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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    South-West Michigan

    Default HOT BUTTON

    Folks, this is a solicitation for professional advice specifically related to roofing. Scenario:

    Local government authority sub-contracts building code permit and inspection services to a for-profit firm. Said firm does not require permits for re-roofing. The applicable code does not provide for this. Consultation with the State ended in the decision that said local government authority, and sub-contracted code inspection firm, are in violation of State law. State is requesting a complaint to be filed to initiate a "performance review" of the local government authority and the sub-contracted code inspection firm.

    As is, the roof in question is improperly installed as a consequence of not meeting State residential code requirements.

    How would you advise your client?

    How would you act in response to the State request?


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    New York

    Default Re: HOT BUTTON

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Aldering View Post
    Folks, this is a solicitation for professional advice specifically related to roofing. Scenario:

    Local government authority sub-contracts building code permit and inspection services to a for-profit firm. Said firm does not require permits for re-roofing. The applicable code does not provide for this. Consultation with the State ended in the decision that said local government authority, and sub-contracted code inspection firm, are in violation of State law. State is requesting a complaint to be filed to initiate a "performance review" of the local government authority and the sub-contracted code inspection firm.

    As is, the roof in question is improperly installed as a consequence of not meeting State residential code requirements.

    How would you advise your client?

    How would you act in response to the State request?

    How I would advise my client depends upon who my client is and how they are effected by the order. Same thing as to how I would respond. It all depends upon who "I" is.

    Steven Turetsky, UID #16000002314

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: HOT BUTTON

    Report what you see, tell them to research permits. If no permits were taken, consult with local building department as to whether a roof certification would allow compliance, have licensed roofer certify. Not the one who installed it. whatever your client accepts is up to them. I always research building permits if possible before going to an inspection so I know what to look for.

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