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  1. #1
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    Default HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

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    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  2. #2
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    "If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help."

    So you can take an "online" exam and PASS ... where no one knows you are cheating ... and as long as you don't tell anyone you are cheating, they agree not to tell either!

    Their race to the bottom continues.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
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    High Springs, Florida

    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    You just will not give up with you constant trolling..Huh?
    Makes you look childish.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    "If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help."

    So you can take an "online" exam and PASS ... where no one knows you are cheating ... and as long as you don't tell anyone you are cheating, they agree not to tell either!

    Their race to the bottom continues.

    Certified Master Inspector
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    You just will not give up with you constant trolling..Huh?
    Makes you look childish.
    I am presenting accurate information and "I" am the one who looks "foolish"?


    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  5. #5
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    I am presenting accurate information
    Then do me a favor and back it up with hard facts.

    Certified Master Inspector
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Jerry, FYI, Your state of Florida approves InterNACHI's proctored exam for licensing. How to Become a Certified Home Inspector in Florida - InterNACHI

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  7. #7
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    Jerry, FYI, Your state of Florida approves InterNACHI's proctored exam for licensing. How to Become a Certifi.ed Home Inspector in Florida - InterNACHI
    Did I say it did not?

    Can you even read what is written, by you and others?

    If you can, DO you even bother to read it?

    YOU start a thread with a title which does not match the post you make - do you remember the comment you recently made to another that their title does not match their content? You have that same issue.

    Regarding Roy ... he is simply a lost cause, and apparently your puppy dog. Hopefully he is trained.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  8. #8
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lewis View Post
    You just will not give up with you constant trolling..Huh?
    Makes you look childish.

    Roy, I
    Interesting that your response is that of a disparaging personal comment wanting to redirect the position Jerry offered. If no justifiable answer attack the questioner. Sadly typical from the cool aid collier group.

    As far as trolling, again you are off in another world of logic in that comment. Jerry is a regular consistent contributor in the forum. Daily he provides incite and and knowledge with no reward other than personal gratification for helping others.

    In reference to the OP and the NHIE, I have taken it and passed it with ease before the allotted time expired. The reason I passed it ease was very simple, I knew the material. Just like passing a Real Estate Licensing Exam where the pass ratio was only 33%. A 3 hr exam finished in 90 min. I did not find it difficult either. Why, I knew the material.

    The term BOGUS has been used by Internachi when referring to the NHIE, when BOGUS should have been reserved to this suite that is being promoted by Internachi. Exams are created to test knowledge and ability. Not every one has that knowledge nor ability. There is no right that everyone must pass a test just by taking that test. This is not a participation award contest. It is a examination for basic knowledge in a professional arena. It is a Win-Pass or Loose-Fail contest of ability and knowledge.

    Frankly if the NHIE had only a 25% pass rate I would be pleased that it was really challenging the prospects ability and knowledge.

    I would question if Internachi would be writing it so that they could be passed, with the concept of marketing driving the difficulty of the test and the ability and knowledge of the testee. Yes I am questioning the real motivation of Internachi. The terms "nefarious" and " self serving" come to mind.

    Last edited by Garry Sorrells; 02-28-2017 at 06:37 AM.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    It would also seem that the stats regarding the "other" oppossing exam also shows a large failure rate.
    Statistics - Home Inspection Exam

  10. #10
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Frankly if the NHIE had only a 25% pass rate I would be pleased that it was really challenging the prospects ability and knowledge.
    You'd be wrong too. Read this article Nick wrote:

    Nick has been asked by many Universities to give presentations on that one article of his. M.I.T. recently invited him to do a talk on it.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  11. #11
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    You'd be wrong too. Read this article Nick wrote:

    Nick has been asked by many Universities to give presentations on that one article of his. M.I.T. recently invited him to do a talk on it.
    The logic of his argument is flawed, so the conclusion is false

  12. #12
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    OK, we're waiting.... where is the flaw?

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  13. #13
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    OK, we're waiting.... where is the flaw?
    You will have to wait till I get to a real keyboard. Though I dought you would be able to follow logical construct as demonstrated by your previous posts. Not being mean just factual. Which is truly sad that l feel obligated to make such a statement.

