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  1. #1
    Brian E Kelly's Avatar
    Brian E Kelly Guest

    Thumbs down Realitor with HI Lic.

    I had a good one the other day reading the Sunday local paper. A local Real Estate Co. always advertises when they get a new salesman and this weeks was a good one. He has been selling for over 15 years and is "a Licensed Home Inspector" . I have not done anything about this as of yet but I was under the impression that this was both not right with the HI license and the real estate lic. boards. The add said that he would be great for all buyers as he can determine if the house had any major defects as a HI and give you great service as a Real Estate salesman. Things that make you go HMMMMM.
    Not sure if I should follow up on this with the State Lic. board and the Real Estate boards.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: Realitor with HI Lic.

    Brian, as long as he does not act with both Licenses on the same transaction, there is no conflict. Hopefully he is smart enough to steer clear of that. Here it is prohibited in the RE Licensing code.

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  3. #3
    Kevin VanderWarf's Avatar
    Kevin VanderWarf Guest

    Default Re: Realitor with HI Lic.

    I've heard we have one of those here. The impression I get is that he's a terrible inspector. Probably took a course and a test just to hold the title.

    In fact the other day a seller told me that this guy came to look at her home, posing as a buyer. After he was there awhile he told her he was an agent and an inspector. Turns out it was the same guy.

    I'm not sure what the rules are for lock box entry but I'll bet they don't care for people pretending to be something they're not when entering a single girl's home.

    I do have a good friend in the up state who is an agent and HI. He operates both separately.


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