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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Southwest US

    Default Idaho couple's dream home was infested with snakes

    Check this out
    Idaho couple's dream home was infested with snakes - Yahoo! News

    "When they bought the house, the Sessions signed a document that noted the snake infestation. They said they had been assured by their real estate agent that the snakes were just a story invented by the previous owners to leave their mortgage behind."

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Idaho couple's dream home was infested with snakes

    Does seem strange that the real estate agent didn't catch it for telling the buyer that the snake were not there.

    Can not believe that the critters could not be caught and removed.

    But still the buyers were told and they went ahead anyway, never heard of such a thing. Did not read a report, did not believe what it said, went with the real estate agents assurances things are ok, did not get second opinion. Go figure ...

  3. #3
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Idaho couple's dream home was infested with snakes

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Thompson View Post
    Check this out
    Idaho couple's dream home was infested with snakes - Yahoo! News

    "When they bought the house, the Sessions signed a document that noted the snake infestation. They said they had been assured by their real estate agent that the snakes were just a story invented by the previous owners to leave their mortgage behind."
    I saw that on TV. I never did actually see the paper signed about the snakes but in that particular case I cannot believe the paper was not 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide that was signed strongly pointing out the horrific presents of thousands of snakes.

    Yes, the snakes were even in the attic and walls and eves, under the home, borrowed into the soil under and around the home. The stink from them is horrific. The amount of snakes is unbelievable. From what I understand tremendous round ups took place and they still could not be eradicated. Kinda hard to believe but I guess you just have to be involved in something like that to understand.

    I bet they had no rodent or insect infestation though

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Southwest US

    Default Re: Idaho couple's dream home was infested with snakes

    How would you like to inspect that house?
    Seems like they might have a case against the Real Esnake agent.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: Idaho couple's dream home was infested with snakes

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Thompson View Post
    How would you like to inspect that house?
    Seems like they might have a case against the Real Esnake agent.
    My thought exactly. But I suppose it ultimately comes down to one person's word against the other's. And of course the signed paperwork trumps an oral statement that can not even be proven to have ever been made.

  6. #6
    andeyL's Avatar
    andeyL Guest

    Default Re: Idaho couple's dream home was infested with snakes

    Ben and Amber Sessions thought they were getting a great deal when they purchased their five bedroom house in countryside Rexburg, Idaho for under $180,000. But their dream property ended up being a headache. The property was infested with hundreds of snakes. I was able to read it on other source, here: Snakes infest Idaho house, It's really a nightmare for the couple, I can't stand snakes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: Idaho couple's dream home was infested with snakes

    Andeyl's link has a video.. that is just wild!!!

  8. #8
    andeyL's Avatar
    andeyL Guest

    Default Re: Idaho couple's dream home was infested with snakes

    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne Carlisle View Post
    Andeyl's link has a video.. that is just wild!!!
    .. thanks for visiting, I still can't get over those snakes


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