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  1. #1
    Sophie Willis's Avatar
    Sophie Willis Guest

    Default Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Apologies for the length of this but I will attempt to provide pertinent information about my situation.

    About six weeks ago, a humming noise seemed to engulf the entire house. We cannot find the source of the noise and it is so bad, it's affecting our quality of life. We're talking about breaking our lease if we can't find a solution. The best way to describe this noise: it sounds like an 18 wheeler idling in the driveway. It's a low frequency hum that never stops. I mean it's present 24 hours a day, every day. In the past few days, it's gotten louder; we have to wear earplugs inside. We've been in this house for four years and never experienced anything like this. The house was built in 2000, it's a single-story, three-bedroom, two bath, two-car garage, 1500 sq ft. It's your typical Las Vegas house.

    We've tried several solutions to no avail. The neighbor who shares our backyard wall has an extremely noisy pool pump and we thought that was the source of our unbearable noise. We asked him to not run the pump 24/7 and he says he had the pool guy out to fix it.

    But that didn't take care of the noise. Then we thought it was the transformer in our front yard. Even one of our next door neighbor's called the power company to complain about it. It had suddenly started humming abnormally loud so the power company replaced the transformer. That did not take care of the noise.

    We are at a loss. You can't really hear the noise outside. Rather, you can't hear anything that seems out of the ordinary. If you stand in the walkway between our house and the neighbor's, you can somewhat hear the noise. I cannot tell if it's coming from my neighbor's house or elsewhere.

    We cut the power to our house, turned off the heating unit. The hum continued.

    My best guess is that the noise is a normal, low-frequency sound outside (a heat pump, generator, ??) but when it filters in through our attic vents, it's amplified and the result is this constant, unbearable hum. The sound is throughout the house but concentrated in the master bedroom and bathroom, which is at the back of the house and directly under an attic vent. Or, somehow our house is making this noise but I can't imagine what would do that. Something in the attic, humming even in the absence of electricity? Would the furnace do that? We have gas heat.

    We did have a new water heater installed in the garage but the noise was present a few days before that. Plus, the noise is constant. The water heater doesn't emit a constant noise. But that would be another good way to describe the noise; it sounds like a very loud gas water heater when the water is being heated.

    I don't know who to call for help. A home inspector, an acoustic engineer, a plumber, HVAC techician or someone else? Does this sound like anything explainable or fixable? I appreciate any guidance offered. I cannot describe just how terrible it is to be in our home these days. It's dreadful.

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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Sophie, it wouldn't surprise me if the noise is coming from the neighbor's pool pump. Even though it was "fixed" by the repair guy. Does the noise persist if the neighbor temporarily turns off the pump? I have to wonder if the sound could be coming into the house through the sewer line piping. Might be worthwhile to contact the City's Public Works Department to see if they have anything going on elsewhere that could result in your hearing what you hear. Even getting one of their more experienced inspectors out for an evaluation might be worthwhile, and it's a freebie (you're already paying for his/her services by paying your property taxes and utility bills).

    If none of the foregoing is the source of the problem, maybe your only option is to pay a qualified acoustical engineer to come out and do an assessment. Ask for some references, check Angie's List, etc., before signing a contract for his/her services. Not sure a typical home inspector would be able to help, although that's also an option (for sure, probably a lot cheaper than the engineer).

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Good Morning Sophie,

    I remember years ago laying in bed hearing crickets outside and thinking them sure are tough Crickets ! Temperature was in the Teen's .

    It then occurred to me Tinnitus: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Might get checked just to Rule that out.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Anti siphon valve? Does it stop if you run water or flush the toiets?

    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    View The List Of InspectionNews Member Benefits!

    Brian Hannigan /
    Helping Inspectors $ucceed Since 1997TM

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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Try turning the water off at the main, to eliminate a defective ballcock in one of the toilets.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Had a similar call for help from a client complaining of noise. Turns out that the metal drip edge flashing was not properly nailed to the roof decking, and the prevailing winds entered the vents like a harmonica or tuning fork. Quite a pitch. Luckily, the wind was blowing just right when I inspected the attic.
    Problem solved.
    Bob Mulloy

  8. #8
    Sophie Willis's Avatar
    Sophie Willis Guest

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Thanks for your thoughtful replies. Yes Bridge Man, the noise persists when the pool pump is off. I wondered if they have a heat pump on the pool that you can't hear from the back yard but that may be filtering this noise into our house somehow. We've been in touch with the HOA compliance officer and he says we are the only residents in the neighborhood to complain of a noise. It is so disruptive, I can't imagine that no one else is hearing this. That's why I keep coming back to our furnace in the attic. But we turned the unit off from the thermostat and cut the power. The noise persisted. Of course, it is a gas unit. I don't know enough about heaters to know whether it could still emit a humming noise with electrical power turned off. I read another thread about an air handler humming even when it's off, that's why I keep going back to the furnace.

