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  1. #1
    Jim Weyenberg's Avatar
    Jim Weyenberg Guest

    Default PPlumbing vent termination below a 2nd floor

    I called out the lack of a plumbing vent in a second story attic, the vent piping (ABS) laid on the ceiling joists from the 2nd floor bathrooms then went down the wall to the 1st floor vent through a 1st floor roof. No vent through the upper roof. The house is a 2 story box about 35yrs old with 1/2 bath and laundry on the first level behind the garage, that's where the only vent comes out.
    I have the builder/flipper (whom I've blown the whistle on many times) telling me his plumber says that's OK! I'm thinkin not!
    I'm not a code guy but in all my yrs I've never seen this, the vent has to terminate above the upper level fixtures. Am I right? Jusy looking for some back up to prove this guys a quack!

    Thanks guys

    Jim Weyenberg
    NE WI.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: PPlumbing vent termination below a 2nd floor

    sounds like the guy is being lazy and cheap. yes the vent needs to be above the second floor plumbing and needs to be vented outside. gases and mositure being vented inside will just cause future problems as well as possible bad smells in the home. advise your client you have had past experince with this person and let them know of what you have found this time. I wouldn't base past experince with this person make everyplace a problem but it would set off alarms as to be on the outlook for future problems and current ones at the time of the inspection

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: PPlumbing vent termination below a 2nd floor

    IPC 903.3 and 917.7 specifies that waste vents must terminate into the open air. AAVs are excepted, however, at least one open air vent must be in the waste system. The IPC further defines "Open Air" as being outside the structure.

  4. #4
    Jim Weyenberg's Avatar
    Jim Weyenberg Guest

    Default Re: PPlumbing vent termination below a 2nd floor

    Thanks Guys,
    The guy is a problem and after the inspection when I found out who did the flip I did warn the buyer and agent, and did offer to go back to verify the repairs.
    The Plumbing vent does terminate above the roof though only at the 1st floor level, not through the roof of the upper level, that is what I see as a problem. I know you can do the so called high loop under a sink in an island for a trap vent but you would think all the vent piping should lead to highest point to terminate at the exterior, not be piped from the 2nd story down to the 1st floor.
    Thanks again

  5. #5
    Linda Swearingen's Avatar
    Linda Swearingen Guest

    Default Re: PPlumbing vent termination below a 2nd floor

    It sounds like the second story was finished as a later remodel; there is no window above that vent, is there? The sewer gas thing could come back into play that way, too.


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