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  1. #1
    guy munger's Avatar
    guy munger Guest

    Default can inspector require moving partial built home?

    my part time neighbor on the north carolina coast(pamlico county) is building a 2 story home next to the water. it appears they are claiming it is to replace an existing dwelling which was destroyed in hurricane irene. in fact it was an old 3 sided cook house, not a residence.
    when i looked at the buildig permit application and the septic app(authorization to use existing system) i discovered that they used inaccurate info. they claimed the spetic had been in service but they know nothing about the installation. they also used the wrong tax parcel id# on the applications.
    their property is 20 acres and the incorrect tax parcel id# used is for a .143 acre lot with an existing home.
    the larger lot would probaly not qualify for any setbacks exemptions but the smaller one might.
    my question is, can the building inspector revoke the building permit if he determines it is based on inaccurate info, intentional or not.
    also can he require the partially built structure to be move to a proper distance from the water?
    thanks for any help.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    New Mexico

    Default Re: can inspector require moving partial built home?

    Give him a call and see what he says. That's way too specific to your area for anyone on here to help you, unless by coincidence they live in your town and work for your AHJ.

    Jim Robinson
    New Mexico, USA

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: can inspector require moving partial built home?

    Quote Originally Posted by guy munger View Post
    my question is, can the building inspector revoke the building permit if he determines it is based on inaccurate info, intentional or not.
    also can he require the partially built structure to be move to a proper distance from the water?
    thanks for any help.
    Yes, and yes, however, it is typically information the inspector will give to the building official and the building official will "require" it be torn down, removed, etc.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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