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    Jeff Macdonald's Avatar
    Jeff Macdonald Guest

    Default Pavers near foundation height

    This is my first post on this forum, sorry if I am not following guidelines (-:

    So, my wife and are planning to add a front patio. The problem is, our ideal would be to have the patio raised, which would bring it almost exactly to the height of the foundation. The top of the foundation is about an inch above the bottom of the shingles. Notice from the photos that there is a 8ft roof overhang above the side of the house where the pavers will be (so we are not expecting much water near the foundation). The other problem is that the pavers at this elevation would be about an inch or two from the vent underneath the house. The 2X4s on the ground are outlining our plan for the patio.

    I've seen people post elsewhere about this problem, and some people are recommending to remove a row of shingles and then add a combination of vinyl siding (vapor barrier) and then EPDM (prevent punctures to vinyl siding), and then siding on top. Apparently pavers can corrode metal siding...from what I have heard. I have not read anything regarding the elevation of the pavers being close to a vent (big problem?).

    The less desirable option would be to put the pavers at the elevation of the pathway, rather than the first step. We are trying to avoid this. This would leave 2-3 inches between the bottom of the shingles and the patio.

    Is there anyway for us to have a raised patio, and not have to worry about this being a big red flag for a inspector in the future? Would another option be to put a gap between the patio and pavers, and fill part way with gravel? If so, how wide would it need to be?

    Thanks so much for your help!

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