    If I were the only person to hear the noise, I might entertain the possibility that the noise originated from tinnitus. But I am NOT the only person to hear the noise. It's not tinnitus. Unfortunately, it's not a beehive.

    The noise does not waiver when the water is on. We tried those tests, running the water and testing for any difference in the noise.

    I've also taken a stethoscope around the house and listened for "hot spots." This is what's perplexing; you can't hear the same sound through the walls that you can hear while standing in a room. Perhaps that's a clue that points to the sewer line?

    We've got an HVAC technician coming out Monday to look at the furnace. Is this going to be a wasted visit? Perhaps I should try the Public Works guy, first.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    "qualified acoustical engineer"Really? There is such a thing?

    "It then occurred to me Tinnitus: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Might get checked just to Rule that out." Sorry Billy, earplugs won't help with that.

    Is there someone living in your attic?
    Do you have teenage kids? It might be their music, most of it sounds like that.
    Is your house haunted?

    I agree with others, turn off the water and power and see what happens. Do any of the neighbors have a similar noise?
    Record it and upload it for us to listen to.

  10. #10
    Ray Norton's Avatar
    Ray Norton Guest

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    OK, this is going to sound "out there" but there wasdocumentation of this problem in a Church many years ago. I can not find it on the web anywhere, but this is a problem that can be corrected by an engineer. You just need to find one that is familiar with this story or similar situations.

    It went something like this ,and I'm hoping this will jog someone's memory...

    There was a main support beam in this church building that was sized properly but it needed additional bracing to keep it from vibrating. It only happened when the building was occupied (sensors were used). It was determined that the hertz frequency of the human beings in the building would provide just enough energy to "match up" with some condition in the beam and it would start the beam to vibrate which produced a constant hum that the occupants could hear and feel.

    They found some engineer that braced the beam in a number of locations and the vibration stopped.

    I sure hope this helps.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Does the noise stop when you turn off the HVAC unit? It is doesn't, then why bother calling out a repair guy? If the noise does stop, then the problem lies within the HVAC unit.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post

    It then occurred to me Tinnitus: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Might get checked just to Rule that out.
    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Thompson View Post

    "It then occurred to me Tinnitus: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Might get checked just to Rule that out." Sorry Billy, earplugs won't help with that.


    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    To clarify:
    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie Willis View Post
    we have to wear earplugs inside.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    What kind of attic ventilation is present in the home? Is any of it mechanical turbine vent, attic fan etc...

  15. #15
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    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Is your electric service underground?
    Do you have a transformer in your yard?
    Thinking hum related to electric service coming to house


    Maybe the house just does not know the words to the song.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Yes, it is time for an acoustics engineer (and yes, they do exist) or another engineer who does vibration testing. These guys/gals have the sound level meters, vibrometers and other test equipment needed to trace down and characterize the noisde source.

    Noise, as we preceive it, is air pressure waves hitting our ear drums. A vibrating surface creates pressure waves. So, we can "hear" when a surface vibrates. But, vibration is not the only thing that causes pressure waves. Fans also create pressure waves, as does anything that rapidly heats and cools air.

    If any object is exposed to vibrations that are at the same frequency or a multiple frequency of the object's natual frequency, it will resonate, or amplify the vibration. Therefore, the source could very well be outside, except that the freqency of the noise outside may be outside a person's natural hearing range. When it hits the building, it can excite something that has a natural frequency that is a multiple of the outside noise, causing it to vibrate (or ring).

    Matt Klein, P.E.
    Criterium-Cincinnati Engineers
    Fairfield, OH

  17. #17
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    Southern Vancouver Island

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    I would put the possible causes on a list, then eliminate them one by one:
    Neighbor's pool equipment
    Power company's transformer, even though it was worked on
    A plumbing leak is causing a pipe to vibrate? Have you tried shutting off the water?
    Swarm of bees
    Turbine roof vent, a spinning vent on the roof
    Wind noise, although that would fluctuate
    Some malfunctioning electronic apparatus, although you say you turned off power
    Eliminate the above, then we can go on with more ideas. Good luck.

    John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Sophie, while you have the HVAC tech at the house, have him check the service ground for current. He will have a clamp on meter and it will only take him a minute to do. Just a thought that might go along with the power co. replacing the transformer.

    The beatings will continue until morale has improved. mgt.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Thompson View Post
    To clarify:
    Well Tin Foil Worked Best for Me.

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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  21. #21
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie Willis View Post
    We cut the power to our house,
    You turned off the main disconnect (cutting off ALL power to the house) and the hum was still there?

    If yes, then turn off the power to the house and the water to the house (as suggested in a post above) as this will eliminate any water related noises. Is the hum still there? If so, leave those off and shut off the gas to the house (if you have gas appliances). Is the hum still there?