    Last edited by Garry Sorrells; 02-17-2017 at 08:11 PM.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Let's start with comparing "apples with apples" - so to speak. How many exams were actually proctored versus non proctored? Could that have any bearing on skewing pass/fail rates?

    As a college educator - credentialing specialist - DACUM facilitator, I would certainly believe so. There are many questions that could be asked to help clarify the development and perhaps differences between how the exam was developed, and the relevance of some of the questions particularly based on the most recent version of a job analysis, or perhaps a lack thereof.

    Those are but a few starting points about validity, and not to forget about rigor of an exam.

    Just saying....

  15. #15
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Let's start with comparing "apples with apples" - so to speak. How many exams were actually proctored versus non proctored? Could that have any bearing on skewing pass/fail rates?
    That wouldn't have anything to do with the point of this article. The point of this article is to show that exams (proctored or not) with more tough questions are not better at weeding out the incompetent. In fact, they're worse at it.

    But to your point, it is true that the pass rate of proctored exams is different than unproctored exams (InterNACHI has lots of data on this because we often administer both to the same exam takers). But that isn't because people cheat on unproctored exams and so do better. It's surprisingly the reverse! Fail rates of unproctored exams are actually higher than proctored exams. In other words, people do worse on exams that are unproctored (same exam, only difference is proctoring). Can you guess why?

    Last edited by Lisa Endza; 02-17-2017 at 09:14 PM.
    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  16. #16
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Lisa with due respect I mentioned earlier two key words - "validity" and "rigor". Exams can be off the cuff so to speak by gathering a bunch of proposed Q&A's, or created through a validation process and take a more legally defensible role that coordinates with a DACUM process.

    Than we can consider who is the exam aimed at - what is the purpose? Is it entry level, for certification or for licensing. So hence the level of rigor.

    In the college system exams typically are designed to test or challenge the individuals understanding and or mastery of course content.

    Perhaps the InterNACHI experience provides evidence to support your claim about unproctored exams, but again it leaves open the question of "defensibility". Certainly that was not my experience or typically the case in the college system.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Well, that doesn't have anything to do with the article. However, InterNACHI has the only defensible home inspection exam in the U.S.:

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  18. #18
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Thank you Lisa, now this begins to make sense. This is about promoting the InterNACHI Exam, and has little to do with the value of consideration of exams created by "other" professionals.

    What I do not appreciate in all of this is the way others are often labeled as the BOGUS, EDUCATION MILLS, and BLIND INSPECTORS, just to name a few when others have worked their "butts" off to be recognized "professionals". Perhaps it's time that InterNACHI give due consideration to others, not so much directly in this stream, but as I have viewed in many others. Perhaps than these flaming wars may come to an end and help forums remain for their intended purpose to help other inspectors.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    "Bogus" isn't really a word I use. I do support InterNACHI's legal efforts in trying to shut them down though as they have harmed our industry.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  20. #20
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    "Bogus" isn't really a word I use. I do support InterNACHI's legal efforts in trying to shut them down though as they have harmed our industry.
    You did use it. It seems that you have no memory retention. You make unsupported aligations. For some reason you actually believe that by making a statement it is then fact.

    How about providing the statical study that supports the artical that you referenced. I want to see the actual study with all of the supporting data.

    Then provide the evidence that supports your aligation that NHIE has harmed the industry. Evidence not just blathering without substance.

    Then how about an apology to the NHIE for your thoroughly unprofessional thread that you posted. Using language that you don't use.

    That should keep you busy till Monday

  21. #21
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    I want to see the actual study with all of the supporting data.
    It's not an article about a study or data. It's an article about applied mathematics. Maybe read it slower:

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  22. #22
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    It's not an article about a study or data. It's an article about applied mathematics. Maybe read it slower:
    Again thanks for you POV. The probability of a exam candidate passing is based on the relative knowledge, experience or talent, not their individual mastery.

