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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    I would like to thank Nachi for showing once again their high ethical standards. I would particularly like to thank Mario A. Kyriacou ESOP committee member and Joe Farsetta Chair of the ESOP, James Bushart, and non member Steven C. Meyer.

    Firstly Mr. Meyer I am surprised you would repost information which you know to be false considering you are not a member, nor privy to the information which was exchanged privately between me and the ESOP with regard to this matter. Even more surprising given Mr. Meyers holier than thou sermons here on this board about ethics I am totally flabbergasted at his action considering how quick he was to point out how well educated he is.

    As to Mr. Mario Kyriacou who was not on the ESOP committee during this dispute and not privy to all the facts, nor has never actually taken the time to query me as to my side of events but has unquestionably taken information which is second hand and reposted it as accurate calls into question his abilities both as an ethics committee member and member of an organization that can only be described as morally and ethically bankrupt. But perhaps this is reflective of Mr. Kyriacou need to be accepted as a rookie inspector who can't muster the ability to join a professionally run organization.

    What is even more disheartening is to see another ESOP member supported by Mr. Kyriacou and Mr. Farsetta to be using derogatory terms and foul language to belittle, intimidate, and to knowingly breach the standards they as committee members promised to uphold. Needless to say and recognized by many throughout the industry double standards are alive and well in NACHI and actively promoted by the ESOP committee members. Unfortunately its the inmates running the asylum. This is what happens when there are no bylaws, policies, or democratically elected directors and due process thrown out the window.


    THINKS THIS SAYS IT ALL. Good read, print it out, tape it to your computer for daily read.

    The good news is that I am able to look past you, and see the good in NACHI.

    Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the real RAY WAND, WAND RAY, or what ever new name he comes up with. Stay tuned, he will worm his way back in.

    Originally Posted by jfarsetta
    The truth is plain to see, Ray.

    The only falsehoods surround your slanderous comments.

    The truth is that you were a member
    The truth is that you posted a provate e-mail chain
    The truth s that you were asked to remove it
    The truth is that you became defiant and challenging
    The truth is that ESOP voted to remove you
    The truth is that ESOP is empowered by the NACHI BOD
    The truth is that NACHI's by laws empower the NACHI BOD
    The truth is that you stepped up the attacks after being allowed to post
    The truth is that you were repeatedly asked to stop
    The truth is that you posted a damaging falsehood about me
    The truth is that I notified you of this falsehood
    The truth is that you followed it with another outrageous comment
    The truth is that your actions resulted in every post made by you being removed
    The truth is that your access was revoked
    The truth is that you re-registered.
    The truth is that you were asked to stay off the board
    The truth is that you refused
    The truth is that you were notified you were banned by the BOD
    The truth is that you continue to post here, though you have been told to stop.

    How many more truthful comments do you need?

    You say that you, "along with others", will ask for NACHI's records. What a hoot. Tell me, Ray... who are the "others". Inquiring minds want to know.

    MARK... For the record, I love Canada. First time up there a month or so back. Nice folks, and absolutely beautiful. Canada is the US' closest ally. We have more in common with each other than anyone knows.

    Now... one more time...

    Raymond Wand / Wand, Raymond

    I would like visitors to this message board to know his name.

    I would like them to know precisely what his recent posts are about.

    He was expelled from the world's largest home inspection association: the International Association of Certified Home Insectors.

    For a time, he was allowed to continue to post messages on this board. After a time, he made slanderous ramarks against several of our members, which resulted in all posts ever made by him previous to this action to be removed from the message board. The problem was so very severe, that complete removal of all posts and threads started by him was the only option.

    After that, his user name was blocked from access. In effect, he was banned.

    This resulted in a decision on his part to re-register on this association message board and continue the verbal assaults.

    Since then, measures were again attempted to block Raymond Wand's access to this message board. Now, someone has re-registered under the name Wand Raymond.

    And again, notice was transmitted that Raymond Wand is no longer welcome on this asset of ther International Association of Certified Home Inspectors.

    My suggestion to NACHI members who do not approve of the postings of Wand Raymond to simply copy and paste this message in response to his continual dribble until such time as iNACHIs forensic IT audit, performed in conjunction with the ISP, US Federal, and Canadian authorities, is concluded and formal charges are filed.

    Similar Threads:
    Inspection Referral

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    I really see no reason for a post like this on this site. This just brings this site down to the Romper Room antics that you are posting about.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  3. #3
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    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Hi Scott

    While I can appreciate your opinion, I think it is very important for those seeking to get into the business to stay away from NACHI. Consider it a public service announcement and a cautionary caveat for the unsuspecting and the naive.