    If the hum is still there, shut all the above off, then ask your neighbor to turn the pool pump off for 10 minutes. Is the hum still there?

    If the hum is still there, then it could be as Brian mentioned - bees. I inspected a 2 story house 20 or so years ago which had a honey bee infestation that took up probably 10 ft wide of a side wall, and went from the second floor down to the first floor. Not only was there a humming noise, but honey was running out of joints in the wall, around receptacles, and from the siding outside.

    There are acoustical engineers, but I doubt you need to go that route.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Snowbird (this means I'm retired and migrate between locations), FL/MI

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Check alarm clocks, radios boom boxes, etc., and/or clock radios, and also if applicable weather alert radios, which may be battery powered or use house current with a battery backup.

    You may find one is tuned between stations, and on.

    Had a similar mystery with a battery powered traveling clock radio stored away with batteries still in place, alarm was not activated but the radio was on, volume low, but not tuned in to a station frequency at home, when the suitcase bag it was contained in was moved it shifted and turned itself on. Took days to track down the source of the noise.

    You mentioned its been a few weeks perhaps something plugged iin with a battery backup that kicks in for those few moments when you cut the power off for the whole house.

    Have flashlights, dust busters, electric razor, rechargable electric "sonic" toothbrushes, or similar devices with integral rechargable batteries situated where they are stored docked in their chargering stations which are plugged in or directly plugged in to receptacle for ready use?

    I've heard some interesting low freqency "hums" from luggage and drawers of others..vibrating type low frequency say you hear it loudest in the master bedroom, right?

    Anything stored (forgotten perhaps) in closets adjacent or the attic above, or perhaps fallen behiind or rolled under some furniture?

  23. #23
    Sophie Willis's Avatar
    Sophie Willis Guest

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by John Kogel View Post
    I would put the possible causes on a list, then eliminate them one by one:
    Neighbor's pool equipment
    Power company's transformer, even though it was worked on
    A plumbing leak is causing a pipe to vibrate? Have you tried shutting off the water?
    Swarm of bees
    Turbine roof vent, a spinning vent on the roof
    Wind noise, although that would fluctuate
    Some malfunctioning electronic apparatus, although you say you turned off power
    Eliminate the above, then we can go on with more ideas. Good luck.

    Thanks. Many of these causes were already eliminated but I'll go through them again. The transformer in the front yard was replaced with a brand new unit. It is practically unheard of for the local power company to take such an expensive step but our neighbors managed to convince them to do it. It is whisper-quiet now.

    It's not the wind as the noise is present on a 24 hour, daily basis even when there is absolutely no wind. We have lived here for four years and this noise just appeared six weeks ago. We've lived here through wind storms, rain storms, snow storms (yes, snow in Vegas), neighborhood parties, etc. The noise is unrelated to wind.

    We don't have a turbine roof vent.

    Nor is it a swarm of bees. I've lived in a home that had a beehive in the ceiling so I have some experience with that. There are tell-tale signs of beehives that are not present in this home. Plus, it sounds nothing like a swarm of bees.

    I have shut the power to the house three times; once when the power company was here and twice on my own. I'm not a novice when it comes to electrical issues. However, I know diddly squat about HVAC or plumbing. The noise is still present in the absence of electricity to the house.

    I have also shut the water off. The water bill is lower than ever so I doubt there is a leak. The one thing I haven't done is shut the gas off.

    Each and every electrical appliance has not only been shut off, we've unplugged them one by one. The noise persists.

    Again, it is not tinnitus. I don't live alone. Tinnitus is not a shared experience between people, nor is it something that can be dampened with earplugs. We wear earplugs in the house. It's a moderate remedy but it helps.

    The noise seems to coincide with the backyard neighbors doing something with their spa and pool in mid-December. It started with a party they had and I wondered then if they had a new jacuzzi installed because of the noise and backyard activity in the dead of winter. The neighbor has since turned the pool pump off and the noise persists. I'm starting to wonder if the culprit is his pool/spa heater, which I'm sure he has not turned off.

    I am down to that neighbor's pool, the sewer(?), our own furnace in the attic (although I think that's wishful thinking), or another neighbor's heater/pump. There is only one pool in this quad of houses but one neighbor does have a backyard water feature.

    Thank you all for your considerate and thoughtful responses. You've given me some ideas to work with. I think, as someone already noted, that we have to hire an acoustical engineer.

  24. #24
    Sophie Willis's Avatar
    Sophie Willis Guest

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Klein View Post
    Yes, it is time for an acoustics engineer (and yes, they do exist) or another engineer who does vibration testing. These guys/gals have the sound level meters, vibrometers and other test equipment needed to trace down and characterize the noisde source.

