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  1. #1
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    Default ICC certification

    I am interested in gaining ICC certification. Does anyone have any tips for beginning the process and maybe a plan of attack?
    Thanks, Jim

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    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  2. #2
    Joseph P. Hagarty's Avatar
    Joseph P. Hagarty Guest

    Default Re: ICC certification

  3. #3
    Dan Bowers's Avatar
    Dan Bowers Guest

    Default Re: ICC certification

    Go to IRC's site, buy the study guides and study - then take tests. Simple stuff. I read their study guides for mechanical, plumbing, electrical and building. Bought a Code Book. Signed up for tests (1 every 2 weeks - took them - passed) and got certified in all 4. The only test that gave me any problem was the electric. Was a real shock to find out I passed. Lot of questions about things that we don't regularly see or do, such as how many wires can be in a square box that is xx" by xx".

  4. #4
    Nolan Kienitz's Avatar
    Nolan Kienitz Guest

    Default Re: ICC certification


    Check out ICC's website for the certs:

    ICC Online | Certification & Testing

    I'm going to work the process myself over the next six months or so. The testing center is just East of North Central and just South of Park in a 2-story office building. Easy access.

    I completed the NHIE for my ASHI membership and am now helping the NHIE developers with further releases of the test. Learning a lot !

  5. #5
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Get the loose leaf IRC and put in the speed tabs. Keep in mind that this is an open book test and it is not necessary a test of your knowledge, but a test of your skill in reading and looking up the codes. Pay attention to the "exceptions", they will trip you up.

    The ICC test are not all that hard if you know how to look up the information.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  6. #6
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Joseph, that home study course looks pretty interesting, have you had personal experience with it?
    Nolan, keep me updated with your progress.
    Thanks, everybody.

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  7. #7
    Eric Shuman's Avatar
    Eric Shuman Guest

    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Bowers View Post
    The only test that gave me any problem was the electric. Was a real shock to find out I passed. Lot of questions about things that we don't regularly see or do, such as how many wires can be in a square box that is xx" by xx".
    I agree with Dan on this point about the Electrical test. It was in my opinion the hardest test of the four and I, too, was surprised I passed the first time. The study guides were a big help to me, I didn't try the home study course, but if I were to do it over, I probably would have used it even though I passed all tests on the first attempt (probably by the minimal score when it came to the electrical ). I didn't think the tests were easy (even being open book), but definitely passable with the right preperation.

    Even though as Scott said, it is not necessarily a test of your knowledge, existing knowledge of the codes will definitely help as it is a timed test and if you already know the answers to some of the questions, it will free up time for the ones you have to look up.


  8. #8
    Rick Thitoff's Avatar
    Rick Thitoff Guest

    Default Re: ICC certification

    I am also considering getting certified. Will studying the IRC, and using it at the test be sufficient? Are the code check books also good study references?

    Thanks for any info.

  9. #9
    Deleted Account's Avatar
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    The ICC test are not all that hard if you know how to look up the information.

    If you are successful and take two exams at each sitting it will cost $400 to achieve an R-5 Certification, so advice is cheep only when you don't have to put your money where your mouth is or maybe when you have another exam to sell.

    Anyone who has actually taken these exams know that it is almost impossible to pass just by looking up the answers, you will have to know something about the subject especially when taking the electric exam.

    All exams have a two-hour time limit. In raw numbers, the B1 Exam is 50 questions which gives you 2.4 minutes per question. The other exams (E1, M1 & P1) have 60 questions which give you 2.0 minutes per question.

    The B1 exam covers the first 10 chapters and is over 270 pages of information, most people will not be able to read and answer the questions within the alloted time and will need a successful strategy to pass.

  10. #10
    Matt Hawley's Avatar
    Matt Hawley Guest

    Default Re: ICC certification

    Joseph's and Greg Bell's ICC Boot Camp and Ace Educator software program are both excellent.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    If you are successful and take two exams at each sitting it will cost $400 to achieve an R-5 Certification, so advice is cheep only when you don't have to put your money where your mouth is or maybe when you have another exam to sell.

    Anyone who has actually taken these exams know that it is almost impossible to pass just by looking up the answers, you will have to know something about the subject especially when taking the electric exam.

    All exams have a two-hour time limit. In raw numbers, the B1 Exam is 50 questions which gives you 2.4 minutes per question. The other exams (E1, M1 & P1) have 60 questions which give you 2.0 minutes per question.