  4. #4
    Harvey Hempelstern's Avatar
    Harvey Hempelstern Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Interesting how you did not publish these thoughts before you were expelled from NACHI for ethic violations.

  5. #5
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    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Hi James Bushart!

    How come you are over here and using a false name and hacking into this board? It was bad enough you hacked into the ASHI board!

  6. #6
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    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Thanks James, I appreciate the link you posted on that other association discussion board. I think your timely assistance will assist in more inspectors seeing the true intent of people like you and your association. There are some good people there but thanks to you many are leaving. I am just trying to help more see the light.

    Re: We just landed a worldwide exclusive interview!!! Joe tells all and names names! This is how we should handle these ex-members who pollute our board with their dull wit and stupid posts.

    We should not honor them with a response.

  7. #7
    Harvey Hempelstern's Avatar
    Harvey Hempelstern Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    I could be mistaken, but it appears to me that the people who use this message board are not very sympathetic toward your nonsense and would prefer that you not bring it here.

    Yet, in spite of their kind requests, you do it anyway. Why is that?

    Additionally, I think that Mr. Hannigan is going to have a problem with you clipping and pasting copyrighted information from the NACHI message board that you are...(ahem)....urging people to stay away from.

    Last edited by Harvey Hempelstern; 04-23-2008 at 08:31 PM. Reason: My own.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    James, James, James....

    One person raised a concern, so maybe you shouldn't embellish things as you are prone to do.

    As to copyright thats nonsense. The fact is my name is mentioned repeatedly in the so called copy right material. Nor does this so called copy right have any monetary value and the author is duly credited.

    Now what would you like to dispute next? How about your familiar refrain that licencing is a scam?

  9. #9
    Harvey Hempelstern's Avatar
    Harvey Hempelstern Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Wand View Post
    James, James, James....

    One person raised a concern, so maybe you shouldn't embellish things as you are prone to do.
    I think that Mr. Patterson was speaking on behalf of more people than just himself.

    Perhaps you watch too much television and are having difficulty coming to the understanding that "Not Everybody Loves Raymond".

  10. #10
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.


    Scott was speaking for himself! He posted:

    I really see no reason for a post like this on this site. This just brings this site down to the Romper Room antics that you are posting about.
    As usual you embellish facts to suit your corrupt agenda.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    It's really funny how we only see certain names within these inflammatory threads. You guys (or guy) should hang out here for other stuff. This is a great place. Aside from these BS topics, of course.

    It's just Home Inspections.... it's not like we're out curing cancer

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Sioux City, Iowa

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    I agree with Scott. I quit reading the InterNACHI site because of this type of posts. I would hope that stops now.

  13. #13
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    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Ya its amazing that these threads generate more reads than some of the other home inspection topics! 127 Hits in less than 9 hours! Yup there is a cancer in the industry alright and its called the NACHI Cancer.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Chicago IL

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    I will not say that these types of threads do not belong here, even though they tend to be rather pointless to us onlookers. I think they tend to serve more as an emotional outlet for the primary parties involved.
    Since neither opposing side tends to provide full disclosure about what really happened (i.e. what ethics violation, etc), the rest of us either read along and wonder or move on to more productive threads.
    There is usually some amount of truth and fault on both sides of these types of disputes. With that in mind, I think these types of threads can serve as a learning tool for onlookers. Of course, as long as the posts don't degenerate too much and hurt the board or our profession.
    Recently on this board and at least one other that I know of there has been criticism about Nachi and some of the people in charge. I don't know any of the players or what Ray's posts were about so please don't assume I am taking any side here. Maybe both sides should get back to work and move on.
    "The Code is not a ceiling to reach but a floor to work up from"

  15. #15
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Maybe both sides should get back to work and move on.

    They are already at work. This is what they do best.


    Last edited by Aaron Miller; 05-17-2008 at 12:14 PM.

  16. #16
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    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Hey no one told you to read the thread, nor comment on it. I notice some like to play censor until they have an issue then they expect everyone to agree with them. Whats even better is Americans and Canadians who yell about having free speech til they don't agree with something to their liking then they all have an opinion. Just remember there is more free speech here than there is in NACHI.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.


    Thats really clever, the UN were people can discuss divergent views without the politics? Obviously you haven't followed many debates at the UN, because thats what it is - a politically driven organization where world peace takes a back seat.

