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  1. #1
    Matt Bezanson's Avatar
    Matt Bezanson Guest

    Default Pipe sizing for Sloan-valve toilets

    I have a client who is having an old (1920's) large house re-plumbed. She was aware that all the old tank-less Sloan valves were fed with 1 1/4 inch pipe. (Her service line is 2-inch lead.)The plumber is redoing these runs with 3/4 or 1 inch pipe. I've been trying to find a solid source of info for this, and coming up empty. Does anybody out there know how much water it really takes to feed one of these things? Will that 3/4 inch line be able to handle the job, assuming a normal 50 PSI municipal supply?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Lansdale, PA

    Default Re: Pipe sizing for Sloan-valve toilets

    I have no experience with this, and Sloan's website is not much help. Here is one link that may be useful:

    Install Commerical Toilet in Residence | Terry Love Plumbing & Remodel DIY & Professional Forum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Pipe sizing for Sloan-valve toilets

    Go to a commercial supply house . they can give you the specs you are looking for.


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