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  1. #1
    Steven Stafford's Avatar
    Steven Stafford Guest

    Default Anyone done business with NCCI?

    I received an inspection request from a company called National Creditors Connection Inc. or NCCI. They are based in Omaha NE. Has anyone on the board done business with them? From what I know so far they do banking type and insurance inspections. Supposed to be 20 minutes and a few photos for a few bucks each stop.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Anyone done business with NCCI?

    SOUNDS LIKE " i'll gladly pay you on tuesday or next month for a hamburger today" i don't deal with them at all.sounds like FEMA work and that is stressfull and not worth opinion


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Anyone done business with NCCI?

    I've listened to these operations a couple times and even looked at the report forms you have to use. For the $50 a stop or so it just isn't worth it. Way too much paperwork and hassle for the money.

  4. #4
    Don Burbach's Avatar
    Don Burbach Guest

    Default Re: Anyone done business with NCCI?

    I tried it about 4-5 years ago during a real slow time.... lot's of driving, bad neighborhoods, and dealing with all sorts of lower-class types.

    They wanted you to visit these people early evening, and go back for free if there was no answer to your knock. My decision that it truly wasn't worth it was when I drove up, and saw a person on the porch smoking who ducked inside when I got out of my car. I reported that the resident was home and didn't answer the door.

    NCCI wanted me to go back again for free and try again!. Forty miles of driving, and a toll bridge...... My memory is that the payment was $25. It was only worth it if you had a small area to cover to make it up in quantity, an economical car, and didn't mind knocking on doors in darkness during the winter in bad neighborhoods.

    Doing Site Visits paid a little more, but by the time you call and have a few phone calls to schedule the appointment, drive there, do the interview, take the pictures, write the report, and upload the pictures............... your net income is about the same as flipping burgers at MacDonalds. You might as well be spending time on marketing your bread'n'butter business.

    Last edited by Don Burbach; 04-01-2010 at 02:05 PM.

  5. #5
    Mark Aakjar's Avatar
    Mark Aakjar Guest

    Default Re: Anyone done business with NCCI?

    Alot of realtors that are now slow do this for banks and REO's

  6. #6
    annaperez's Avatar
    annaperez Guest

    Default Re: Anyone done business with NCCI?

    I was with a company that sub contracted thru them in 2009, the company that I was with lost their contract. SO I am now looking to find another company that is with them. If I remember correctly they did pay OK but sometimes the chases that they sent you on were crazy hours. I am still looking for a company that subcontracts thru them Let me know if you know of any companies..


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