    The B1 exam covers the first 10 chapters and is over 270 pages of information, most people will not be able to read and answer the questions within the alloted time and will need a successful strategy to pass.
    Don't you have a class to sell?

    I said that the ICC exams were not all that hard, this is based on when I took the B1, E1 and M1 six years ago. I did not find them all that difficult, the electrical was the most difficult. It could be that the exams have become more difficult since I took them in 2000 & 2001, I don't know. I stopped paying my ICC dues back in 2004 so I have not been that involved in the process. Yes, being familiar with the book and knowing how locate the answers is important.

    Last edited by Scott Patterson; 10-13-2007 at 08:00 PM.
    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  12. #12
    Tim Moreira's Avatar
    Tim Moreira Guest

    Default Re: ICC certification

    I took the ICC exams for building and electrical last year. I went through Joseph Burkeson and Greg Bell's class first. The class they taught was 1st class and highly recommended. I don't think I would have passed without their class and study materials. Electrical test was easier for me, but I do have more of an electrical background. Building was a bit tougher.

    You need to really spend a lot of time studying this stuff. You can not just look it up. You will not have a lot of time. I recommend you use the loose leaf three ring binder with the tabs in it. Put the index in the front of the three ring binder so you can access it easier. I do not recommend the book version for the test.

    Study the index and learn how to read the tables. I seem to remember a lot of table questions on the building section. This to me was the worst and most time consuming.

    You will most definitely feel "rushed" when taking the tests. Two hours seems like a lot of time but it isn't. I could have easily spent double that on each section.

    Hope that helps and good luck.

    Hello to all, sorry I've been away so long. My father moved in with me and took over my office.

    Hope everyone is doing well.


  13. #13
    Brandon Chew's Avatar
    Brandon Chew Guest

    Default Re: ICC certification

    I've seen several people recommend buying the loose leaf version of the code book instead of the bound version. I'm curious -- what are the reasons for this preference?

    Ditto the comments on the turbo tabs. I think they are worth getting and using for the paper code books.

    My preference, in my work, is the electonic version, because it is easy to do a search and to copy & paste code sections into other documents. But I don't think they'll let you use the electronic version on the cert tests.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    Don't you have a class to sell?

    Thanks for the plug, it is not just a class I sell but a whole philosophy, I believe that home inspectors should be certified independently of home inspection associations this way there is no conflict of interest.

    Take for example the My Safe Florida Home Program being trashed this morning in the Tampa Tribune, it appears there are discrepancies concerning the quality of inspectors, who would have thought that an 8-hour course would not have been sufficient to train people to properly conduct wind mitigation inspections. I can say this with certainly, no one could spend only 8-hours with the IRC code book and pass the B1 exam. Had the state also required the applicants to have successfully passed the B1 besides whatever other training they deemed necessary I doubt these problems would now exist. But then again if not for the poorly structured WCE program we would not have high level ASHI leaders who have turned WCE attempting to get inspectors to perform these inspections for a lousy 50 bucks.

    Let me not trail too far from your question though, yes I sell a low-cost ICC course that provides a proven plan to achieve ICC Certification, which appears to have your shorts in a knot.

    What is it that concerns you about Assurance Check helping hundreds of home inspectors achieve ICC Certification, could it be that we are a threat to your multi-million dollar EBPHI which is diligently attempting to suck every state into using your questionable exam? Anyone taking the time to do a little investigative work on their own will soon discover that without state licensing the EBPHI corporation would be no more than an asterisk on the historical ASHI time-line, yes, it is obvious to all that you have something to sell and it smells rotten.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    Let me not trail too far from your question though, yes I sell a low-cost ICC course that provides a proven plan to achieve ICC Certification, which appears to have your shorts in a knot.

    What is it that concerns you about Assurance Check helping hundreds of home inspectors achieve ICC Certification, could it be that we are a threat to your multi-million dollar EBPHI which is diligently attempting to suck every state into using your questionable exam? Anyone taking the time to do a little investigative work on their own will soon discover that without state licensing the EBPHI corporation would be no more than an asterisk on the historical ASHI time-line, yes, it is obvious to all that you have something to sell and it smells rotten.
    Joe, I never said I had a problem with your course. You just assumed it because I asked a question. In fact I think it is great that you have the talent and time to put it on. ICC also has a very good course that they offer online.