  18. #18
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
    Lewis Capaul Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Wand View Post

    Thats really clever, the UN were people can discuss divergent views without the politics? Obviously you haven't followed many debates at the UN, because thats what it is - a politically driven organization where world peace takes a back seat.
    Raymond, as has been shown in this thread there is nothing stopping you from making your posts on the Nachi Message Board unless Nachi changes the way they allow all people access you can continue to create aliases as often as they delete them, I'm sure Harvey and his pack will whine about you doing the same thing as they do, but then back when I was a member you were one of Harvey's pack. How things change.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.


    I have been blocked.

    As to being a follower, walk a mile in ones shoes before passing judgment! I have also been a member a full member of ASHI, but I guess in your books that is not correct either. I am also a member of OAHI.

    I find things out for myself, and having found out how NACHI is run and operated you might say I did my homework. And if you noticed I march to my tune, and speak out when I feel its warranted.

    Again its amazing to see the number of hits this post has rec'd. I would like to thank you all for keeping it near the top by posting. Much appreciated.

    Btw Nick has been very diligent in trying to lure me back, I have been told he's looking for credible people so as to assure some stature to an otherwise questionably functioning association.

  20. #20
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Btw Nick has been very diligent in trying to lure me back, I have been told he's looking for credible people so as to assure some stature to an otherwise questionably functioning association.

    If you are credible, why on Earth would you want to be involved in that NACHI mess? And, if it ain't a mess, it'll do until a mess comes along . . .

    Aaron, UN Delegate from Dallas

  21. #21
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Hey Lewis or Aaron

    Do you mind if I use your names as aliases to log onto Nachi? Come on share your passwords and lets have some fun over there.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Victor thanks for the edit thats more reflective and now I feel much better!

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Please James no more private emails via IN resources with foul language, I have read enough of your vocabulary on your home board, I guess its a lowly requirement for a position on the ESOP!

  24. #24
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
    Lewis Capaul Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Wand View Post

    I have been blocked.

    As to being a follower, walk a mile in ones shoes before passing judgment! I have also been a member a full member of ASHI, but I guess in your books that is not correct either. I am also a member of OAHI.

    I find things out for myself, and having found out how NACHI is run and operated you might say I did my homework. And if you noticed I march to my tune, and speak out when I feel its warranted.

    Again its amazing to see the number of hits this post has rec'd. I would like to thank you all for keeping it near the top by posting. Much appreciated.

    Btw Nick has been very diligent in trying to lure me back, I have been told he's looking for credible people so as to assure some stature to an otherwise questionably functioning association.
    You forget Raymond, I was a Nachi member for 3 years, I read many of your posts there and remember that you were most often a great defender of all things Gromicko, Bushart, and Farsetta. You spent your time defending any attack on your buddies there, most often by attacking me and anyone else who disagreed with the flock, in fact you attacked me in a thread about CMI just days before you went afoul of Bushart and the boys, funny how that worked out isn't it?

    Your buddie Cookie didn't last too long out of the protection of the flock did he Ray, even though you assured me that he would never go back. Your trouble is Ray they won't let you back in.

  25. #25
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    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    My suggestion for what it is worth is to just let it go. With all of the problems that they are having, loosing sponsors left and right and not being able to hold their convention why would you want to go back. They did not even tell those sponsors who had signed up that it was canceled, they just forwarded the link to Pro-Lab. Heck, the rumor that Pro-Lab owns INACHI might really be true!

    With all of their secret handshakes and unwritten rules that they govern with, they really are not very welcoming to anyone outside of their pay and you are certified joining requirements. Even new inspectors are seeing the light and are not joining. I saw an email note from the powers to be that they had lost over 50% of their paying membership this past year! Poor management has distroyed them.

    Well, that's all that I have to say on this matter. All one has to do is Google and you can find more that you might want to know about this organization and their founder.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  26. #26
    michael ivie's Avatar
    michael ivie Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    I have been looking for an organization to join. I guess NACHI is not it. Can anyone direct me in the right direction.
    P.S I'm not into politics.