    Noise, as we preceive it, is air pressure waves hitting our ear drums. A vibrating surface creates pressure waves. So, we can "hear" when a surface vibrates. But, vibration is not the only thing that causes pressure waves. Fans also create pressure waves, as does anything that rapidly heats and cools air.

    If any object is exposed to vibrations that are at the same frequency or a multiple frequency of the object's natual frequency, it will resonate, or amplify the vibration. Therefore, the source could very well be outside, except that the freqency of the noise outside may be outside a person's natural hearing range. When it hits the building, it can excite something that has a natural frequency that is a multiple of the outside noise, causing it to vibrate (or ring).

    Thank you, Matthew, it's at least validating to know that someone understands what I'm experiencing. I've had a difficult time explaining this to others. I can't tell you how many people make jokes about how I should get a tinfoil hat or how I have tinnitus. Very frustrating.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie Willis View Post
    The noise seems to coincide with the backyard neighbors doing something with their spa and pool in mid-December. It started with a party they had and I wondered then if they had a new jacuzzi installed because of the noise and backyard activity in the dead of winter. The neighbor has since turned the pool pump off and the noise persists. I'm starting to wonder if the culprit is his pool/spa heater, which I'm sure he has not turned off.

    I am down to that neighbor's pool, the sewer(?), our own furnace in the attic (although I think that's wishful thinking), or another neighbor's heater/pump. There is only one pool in this quad of houses but one neighbor does have a backyard water feature.
    Have you asked the neighbor to turn the power off to their house (that would eliminate anything electrically powered there)?

    I have heard noises as you describe caused by pool pumps, pool cleaners (Kreepy Krawlers and others which cause a 'thump-thump-thump' noise which carries long distances.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  26. #26
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    Lanham, MD

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Hmm, just a long shot, but could be the gas regulator at the gas meter. At times of high gas flow they can make a loud dull hum sound. Perhaps your neighbor's pool heater is the culprit since they are often high BTU and draw a large quantity of gas. Grabbing at straws here, but worth the check.

  27. #27
    Sophie Willis's Avatar
    Sophie Willis Guest

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Steven Saville View Post
    Hmm, just a long shot, but could be the gas regulator at the gas meter. At times of high gas flow they can make a loud dull hum sound. Perhaps your neighbor's pool heater is the culprit since they are often high BTU and draw a large quantity of gas. Grabbing at straws here, but worth the check.

    The guy with the pool is being uncooperative now. He won't answer his door or return calls. I will have to go through the HOA again. I've got an HVAC technician coming over to look at the furnace in the attic. It will probably be a waste of $50 for the service call. If the HVAC remedy fails, I'll call the gas company and Public Works.

    I tried to record the noise but my digital recorder doesn't pick it up. It's very low frequency. I did, however, find a close approximation of it online. It's at the end of this article about a mystery hum in New Zealand. Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on the link "simulation of the sound." You'll need to wear earplugs to hear it and, as the article says, some people can't hear it. But the noise in my house is detectable the moment you pull into the garage and open the car door.

    Mystery noise is a real humdinger - Technology -

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Is it possible that your house was built over an old burial ground ?

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Any wind farms close by?
    Farmer depressed over wind farm - Yahoo!
    Apparently Prozac helps!

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    I wouldn't waste the money on the HVAC tech. What's the point if you already cut the electric to the premises and the noise didn't stop?

    [QUOTE=Sophie Willis;188590]The guy with the pool is being uncooperative now. He won't answer his door or return calls. I will have to go through the HOA again. I've got an HVAC technician coming over to look at the furnace in the attic. It will probably be a waste of $50 for the service call. If the HVAC remedy fails, I'll call the gas company and Public Works.


  31. #31
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Are there any Ham Radio antennas or operators in your neighborhood?
    Is there a power sub -station near you?

  32. #32
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie Willis View Post
    The guy with the pool is being uncooperative now. He won't answer his door or return calls. I will have to go through the HOA again. I've got an HVAC technician coming over to look at the furnace in the attic. It will probably be a waste of $50 for the service call. If the HVAC remedy fails, I'll call the gas company and Public Works.

    I tried to record the noise but my digital recorder doesn't pick it up. It's very low frequency. I did, however, find a close approximation of it online. It's at the end of this article about a mystery hum in New Zealand. Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on the link "simulation of the sound." You'll need to wear earplugs to hear it and, as the article says, some people can't hear it. But the noise in my house is detectable the moment you pull into the garage and open the car door.

    Mystery noise is a real humdinger - Technology -
    I was able to hear it just fine on my sound system and know exactly what you are talking about.

    I used to hear that at night and after investigating figured it was from a factory district a few miles away with the sound simply bouncing and being funneled then magnified.

    You may need to learn how to live with it or change the angle of a few walls,add insulation ,etc.

