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  1. #1
    Dwain Sumpter's Avatar
    Dwain Sumpter Guest

    Default Anyone know what this is?

    12 inch pipe that is appx 15 feet deep with water in the bottom. This pipe is on the front porch and next to the basement. Basement wall has a large hole which has been repaired. There was an old sump pump in the basement. If any of you have thoughts I would like to hear them.

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    OREP Insurance

  2. #2
    Mike Tallmon's Avatar
    Mike Tallmon Guest

    Default Re: Anyone know what this is?

    Probably a shallow well (bored). I have seen several similar ones. It could also be an access to a cistern. These are common to an area in the panhandle of West Virginia that I used to inspect.

    Better guesses would require more information about the site.

  3. #3
    Brian M Jones's Avatar
    Brian M Jones Guest

    Default Re: Anyone know what this is?

    As stated above, you coud be loking at A: an old well; B: an acess to a cistern; or C: an old vent pipe.
    I have seen venting pipes like this before on pre 1950's plumbing.


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