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  1. #1
    Bill Boan's Avatar
    Bill Boan Guest

    Default Neutocrete Sealed Crawls

    Just inspected a $1.2M home in Charlotte, NC area which is sealed with Neutocrete. Installation looks pretty good, but I am concerned about longer term durability. Does anyone have long term experience with this stuff re: effectiveness, durability, water seepage from underneath, etc. I've been to their website, and read most of what i could find. I couldnt see where they described methods of installation other than rock dust being applied before their compound. Do they put down a vapor barrier before they throw the rock dust?? What chemical compounds actually make up "neutocrete"? Is it a hybrid of concrete?? Any help would be appreciated, as i need to get the report out today. Thanks!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Neutocrete Sealed Crawls

  3. #3
    Bill Boan's Avatar
    Bill Boan Guest

    Default Re: Neutocrete Sealed Crawls

    Thanks Rick. Anyone else want to chime in? The more the merrier! Anyone have first hand experience ith this stuff?

  4. #4
    James Duffin's Avatar
    James Duffin Guest

    Default Re: Neutocrete Sealed Crawls

    The comment below is from a fellow inspector...I have never seen the stuff. I would just report what I see and not offer an opinion on the products abilities.

    "I have crawled on it and I had to add a paragraph in my report about how I could not be held responsible for damage to it while in the crawl space. It serves a limited purpose - it makes the crawl look great. When you crawl on it you crack it most of the time, it shrinks some of the time, it causes the soil to dry out and shrink, which causes collapse. It does not keep out a water problem, but hides it until the water overtakes the "crete". I am less impressed with this than I am with the Plastic barrier type crawl space seals."

  5. #5
    Bill Boan's Avatar
    Bill Boan Guest

    Default Re: Neutocrete Sealed Crawls

    Thanks James. I actually saw that thread before you sent it. My experience wasn't like his. It didn't crack when my weight was on it (250 lbs...I'm not a young guy anymore).


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