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  1. #1
    Jerome W. Young's Avatar
    Jerome W. Young Guest

    Default receptacle requirements in garages

    house built in 2004; it had only 1 garage receptacle in it, it was gfci protected. Obviously a spec home, but 1 receptacle? Is that the minimum requirement?

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    Last edited by Jerome W. Young; 04-10-2008 at 12:52 PM.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Orlando, FL

    Default Re: receptacle requirements in garages

    Yes, 1 is the minimum required. Did they add one to the ceiling for a door opener?


  3. #3
    Jon Randolph's Avatar
    Jon Randolph Guest

    Default Re: receptacle requirements in garages

    Code says that if the garage has electricity, it does need an outlet. Not required to have more unless one is dedicated for the overhead door.

  4. #4
    Jerome W. Young's Avatar
    Jerome W. Young Guest

    Default Re: receptacle requirements in garages

    one was present for the door opener, so i guess they had two.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: receptacle requirements in garages


    Don't you love "minimum code" houses?

    Architect says: 'Let's see, I've got to have *1* receptacle in the garage - check; *1* switch for ... - check; ... ' (continues down their "checklist" of required items) then says to the builder 'Okie dokie, this meets minimum code - you are good to go.'

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: receptacle requirements in garages

    Code minimum makes me think of the Fox and Jacobs type houses so prevalent in this area. They were so cheap the bedrooms did not have wall switches for the lights, just a combination fixture hung on the wall with a rotary switch on the bottom. The probably saved $5 or $10 bucks on the whole house but boy do they scream cheap!

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  7. #7
    Jerome W. Young's Avatar
    Jerome W. Young Guest

    Default Re: receptacle requirements in garages


    The first thing the buyer asked me when he walked up in the garage was "do you know an electrician that can add a few more outlets?" I have contempt for these builders!


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