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  1. #1
    daniel nantell's Avatar
    daniel nantell Guest

    Default Get ready for the boon

    All the Real estate people I know that have quit, and all the Home Inspectors that have bailed out , tell your wife you may not see her for a while , 4 inspections a day , 7 days a week. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Wake up Daniel, Wake up!

    Just wanted to make make sure you were still alive ...

    It's more like ... 'Wait 'til next year'.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    He may be on the right track. I've been busy and all the realtors I've seen lately are telling me that they are having quite a number of persons looking for homes.

    We could still see a upturn this spring. Its possible.

    I don't think that the smaller home market is going to move much but the larger homes seem to still be moving in our area. Everything I've done lately has been at least 3500 sq.ft and up.

    To encourage people, I've put letting on my tailgate that says, "Now is a Great Time to Buy a Home" and have already received one call already from it.

  4. #4
    Richard Stanley's Avatar
    Richard Stanley Guest

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Very large unsold inventory, very negotiable sellers, very low interest rates -- perfect buying conditions. Only thing needed is to get it on the evening news.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Spring City/Surrounding Philadelphia area

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    I was bemoaning the slow pace a few weeks ago but it has picked up nicely around here. Sellers are dropping their asking prices and the fed has dropped interest rates twice in a month. I think we still need to dial down expectations but at least the market is showing life again.

    It's more like ... 'Wait 'til next year'.

    That's only if people listen to what the media tells them. If somebody has good credit, it is a great time to buy.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Stanley View Post
    Very large unsold inventory, very negotiable sellers, very low interest rates -- perfect buying conditions. Only thing needed is to get it on the evening news.
    We have 2 out 3 at least.... A LOT of sellers still have their heads in the clouds around here. I watch the listings pop up in my neighborhood and just laugh. It's as if these people think the houses have just kept going up at 20% a year just like when they bought it 3 years ago.

    Most of the agents I talk to do admit they have a lot of buyer... but they're taking a lot more time choosing now than they were a couple years ago.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon


    I met someone this morning (seller) who is taking 30K to closing just to get rid of their home. They are losing their savings they said to prevent possible foreclosure within the next year.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    When it starts will somebody please call me! I'm getting use to watching the View and Martha Stewart in the mornings!

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  9. #9
    Richard Stanley's Avatar
    Richard Stanley Guest

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    My God, Scott. Has it really come to that? Pick a fight with Nicky or something to keep you going.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    New Mexico

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Small uptick for me, but not enough. Life isn't all bad, though. I'll be spending tomorrow skiing at Taos, one of the finest ski hills in the country, with a ton of fresh powder.

    Things could be a whole lot worse.

    Jim Robinson
    New Mexico, USA

  11. #11
    imported_John Smith's Avatar
    imported_John Smith Guest

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Id do my inspections in the morning and save my afternoons for Jerry Springer (or the mexican version Jose Luis).

    Jose usually has prettier girls!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    When it starts will somebody please call me! I'm getting use to watching the View and Martha Stewart in the mornings!
    Mr. Patterson, We need you to turn in your Man card immediately.

    As for myself, I'll stick to Ren & Stempy and The Family Guy reruns.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Even when I'm working I still try to keep up on Springer.....

    This is Springer with a little hint of Jeff Foxworthy thrown in - the working TV on top of the broken one.

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  14. #14
    Ray Fonos's Avatar
    Ray Fonos Guest

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Things may have broke in the east! We had a great January and February is on track to be even better. Now if the news media would just say something positive about real estate.

  15. #15
    Donald Merritt's Avatar
    Donald Merritt Guest

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    It’s slow here. Five to six inspections a week. A lot of foreclosures. The big surprise is the houses are either very small (1500 Square feet) or very large (5000 square feet plus). The mid-size houses are just setting. We will see what the market will bring in the spring.

    It will be very interesting to see how many home inspectors renew their licenses this July.

    Don Merritt
    Germantown, Tennessee

  16. #16
    Kevin Luce's Avatar
    Kevin Luce Guest

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Around here, many home inspectors are working part time jobs or side jobs and the Realtors are doing the same. Many Realtors thought being a sellers Realtor was the way to go. Times have changed and now they are wanting to be a buyers Realtor.

    The jobs I get are teasers. I'll get 3 or 4 calls to set up jobs (hoping that getting jobs will continue), then nothing for days.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    I met a realtor that I used to know this morning working at Starbucks. She can't make coffee either.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Orlando, FL

    Post Re: Get ready for the boon

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Hurst View Post
    I met a realtor that I used to know this morning working at Starbucks. She can't make coffee either.

    Did you tell her that your regular coffee shop brews it faster and costs less?

  19. #19
    Kevin Luce's Avatar
    Kevin Luce Guest

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Fellman View Post
    Even when I'm working I still try to keep up on Springer.....

    This is Springer with a little hint of Jeff Foxworthy thrown in - the working TV on top of the broken one.
    What happens when the top one breaks, put a third tv on top of the second?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    I was calling around this morning regarding our 2 day seminar and found several phone numbers were disconnected. Two were in the book that came out in December.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Anacortes, Washington

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    We've had a few drop outs that I am aware of and some that just quietly went away just like the many realtors who are going back to work in full time jobs.

    Business wise January was very good and February is looking to be good also.