    Equally so the set cut score must be based on a consistent performance standard. If the questions are varied in any form, it would be difficult to measure the true accepted level of knowledge or skill. Certainly methodologies can vary in setting a passing or cut score.

    In order to be fair equating must also be considered. It is simply extremely likely that even two candidates could respond to different items on an exam, and one exam form being more difficult than the other. Even a minor difference can have an impact on how the pass/fail rate is determined.

    Simply equating is needed when multiple exam are varied through randomized differences. Likewise how an exam is scored can also have an impact on a candidates performance and the exam rating.

  23. #23
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    Oct 2010

    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Claude at al, with all due respect, the curriculum used throughout the industry are outdated. standards dating back over 100 years to produce factory workers and management.
    Too bad.
    So sad.

    InterNACHI with the cooperation of state governments and industries, are opening new standards in education.

    Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
    Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
    Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”

  24. #24
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by ROBERT YOUNG View Post
    Claude at al, with all due respect, the curriculum used throughout the industry are outdated. standards dating back over 100 years to produce factory workers and management.
    Too bad.
    So sad.

    InterNACHI with the cooperation of state governments and industries, are opening new standards in education.
    Robert with all due respect, which course or program have you specifically claimed as outdated. As an example in a business I am involved with we just updated our courses. We do that "annually". At the college we had annual internal reviews and every 3 to 5 years external reviews.

    Yes, there may be some training materials out there that is sold that has seen little updating; but to "ASSUME" that is the case for every training vendor is more misleading promotion by one association.

    Again as another point - the courses that I have been involved with received to reviews by provincial oversight prior to receiving acceptance. Perhaps take another look at more relevant articles that offer a realistic counterpoint.

    Perhaps I should compose a study of "why unproctored exams are harmful to consumers", or perhaps why "exams certification is not a true measure of competence", or something that addresses reasons why "candidates fail exams".

    Again when was the last DACUM (Developing a Curriculum) completed for home inspections? I know several that have been completed within the last 5 years in Canada alone. Accredited training providers keep up with "curriculum", while others will fall behind.

    Why do you think I would invest in attaining DACUM Facilitator and Credentialing Specialist? Simply because I realize its' importance to the home inspection and education sector.

    Perhaps on another note - you need to consider the targeted audience for your referenced article, and also consider the state of education in general in Canada versus the US. It certainly was not specific addressing "home inspection" training and education.

    Last edited by Claude Lawrenson; 02-19-2017 at 10:19 AM.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    It's not an article about a study or data. It's an article about applied mathematics. Maybe read it slower:
    The basis of the article is to use unsubstantiated concept followed by theoretical supposition based on non supported data that has no basis to support it other than the authors whimsical thoughts.

    I do think that the author may have attempted to plagiarize someone else concept/theory/model and made a shambles of the logical progression as the author applied it to his topic area for the purpose of marketing.

    By the authors rational/argument I have a high likely hood to be able to pass the State Medical Boards for Neurosurgery or in fact any other specialty requiring in-depth knowledge and experience that is tested by a extremely difficult examination. I do know something about both Neurology and Rocket Science. Dang, maybe I can become a "Certified Professional Rocket Scientist" as well as Board Certified Neurosurgeon. The harder the exam the better I should do. In fact the article is purporting what appears to be an inverse proportionality of ability/knowledge to testing outcome.

    Please do not take this as a slight to your ability's. I am confident that you do not have the background to discuss Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Theory of Probability and Statistics, Number Theory and the list goes on. Silly me for taking those courses several decades ago. Therefore I ardently feel that you really are in no position to argue on behalf of the concepts offered in the article.

    I would suggest that to demonstrate the worthiness and validly of the article offered you provide a link to the article once it has been published in a Journal dealing with mathematics. Here are a few to consider; American Mathematical Society, Journal of Mathematics, Advances in Applied Mathematics.

    Granted I do realize that the article was only an effort at marketing. Yet I do feel a little obligated by my sense ethics that I point out to those who might fall prey to the premise offered that it is just a fallacious argument. In other-words it is basically crap.

