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  1. #1
    Annie-Laurie Hunter's Avatar
    Annie-Laurie Hunter Guest

    Default Who;e Hpuse Fans and High efficiency Furnace

    In a house with a whole house fan and a mid efficiency furnace there should be a lock out switch so the whole house fan can not operate when the furnace is operating.
    Does the same rule apply with the high efficiency furnace with both an intake and exhaust to the outside?


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: Who;e Hpuse Fans and High efficiency Furnace


    If you are referring to a furnace where an intake pipe is extended to the exterior to supply air directly to the burner, then there should be little chance of backdrafting. However, if there is a water heater inside, then there is still a potential of backdrafting.

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  3. #3
    Annie-Laurie Hunter's Avatar
    Annie-Laurie Hunter Guest

    Default Re: Who;e Hpuse Fans and High efficiency Furnace

    Thanks. There is a water heater.


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