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  1. #1
    wood7926's Avatar
    wood7926 Guest

    Default on central A/C ductwork ,

    on central A/C ductwork ,

    on central A/C ductwork , is the end of the trunk line suppose to be block off

    and the vents run from the sides of the main line?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  2. #2
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    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: on central A/C ductwork ,

    Quote Originally Posted by wood7926 View Post
    on central A/C ductwork ,

    on central A/C ductwork , is the end of the trunk line suppose to be block off

    and the vents run from the sides of the main line?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In most designs, yes, that allows the air handler unit to create a static pressure in the duct.

    With the end of the duct open (at a supply register), most of the air will simply go through the duct and out that supply register.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    wood7926's Avatar
    wood7926 Guest

    Default Re: on central A/C ductwork ,

    Thanks Jerry,

    If you don't have a cap to block it off, what can you use instead?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: on central A/C ductwork ,

    Quote Originally Posted by wood7926 View Post
    If you don't have a cap to block it off,

    Your response makes me ask: Do you mean the end is open and goes nowhere?

    I was expecting the end to go to a supply register, in which case just closing the supply register would 'help' - but not 'solve' the problem.

    The answer to your next question as to what to use depends on the type of ductwork you have: a) fiberglass ductboard; b) square or rectangular metal; c) round metal; d) flexible duct; those are the main types of duct used in houses and their use depends on location in the country and the age of the house.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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