  27. #27
    David Banks's Avatar
    David Banks Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by michael ivie View Post
    I have been looking for an organization to join. I guess NACHI is not it. Can anyone direct me in the right direction.
    P.S I'm not into politics.
    You should do your own homework but I think the general consensus would be you will not go wrong with either ASHI or NAHI. I do not belong to either one.
    And this local one for you. Home Inspection and Home Inspector Training by GAHI (The Georgia Association of Home Inspectors)

  28. #28
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
    Lewis Capaul Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Banks View Post
    You should do your own homework but I think the general consensus would be you will not go wrong with either ASHI or NAHI. I do not belong to either one.
    And this local one for you. Home Inspection and Home Inspector Training by GAHI (The Georgia Association of Home Inspectors)

    The only HI Association I would join now would be a local or State level Association, a good State Association would have more local political pull than any of those that claim National membership. I inspect in Idaho, it's nice to be aware of what is going on elsewhere in the country, but local inspectors are more aware of issues and problems that concern them than any National organization can be.

    Message boards like this and TIJ, even Nachi if you stay in the tech. forums and ignore the pi$$ing contests, are great and are all, in my opinion, that are needed to keep inpsectors across the nation informed and connected.

    Myself I've never understood the need for a National Association once your State becomes regulated and establish State standards and sops.

    As far as Nachi membership numbers, in my area there aren't enough left to worry about and the couple who are left that I know personally are good guys and good inspectors so I don't get involved in slamming their association at the local level, I was asked for the first time the other day if I was "certified", I asked what they meant and was told that another inspector they had talked to claimed he was Internationally Certified, I explained InterNachi's Certification requirements and recommended that a better question to ask was how much experience did the inspector have.

    InterNachi is nothing but an Internet Message Board that charges members for access to its private formus, Inspection News and TIJ are free and provide most of the same benefit, other than a certified logo that is.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.


    Maybe you don't know as much as you think you know.

    Don't underestimate Roy Cooke, he will have the last laugh. I have known Roy for a long time and he has been around the block a few times. You haven't heard the last from Roy and I am disappointed you conveniently condone the constant attacks on a member and member of the year with openly defamatory language, openly supported by some rogues and members of the ESOP.

    You are judged by the company you keep Lewis.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.


    As a former full member of ASHI I would suggest you take a very good look at ASHI. It professionally run and has many benefits. While no self regulating body is perfect its probably as close as you will get.

  31. #31
    Harvey Hempelstern's Avatar
    Harvey Hempelstern Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Did you leave NACHI voluntarily, Lewis?

  32. #32
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Hey James Bushart

    Why don't you tell everyone how u and the ESOP got rid of Dr. Keith Swift?

  33. #33
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
    Lewis Capaul Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Wand View Post

    Maybe you don't know as much as you think you know.

    Don't underestimate Roy Cooke, he will have the last laugh. I have known Roy for a long time and he has been around the block a few times. You haven't heard the last from Roy and I am disappointed you conveniently condone the constant attacks on a member and member of the year with openly defamatory language, openly supported by some rogues and members of the ESOP.

    You are judged by the company you keep Lewis.
    That's how I always judged you Raymond, one of Bushart's flock. I don't condone constant personal attacks on individuals and I haven't posted over in NachiWorld in months, and if you remember I have never agreed or supported any of the so called Ethics committee over there
    like you used to. Roy's not a bad guy but over the years it became obvious to most that he would never be comfortable outside the flock, he's one of those who need to be liked and needed.

  34. #34
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
    Lewis Capaul Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Harvey Hempelstern View Post
    Did you leave NACHI voluntarily, Lewis?
    Close enough to voluntarily James, remember that months before we parted company, on one of the many occasions you threatened to kick me out, I bet another member that I could get kicked out by June, I lost that bet it took me another month of criticizing Nachi policies and the great ones to do that, funny part of the title of this thread is the same as the one I posted here that finally did the job, I think it was "Nachi Leadership Reaches a New Low".

    I never disagreed with the reasons you posted in your private forum for kicking me out did I, in fact here and on your board I more than agreed with them, the reasons in short was that I was critical of almost every Nachi policy and of its leadership, I still agree, and by the loss of so many of your members of 2 years and more it seems I wasn't the only one who didn't like your policies.

    I'm glad to see that you've continued your policy of no disagreement, you have accomplished more to damage your association than all of your critics could, keep up the good work James.

    St Louis is pretty central James, instead of canceling your convention why didn't you volunteer to hold it in your back yard, a couple of BBQ's and a cooler or two of beer and all your remaining members could have had a good time.

  35. #35
    Harvey Hempelstern's Avatar
    Harvey Hempelstern Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    So, you did not leave NACHI voluntarily, then. Thank you.

  36. #36
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Geez James thats not like you to be asking questions so nicely. You certainly seem to want to present a good attitude and image while you are away from your favourite haunt where anything goes.

