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Thread: ground

  1. #1
    Tony Vargas's Avatar
    Tony Vargas Guest

    Default ground

    hey you sparkys when using a voltmeter and you test one probe to say a
    contactor or relay switch and the other probe to ground screw what is this doing say like when across a switch should read closed zero difference
    but one to ground reads 24volts what is this telling you is going on?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: ground

    Tells me you are reading the contactor pull-in coil which will have (typically) 24 volts on one terminal and ground on the other.

    I suspect you are measuring the coil terminal and not the actual contractor terminal.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Roger Frazee's Avatar
    Roger Frazee Guest

    Default Re: ground

    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Vargas View Post
    hey you sparkys when using a voltmeter and you test one probe to say a
    contactor or relay switch and the other probe to ground screw what is this doing say like when across a switch should read closed zero difference
    but one to ground reads 24volts what is this telling you is going on?

    This is a home inspectors site and generally we do not go into detail answering how an electrical device works our how to troubleshoot electrical circuits. However I do agree with Jerry.

    Take your question here Electrical - DIY Chatroom - DIY Home Improvement Forum and the electricians that hang out in that forum will answer your questions in detail. Tell them Stubbie referred you if I'm not on line at the time you post..


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