  33. #33
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Have you tried using white noise to see if it masks the irritant noise?

  34. #34
    Sophie Willis's Avatar
    Sophie Willis Guest

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    I think we've found the problem: the neighbors' fish tank. It's a giant, saltwater fish tank. This explains why the sound is continuous, 24/7. Of course, knowing this does not make the sound any more bearable.

    It's still humming because we can't get them to turn the pumps off so that we can at least rule it out. But I had a feeling this sound was coming from their house after I went over a few days ago and rang the bell. As soon as he opened the door, I heard the noise up close and personal. The neighbor acted very nervous and guilty, although he made a show of helping me to identify the noise outside.

    We had the power company come out twice since then, looking for the source of this noise. Tonight, the hum was bearable until about 10 p.m. It became deafening so I hit the sidewalk and started visiting my neighbors. I'm tired of wearing earplugs to bed. This time, the woman who lives there answered the door. She was defensive and insisted that the noise wasn't coming from their house, although I heard it when she opened the door.

    We talked for a few minutes and I told her we need their help trying to figure out what is going on. I'm sure they think we're being bad neighbors but they don't realize this will be a problem for them long after we move. I haven't even told the landlord yet. He won't be able to rent this house with that noise, I can guarantee you that.

    Now, I don't know what to do about the neighbors.

  35. #35
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    I know you will be reluctant to do this but it will likely be the first step in subsequent your local police dept and have an Officer respond. You have a legal right to not have your peace disturbed. The Officer, if understanding at all, will validate your claim, investigate the source, determine if the noise is coming from the neighbor and, if you request it - write a report, which you will be entitled to a copy of. He should also advise the neighbor that your peace is being disturbed by the air pump/filter and that they should take steps to stop the noise or risk a court appearance. Tell the officer you are willing to sign a complaint, if he/she asks. That means you may be required and are willing to appear in court yourself as the injured party/witness. Though typically matters such as this rarely evolve to that status.

    If the officer and the report does conclude that the pump/filter is the cause, then even without criminal prosecution you have amunition and evidence to file a Restraining Order (whereby a Judge/Adjudicator issues a cease and desist order) against the neighbor, yourself. It's a fairly easy process - if it gets that far. However, as you rent/lease the property you should also notify the landlord/owner giving them an opportunity to resolve the situation.

    This will not foster good relations between yourself and the neighbor but it seems like you are on somewhat unfriendly terms already. Either that or live with the problem. I doubt it will go away on its own and there is little you can do about it without the neighbor's co-operation - forced or otherwise. Good luck...

  36. #36
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie Willis View Post
    There is only one pool in this quad of houses
    So apparently there ae shared or common walls...Condo?

    Perhaps the fishtank system can be isolated from the floor and wall, as can your bed...conventional bed sets (spring/frame system) can conduct vibrations and such.

    One of the perils of living in multi-family housing - neighboring noises...

    You might investigate the local laws/ordinances regarding nusiance/noise restrictions in residential areas...peaceful enjoyment...etc. There are likely rules and regulations regarding same at the HOA or the master association as well. If measurable or detectable at a level which is disturbing or unreasonable to an independant person of ordinary sensitivity (such as law enforcement, inspector, etc.).

    One wonders just how loud (measured) the independent sound is at its source may be versus the transmission and amplification of vibrations via building and even your own furnishings (and the arrangement of same).

    Last edited by H.G. Watson, Sr.; 02-03-2012 at 07:42 AM.

  37. #37
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    "We're talking about breaking our lease if we can't find a solution. "
    You're a renter. Tell the landlord you're moving out if he / she doesn't deal with it.

  38. #38
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    No. San Diego Co., CA

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Sophie - as another option, still somewhat legal however. Contact the L.V. City Attorney's Office, or which ever judicial jurisdiction you fall under and ask them if the have a 'Neighbor Dispute Resolution Service' - many local authorities do, which helps remove law enforcement from the picture. (They usually have more important matters to take care of).

  39. #39
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Check with your local code enforcement to see if your city/town has a noise ordinance. If it does, chances are that the noise will exceed what is allowed and they will either have to find a way to lower the noise level, eliminate the source of the noise, or be taken before the code enforcement board and be fined.

    It is not uncommon for the fines to be $250.00 PER DAY until they come into compliance once they are found not to be in compliance with the noise ordinance.

    Those fines add up REAL QUICK, at the rate of $7,500 PER MONTH. One would have to be both stupid and have deep pockets to ignore that.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  40. #40
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    Columbus GA

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Thompson View Post
    "We're talking about breaking our lease if we can't find a solution. "
    You're a renter. Tell the landlord you're moving out if he / she doesn't deal with it.
    What would you suggest the Landlord do to "deal with it"?