    Rick Bunzel

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    A friend of mine is a dirstrict manager for a big restuarant chain that was opening a new location recently. He was absolutely overrun with applications from real estate agents that aren't making it.

    The buzz-words for the month around here are "pent-up demand." All the agents I talk to swear they have a bunch of buyers just shopping and waiting for sellers to get realistic with their prices.

    I hope it happens soon.. I'm getting a little "pent-up demand" for me to pay my bills

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    I have a neighbor across the street from us who is a real estate agent.

    The neighbors next to us, and across from him, are selling a house next to them (convoluted, I know, but I'm getting there ), where the agent has made a temporary office so that whenever he is 'not out' he has an open house at the house being sold (does that explain it?).

    I stopped by this afternoon to talk with our neighbor (the agent) about another house just down the street and ended up talking about many things in general, such as:

    - His company is no longer (not for the past year almost) accepting any listings. They refer those listings to other agents, then, when he brings his buyers and beats the other agents and sellers up on the price, repairs, etc., to get the best deal for his clients. He does not want to be the one to tell a seller 'I can sell your house for this much.', then have to defend that price when a buyer comes along trying to beat the price down.

    - His company (his broker, him and a couple of other agents) have sold about four townhouses (which average about 3,000-3,500 sf) within the last couple of weeks and have sold a couple of houses too.

    I don't know if those sales are the beginning of anything or just 'good fortune' at this point in time.

    My wife and I are going to look at a couple of the homes within a short stroll from our house which are for sale, larger than ours but reduced in price - two are from nasty divorces and the bank owns them now; one the wife ran off with about $300k in the banking account and left the husband, the bank will get it next week; and one where the owner one a couple of $million in a lawsuit and just left and moved to South Dakota or someplace like that, leaving his house for the bank.

    One we are going to look at is 5255 sq ft total / 3922 sq ft living area. $384k, but he thinks the bank might go under $300k. The lot is 196x181.

    Another is 4154 sq ft total / 3521 sq ft living area - just reduced to $299k from $349k. The lot is 146x154.

    We're 'just dreaming', but ... our house will bring about $300k, so we would just be swapping a much larger home for ours at the same price. Our lot is 125x160 and nicely wooded with a large back yard - so we also have to compare how nice the lots and yards are.

    Our little cul de sac only has 6 homes on it and it has our own little wooded median between the lanes. Makes it real nice looking, but, hard to get an RV up to our house. The other two are not as 'private', but we could get an RV into the drive easily.

    Sooooo much to look at and soooo much to ponder ... and I've managed to wonder wayyyyy of what I started addressing - sorry about that.

    (I know, why do just two of us need a 5255 sq ft house? Ask my wife, she is the one who wants a bigger house. )

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  24. #24
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    Memphis TN.

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    (I know, why do just two of us need a 5255 sq ft house? Ask my wife, she is the one who wants a bigger house. )
    The Peck Command and Control Facility.

    The Peck Archives.

    The Peck Collection of Information.

    The Peck Foundation to Squash Sub-Panels, North America Div.

    The Peck Crusade to Stamp Out non UL Dryer Vents.

    The Peck Butler Napping Nook Studies Institute.

    Heck She might even let You Have Your Own Closet.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Tyler, TX

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Robinson View Post
    Small uptick for me, but not enough. Life isn't all bad, though. I'll be spending tomorrow skiing at Taos, one of the finest ski hills in the country, with a ton of fresh powder.

    Things could be a whole lot worse.
    I was going to say that business has been good so far for '08, but....skiing would be nice! Ow man, now I'm jealous. Dang, I knew that was going to happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    When it starts will somebody please call me! I'm getting use to watching the View and Martha Stewart in the mornings!
    ??? Man card, please.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Hurst View Post
    I met a realtor that I used to know this morning working at Starbucks. She can't make coffee either.

    Bruce Thompson, Lic. #9199
    Home Inspections in the Tyler and East Texas area

  26. #26
    Ray Fonos's Avatar
    Ray Fonos Guest

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    [QUOTE=Jerry Peck;31995]
    two are from nasty divorces and the bank owns them now; one the wife ran off with about $300k in the banking account and left the husband, the bank will get it next week;

    There is a guy on "Flip That House" that always says that he sees opportunity with any of the three "D's": Death, Disease and Divorce. So your story above may actually be an opportunity that comes to reality.

    Good luck.

  27. #27
    Deleted Account's Avatar
    Deleted Account Guest

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    The Peck Command and Control Facility.

    The Peck Archives.

    The Peck Collection of Information.

    The Peck Foundation to Squash Sub-Panels, North America Div.

    The Peck Crusade to Stamp Out non UL Dryer Vents.

    The Peck Butler Napping Nook Studies Institute.

    Heck She might even let You Have Your Own Closet.

    You forgot The Peck Institute for Lame Licensing Legislation.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Burkeson View Post
    You forgot The Peck Institute for Lame Licensing Legislation.
    Hey Joe,

    Now you know Ms. Peck don't Allow no Politics in the House.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  29. #29
    Deleted Account's Avatar
    Deleted Account Guest

    Default Re: Get ready for the boon

    Quote Originally Posted by daniel nantell View Post
    All the Real estate people I know that have quit, and all the Home Inspectors that have bailed out , tell your wife you may not see her for a while , 4 inspections a day , 7 days a week. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    BANG! You may have something there, I had at least one inspection every day this week and next week is booking up nicely too.


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