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  1. #1
    Norman Butcher's Avatar
    Norman Butcher Guest

    Default Must you get a permit to redisign run on your stairwell

    I need some advice and thank all you pros in advance..

    I have a stairwell that has a door that opens to my driveway. The door sits mid way down the run of stairs. These stairs lead to basement and I think the door or the basements run were added on not sure which came first. This is a very old house.

    There is no landing to use the door making dangerous to use doorway because your stepping off a stair to go outside. First question is this illegal or has any seen this before. Second do I have to get a permit and or inspection to alter the stair and put landing in there.

    I uploaded 2 pics of how it is now and what I want to do to correct this..

    Again thank you all

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Must you get a permit to redisign run on your stairwell

    Quote Originally Posted by Norman Butcher View Post
    Second do I have to get a permit and or inspection to alter the stair and put landing in there.

    Yes and yes.

    Your second drawing does not look like it corrects all of the problem.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Southern Vancouver Island

    Default Re: Must you get a permit to redisign run on your stairwell

    It is most likely a requirement to have a permit for that job. Call the city office and ask.

    There are good reasons for getting a permit. Doing the work under a permit will help when you go to sell the house. An engineer from the city can check your plan and tell you if it meets the minimum standards (is safe).
    Where is the driveway in your drawing?

    John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455

  4. #4
    Norman Butcher's Avatar
    Norman Butcher Guest

    Default Re: Must you get a permit to redisign run on your stairwell

    The driveway is just beyond a concrete slab outside that door. I figure as much, The door and stairs could not be to code ,many people were hitting there heads on top of door frame having to step on to a stair to get in and not ducking enough when comming from the stairwell. I know its a bad drawing but you know what they say "even a bad drawing is worth 500 words" Thank you for your help on this.

    Last edited by Norman Butcher; 05-29-2011 at 08:37 PM. Reason: miss spellings


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