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  41. #41
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Whatever it takes to keep a 4 year tenant.

  42. #42
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Thompson View Post
    Whatever it takes to keep a 4 year tenant.
    That is even less helpful than your other post

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Thompson View Post
    ...Is there someone living in your attic?
    Do you have teenage kids? It might be their music, most of it sounds like that.
    Is your house haunted?...
    Is someone living in the attic
    Is the house haunted.
    Really, that's advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Thompson View Post
    Any wind farms close by?
    Farmer depressed over wind farm - Yahoo!
    Apparently Prozac helps!

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  43. #43
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Sorry Rick, apparently you have no sense of humor, I can tell by your avatar. And frankly, I didn't now that this forum was here to provide guidance to renters with noise issues. What advice did you offer??
    You need to get a life. I'm sure if we ever meet you will "bloody my nose".

    Last edited by Benjamin Thompson; 02-04-2012 at 08:53 PM.

  44. #44
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Thompson View Post
    Sorry Rick, apparently you have no sense of humor, I can tell by your avatar. And frankly, I didn't now that this forum was here to provide guidance to renters with noise issues. What advice did you offer??
    You need to get a life. I'm sure if we ever meet you will "bloody my nose".
    With just a computer screen in front of me, sometimes it's easy to forget that someone is on the other side.
    Sorry about that
    To answer your question, I had no advice or meaningful suggestions to offer her, so I was quiet.

    Back to my original question.
    Your advice was to move out if the LL does not deal with it.
    By "deal with it" I think it's safe to presume that you mean the LL should eliminate the noise.

    My question was, what would you suggest to the LL in ways to eliminate the noise.
    What I did not ask, but where I was headed to, was;
    Is the LL responsible to find the cause of the noise?

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  45. #45
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    Memphis TN.

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Cantrell View Post
    Is the LL responsible to find the cause of the noise?

    Just to pay the Lender ( if any ) taxes, fees , normal upkeep with or with out a tenant .

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  46. #46
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post

    Just to pay the Lender ( if any ) taxes, fees , normal upkeep with or with out a tenant .
    Good answer(s)

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  47. #47
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    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Wow just read this entire thread and I have been dealing with the same problem the last 6mo. Started as vibration but the hum goes with it.

    Please keep me posted on what you find.

    Also - we have a transformer in our yard. As well as a new substation just commissioned nearby.

    Yet, I had also noticed the gas line whizzing and a rumbling from our water heater. The vibration bugs me more than the hum, but they go together. I am going to check further with the gas line.

    Any suggestions on how the gas line could cause a vibration?

  48. #48
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    L girl, Took a read back through the OP and in the OP Sophi said "....when it filters in through our attic vents, it's amplified and the result is this constant, unbearable hum. ...... concentrated in the master bedroom and bathroom, which is at the back of the house and directly under an attic vent..."

    Which makes me think that the first step may have been to start in the attic at the back of the house trying to isolate the noise. Using something to dampen the vibration of the duct-work and them continuing till you isolate the noise origin.

    Gas going through a valve can cause vibration/noise. Or the line is just the carrier of the noise/vibration, even from the main line connection.

  49. #49
    kristin morgan's Avatar
    kristin morgan Guest

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    How do you know it's NOT a beehive?? My mother complained (not 'complained' really- just remarked on it) of what she called "the humming wall" at our old house in Chatsworth CA. It was not until the big Northridge quake years later- when a large piece of the drywall came down- that the beehive was discovered. My mother knows what bees sound like, who doesn't? and not once thought it was bees, but the hum remained a mystery for years. By the way, it was a GIANT beehive, the house did fill with friendly bees post-quake.

    Could be anything its either wind going through something causing that noise or bees. One of two.

    - - - Updated - - -

    How do you know it's NOT a beehive?? My mother complained (not 'complained' really- just remarked on it) of what she called "the humming wall" at our old house in Chatsworth CA. It was not until the big Northridge quake years later- when a large piece of the drywall came down- that the beehive was discovered. My mother knows what bees sound like, who doesn't? and not once thought it was bees, but the hum remained a mystery for years. By the way, it was a GIANT beehive, the house did fill with friendly bees post-quake.

    Could be anything its either wind going through something causing that noise or bees. One of two.

    - - - Updated - - -

    How do you know it's NOT a beehive?? My mother complained (not 'complained' really- just remarked on it) of what she called "the humming wall" at our old house in Chatsworth CA. It was not until the big Northridge quake years later- when a large piece of the drywall came down- that the beehive was discovered. My mother knows what bees sound like, who doesn't? and not once thought it was bees, but the hum remained a mystery for years. By the way, it was a GIANT beehive, the house did fill with friendly bees post-quake.

    Could be anything its either wind going through something causing that noise or bees. One of two.

