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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Men with swelling prostate problems or BPH

    That is Benign Prostate Hypo..something. I am going to share a few things I have learned about this problem, if you all dont mind. BPH means a prostate that is not cancerous but grows and swells until it finaly blocks the eurethra and you can no longer pee. As you can imagine this condition causes intense pain and is a medical emergency because your bladder can burst, causing sepsis (infection) all around inside you.

    Anyway after a nightmare 7 days, four trips to ER rooms and 5 catheter insertions and removals, including two day stay in the hospital...all because they injured his bladder trying to get a regular cath past the swollen prostate, failed and put in a "rooster" cath..has a hook on the end to hold it in and that caused him to bleed and throw clots which kept clogging up the catheters, and they told me the bleeding was normal didnt mention blood clots clogging up anything. grrrr

    We were offered two choices. #1-Control it with medication #2- Surgery
    I thought, thats it?
    This is Kiaser, mind you, and the urologists there are supposed to know their business.

    So when I insisted I was NOT taking him home until the clots stopped forming, clogging up and causing him undescribable pain...they decided to keep him for observation.

    Back to the two choices. So, I drove back home, every round trip being 90 miles..and got on the computer, did some concerned-wife, research.
    #1 choice- Unacceptable because he had already been on meds for this problem, had to double dose up in 2017. Obvious the meds
    were no longer working. The new med they wanted to "try", takes 6 to 8 weeks to start to see if it worked. Having to wear a catheter and bag for that long can cause bladder infection, incontenence, ect. Also unacceptable.

    #2- Choice- A surgery called TURP, they go in, cut out prostate tissue on one side to reduce pressure against the ureatha, allowing you to pee again, this is commonly done
    , also commonly causes loss of sexual ability, and can cause incontenence. Commony the tissue grows back and the surgery needs to be repeated. Also not acceptable. Or they can burn out the tissue with a laser or steam it dead and remove it by steeming boiling water on the tissue.

    Holy Smokes!! How horribly barbaric!
    I researched and found a proceedure called The UroLift system
    , no cutting out, burning out or radiating out tissue. They simply insert a tool loaded with small surgical bands. The Urologist positions the tool, pushes a button and a band or strip or two are wrapped around one side of the prostate and then the other side, pulling the two lobes apart and leaving the ureatha open for good. Approved by FDA, Medicare approved and Kiaser approved. 90% of men who have had this done show no further problems after 5 years. Its so new, nobody has had the system in place longer.

    Sorry for the long drawn out post guys!

    I went back to pick hubby up and told the Drs there that there WAS an additional option and that I had contacted UROLIFT and requested they send a rep to show you guys about the system and how to perform the proceedure. That this is what we wanted done. They were ignorant of it. I told them Santa Rosa Kiaser had been offering it to their patients for several years now and they needed to "man up" because this is what we w
    have decided on.

    Ha! You shoulda seen their mouths drop open. The look on their faces were priceless.
    Anyway check out and watch the vid on youtube.
    Reason why I posted this is because I dont want anyone to have to go through what we did and not know their options.Be proactive where your health and quality of life is concerned. Dr.s do not know everything, and many times dont even know about common things.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Men with swelling prostate problems or BPH

    My urologist was one of the doctors who participated in the research for that to be approved - talk about a sales pitch to get as many as possible to do it for the research!

    Looks to be good for those who need it, and I've recommended some to check it out when no cancerous evidence is found.

    Sounds like it should solve your hubby's problem.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: Men with swelling prostate problems or BPH


    Personally, I thank you. I would guess there are more than a couple of us that are headed in that direction and knowing that there is an option to nuking my prostate gives me hope that... well... I may not lose that particular enjoyable pastime.

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Men with swelling prostate problems or BPH

    From all the information my doctor gave me during the trials (which I think went on for 3 years) was that it is very successful and no side effects (other than any surgery or procedure has potential 'side effects' related to doing it).

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: Men with swelling prostate problems or BPH

    Wow, small world, huh Jerry?

    You are very welcome Gunnar. Urologists kind of pass over the importance of men retaining their option of being able to enjoy that enjoyable past time in the future.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Bennett (Denver metro), Colorado

    Default Re: Men with swelling prostate problems or BPH

    Enlarged prostate is annoying to say the least (yeah, personal experience). Your info is great and thanks.

    If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Men with swelling prostate problems or BPH

    Thank you Elizabeth for the information.
    Never too late to hear of favorable medical info, and hopefully for the information to be of use before going through a questionable proceedure.
    Hope your husband has recovered and is doing well.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia, electrical only

    Default Re: Men with swelling prostate problems or BPH

    I had a piece of mine burned out, causing not incontinence but retrograde ejaculation. If it grows back enough to cause problems, I'll definitely look into the option you chose. Thank you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: Men with swelling prostate problems or BPH

    You are quite welcome guys.
    Unfortunatly my husbands prostate did not "qualify" for the Urolift system. Apparently he has a HUGE prostate, much, much larger than "normal", so the inserts that hold back the prostate are not made wide enough to work for him.
    So, we are in wait and see mode.
    One thing he started doing differently before this all happened, was using nasal spray, like every day. I looked it up, seems over the counter anti-histamines,( spelling) can and do cause swelling of the prostate.
    That is what I think happened. He started using nasal spray 2 weeks before his prostate swole up and closed off his piping. I took it away from him and no problem since.


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