    The NHIE must not be too questionable as it is used by 19 States, ASHI, AII and even NAHI allows it as their membership exam.

    As for EBPHI, this thread was not about the NHIE. But now that you brought it up, as of three years ago ASHI no longer has anything to do with EBPHI. And yes, licensing is what supports EBPHI. With the NHIE being in 19 states, that is what the exam is and was designed for. EBPHI is not a multimillion dollar corporation as you say, I wish it was then I might get paid for all of my time I spend with it. All you have to do is the math and you can figure that out.

    Joe, I don't sell anything other than my inspection services. You are the one with a dog in this hunt.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  16. #16
    Brandon Chew's Avatar
    Brandon Chew Guest

    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon Chew View Post
    I've seen several people recommend buying the loose leaf version of the code book instead of the bound version. I'm curious -- what are the reasons for this preference?


  17. #17
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon Chew View Post
    Brandon, the loose leaf is just easier as you can add addendums or changes as they are published.

    The best way to have to codes is on your computer, but you need the printed version for the exams.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  18. #18
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon Chew View Post
    I've seen several people recommend buying the loose leaf version of the code book instead of the bound version. I'm curious -- what are the reasons for this preference?

    One of the keys to passing the exam is the ability to decipher the question, once you know what is being asked you then have a target to look up, the next key is to keep look up time to a minimum by reducing the the size of the target.

    To help reduce look up time... The loose leaf version of the code book allows you to move the index to the front of the section you are being tested on.

    To help reduce the size of the look up target... You could create custom content pages & indexes for each division that you can place in your Code Book yourself, this strategy is not possible with the soft-cover edition.

    Assurance Check has created these custom content pages & indexes for you as part of our over all strategy for exam success, all that you need do is print, three-hole punch and put them in the appropriate section.

  19. #19
    Brandon Chew's Avatar
    Brandon Chew Guest

    Default Re: ICC certification

    Thanks for those tips guys. I have and use the computer version in my work. I plan to take the cert tests this winter and will need to buy a paper version of the code book to bring into the tests. Meanwhile I'll need to practice with it so I can quickly find what I'm looking for.

  20. #20
    Eric Shuman's Avatar
    Eric Shuman Guest

    Default Re: ICC certification


    If you are interested, the ICC offers a deal that if you joined ICC as a member ($75.00) they would send you a copy of the latest IRC book free. Kinda kill two birds with one stone if you would like to be a member. If you are already a member the deal would not apply.

    Just a thought and the $75.00 is only a few bucks more than a new copy of the IRC book.


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Shuman View Post

    If you are interested, the ICC offers a deal that if you joined ICC as a member ($75.00) they would send you a copy of the latest IRC book free. Kinda kill two birds with one stone if you would like to be a member. If you are already a member the deal would not apply.

    Just a thought and the $75.00 is only a few bucks more than a new copy of the IRC book.


    The $75 membership price is reserved for "Certified Inspectors", you must have passed an exam and have been certified by ICC to get that price. Members who are not Certified can join under the the "Professional" title which is $150 per year.

    BTW: You still get the book if you are a 1st timer regardless of which designation you currently fall under, we suggest to our students to first pass their B1 and join for the lower price because there is no brake on exam prices regardless of your membership status everyone pays the same price for an exam.

  22. #22
    Eric Shuman's Avatar
    Eric Shuman Guest

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    Thanks for that clarification. I didn't join until after I was certified so I didn't make the connection in pricing.


  23. #23
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    The $75 membership price is reserved for "Certified Inspectors", you must have passed an exam and have been certified by ICC to get that price. Members who are not Certified can join under the the "Professional" title which is $150 per year.
    That's the new 'Duping of America', people are joining ICC as 'professionals'', displaying the ICC logo so unsuspecting consumers think they are hiring an ICC 'Certified' inspector.

    Oh, the shame!

    New Jersey Home Inspection - About the House!

    as Frank would say, "don't you never try to look behind my eyes, you don't wanna know what they have seen."

    Last edited by Darren Miller; 11-26-2007 at 08:26 AM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren Miller View Post
    That's the new 'Duping of America', people are joining ICC as 'professionals'', displaying the ICC logo so unsuspecting consumers think they are hiring an ICC 'Certified' inspector.