    Granted I only had 3 semesters of physics, but this is a turkey that can not fly. Lisa, sorry if I offended your sensibilities and I know how you look up to your preceptor.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    had 3 semesters of physics,
    Well then, I'm sure you can specifically point out the flaw in the article or the math. We're all waiting.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  27. #27
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    Well then, I'm sure you can specifically point out the flaw in the article or the math. We're all waiting.
    Dearest you would not be open to anything other than reconfirmation of the falacious argument,. So what would be the point. Even if you had a grasp of math.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    So what would be the point.
    I don't know. To show everyone you're not full of crap???

    We all know that you would if you could.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  29. #29
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    I don't know. To show everyone you're not full of crap???

    We all know that you would if you could.

    If I understand you correctly, you are saying that the article proposes that 'less is more', that 'weaker means stronger' and the like ... correct?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  30. #30
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    I think so. My understanding is the article uses mathematics to prove that there is a point in exam development where increasing the difficulty of the exam reverses the exam's intended goal of determining who is competent and who isn't by increasing a competent exam taker's chance of failing while also increasing an incompetent exam taker's chance of passing.

    It dispels the myth in the inspection industry that the tougher an exam is, the better it is at weeding out incompetent inspectors. And that this is especially mathematically true for exams with low passing cut-off scores like the NHIE uses.

    Last edited by Lisa Endza; 02-20-2017 at 12:47 PM.
    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  31. #31
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    I don't know. To show everyone you're not full of crap???

    We all know that you would if you could.
    Actually as you have demonstrated in the past communication is futile. Logic is lost on you. Rigidity in your method of expression preempting your thought process.

    You could not present a valid demonstration of what the marketing article is offering in the name of Applied Mathematics to prove that you actually comprehend what the argument of the article is trying to support.

    As far as "We all know that you would if you could. " you are not worth the exercise in futility. Some people just can not be educated.

    Last edited by Garry Sorrells; 02-20-2017 at 01:13 PM.

  32. #32
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Actually as you have demonstrated in the past communication is futile. Logic is lost on you. Rigidity in your method of expression preempts your thought process.
    Uh huh. And you still can't point out a flaw in the article. We all know you would if you could

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  33. #33
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    If I understand you correctly, you are saying that the article proposes that 'less is more', that 'weaker means stronger' and the like ... correct?
    From the article:
    "But what happens if the questions in the exam are too difficult to answer? Let's find out using another proof by extremes. ....................."

    The only way to get to the authors marketing point against the NHIE is to argue from "extremes". In theory you can create a test that no one can can answer the questions or you can create one that everyone can pass. The extreme difficulty test makes random selection of the answer equal for all takers, irrespective of knowledge. Yet with the extreme case the taker who does have knowledge can intemperate the best possible answer of those offered. So he does have an edge over just random answering.

    The conclusion of the authors premise is to promote his exam structure "scoring system". Pro-porting that the weighting of random answering (guessing) is lessened in the final scoring.

    So, yes their contention is weaker is better. To get to that assertion you have to argue extremes.

  34. #34
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    If I understand you correctly, you are saying that the article proposes that 'less is more', that 'weaker means stronger' and the like ... correct?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    I think so. My understanding is the article uses mathematics to prove that there is a point in exam development where increasing the difficulty of the exam reverses the exam's intended goal of determining who is competent and who isn't by increasing a competent exam taker's chance of failing while also increasing an incompetent exam taker's chance of passing.

    It dispels the myth in the inspection industry that the tougher an exam is, the better it is at weeding out incompetent inspectors. And that this is especially mathematically true for exams with low passing cut-off scores like the NHIE uses.
    A couple of things come to mind:

    - Then that same mathematics could be used to show that paper is stronger than steel, aluminum, or titanium, ergo we should all be flying around in paper airplanes.

    - That same mathematics could then also be used to show that there is no 'zero' ("0") and that there is no 100% either ... as there is no "nothing" and nothing is ever "complete" (there is always something which can be added to "something" to make it better.