  37. #37
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
    Lewis Capaul Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Harvey Hempelstern View Post
    So, you did not leave NACHI voluntarily, then. Thank you.
    I didn't come back when Nick offered me a free two year membership either did I James? So it would seem that I am not a member by choice wouldn't it? It appears that many other former members have made the same choice, especially around my area.

    Don't worry James, when things slow down a little I'll pop back over to your kingdom and stir the pot again, I like to see the ever tightening circles your flock runs in when I do post there.

  38. #38
    Harvey Hempelstern's Avatar
    Harvey Hempelstern Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Just out of curiosity...and I know this entire message board is a hostile one, as far as NACHI is concerned...but is there anyone reading this who has NOT been thrown out of NACHI who feels as these two do?

  39. #39
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    James Bushart posted:

    Just out of curiosity...and I know this entire message board is a hostile one, as far as NACHI is concerned...but is there anyone reading this who has NOT been thrown out of NACHI who feels as these two do?
    If others have not been thrown out then how could they come to the same conclusion and opinions Lewis and I have when we were kicked out? Come on James if you are dying to know how everyone feels ask a proper question like; whats wrong with Nachi and why is there a high turnover?

  40. #40
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
    Lewis Capaul Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Harvey Hempelstern View Post
    Just out of curiosity...and I know this entire message board is a hostile one, as far as NACHI is concerned...but is there anyone reading this who has NOT been thrown out of NACHI who feels as these two do?
    James, Wand and I don't feel the same about Nachi and we never have, he feels he was wronged by getting kicked out, me I worked hard to get kicked out, he used to be one of your flock, I never was. He was once a great defender of everything Nick and ,bushart, again I never was. He wants back into the flock, I want nothing to do with your club, give him a break James let him back.

  41. #41
    Harvey Hempelstern's Avatar
    Harvey Hempelstern Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post
    James, Wand and I don't feel the same about Nachi and we never have, he feels he was wronged by getting kicked out, me I worked hard to get kicked out, he used to be one of your flock, I never was. He was once a great defender of everything Nick and ,bushart, again I never was. He wants back into the flock, I want nothing to do with your club, give him a break James let him back.
    Aside from his own fantasies about Nick "luring" him back (which Nick laughingly denied about two hours ago), Mr. Wand has absolutely no chance of ever returning to NACHI. I'm sorry. He belongs to, now. You guys will have to find a way to utilize him until he manages to get kicked out of here, as well.

    I give him two weeks.

  42. #42
    Joseph P. Hagarty's Avatar
    Joseph P. Hagarty Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.


    It is Truly Unfortunate that your Business has degraded to the point where you only have time to make negative posts about an Organization that expelled you for Ethical Violations.

  43. #43
    Joseph P. Hagarty's Avatar
    Joseph P. Hagarty Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Wand View Post

    ....whats wrong with Nachi and why is there a high turnover?
    Having been involved with NACHI since we had less than 50 Members, what High Turnover rate are you referring to?

    NACHI's Renewal rate surpasses all other Organizations.......

  44. #44
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    James, Wand and I don't feel the same about Nachi and we never have, he feels he was wronged by getting kicked out, me I worked hard to get kicked out, he used to be one of your flock, I never was. He was once a great defender of everything Nick and ,bushart, again I never was. He wants back into the flock, I want nothing to do with your club, give him a break James let him back.
    Wrong ... being kicked out under nefarious circumstances, but can you kick out someone who never paid to be a member in the first place?

    And no Lewis I do not want back in the flock! Once bitten twice shy. Besides with James being the PR spokesperson it won't belong before it implodes.

    Also please don't make it sound as if I never questioned anything and always agreed with everything, that is hogwash.


  45. #45
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    James Bushart stated:

    Aside from his own fantasies about Nick "luring" him back (which Nick laughingly denied about two hours ago), Mr. Wand has absolutely no chance of ever returning to NACHI. I'm sorry. He belongs to, now. You guys will have to find a way to utilize him until he manages to get kicked out of here, as well.

    I give him two weeks.
    You know if you weren't such a prevaricator James you might have some credibility. The fact is I have a series of emails from Nick asking me to serve on the CMI Audit Committee, Nick asking me to write some rules for the forum - so that you could follow something other than your tongue, and the latest was Nick asking me to fly to Colorado at his expense, plus a $1K in pocket money to be filmed for a Nachi TV episode.

    Looks like Nick has been hurt by the actions of a few rogue elements on the ESOP.

    Why not tell everyone how you conspired to get rid of Dr. Keith Swift because you don't like to be showed up?