    Oh, the shame!

    New Jersey Home Inspection - About the House!

    as Frank would say, "don't you never try to look behind my eyes, you don't wanna know what they have seen."

    ICC logo use is something that cannot and should not be discussed here, ICC can & does dictate their own policy.


    ICC hereby grants a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the ICC Member logo in accordance with the following ICC Corporate Identification Guidelines:

    Members - Members in good standing with the ICC may use the logo on brochures, advertisements, Web sites, business collateral and exhibit displays for the purpose of signifying their membership in or association with the ICC.

    Click the link for more.

    It does not appear that the use of the logo in any way signifies anything other than membership, certified inspectors can be found in another section of the board. Certification requires the passing of an exam followed up with continuing education over the course of holding that certificate.

    Certified ICC Inspectors can be found here. ICC Certification isn't for everyone, it is reserved for those inspectors who seek national recognition for their education, experience and construction knowledge, not all home inspectors are required to measure up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    ICC logo use is something that cannot and should not be discussed here, ICC can & does dictate their own policy.


    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    ICC logo use is something that cannot and should not be discussed here, ICC can & does dictate their own policy.
    Who left you in charge of what can be discussed on this board?

    I know what ICC policy, you see, I am certified by the ICC as I know other people who frequent this board also are (including yourself).

    What people may not be aware of (including consumers) is that other people are not certified by ICC, but are members. They use the ICC logo to show membership, hoping the consumer will think they are 'CERTIFIED'.

    Another classic example of 'Duping of America'


    New Jersey Home Inspection - About the House!

    (just in case you want to check on my 'certifications')

    NJ Home Inspector Lic # 24GI00019700
    ICC Residential Building Inspector # 5261943-B2, M2
    NJ UCC Building Inspector ICS # 009387
    NJ UCC Construction Official
    NJ UCC Building Sub Code Official
    ASHI ® Member # 204319
    Credentialed Wood Destroying Insect Inspector # 214
    Radon Technician MET 10946

  27. #27
    daniel nantell's Avatar
    daniel nantell Guest

    Default Re: ICC certification

    How does getting a ICC certificate help a home Inspector ??????

  28. #28
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    ICC logo use is something that cannot and should not be discussed here, ICC can & does dictate their own policy.

    Now that's funny, Joe. Where would you like us to discuss this?

    Seriously, what did you mean to say?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dom D'Agostino View Post
    Now that's funny, Joe. Where would you like us to discuss this?

    Seriously, what did you mean to say?
    I should have said it is useless to discuss ICC logo usage here because nothing that gets did iced here carries any weight with ICC and will effect no change.

    On second thought that is the case with much of the posting that goes on here, Shakespeare had it right... a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    ..... a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    That's what I have been thinking all along.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    That's what I have been thinking all along.
    I see the shoe fits, tie the laces before you trip & fall on your face.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    I see the shoe fits, tie the laces before you trip & fall on your face.

    Thanks for the advice Joe But I wear pull on boots.

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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
    As he stands there before the mirror talking to himself saying 'Mirror, Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who is the ... of them all' ... "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" sounds like an excellent self description of you and your posts Joe.

    "a tale told by an idiot,"
    "full of sound and fury,"
    "signifying nothing"

    I must say, Joe, you sure did nail yourself rather perfectly with that description.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  34. #34
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    Actually Peck-er I was reading one of your old FABI articles when I wrote that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    Actually Peck-er I was reading one of your old FABI articles when I wrote that.

    Oh Joe,

    That was Brilliant!

    Just admit you put your foot in your mouth.

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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  36. #36
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    Oh Joe,

    That was Brilliant!

    Thanks for the support, but riddle me this Billy J... Why would someone with absolutely no connection whatsoever with ICC spend so much time fussing over something he will never attain?

    I realize you want to hang out with seasoned, experienced, certified inspectors, but someone as wet behind the ears as you would be better off spending your time gaining knowledge, as opposed to trying to show off in front of the boys.

    Smart talk aside, even if you start today it will take you over a year to get your residential ICC Certifications (which by itself is no guarantee of success), by that time I would have held mine for three years.

  37. #37
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    How does getting a ICC certificate help a home Inspector ??????
    Daniel, in Texas, there was a new law passed requiring all new homes constructed to be inspected even if outside the jurisdiction of a municipality.