    Using Nick's mathematics, then, Nick could show that he is incorrect ... just insert the correct/incorrect variables ... claim that the variables used are correct ... dispel claims that the variables are incorrect ... provide no proof, no supporting documentation, and other check method to cross check and verify what was stated, then let someone try to prove him wrong?

    Got it.

    It's a new math which is destined to become known as "cool aid" math.

    Drink enough of the cool aid and it will all make sense.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  35. #35
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Drink enough of the cool aid and it will all make sense.
    I had to read the article twice and paragraphs three through six a few more times Inspector exams with too many difficult-to-answer questions are harmful to consumers. - InterNACHI but it makes sense to me. In a nutshell, the more "difficult to answer correctly" questions you add to an exam, the more is left to pure chance and the less the exam becomes an indicator of competence.

    Regardless, major universities appear to have found the article to be sound.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  36. #36
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Perhaps the reality - is this type of exam best suited for home inspectors to begin with, regardless of the source?

    At the college we commonly would reference M/C type exams as "multiple guess" exams. Again perhaps that is why a different type of exam format is best to provide a true measure of the "practical" knowledge and skills required for home inspection.

  37. #37
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Claude Lawrenson View Post
    Perhaps the reality - is this type of exam best suited for home inspectors to begin with, regardless of the source?

    At the college we commonly would reference M/C type exams as "multiple guess" exams. Again perhaps that is why a different type of exam format is best to provide a true measure of the "practical" knowledge and skills required for home inspection.
    ICC, and SBCCI before them (as well as the other model code agencues, the State of Florida, and others) ALL find the multiple choice exams work, and that 'making hard questions' work.

    But 'home inspectors' must be super special babies because they need 'easy' exam questions?

    The fact that Nicky has even pulled off getting this discussed outside of his closet is ridiculous ... and alarming.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  38. #38
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Claude Lawrenson View Post
    Perhaps the reality - is this type of exam best suited for home inspectors to begin with, regardless of the source?

    At the college we commonly would reference M/C type exams as "multiple guess" exams. Again perhaps that is why a different type of exam format is best to provide a true measure of the "practical" knowledge and skills required for home inspection.
    Why use multiple choice in the first place? Time/cost required to administer and grade is the basic reason.

    Many times in the real wold you do not know what something is, but you know what it is not.
    To alter the probability of correct random selection in testing you change the odds such as 1:4 to 1:20 rather than the difficulty of the question. Additionally you make the choice of answers with slight nuances.

    The best method would be a question requiring a written answer, no multiple choice. Whether it be a one or two word answer, a short sentence or a short (paragraph) explanation.answer. But this would require a higher cost for grading and thus a higher cost for the exam taker. Some might say that this would prohibit entry into the field by virtue of reading and writing ability. Yes it would discriminate, which would be good. Knowing and communication go hand in hand in the HI field.

    Just like the difference in providing a fast cheap Home Inspection with a fast cheap report as compared to a lengthy inspection and a long time consuming report preparation.

  39. #39
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    Why use multiple choice in the first place? Time/cost required to administer and grade is the basic reason.

    Many times in the real wold you do not know what something is, but you know what it is not.
    To alter the probability of correct random selection in testing you change the odds such as 1:4 to 1:20 rather than the difficulty of the question. Additionally you make the choice of answers with slight nuances.

    The best method would be a question requiring a written answer, no multiple choice. Whether it be a one or two word answer, a short sentence or a short (paragraph) explanation.answer. But this would require a higher cost for grading and thus a higher cost for the exam taker. Some might say that this would prohibit entry into the field by virtue of reading and writing ability. Yes it would discriminate, which would be good. Knowing and communication go hand in hand in the HI field.

    Just like the difference in providing a fast cheap Home Inspection with a fast cheap report as compared to a lengthy inspection and a long time consuming report preparation.
    Multiple choice also allows for consistency in grading - written answers means there are multiple correct answers, making grading expensive and arbitrary.

    Multiple choice makes for one correct answer - easy to grade.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  40. #40
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    Mar 2007
    Windsor Ontario

    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Multiple choice also allows for consistency in grading - written answers means there are multiple correct answers, making grading expensive and arbitrary.