    Yeah James I give you two weeks. And like I said please no more profanity laced private emails using IN resources.

    Last edited by Raymond Wand; 04-25-2008 at 04:22 AM.

  46. #46
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Joseph Hagarty stated:

    It is Truly Unfortunate that your Business has degraded to the point where you only have time to make negative posts about an Organization that expelled you for Ethical Violations.
    I suggest you get all the facts before you pontificate. It would seem the only person ethically challenged is you Joe, for sticking it out with an association that has no bylaws, policy, elected directors, financial reports.

    My business has nothing to do with you or your morally bankrupt association, I manage very well thank you.

    You have been drinking too much Kool Aid again from the water cooler.

    There is nothing worse in life than someone like you who has to grovel in mud so that you can feel wanted in the barnyard.

  47. #47
    Harvey Hempelstern's Avatar
    Harvey Hempelstern Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph P. Hagarty View Post
    Having been involved with NACHI since we had less than 50 Members, what High Turnover rate are you referring to?

    NACHI's Renewal rate surpasses all other Organizations.......

    Just like the new faces (and the absence of a few old ones) on this message board, I am sure that NACHI, ASHI and NAHI have also had a few people who tried their hand at the inspection business find the present market conditions a bit more difficult than they had anticipated, and have gone off to greener pastures.

    Even at that, NACHI membership levels exceed ASHI and NAHI, combined. While being large does not necessarily mean that everything is right with an association, it does reflect that the majority of home inspectors who choose an association (not all do), choose NACHI.

    I have found the availability of training and marketing tools to be its greatest benefit and being a member has helped my business. In August, I will begin my fifth year in business in a city where ASHI has a close (and somewhat unethical) business relationship with those who sell used houses. I owe my ability to stay in business and to make a living to NACHI.

    It's not everyone's cup of tea. As demonstrated by several on this very thread, the ethics code can be quite cumbersome and difficult to abide by. Not everyone can prosper in the NACHI environment....but there still remains ASHI, no association at all or NAHI for those who can't.

  48. #48
    John McKenna's Avatar
    John McKenna Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    I just traveled up to Denver (InterNACHI) to film some home inspection videos. Nick and crew seemed happy and were creating some awesome benefits for home inspectors. I really enjoyed myself. My son traveled with me and wants to return in another month when I teach an IR class in Denver. InterNACHI is about to launch some benefits that will knock the socks off the HI industry. It's almost unreal. Nick and his staff are really some nice people.

    I have never hung around a message board if I did not like it. There are too many other things in life to do. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why some folks hang around any message board for months on end, just to whine. It makes no sense to me. I try to enjoy life.

  49. #49
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    You don't make sense to a lot of people!

  50. #50
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
    Lewis Capaul Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph P. Hagarty View Post
    Having been involved with NACHI since we had less than 50 Members, what High Turnover rate are you referring to?

    NACHI's Renewal rate surpasses all other Organizations.......

    Just over a year ago you guys were bragging about having limited Nachi membership to 10,000, and then Nick bragged about reaching that number, telling members how valuable their memberships would be now that the limit had been reached. Of course at the same time he was continuing with giving away freebie memberships to anyone who would take them. How many members are there now ? In January 07' there were more than 80 Nachi members in my area, they're hard to find now, down to about 20 and most are new names. Look at your memrship list on your website, just a quick glance down the columns of membership I.D. numbers show that most begin with 07', possibly 06' or newer, that's quite a turnover.

    As far as people being kicked out of your club for ethical violations that appears to be the only way you can kick anyone out, for violations of your COE which includes the offense of not supporting Nachi policy and not agreeing with the Gods of yur ESOP committee, not really anything unethical in either is there Joe, in fact the right to disagree is one of the rights most cherished by most Americans.

    Your club has the right to make its own rules and to kick out members who violate them, but to claim or infer that those members were unethical because the disagreed with your rules and policies is unethical in itself, many of you most experience members who have not renewed their membership left over those same disagreements. You should keep your insinuations over there in your own world where some of your members might believe them.

    Nick should spend more time directing his sales pitch towards retaining members instead of louring newbies into his club.

  51. #51
    John McKenna's Avatar
    John McKenna Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Capaul View Post

    Nick should spend more time directing his sales pitch towards retaining members instead of louring newbies into his club.
    Whatever Nick is doing, he has made a dramatic impact on how inspectors measure member benefits when they join an association. InterNACHI member benefits are the standard that others can only wish for.