    Just one more area for home inspectors.
    I think it would also be beneficial strictly from a marketing perspective.
    Most inspectors that have certifications and licenses post that on their web sites just like you doctor has his diploma on the wall.
    It does not prove anything, but it is an indicator of at least some amount of competency.

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Luttrall View Post
    It does not prove anything, but it is an indicator of at least some amount of competency.

    From the ICC Website:

    "Becoming ICC certified in one or more professional categories represents a significant accomplishment that offers national recognition of your achievement; increased earning and career advancement potential; and proof of your knowledge, technical expertise and commitment to protect public health safety and welfare. Becoming ICC certified can be achieved in most categories by successful completion of one or more examinations and by submitting additional documentation, when required. For information on the prestigious ICC Certification Program for Code Professionals click here."

    The Residential Combination Inspectors Certificate known as R-5 requires successful passage of the following exams.

    B1 - Residential Building
    E1 - Residential Electric
    M1 - Residential Mechanical
    P1 - Residential Plumbing

    Any home inspector holding an R-5 with verifiable education and experience would most likely be recognized as a home inspection expert.

    The B1 exam is fairly easy for any seasoned home inspector who has paid attention for a few years to pass, but the rest require knowledge of the specific trade and especially the nomenclature associated associated with that trade, I personally believe this is a worthy goal for any home inspector to attain.

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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    I ... a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    but riddle me this Billy J... Why would someone with absolutely no connection whatsoever with ICC
    Joe,(Ain't You The ONE,)

    If you were all of what you claim to be "Why Waste your time on the likes Me?"(uncertified and all)

    Write a book,Get a talk show,Get Elected to Public Office to conform the World to Your will.

    I don't know if your just a miserable,lonely old man or a nut case.(or both)

    I do think all you are good at is FLAPPING YOUR LIPS!

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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

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    I haven't been able to frequent this board as mush as I would like to because of time constraints. But when I do you all make it worth while........

    Mike Schulz License 393
    Affordable Home Inspections

  41. #41
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    Any home inspector holding an R-5 with verifiable education and experience would most likely be recognized as a home inspection expert.
    "Expert"? Laughable.

    Attained a certain amount of provable knowledge, sure. But don't go trying to think you are an "expert" with a lowly R-5 certification.


    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  42. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    "Expert"? Laughable.

    Attained a certain amount of provable knowledge, sure. But don't go trying to think you are an "expert" with a lowly R-5 certification.

    Most home inspectors will never reach R-5 (hell most can't pass the NHIE) furthermore, why would any "home Inspector" seek any ICC status higher then the R-5, as all the rest of the higher certificates pertain to commercial buildings?

    Personally, I was a state licensed master electrician for 18 years before coming to this profession but there is nothing lowly regarding the ICC R-5 designation, especially for "Home Inspectors".

    Right now I am working on my Certification for Combination Building Inspector but that will have nothing to do with my existing residential status.

  43. #43
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post

    I realize you want to hang out with seasoned, experienced, certified inspectors,

    Hey Jeaanne R Burkeson.

    Please explain if you have been in business sense 5-20-03,(the same year you claim to have passed the NHIE) you are such a seasoned,experienced inspector?

    Please share your 4 years 6 months of Season. It is Jeaanne isn't it? Home Page

    Last edited by Billy Stephens; 11-26-2007 at 09:34 PM.
    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  44. #44
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    Hey Jeanne R Burkeson.

    Please explain if you have been in business sense 5-20-03,(the same year you claim to have passed the NHIE) you are such a seasoned,experienced inspector?

    Please share your 4 years 6 months of Season. It is Jeanne isn't it?

    Jeanne, owns the company (but when licensing comes, she will get a license), Me, I'm just an employee, but I have 25 years of construction experience, 18 as a state licensed master electrician before coming to this profession, what did you do 6 months ago and was it under golden arches?

    In regards to the NHIE Exam I really didn't have to study, one day I just decided to become a home inspector and sat for the exam, what can I say the exam is geared to the 7th or 8th grade level? I mean if you can read you should be able to pass.

    See, the problem with guys like you is you have no history, no website and no past, you are like a ghost so from me you get no respect. Me, I'm all out front got nothing to hide and don't care what you or anyone else thinks, I only listen to the voices in my own head La-La-La-La-La I-Can't-hear-you La-La-La-La.

