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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Capistrano Beach, CA

    Post Little state oversight of home-inspection industry - Contra Costa Times

    InspectionNews has just found the following information that might be of interest to you:

    Little state oversight of home-inspection industry
    Contra Costa Times
    Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi, D-Hayward, last year tried to promote home inspection regulations, but her Assembly Bill 1118 never made it out of committee. ...


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  2. #2
    Jonathan Cartwright's Avatar
    Jonathan Cartwright Guest

    Default Re: Little state oversight of home-inspection industry - Contra Costa Times

    Interesting that Mr. Staats wants regulations for home inspectors as he is quoted as saying "The homeowners are relying on inspectors who are not qualified to make engineering decisions."

    Since when have HI's been required to make engineering decisions?

    Perhaps Staats is in need of more work (100 inspections annually) and would like to see HI's be replaced with more "qualified" engineers. Is engineering analysis of the structure included in the base home inspection price or is that extra?

    Nevada has had home inspection licensing and regulation for may years however like the article states for California, there is little in the way of teeth in these regulations for Nevada buyers either. The consumer is not seriously protected by these regulations although they do provide guidance as to what a home inspection is in this state. The home inspector is still at the mercy of civil litigation, and lawyers/experts who are often not at all qualified to do or evaluate a home inspection, to determine whether or not he/she did the job correctly. Nevada has no home inspection board or review arm and as the Nevada Division of Real Estate has almost always filed home inspection matters on the back burner there is not likely to be any progress soon.

    I regard to this article and Mr. Staats' assertion that home inspectors are all biased or incompetent is absurd as is plainly shown on this board by the knowledge and professional standards adhered to by many of you whether regulated or not, he was quoted:

    "They don't want real engineers because they may find issues. This is a dated practice that needs regulation," he said. "A real estate agent wants to find someone who will not raise a red flag."

    Again, when have home inspectors been required to be engineers? Are all engineers qualified to be home inspectors? I think not.

    Regulation is not always a bad thing but be careful what you wish for. The government is like a genie - what you say is not always what you meant and your wish may not go as planned.

    Also, the illusion that more regulations will magically protect consumers from idiots is just that - AN ILLUSION.

    Have a great day.


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