plate on one of them had shorted to the center channel. The other one was just plain cooked.

    I'm still in the process of convincing the homeowner to replace the panel.
    Times are tough and $$'s tight but I think I'm gaining ground.
    This was the older Bull Dog panel. I told the Homeowner that she is safer
    than before but that panel is a potential time-bomb as it exists.

    Question, After ITE bought PM from Gould, Did they incorporate magnetic trip into the breakers?
    Bob Smit, County Electrical Inspector

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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Push Crapit

    No magnetic component to PMs that I'm aware of. Been an issue with me for a long time.

    I understand nostalga but to me pushmatics are like mid 50's cars. Nice to get out and look at once in a while but put away and not used when finished looking

  3. #3
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    Dec 2007

    Default Re: Push Crapit

    Quote Originally Posted by bob smit View Post
    OK, I have finally joined the rest of those who hate Pushmatic Breakers.

    Question, After ITE bought PM from Gould, Did they incorporate magnetic trip into the breakers?
    Bob Smit, County Electrical Inspector
    The I-T-E Circuit Breaker Company bought the Bulldog Electric Products Co. in the 1950's. (Getting Bulldog's safety switch,busway & Pushmatic lines). They later became the I-T-E Imperial Corp. (Imperial, I believe came from the Imperial Eastman brass fitting & tool line).Gould Inc. bought I-T-E Imperial in April 1976, rebranded it as Gould/I-T-E, by about 1984 they sold the low voltage distribution div. to Siemens-Allis which was later taken over completely by Siemens when Allis-Chalmers had financal problems, so ITE never bought Pushmatic from Gould.

  4. #4
    Roger Frazee's Avatar
    Roger Frazee Guest

    Default Re: Push Crapit

    The electrical supply I used for many years stopped providing original (new) pushmatics of all styles a few years ago as they just could not locate reliable sources anymore. They are now marketing Conneticut Electric/UBI replacements. UBI (Unique Breaker Inc.) needs a little help in my opinion as their pushmatic replacements are poor quality. I've had to return probably 4 or 5 because they will not go to "on" positon and just spring right back to 'off'. I had one that when installed it would trip (no power to it) in just a few minutes. So if your using UBI pushmatic replacements beware of some issues. The ones that " worked " I cannot recall any call backs.

    As far as I know and in conversation with others in the industry magnetic trip was never incorporated into the original breakers. I am not sure about replacements or if anyone else is making a classified pushmatic. Unless UBI is considered a classified breaker.


    At this supplier link scroll down to the bottom of the page and there is information about the pushmatic replacement by UBI for what its worth....

    Pushmatic Circuit Breakers Shipped Fast

    Last edited by Roger Frazee; 01-22-2010 at 10:30 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Push Crapit

    Thanks for the link Roger.
    In my post I mentioned my 'coveted PM's', meaning they are original factory, new or nearly new.
    The way I feel now however, is to refuse installing any after my stock is depleted. Yet, there will be times when the homeowner just needs a replacement.
    I think back at the few I've installed....I so ashamed.
    Bob Smit, County Electrical Inspector

  6. #6
    John Steinke's Avatar
    John Steinke Guest

    Default Re: Push Crapit

    Since when do HI's do emergency service calls?

    For that matter, I cannot imagine the scenario where an HI would remove a breaker from a panel. This is electrical work, pure and simple, and ought not be discussed in this forum. There are plenty of forums out there for electricians.

    Otherwise, I have seen replacements for Pushmatic breakers at Lowes.

    Bob, not to get too personal here, but doesn't being the 'county electrical inspector' present a conflict of interest to home inspection work and electrical contracting?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Push Crapit

    Quote Originally Posted by John Steinke View Post
    Since when do HI's do emergency service calls?
    Ummm ... when they are electrical contractors.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Push Crapit

    Quote Originally Posted by John Steinke View Post
    ...This is electrical work, pure and simple, and ought not be discussed in this forum....
    It's educational. Take a pill.

    "There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)

  9. #9
    Roger Frazee's Avatar
    Roger Frazee Guest

    Default Re: Push Crapit

    Quote Originally Posted by John Steinke View Post
    Since when do HI's do emergency service calls?

    For that matter, I cannot imagine the scenario where an HI would remove a breaker from a panel. This is electrical work, pure and simple, and ought not be discussed in this forum. There are plenty of forums out there for electricians.

    Otherwise, I have seen replacements for Pushmatic breakers at Lowes.

    Bob, not to get too personal here, but doesn't being the 'county electrical inspector' present a conflict of interest to home inspection work and electrical contracting?

    Did you forget to take your medicine today?? You need to get your head out of the sand ... it is very common for electrical inspectors to have related jobs within the jurisdiction they inspect in ...such as doing electrical work. Conflict of interest ?? Your watching too much TV....

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Push Crapit

    Actually it would be, lets say conflicting perhaps. But one would have to assume this job was in the same county of my jurisdiction.
    Can't make make ends meet just doing inspections....less permits, less inspections, less money.
    Even so I still love my trade, and therefore I still keep my contracting business going, albeit part time.
    I'll strap my tool belt on as long as I'm able.
    I think it's a good thing for inspectors to keep their feet in the trade...
    keeps us humble and realistic.
    Bob Smit, County Electrical Inspector (for one County)

  11. #11
    Roger Frazee's Avatar
    Roger Frazee Guest

    Default Re: Push Crapit

    I could see it being a conflict of interest if you are the only inspector.....

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Push Crapit

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Frazee View Post
    I could see it being a conflict of interest if you are the only inspector.....


    I believe you missed the part where Bob said he works in a DIFFERENT county than were he inspects.

    *I* so inspections for an AHJ near me, *I* do not do any construction consulting for, or against, any contractors who work in my AHJ, not even outside my AHJ as that could cause a conflict within my AHJ with that contractor.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Push Crapit

    Generally, AHJ's scrutinize each others' jobs to death, for the same fun as we do here on this site, all in good faith.
    I inspected one today as a matter of fact. Went though it with a magnifying glass just hoping to 'gotcha'!
    All I could find was a gfci receptacle not energized. When I called him to say ah-ha.....he informed me it was switched (Cmas lights) and gave me the ah-ha!
    Bob Smit, County Electrical Inspector


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