    Everyone needs an outlet to experiment on. Nothing that goes on here is reality or has any real meaning, this place merely represents a mental playground for me and you are just one of my simple playmates. Do you want to play a game?

    As a child I was incorrigible, now I just do whatever I want, whenever I want to do it, and there is no one to stop me!

    In the 4 years 6 months I've been here, guys like you have come & gone by the hundreds Guys like you don't last long, but I'm still here bucause... I came to play & I'm here to stay, get used to it.

  45. #45
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    Jeanne, owns the company (but when licensing comes, she will get a license),

    I only listen to the voices in my own head La-La-La-La-La I-Can't-hear-you La-La-La-La.

    Everyone needs an outlet to experiment on. Nothing that goes on here is reality

    Do you want to play a game?

    ... I came to play & I'm here to stay, get used to it.
    Gosh Jeaanne R Burkeson has the same background as you (published on your site).

    The Miami Sun Post interview sounds like you were in favor of Home Inspector Licensing?

    So your saying nothing here is reality,( your just Cyber Puff Pigeoning?)

    Oh I think I get it.

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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  46. #46
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    Gosh Jeanne R Burkeson has the same background as you (published on your site).

    No Billy it is just that you are reading challenged, look again, a bit more education and you wouldn't make simple mistakes like this..

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    Oh I think I get it.


    This substance of this universe is chaos and it's foundation is uncertainty, so much so that the mere act of observation changes what was observed. Based on that revelation... I discovered a long time ago that things are what I decide them to be regardless of how loud someone like you shouts otherwise.

    None of this will matter in a hundred years and no one here gets out alive. So... Billy fess up did your last job have golden arches?

    Here is the kicker... when people pay attention to me they really pay.


    Last edited by Deleted Account; 11-26-2007 at 11:40 PM.

  47. #47
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    No Billy it is just that you are reading challenged, look again.


    This substance of this universe is chaos and it's foundation is uncertainty, so much so that the mere act of observation changes what was observed. Based on that revelation... I discovered a long time ago that things are what I decide them to be regardless of how loud someone like you shouts otherwise.

    None of this will matter in a hundred years and no one here gets out alive. So... Billy fess up did your last job have golden arches?

    Here is the kicker... when people pay attention to me they really pay.


    Your right Joe,

    President Jeanne R. Burkeson,(seems like a nice lady)

    You Decided! And thats, that hun? Sorry Joe life doesn't work that way.

    Nobody is perfect Joe. Get off your stump every now and then. If your wrong admit it OOps ain't so bad.

    As far as the kicker goes OH PLEASE!!!!

    Last edited by Billy Stephens; 11-27-2007 at 12:07 AM. Reason: OH added
    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  48. #48
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post

    Sorry Joe life doesn't work that way.

    Nobody is perfect Joe. Get off your stump every now and then. If your wrong admit it OOps ain't so bad.

    Dear Billy Sunday, (my new moniker for you)

    You have rocked my world, 53 years of life searching for the truth and now I read the profound pros in your last post. Crushed am I, defeated, morose and bout near suicidal, you have won you silver tongued devil. Uncle I cry, Uncle!

    Yes, yes say it isn't so dammit, I finally agree with you, I must, it is the only right thing to do, the children must be protected... Ok, Ok already, here goes I Joseph T. Burkeson admit (there I said it) that you are wrong!

    Thanks, I truly feel better now, somehow cleansed, how bout you?

    Joe (I-Have-Seen-The-Light) Burkeson

    PS: Can I send you some money or anything?

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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post

    Thanks, I truly feel better now, somehow cleansed, how bout you?

    Good Morning Joe,

    I feel great with no hang over.

    It appears you have semi-sobered up this morning.

    What time does your Liquor Store open ?


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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  50. #50
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    Good Morning Joe,

    I feel great with no hang over.

    It appears you have semi-sobered up this morning.

    What time does your Liquor Store open ?

    Dear Billy Sunday,

    I realize that you rank up there with some of history's most well respected philosophers like Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, Heidegger & Nietzsche (of course today we spell it NACHI), but this is a thread dedicated to ICC. Is there anything you can contribute regarding ICC Certification, maybe you could share with us your study techniques or some of your crib notes?

    BTW No matter how much I drink, the next day I'll be sober and you my friend will still be IQ challenged.