  50. #50
    Mary Kuhn's Avatar
    Mary Kuhn Guest

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    I can totally relate to your issue. I have the same exact in my house of 3 months and I am losing sleep because I can't sleep through the humming 24/7. And yes, my neighbor does have a pool and hot tub.

    Please share any solution you find.


    - - - Updated - - -

    I can totally relate to your issue. I have the same exact in my house of 3 months and I am losing sleep because I can't sleep through the humming 24/7. And yes, my neighbor does have a pool and hot tub.

    Please share any solution you find.


  51. #51
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    Lightbulb Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by BridgeMan View Post
    Sophie, it wouldn't surprise me if the noise is coming from the neighbor's pool pump. Even though it was "fixed" by the repair guy. (for sure, probably a lot cheaper than the engineer).
    That's what I thought when it happened to me just yesterday. Then I figured out it was coming from one of my walls, where there was a small registry, and a bit of heat coming out even though the AC wasn't on. I removed the vent to find out that's where the doorbell is mounted. Turns out, the doorbell outside got stuck after being pushed in!

  52. #52
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    HI,Sophie,I listen to the sound you recorded and it reminded me of a ceiling fan spinning because it is not a steady hum,also makes me think that one of your lovely neighbors may have something like that aquarium tight to the wall and the pump blades are generating the sound i had something similar to what you are dealing with from neighbors kids playing low bass sound and they were about 300ft. away from my house that is supposed to be how whales talk to each other

  53. #53
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    Aug 2017

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    I know this post is old, but did you ever figure out what caused the noise you have in your master/bathroom. I am having the exact same issue. It's exactly as you described. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie Willis View Post
    Apologies for the length of this but I will attempt to provide pertinent information about my situation.

    About six weeks ago, a humming noise seemed to engulf the entire house. We cannot find the source of the noise and it is so bad, it's affecting our quality of life. We're talking about breaking our lease if we can't find a solution. The best way to describe this noise: it sounds like an 18 wheeler idling in the driveway. It's a low frequency hum that never stops. I mean it's present 24 hours a day, every day. In the past few days, it's gotten louder; we have to wear earplugs inside. We've been in this house for four years and never experienced anything like this. The house was built in 2000, it's a single-story, three-bedroom, two bath, two-car garage, 1500 sq ft. It's your typical Las Vegas house.

    We've tried several solutions to no avail. The neighbor who shares our backyard wall has an extremely noisy pool pump and we thought that was the source of our unbearable noise. We asked him to not run the pump 24/7 and he says he had the pool guy out to fix it.

    But that didn't take care of the noise. Then we thought it was the transformer in our front yard. Even one of our next door neighbor's called the power company to complain about it. It had suddenly started humming abnormally loud so the power company replaced the transformer. That did not take care of the noise.

    We are at a loss. You can't really hear the noise outside. Rather, you can't hear anything that seems out of the ordinary. If you stand in the walkway between our house and the neighbor's, you can somewhat hear the noise. I cannot tell if it's coming from my neighbor's house or elsewhere.

    We cut the power to our house, turned off the heating unit. The hum continued.

    My best guess is that the noise is a normal, low-frequency sound outside (a heat pump, generator, ??) but when it filters in through our attic vents, it's amplified and the result is this constant, unbearable hum. The sound is throughout the house but concentrated in the master bedroom and bathroom, which is at the back of the house and directly under an attic vent. Or, somehow our house is making this noise but I can't imagine what would do that. Something in the attic, humming even in the absence of electricity? Would the furnace do that? We have gas heat.

    We did have a new water heater installed in the garage but the noise was present a few days before that. Plus, the noise is constant. The water heater doesn't emit a constant noise. But that would be another good way to describe the noise; it sounds like a very loud gas water heater when the water is being heated.

    I don't know who to call for help. A home inspector, an acoustic engineer, a plumber, HVAC techician or someone else? Does this sound like anything explainable or fixable? I appreciate any guidance offered. I cannot describe just how terrible it is to be in our home these days. It's dreadful.
    - - - Updated - - -

    I know this post is old, but did you ever figure out what caused the noise you have in your master/bathroom. I am having the exact same issue. It's exactly as you described. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie Willis View Post
    Apologies for the length of this but I will attempt to provide pertinent information about my situation.

    About six weeks ago, a humming noise seemed to engulf the entire house. We cannot find the source of the noise and it is so bad, it's affecting our quality of life. We're talking about breaking our lease if we can't find a solution. The best way to describe this noise: it sounds like an 18 wheeler idling in the driveway. It's a low frequency hum that never stops. I mean it's present 24 hours a day, every day. In the past few days, it's gotten louder; we have to wear earplugs inside. We've been in this house for four years and never experienced anything like this. The house was built in 2000, it's a single-story, three-bedroom, two bath, two-car garage, 1500 sq ft. It's your typical Las Vegas house.

