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  1. #1
    Faith Greenwell's Avatar
    Faith Greenwell Guest

    Default Inspector Positions Available

    U.S. Inspect is hiring in the following locations:
    - Northern Virginia
    - Houston, Texas
    - Indianapolis, Indiana
    - Southern California

    U.S. Inspect offers a terrific employee package thatincludes Health benefits, Life Insurance, 401(K), E&O Insurance, Licensing fees, Association dues,disability, Workman’s Comp, equipment and more.

    Please email me expressing your interest along with your resume.

    Thank you!

    Faith Greenwell
    U.S. Inspect Recruiter
    (800) 872-3660, ext. 445

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    OREP Insurance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Inspector Positions Available

    .....and half the income I am guessing.
    You left that part out.
    Today's client called a franchise operation (name witheld here) and was told it would take 1 hour to inspect a full home.

    My client and the Agent both said thank G-d we hired you instead as I was finding issues 4 hours into the job.

    Do not need 3-4 jobs a day to make a living like the guys not good enough to work on their own.

    Cut rate inspection at full price to the unsuspecting consumer needs to disappear.


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