  51. #51
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post

    NACHI), but this is a thread dedicated to ICC.

    BTW No matter how much I drink, the next day I'll be sober and you my friend will still be IQ challenged.

    Thread Drift?

    And I thought this like every other one of your post was all about YOU, or your Boss.

    Go put that Cold wash cloth back on your head and keep telling your self you can Quit
    any time you want too.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  52. #52
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Dear Billy Sunday,

    I am glad that we agree that regardless of my state of sobriety you will always remain an imbecile.

    Now can we get back to something you know nothing about... Home Inspecting and ICC Certification?

  53. #53
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post

    Now can we get back to something you know nothing about... Home Inspecting and ICC Certification?

    You have the floor Lay It on Us.


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    Last edited by Billy Stephens; 11-28-2007 at 10:40 AM. Reason: Added Super Powers
    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  54. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post

    You have the floor Lay It on Us.

    Regarding IRC Certification I view myself as an adviser and will be willing to answer any questions regarding study techniques, exam strategy and expanding market-share through IRC Certification.

    Looking back, apart from my lively banter with you my other posts on this thread have coalesced around my first-hand knowledge regarding IRC Certification and see no reason to change my tactics now, thanks just the same.

  55. #55
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    Am I on the Jerry Springer web site...............

    I have been doing inspections for 12 years and still theres much to learn. Wall hangers or not it is the persons knowledge from learning from others that will dictate what type of inspector you will be (as long as you have some type of personality). Yes it would be great if all home inspectors had 30 years experience (like me) in the field to see what works and what doesn't but that is not going to happen. So learn from this board as well as others and you should be OK.

    Let me put it another way, wall hangers is good to get customers but doesn't mean squat to people like us because we all know they screw up just like the next person.
    Ive personally went toe to toe with electricians, GC, plumbers, AHJ, etc. and prevailed. But I also taken a few on the chin. Makes me a better inspector.

    So if your a burger flipper or not it's what you learn from these guys on this board and others that will make you stand the test of time.

    But on a lighter note I hope I don't inspect the same home you do (Rookies) because I'll eat you alive........ ..... And guys like Jerry will have me for breakfast. Got to love it...............

    Mike Schulz License 393
    Affordable Home Inspections

  56. #56
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Eastman View Post
    Silly question , here,

    What version of the IRC are you tested on by ICC, is it the 2006 IRC or do they regionalize the test (say if your city is governed by the 2000IRC)?

    Hi Jeff,

    There are no silly questions, the test is given on the 2006 IRC.

    Joe Burkeson

  57. #57
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    It's a 3 year code cycle, the next ICC codes should be the 2009 codes.

    Your ICC certification does not matter or depend on what codes you were tested on, you need to keep your continuing education up and get 45 hours every 3 years. If the code mattered, some of mine were taken on the 1994 Standard Building Codes when it was SBCCI, the rest on the 1997 Standard Codes, and my Plans Examiner on the 2006 ICC Codes.

    Just keep your ICC certification renewed every 3 years (once certified, you are always certified, you don't lose that, but states and AHJ may not recognize your certifications if not kept current).

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  58. #58
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    Whats the differance between ICC and the old ICBO. Is ICBO obsolite or is it part of the ICC?

  59. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Mustola View Post
    Whats the differance between ICC and the old ICBO. Is ICBO obsolite or is it part of the ICC?
    The ICBO, BOCA, Uniform, and Standard codes all joined together to become the ICC and produced the 2000 ICC codes. I know the last Standard Codes were 1997, not sure about the others.

    However, some areas may still be using older editions of the code, which could mean that some places are still on those codes. I believe CA was still using the Uniform Plumbing Code until recently.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  60. #60
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    The vast knowledge required by professional Real Estate Inspectors like all knowledge is absolutely endless and by the time you think you know a reasonable amount of it you’re to old to climb a ladder or crawl under a house.

