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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Changing displayed user name.


    Can I change the displayed user name on my posts? Or do I have to reregister with a different name. When I registered I used my real name as required, but I don't recall being offered the chance to select a display name for posts.

    Please advise,


    OREP Insurance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Changing displayed user name.

    Quote Originally Posted by John Sancrant View Post

    Can I change the displayed user name on my posts? Or do I have to reregister with a different name. When I registered I used my real name as required, but I don't recall being offered the chance to select a display name for posts.

    Please advise,

    The majority of folks on this discussion board use their real name and location. It creates a level of trust that so many other discussion boards are missing in addition if you are a home inspector or other professional this site pulls up very high in the various search engines and using your real name will help possible clients find you.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Changing displayed user name.

    Quote Originally Posted by John Sancrant View Post

    Can I change the displayed user name on my posts? Or do I have to reregister with a different name. When I registered I used my real name as required, but I don't recall being offered the chance to select a display name for posts.

    Please advise,

    Why would you NOT want to use your real name? Posts not worth reading? Trying to hide from what you are posting? There are a limited few here who registered with a fake name, their posts are taken with a grain of salt - at least were until proven worthwhile, and sometimes their posts are off key and ... we know who they are, we know what they did, we will go and get them, they will wish they had used their real name ...

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Changing displayed user name.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Why would you NOT want to use your real name? Posts not worth reading? Trying to hide from what you are posting? There are a limited few here who registered with a fake name, their posts are taken with a grain of salt - at least were until proven worthwhile, and sometimes their posts are off key and ... we know who they are, we know what they did, we will go and get them, they will wish they had used their real name ...
    Yeah, that is a good point. Thanks for your reply!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    The majority of folks on this discussion board use their real name and location. It creates a level of trust that so many other discussion boards are missing in addition if you are a home inspector or other professional this site pulls up very high in the various search engines and using your real name will help possible clients find you.
    Thanks for the comments, Scott. I have a better understanding of the culture of this forum now.


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