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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Pre Pour Inspection...

    Does anyone have a pre-pour checklist/form they use while doing a pre-pour inspection they wouldn't mind sharing?
    I am not doing a pre-pour inspection officially but my brother-in-law is building a house and he said I can go practice/check it out with another inspector and I wouldn't mind having something to look at.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Healdsburg, CA

    Default Re: Pre Pour Inspection...

    Foundation width, height, clean footing, rebar and FB placement per approved plan and hopefully a continuous pour employing a pumped 6 sack-mix. None of the infamous “Add 5” before the concrete truck has even backed on to the property.
    Oh, and don't forget to throw some coins into the pour for good luck!

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant


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