    ICBO; International Conference of Building Officials. Web site closed, see ICC web site. Welcome to the International Code Council (ICC): Your source for building safety products and services and the International Codes

    SBCCI: Southern Building Code Congress International. Web site closed, see ICC web site. Welcome to the International Code Council (ICC): Your source for building safety products and services and the International Codes

    ICC: International Code Council. Welcome to the International Code Council (ICC): Your source for building safety products and services and the International Codes

    UBC, UMC, UPC; Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code. (UMC & UPC by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials: IAPMO). International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) - Business/Organization Participant Highlight - Volunteer - Volunteers for Prosperity

    CABO; Council of American Building Officials: Amalgamation of BOCA: Building Officials and Code Administrators International, ICBO: International Conference of Building Officials, and SBCCI: Southern Building Code Congress International.
    CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code and CABO Model Energy Code

    Of Interest for code rats: International Code Council: Welcome to the International Code Council (ICC): Your source for building safety products and services and the International Codes - International Association Electrical Inspectors: International Association of Electrical Inspectors - Working for Peoples' Safety - International Association Plumbing & Mechanical Officials: IAPMO Group - CA State Architects Office; default - CA Energy Commission: CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION HOMEPAGE - National Roofing Contractors Association: Home page | NRCA, National Roofing Contractors Association - National Fire Protection Association: NFPA - Smoke Safety Council: - Underwriters Laboratory: Underwriters Laboratories Inc. - Gypsum Association: Gypsum Association - Home - National Institute of Standards and Technology: National Institute of Standards and Technology - American National Standards Institute: American National Standards Institute - ANSI - American Standards for Testing and Materials: American National Standards Institute - ANSI - National Conference of States and Building Codes and Standards: - NCSBCS Homepage - American Iron and Steel Institute: AISI | Steelworks Home - American Society of Mechanical Engineers: American Society Of Mechanical Engineers - ASME.ORG - American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Cond. Engineers: ASHRAE - American Society of Civil Engineers: - American Institute of Architects: The American Institute of Architects - Good Design, Architect, Knowledge - American Concrete Institute: - Portland Cement Association: PCA - The Portland Cement Association - Precast Concrete Institute: National Concrete Masonry Association: ..:: MBMA - Home ::.. - Western Wood Products Association: - TrusJoist: iLevel by Weyerhaeuser - The leading provider of structural framing materials and finishing products for residential and commercial applications. - ADA Resources: ADA Document Portal - National Association of Home Builders: National Association of Home Builders - Construction Specifications Institute: - International Organization for Standardization: ISO - Page not found - Duro-Shield Roof Systems Commercial Roofing System Single-ply membrane roofing system - Duro-Last Roofing, Inc. -

    PS: IMHO if you're really serious about being a pro you will get ICC certified as a "Combination Residential Dwelling Inspector" ASAP.

    Last edited by Brian Hannigan; 02-13-2008 at 04:00 PM. Reason: Fixed concrete link
    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  61. #61
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    PS: IMHO if you're really serious about being a pro you will get ICC certified as a "Combination Residential Dwelling Inspector" ASAP.

    I agree, but no doubt Peck, will come down hard on you for your statement, he equates being an R-5 with just being a novice, still wet behind the ears. A true pro knows how many angels can dance on a GFIC, and brother you won't get that from simply reading a code book.

  62. #62
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    Jerry Mc,

    Thanks for the post/links. Some good stuff there!


  63. #63
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    I agree, but no doubt Peck, will come down hard on you for your statement,
    Incorrect assumption there. I believe all home inspectors should get ALL the ICC certifications they can, starting with the residential ones.

    he equates being an R-5 with just being a novice, still wet behind the ears.
    Nope, only those who brag about being R-5 and that it means they are better than anyone else AND state that being a home inspector with an R-5 means you will be considered an "expert". To that, yeah, that's wrong, R-5 is just the beginning, i.e., "beginner" ... *not* and "expert".

    I encouraged SBCCI certifications back when it was SBCCI (in the south where I was and am) and then encouraged ICC certification once the ICC was formed from the various model code agencies. I still encourage it.

    Just don't start thinking (and bragging) that an R-5 makes you considered an "expert".

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  64. #64
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    and by the time you think you know a reasonable amount of it you’re ...
    ... you realize there will never be enough time to learn the reasonable amount you thought you knew.

    Because ... 'the more you know, the more you know you don't know'.

    International Organization for Standardization: ISO - Page not found
    Try this: ISO - International Organization for Standardization

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  65. #65
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    Default Re: ICC certification

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Because ... 'the more you know, the more you know you don't know'.

    There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. - Can't remember who said this, it was either Jerry Rumsfeld or Donald Peck.

    Jerry Peck's quest is learning more & more about less & less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.

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