    I met a seasoned inspector yesterday who said he heard a lot of negative comments about InterNACHI, until he checked it out for himself. Since he joined a couple months ago, he said InterNACHI search engines have generated 6 inspections for him.

    He said he did not keep an open mind and that kept him from enjoying the benefits for too long. InterNACHI is about member benefits.
    They speak for themselves.

    Membership Benefits - InterNACHI: home inspection

  52. #52
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by John McKenna View Post
    Whatever Nick is doing, he has made a dramatic impact on how inspectors measure member benefits when they join an association. InterNACHI member benefits are the standard that others can only wish for.

    I met a seasoned inspector yesterday who said he heard a lot of negative comments about InterNACHI, until he checked it out for himself. Since he joined a couple months ago, he said InterNACHI search engines have generated 6 inspections for him.

    He said he did not keep an open mind and that kept him from enjoying the benefits for too long. InterNACHI is about member benefits.
    They speak for themselves.

    Membership Benefits - InterNACHI: home inspection
    IACHI does have an extensive list of benifts. But, if one looks at them closely you will see items like this listed just to take up space InterNACHI sending REALTORs more promotional stuff. - InterNACHI
    Keychain bobs are not really a benifit. In fact I would bet that this was a one time handout and it is no longer being offered. Funny how I have never seen any of them in a real estate office.

    A vast majority of the items that are listed as benifits are offered by the ASHI and NAHI as well. They just don't tout and brag about them to get folks to join.

    It all boils down to public perception and who and what is considered to be the standard in our profession. If IACHI is so big and strong then why don't you ever see them mentioned in a positive light in any national news show or publication. Why don't you see IACHI working in Washington DC with HUD to help consumers understand the importance of home inspections? Why did the EPA contact American Society Of Home Inspectors when they needed help with a radon mitigation checklist for mitigation system inspections? Why is that you never see anyone brag that they use IACHI standards, seems like they always say the use ASHI standards? The list can go on and on and on.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  53. #53
    Lewis Capaul's Avatar
    Lewis Capaul Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by John McKenna View Post
    Whatever Nick is doing, he has made a dramatic impact on how inspectors measure member benefits when they join an association. InterNACHI member benefits are the standard that others can only wish for.

    I met a seasoned inspector yesterday who said he heard a lot of negative comments about InterNACHI, until he checked it out for himself. Since he joined a couple months ago, he said InterNACHI search engines have generated 6 inspections for him.

    He said he did not keep an open mind and that kept him from enjoying the benefits for too long. InterNACHI is about member benefits.
    They speak for themselves.

    Membership Benefits - InterNACHI: home inspection
    Why then is his membership dropping in most areas, and why are so many experienced members leaving?

    I was finally asked about being "certified" the other day by a newbie Realtor who told me that another inspector claimed international certification, we were in his office so I went to the InterNachi site and showed him what it took to become "Certified" there, along with showing him Nick's sales pitch about the benefit to a newbie inspection of using his "certification" and hiding his lack of experience, he wasn't impressed by the idea of an online exam and even less by Nick suggestion of deception.

    I asked him who the inspector was, when he told me I replied that he's a good inspector who does a good honest job, you would know him too he's the Idaho Nachi Chapter President R.S.

    I have nothing against nachi Inspectors, most anyway, just the deceptive practices you and others endorse and create, by the way I gave the Realtor my interpretation of you CMI BS, and then showed him your web site. CMI and InterNachi credibility are so easy to destroy, just show anyone of average intelligence your propaganda and let them read it for themselves.

    There aren't enough Nachi inspectors left around here to have to do that too often, and I only bring the subject up when I'm asked.

    I still base my opinion about the ability of an inspector on the job he does, not the worthless logos he surrounds himself with.

    By the way during 3 years of membership in your club I got 4 calls for inspections from your find an inspector, I've received more than 80 calls from InspectionZone since Jan 07'.

  54. #54
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.


    Good post.

    I would like to point out that with no bylaws, no elections, no financial reports, and no policies in place as to how committee functions this is the result.

    No professional body would ever, ever discuss ethics issues/complaints on an open forum, nor would the committee members in an professional organization ever, ever use the language, intimidation, nor make phone calls to members berating them. It is very evident that the ESOP does not even operate with full knowledge of the other committee members.

  55. #55
    John McKenna's Avatar
    John McKenna Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    IACHI does have an extensive list of benifts. But, if one looks at them closely you will see items like this listed just to take up space InterNACHI sending REALTORs more promotional stuff. - InterNACHI
    Keychain bobs are not really a benifit. In fact I would bet that this was a one time handout and it is no longer being offered. Funny how I have never seen any of them in a real estate office.