    Multiple choice makes for one correct answer - easy to grade.
    The point is back to the original first post - than why just focus on the NHIE (exam)? Seems it goes well beyond the NHIE....than again....there's lots of good sound non-mathematical reasons as we all know from this thread as there's a number of other reasons M/C exams are never "fool-proof".

    You either know what you need to know or you don't.

    Last edited by Claude Lawrenson; 02-21-2017 at 10:06 AM. Reason: typos

  41. #41
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Claude Lawrenson View Post
    The point is back to the original first post - than why just focus on the NHIE (exam)?
    Because everyone else would laugh at them?

    You either know what you need to know or you don't.
    That's the point they are trying to avoid ... having people who don't know what they need to know NOT pass their exam.

    Their exam is to create numbers of members - and you don't do that by failing people - remember ... MARKETING is their game ... if they can't market themselves, what else do they have that they can market - they HAVE TO be able to market themselves first and foremost.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  42. #42
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    Dec 2008

    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    You are not saying that nachi would have a conflict of interest in creating a test,,,,,, naaaaa.

    Jerry et all, Went looking for a valid source for pass/fail rates and statistics on NHIE and was not able to turn any up. Anyone have a link or source???

  43. #43
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    Mar 2009

    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    InterNACHI has the most requirements of any inspection association including passing the NHIE in licensed states that have adopted it and 24 hours of CE each year.

    Our Certified Professional Inspector professional designation has even more requirements:

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  44. #44
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Ask a question about a bird get a discription about a snake.

  45. #45
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Does anyone remember that news reporter who got certified through Inachi as a home inspector via an online exam?

    There was a video, can't seem to find it.

  46. #46
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    We sued that reporter and won because she made it appear that our online exam system was particularly faulty or something, when in fact it is the exact same online testing system that Harvard uses.

    Robert, your state of Florida approves everything InterNACHI: How to Become a Certified Home Inspector in Florida - InterNACHI

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  47. #47
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    We sued that reporter and won because she made it appear that our online exam system was particularly faulty or something, when in fact it is the exact same online testing system that Harvard uses.

    Robert, your state of Florida approves everything InterNACHI: How to Become a Certified Home Inspector in Florida - InterNACHI

    Actually, no you didn't. You can see Nick stating that here:

    "I did go after the KDKA reporter at first and our attorneys prepared a defamation suit as the report showed a NACHI logo while the reporter stated that he got certified by merely passing one of NACHI's exams... a claim that is false as NACHI does not certify people who merely pass our exam Furthermore the reporter failed to mention in his report that even with professional help, he failed the exam 3 times first and the two of them only passed by one point on their 4th try. Furthermore the reporter failed to mention NACHI requires much more to even apply for membership. Furthermore the reporter never turned in his 4 mock inspections. Furthermore the reporter incorrectly implied NACHI certified him when in fact it was a third party school who PROCTORS our online exam. Furthermore, in PA, where the reporter was, he would still have to purchase E&O insurance by law through ... he never even applied let alone got approved. I do admit I was trying to settle with KDKA in return for them firing the reporter. Instead though the reporter agreed to do a story on PHIC showing a full ASHI inspector who took the proctored NHIE, writing "nice home" on every report and getting his ASShi sued in court."

  48. #48
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Yes we did. And years later she threatened to sue us if we didn't take down the info we posted about her on her on our message board as it was preventing her from getting another job in her field. We refused as you have shown.

    We were light on her. Nowadays we not only sue idiots, we humiliate them publicly: InterNACHI takes control of NAHI - InterNACHI being an hilarious example.

    Andy BTW, your state of Florida approves everything InterNACHI.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  49. #49
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    Yes we did. And years later she threatened to sue us if we didn't take down the info we posted about her on her on our message board as it was preventing her from getting another job in her field. We refused as you have shown.

    We were light on her. Nowadays we not only sue idiots, we humiliate them publicly: InterNACHI takes control of NAHI - InterNACHI being an hilarious example.

    Andy BTW, your state of Florida approves everything InterNACHI.

