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  1. #1
    paula voight's Avatar
    paula voight Guest

    Smile Howdy from Texas!

    Hi, thanks for the invite to join. As I am not a REAL Home inspector, I am certified with PBInspection for home inspector. But, I do have an online real estate and home inspector school. I am approved by the Texas Real Estate Commisssion for both real estate and home inspector courses. Anyone interested in any of this, email or call me and I will put in a discount for all members. I am very interested in learning more, as I have not been deployed with PBInspections yet, I have completed the required education and received my certification. As I did not join to promote my school, I really want to chat with inspectors about their experiences. I have been a RE/MAX realtor for 5 years and have experienced a lot with
    residential and commercial tranactions, as the inspectors I hired for the jobs have been very helpful and answered all my stupid questions, which I am sure they enjoyed while trying to complete their inspections. They are a great group of people.

    Thanks again for letting me preach! Paula

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    Inspection Referral

  2. #2
    Richard Stanley's Avatar
    Richard Stanley Guest

    Default Re: Howdy from Texas!

    "the inspectors I hired for the jobs"
    Were you the buyer or the seller?

    What is PB inspections?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Based in Brooklyn New York.. Cell (347) 362-6080

    Default reply to Howdy from Texas!

    PB Inspections is an independant contractor firm hired by FEMA to perform disaster inpection of properties damaged by a declared national disaster. perfect example would be katrina and the homes inspected by FEMA contracted inspectors to certify that the were uninhabitable. Good Luck on your road to success

    PS: send me your info on your


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