    We've tried several solutions to no avail. The neighbor who shares our backyard wall has an extremely noisy pool pump and we thought that was the source of our unbearable noise. We asked him to not run the pump 24/7 and he says he had the pool guy out to fix it.

    But that didn't take care of the noise. Then we thought it was the transformer in our front yard. Even one of our next door neighbor's called the power company to complain about it. It had suddenly started humming abnormally loud so the power company replaced the transformer. That did not take care of the noise.

    We are at a loss. You can't really hear the noise outside. Rather, you can't hear anything that seems out of the ordinary. If you stand in the walkway between our house and the neighbor's, you can somewhat hear the noise. I cannot tell if it's coming from my neighbor's house or elsewhere.

    We cut the power to our house, turned off the heating unit. The hum continued.

    My best guess is that the noise is a normal, low-frequency sound outside (a heat pump, generator, ??) but when it filters in through our attic vents, it's amplified and the result is this constant, unbearable hum. The sound is throughout the house but concentrated in the master bedroom and bathroom, which is at the back of the house and directly under an attic vent. Or, somehow our house is making this noise but I can't imagine what would do that. Something in the attic, humming even in the absence of electricity? Would the furnace do that? We have gas heat.

    We did have a new water heater installed in the garage but the noise was present a few days before that. Plus, the noise is constant. The water heater doesn't emit a constant noise. But that would be another good way to describe the noise; it sounds like a very loud gas water heater when the water is being heated.

    I don't know who to call for help. A home inspector, an acoustic engineer, a plumber, HVAC techician or someone else? Does this sound like anything explainable or fixable? I appreciate any guidance offered. I cannot describe just how terrible it is to be in our home these days. It's dreadful.

  54. #54
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    I don't think that Sophie ever came back to report.

  55. #55
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Feldmann View Post
    I don't think that Sophie ever came back to report.
    Maybe not but she left the high pitched frequency noise, hmm, in my ears.
    Doctor says it's tinnitus.

    Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
    Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
    Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”

  56. #56
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    I have that too, price to pay for stupid things I did in my youth.

  57. #57
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Sorry to hear that Jack, truly, as well as others suffering from tinnitus.

    This happened later on in life. Just turned 50.
    I attribute most of the ailment to poor construction safety training. Even as a trades person I operated light gas powered machinery. Did so for most of my building carrier.
    My first competency card was (mechnical special operator.) The large commercial roofing company, second oldest in Quebec, knew I was a backyard mechanic and gave me the competency designation. No such competency card today.

    PPE, what there was then, was only enforced on provincial commercial construction sites. AHJ and CSST/CNSST, government insurer for Québec's workers and employers were on site.
    No full PPE, go home! As well, hearing protection devices was not enforced.

    When I ran my small maintenance/restoration/repair business, PPE was mandatory. If not, go home. Seeing I worked on envelopes, mostly elevated, 5 point harnesses were mandatory, before they went mandatory in the province.
    Why? I wanted employees to enjoy their lives without regrets or poor regards for safety.

    Tinnitus is not much fun. I have a form of tinnitus coined, Suicidal Tinnitus due to sound and frequency intensity. My audiologist was perplexed when I went for a hearing test. She could not understand how certain frequencies were totally void from my hearing. How can U understand sentences she asked. I was perplexed by the question. Upon a second of hesitation, then reflection, I told her, I listen, just like you.

    The evaluation lead to the prescription of 2 hearing aid devices. Now $2,500 per device.
    By wearing them intensifies the tinnitus. Stuck between a rock and a harder place I guess.

    If/when I find a cure, or at least a way to decrease the sound, I will post it.

    Best regards, Jack.
    Best of health to you and all members.
    Robert Young

    Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
    Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
    Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”

  58. #58
    John Countryman's Avatar
    John Countryman Guest

    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by ROBERT YOUNG View Post
    Maybe not but she left the high pitched frequency noise, hmm, in my ears.
    Doctor says it's tinnitus.
    Both my wife and I have tinnitus and take Manganese which reduces it significantly. I take 200 mg and she takes 300 mg a day.

  59. #59
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    Default Re: Help, please. My whole house is humming and I don't know what to do

    Quote Originally Posted by John Countryman View Post
    Both my wife and I have tinnitus and take Manganese which reduces it significantly. I take 200 mg and she takes 300 mg a day.
    Hi John. Hope you are well and in good spirits today. Thanks for the post. I use to use many supplements but stopped. I try to eat a healthy diet but stray. From what I understand doses over 11 mg can have side effects. This is what I looked up.

    Been sometime since I posted on InspectionNews. Been busy as a beaver. Won an award for Montreal small business, Alignable. Come to think of it. Sure miss everyone. Time to post here more often.
    Best regards.
    Robert Young


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