    .....are you calling Nick a liar? That seems kinda harsh being as he's your boss.

  50. #50
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    She failed to honor the settlement agreement and do a story on the PHIC scam. We sued and got her fired from a subsequent job. We also sued PHIC to the point where they ran out of money and are a non-factor: We also sued their founder Joe Kelly but his 20-year old trailer wasn't worth foreclosing on. LOL

    InterNACHI recently hire a second attorney. Her job is to sue liars... and she's licensed to practice in Florida.

    Currently she's working on finding all the personal assets of the former directors of NAHI.

    Last edited by Lisa Endza; 02-23-2017 at 02:56 PM.
    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  51. #51
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    She failed to honor the settlement agreement and do a story on the PHIC scam. We sued and got her fired from a subsequent job. We also sued PHIC to the point where they ran out of money and are a non-factor: We also sued their founder Joe Kelly but his 20-year old trailer wasn't worth foreclosing on. LOL

    InterNACHI recently hire a second attorney. Her sole job is to sue liars... and she's licensed to practice in Florida.

    Currently she's working on finding all the personal assets of the former directors of NAHI.

    Heather Renae Marx?

    Heather Marx.JPG

  52. #52
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Yes. Note that in your attachment it says "Elected Status." She'll activate again in FL again if we have to go to court but we're hoping NAHI's former directors come to their senses and give InterNACHI the intellectual property that is rightfully ours. If not, we'll take their homes.

    ASHI went to court three times to try to stop us and LOST in court all three times: InterNACHI takes control of NAHI - InterNACHI

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  53. #53
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    Yes. She'll reactivate in FL again if we have to go to court but we're hoping NAHI's former directors come to their senses and give InterNACHI the intellectual property that is rightfully ours. If not, we'll take their homes.
    Just curious and trying to follow you in your posts on things - How do you figure that "the intellectual property" of a non-existent dissolved NAHI "is rightfully ours"?

    I must be missing something somewhere ... granted, I intentionally don't read much of what you write as it is repetitive, inconsistent, and far from reality ... so I may have missed something which was actually meaningful.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  54. #54
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Just curious and trying to follow you in your posts on things - How do you figure that "the intellectual property" of a non-existent dissolved NAHI "is rightfully ours"?

    I must be missing something somewhere ... granted, I intentionally don't read much of what you write as it is repetitive, inconsistent, and far from reality ... so I may have missed something which was actually meaningful. didn't.

    - -

  55. #55
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    How do you figure that "the intellectual property" of a non-existent dissolved NAHI "is rightfully ours"?
    Since they can't pay us the money they owe us in cash, we are entitled to their assets. Intellectual property is a type of an asset.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  56. #56
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    Since they can't pay us the money they owe us in cash, we are entitled to their assets. Intellectual property is a type of an asset.
    And they owe you money from what? Dissolving and becoming non-existent?

    You have really lost me in your thinking ... er ... sorry ... is "your thinking" an oxymoron?

    Again, I have intentionally NOT followed all the garbage you spew out, so I may have missed something important (although "important" may not be the correct word to describe what you may have posted that I missed).

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  57. #57
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    You have really lost me in your thinking ... er ... sorry ... is "your thinking" an oxymoron?
    Not my thinking... the judges thinking. He awarded InterNACHI a judgment against them back in the beginning of December: InterNACHI takes control of NAHI - InterNACHI

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  58. #58
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    Since they can't pay us the money they owe us in cash, we are entitled to their assets. Intellectual property is a type of an asset.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    Not my thinking... the judges thinking. He awarded InterNACHI a judgment against them back in the beginning of December: InterNACHI takes control of NAHI - InterNACHI
    I'm still trying to get this straight, and you are not helping (didn't expect much from you either, so no disappointment there):

    You sued NAHI because you thought they were a bunch of scoundrels and took advantage of their members (from other posts or yours), NAHI dissolved, leaving nothing, and now you are wanting "Intellectual property" from a place which, according to you and previous posts, had no 'intellect'.

    So, again, I am not following you and your thinking ...

