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  1. #1
    Gordon Douglass's Avatar
    Gordon Douglass Guest

    Default New Kid on the block

    Hello fellow inspectors, I have been in the building industry for 30+ years and all of those past injuries are starting to haunt me. I have been interested in Home Inspection for a while now and have been slowly working toward that goal. I am presently being apprenticed by a local Inspector and I will have my license by the 1st of next month. I have noticed how varied inspection methods are between inspectors. What they observe and what they miss. I've seen inspectors with construction backgrounds miss key safety items that another inspector with 20 years as a dog catcher will catch. I know there is always going to be something one will miss but I want to strive to be very careful with my inspections.
    I worked for a restoration company in Anchorage. They used other restoration companies to evaluate their performance on an yearly basis. It helped them strengthen their weak areas and also share information with other companies.
    I could see this type of a program developed in the Inspection arena.
    Any comments?

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    Last edited by Gordon Douglass; 08-10-2007 at 04:21 AM. Reason: spelling
    Inspection Referral

  2. #2
    David Banks's Avatar
    David Banks Guest

    Default Re: New Kid on the block

    Quote Originally Posted by Gordon Douglass View Post
    Hello fellow inspectors, I have been in the building industry for 30+ years and all of those past injuries are starting to haunt me. I have been interested in Home Inspection for a while now and have been slowly working toward that goal. I am presently being apprenticed by a local Inspector and I will have my license by the 1st of next month. I have noticed how varied inspection methods are between inspectors. What they observe and what they miss. I've seen inspectors with construction backgrounds miss key safety items that another inspector with 20 years as a dog catcher will catch. I know there is always going to be something one will miss but I want to strive to be very careful with my inspections.
    I worked for a restoration company in Anchorage. They used other restoration companies to evaluate their performance on an yearly basis. It helped them strengthen their weak areas and also share information with other companies.
    I could see this type of a program developed in the Inspection arena.
    Any comments?
    I do not think it is feasible. What would you do review the reports? How would that tell if someone missed something on site? Even if another Inspection Company came to the Inspection who's to say you would not miss anything the next house. Or both did not miss something. NAA!!


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