    A vast majority of the items that are listed as benifits are offered by the ASHI and NAHI as well. They just don't tout and brag about them to get folks to join.

    It all boils down to public perception and who and what is considered to be the standard in our profession. If IACHI is so big and strong then why don't you ever see them mentioned in a positive light in any national news show or publication. Why don't you see IACHI working in Washington DC with HUD to help consumers understand the importance of home inspections? Why did the EPA contact American Society Of Home Inspectors when they needed help with a radon mitigation checklist for mitigation system inspections? Why is that you never see anyone brag that they use IACHI standards, seems like they always say the use ASHI standards? The list can go on and on and on.
    Please post the ASHI benefit page link for me. I would like to see it please.

    I am not here to bash ASHI.

  56. #56
    Jimmy Breazeale's Avatar
    Jimmy Breazeale Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    One striking point about this whole thread almost gave me a heart attack: Scott Patterson and James Bushart actually agree on something.

  57. #57
    John McKenna's Avatar
    John McKenna Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    I see that no one will post the ASHI benefit page.

  58. #58
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by John McKenna View Post
    I see that no one will post the ASHI benefit page.

    If you want one, guess you could call ASHI HQ.
    They mail members a 30 plus page book listings hundreds of member bennies every couple years.
    If you want updates on new bennies, what ASHI is doing for the profession, locally, and nationally, members can find that info monthly in the AHSI reporter, or by via emails to the members, or postings on the members side of the ASHI website.

    Last edited by Dan Harris; 04-26-2008 at 06:22 PM.

  59. #59
    John McKenna's Avatar
    John McKenna Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Harris View Post
    If you want one, guess you could call ASHI HQ.
    They mail members a 30 plus page book listings hundreds of member bennies every couple years.
    If you want updates on new bennies, what ASHI is doing for the profession, locally, and nationally, members can find that info monthly in the AHSI reporter, or by via emails to the members, or postings on the members side of the ASHI website.
    How does a non member like me see the ASHI benefits? It would seem like a normal thing that inspectors would want to know about.

  60. #60
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by John McKenna View Post
    I see that no one will post the ASHI benefit page.
    Quote Originally Posted by John McKenna View Post
    How does a non member like me see the ASHI benefits? It would seem like a normal thing that inspectors would want to know about.

    Guess you could get that answer from ASHI HQ.
    From a members view, the bennies are just icing on the cake, considering ASHIs national professional reprensenation to the public, education, shared knowlege from some of the most respected, and knowelgable HI in the counry, leads from ASHIs nationally recognized and respected, by the public and real estate comm. Find An Inspector, marketing of members in local and national magazines and papers that millions read daily, and more that ASHI members enjoy everyday.

    Last edited by Dan Harris; 04-26-2008 at 06:53 PM.

  61. #61
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by John McKenna View Post
    How does a non member like me see the ASHI benefits?
    Inquire about joining, I'm sure they will send you whatever they have to give you reasons to join.

    It would seem like a normal thing that inspectors would want to know about.
    I'm sure that's what inspectors do to find out what the benefits are for them - they probably do that to every association they are considering joining. I certainly would.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  62. #62
    John McKenna's Avatar
    John McKenna Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Never mind.

  63. #63
    Kevin Luce's Avatar
    Kevin Luce Guest

    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    This is all B.S. ASHI and NACHI are both hurting. The few ASHI members that are around here told me that they are still listed as a member of ASHI but they haven't paid their dues.

    Around here, members and non members of InterNACHI, ASHI & NAHI have united and meet once a month (which I'm proud to be a part of). The meetings are advertised "InterNACHI meeting" but nobody cares (at least the people that show up).

  64. #64
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Well I know one thing having been a member of ASHI, they have BYLAWS, Policies and a proper discipline committee that has a set procedure and they DO NOT discuss ethics or SOP active complaints in the open.

  65. #65
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    Default Re: NACHI Ethical Standards reach new low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Wand View Post
    Well I know one thing having been a member of ASHI, they have BYLAWS, Policies and a proper discipline committee that has a set procedure and they DO NOT discuss ethics or SOP active complaints in the open.
    You are correct! ASHI is a professional membership organization.

    If anyone wants to see what ASHI offers, that can visit their home inspector website that was developed for their membership and the profession. Lot's of good information about ASHI and the profession can be found on it. Welcome to the ASHI home inspector website | ASHI, American Society of Home Inspectors

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

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