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  59. #59
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    I'm still trying to get this straight, and you are not helping (didn't expect much from you either, so no disappointment there):

    You sued NAHI because you thought they were a bunch of scoundrels and took advantage of their members (from other posts or yours), NAHI dissolved, leaving nothing, and now you are wanting "Intellectual property" from a place which, according to you and previous posts, had no 'intellect'.
    The term "intellectual property" doesn't have to do with intellect. But regardless of whether they have any intellect or not, they are in possession of intellectual property that InterNACHI has lawful claim to and yet their former board won't release it. Each day their former board members hold on to property that is rightfully InterNACHI's, increases InterNACHI's damages.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  60. #60
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    Not my thinking... the judges thinking. He awarded InterNACHI a judgment against them back in the beginning of December: InterNACHI takes control of NAHI - InterNACHI

    NAHI closed it's doors in August 2016, those are Nick's words not mine.

    Specifically, who are "they" and "them" you are referring to being as NAHI hasn't been around since 8/2016??

  61. #61
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Endza View Post
    The term "intellectual property" doesn't have to do with intellect.
    Sheesh! ... I know that ... I was pointing out what I thought was obvious ... but you missed that too.

    ... they are in possession of intellectual property that InterNACHI has lawful claim to and yet their former board won't release it. Each day their former board members hold on to property that is rightfully InterNACHI's, increases InterNACHI's damages.
    I suspect that they are tracking all of your comments, Nick's comments, and the comments of members of Nick's club - the more derogatory comments made, the less valuable something becomes.

    Instead, all y'all (plural of y'all) should be praising how good NAHI was, that would indicate that there was 'value' in whatever you think they are keeping from you.

    Then the court can decide if you have a claim to anything, and the value of whatever that may be.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  62. #62
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Yep the stumbling block is """"INTELLECTUAL"""

    "developed or chiefly guided by the intellect rather than by emotion or experience : rational"

  63. #63
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    The only "intellectual" property that I can see is reference back to the past legal battle between NAHI and the former name NACHI. Confusion perhaps, but is it just about ownership of the acronym - "NAHI"?

    Aside from that it would only seem logical that once an "entity" has closed the doors there's likely very little to claim ownership of, other than perhaps any "good will". Based on many past negative posts directed at NAHI even that seems to be "unfortunate" and in a shortfall.

    But back to reality - I thought this was about people that failed a specific exam.

  64. #64
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    Specifically, who are "they" and "them" you are referring to being as NAHI hasn't been around since 8/2016??
    Their former officers and board members.

    Lisa Endza
    Director of Communication

  65. #65
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    Default Re: HELP: If you have ever taken and failed the NHIE, InterNACHI needs your help.

    (to Lisa)
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Sheesh! ... I know that ... I was pointing out what I thought was obvious ... but you missed that too.
    Good to know that I am not the only one who saw the obvious:
    Quote Originally Posted by Claude Lawrenson View Post
    The only "intellectual" property that I can see is reference back to the past legal battle between NAHI and the former name NACHI. Confusion perhaps, but is it just about ownership of the acronym - "NAHI"?

    Aside from that it would only seem logical that once an "entity" has closed the doors there's likely very little to claim ownership of, other than perhaps any "good will". Based on many past negative posts directed at NAHI even that seems to be "unfortunate" and in a shortfall.
    Kind of like going out for a hunt, managing to kill something, then finding out that it is dead ... and that it has no value in its 'deadness'.

    Beat the horse to death, then wonder why the horse is not able to pull your wagon ...

    It does not matter who owned that horse when it was alive - that horse is now dead and has not value, and any value Lisa and Nick think that horse has was beaten down by their relentless ranting and carrying on about it for so long ... if I were the judge and hearing that law suit, I would tell Nick ... here's a penny for whatever value you may think there is after all of your rallying against it over the years, and now you, Nick, get to pay all attorneys' fees for all of the parties.

    Nick would probably take that penny, shine it up, and boast that he 'won', when he really did not win anything - that it the way he operates his club.

    Last edited by Jerry Peck; 02-24-2017 at 07:06 PM. Reason: added the last part
    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

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