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  1. #1
    Jeff Eastman's Avatar
    Jeff Eastman Guest

    Default Staining on exterior wall near A/C

    Last edited by Jeff Eastman; 12-19-2007 at 03:12 PM.
    Inspection Referral

  2. #2
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Re: Staining on exterior wall near A/C

    Well... if there is not a condensate drain drop above it (from soffit) then it is discharge from the fan.

    Is this a heat pump?


  3. #3
    Kevin VanderWarf's Avatar
    Kevin VanderWarf Guest

    Default Re: Staining on exterior wall near A/C

    Looks like the fan to me.

    I've never liked that design.
    I'm sure the folks at Trane know there stuff, but if you put 4 bricks on each corner of any other unit then placed a piece of plywood on top, it would give you about the same air distribution as the unit in the pic.
    But then any other would require an 24" to 48" top clearance.


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